
Note: page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables respectively.

acceptance criteria (ACs), 12, 120–122, 124, 125f, 126

accidental innovation, 119–121

accuracy level, 60

agenda-based stakeholders, 98–100, 99f

agile projects, 120–121, 127–128

assumptions, 7, 35, 47, 73, 127

benefits, 3–6, 26, 32, 36, 59–61, 62f, 63, 63f, 64, 69, 82, 130, 135–138, 140

budget-constrained planning, 8

budget cube, 77–79, 78f, 79f

cost, 60–65, 62f, 63f

estimation, 71–73, 71t, 72f, 74t

exercise, 80–81, 81t

experience, 76, 77t

money, 65–68

performance, 80–82, 80t, 81f

planning sequence, 68–69, 69f

setting the budget, 59–60, 60t, 61t

in uncertainty, 69–76, 71t, 72f, 73f, 74t

budget cube, 77–79, 78f, 79f

build-wait-build cycle, 21

business commitment, 128–129

Cape Town IRT, 9, 104–107, 111, 118

cave-rescue, 118

CBS. see cost breakdown structure (CBS)

CECA project, 47–50

churn rate, 52, 52f

CITI’s Project Mission ModelTM, 3, 4

clearance rates, 84

communication, 25–26

compliance, 28, 29, 36, 83, 115, 118

compressing time, 18–21

constraints, 8–9. see also budget-constrained planning

constructive use of, 23–25

hierarchies of, 14–15, 14t

time, 29, 30f

constraints, products, processes, and resources (CPPR), 13

contingency reserves, 66

cost, 60–65, 62f, 63f

cost breakdown structure (CBS), 77–79

cost vs. risk, 49–50, 50f

CPPR. see constraints, products, processes, and resources (CPPR)

CPPRRSS planning process, 23, 29, 69, 75, 90, 112, 134, 134f, 141

crashing, 32

creativity, 129–130

critical chain sequencing, 20–21, 21f

critical resources, 45, 46t

critical success factors (CSFs), 3, 5, 6, 8–9, 90, 95–97, 113–114, 113f, 118

CSFs. see critical success factors (CSFs)

customer impact, 2

D-Day project, 28, 118

defects removal curve model, 84–85, 85f

deliverables, 5

delivery plan, 9–14, 10f, 11f

detailed scheduling, 32, 33t, 34–37, 37t–38t

Digital Delivery Program (DDP), 61, 63, 64, 68, 69

dig-lay-fill, 30, 31f

direct business and organizational success, 2

elapsed time, 21–23

end-date, 26–27, 27f, 34–36

end-of-life, 36

established process, 119

estimated dates, 34

evolutionary projects, 119–120, 120f

fan-outs, 19

fast-tracking, 30–32, 31f

first principle signal engineers, 41, 42, 44

fixed teams, 50–53, 51f, 52f

fix-on-failure, 133–135, 134f

four-hour house project, 17–18, 17f, 21, 23, 25–27, 29, 31–32, 34, 37, 118

functional requirements, 86–87

funding innovation, 130

future preparation, 2

governance stakeholders, 97

grant money, 67

Heritage Lottery Funding process, 67

hierarchies of constraints, 14–15, 14t

high-performing project managers (HPGs), 34–35

innovation, 116

accidental, 119–121

despite project management, 122–123

funding, 130

project and, 118–119

project teams, 117

promoting, 117t

vehicles for, 115–118, 116f, 117t

vs. project management score, 116, 116f

innovation challenges, project management, 123

business commitment, 128–129

change is good, 127–128

creativity, 129–130

funding, 130

possibility of failure, 127

problems and solutions, 124, 125f, 126–127, 126f

innovation/research constraint, 9

integrated rapid transport (IRT) system, 9, 104–107, 109, 109f, 112, 113

intentional innovation projects, 121–122

interim products, 5

internal stakeholders, 98

key performance indicator (KPI), 61, 62

leveling, 42

limited resources demand, 45, 47

link, 31f

Magnox decommissioning project, 87–88, 92


products, 5

reserves, 66

mapping process, 61, 62f

MBI. see workforce build-up index (MBI)

mission-critical constraint, 8

mission-critical planning, 92–93

money, 65–68

more resource, 47–50, 48f–50f

MyCiti bus service, 104, 107

non-functional requirement (NFRs), 86–87, 86t

non-motorized transport (NMT), 107

non-persistent products, 5

objective, 3–5

operational constraint, 9

operational projects, 133, 135, 139

fix-on-failure to planned maintenance, 133–135, 134f

situations, 135–137

work package management with project management, 137–138

organizational breakdown structure (OBS), 77–79

over time, 63–64, 63f

parallel project, 112–113

PBS. see product breakdown structure (PBS)

persistent products/outputs, 5

personal discipline, 24

PERT charting, 20

Philby’s project, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 79f

plan-do-check-act (PDCA) experimentation model, 123

planned maintenance, 133–135, 134f

planning approach, 88–89, 88f, 142f

PMBOK, 12, 95

PM/portfolio mismatch, 54, 54t

PRINCE2®, 12

process conformance, 87–88

process norms, breaking, 28–30, 30f

product breakdown structure (PBS), 11, 11f, 12, 77, 78, 108–109, 108f–110f, 111

products, 5

products, processes, and schedule (PPS), 137

project, 1

agile, 120–121

constraints, 8–9

efficiency, 2

evolutionary, 119–120, 120f

exemplifies, 68

and innovation, 118–119

intentional innovation, 121–122

mission, 6–7, 7f

purpose of, 3, 4

sponsor, 54–56, 55f

vehicles for innovation, 115–118, 116f, 117t

project management, 123

business commitment, 128–129

change is good, 127–128

creativity, 129–130

funding, 130

possibility of failure, 127

problems and solutions, 124, 125f, 126–127, 126f

task, 43

tolerance of risk, 91–93

work package management with, 137–138

project managers, 35–36, 53–54, 53f, 54t, 65, 67, 76, 141

Project Mission ModelTM, 3, 4f, 6–7, 7f, 11, 89, 121

project planning, 1–2

conditions, 2–3

delivery, 9–14, 10f, 11f

goals, 3–9, 4f, 7f

hierarchies of constraints, 14–15, 14t

to uncertainty, 1–2

public commitments, 36

RACI technique. see responsible, accountable, consulted, informed (RACI) technique

rail construction overruns, 60, 61t

rail-signaling project, 44–45

remploy, 107

resource-constrained projects, 43–44, 44f

resource modeling

demands, 44–45, 46t

fixed teams, 50–53, 51f, 52f

limited resources demand, 45,

more resource, 47–50, 48f–50f

project managers, 53–54, 53f,

project sponsor, 54–56, 55f

scarce resources, 41–44, 44f

resources constraint, 8

responsible, accountable, consulted, informed (RACI) technique, 98, 99t

risk, 3, 6

cost vs., 49–50, 50f

management, 69

role of, 89–90

scheduling, 19

to stakeholders, 13–14

tolerance of, 90–93, 91f

role-based stakeholders, 97–98, 99t, 101

safety, 87

St Edburg’s church restoration project, 65–69

scarce resources planning, 41–44, 44f


communication, 25–26

compressing time, 18–21, 18f–21f

constraints, 23–25

crashing, 32

detail of, 32, 33t, 34–37, 37t–38t

elapsed time, 21–23

end-date, 26–27, 27f

fast-tracking, 30–32, 31f

for opportunities, 20, 20f

process norms, breaking, 28–30, 30f

risks, 19

scope management, 3, 5, 11, 35, 48–50, 54, 67, 69, 89, 90, 107–109, 111, 121, 122, 127, 131

Scottish Parliament Building project, 96–97

setting the budget, 59–60, 60t, 61t

Sidewinder project, 122, 123, 128

Slim-Putnam curve, 51

software development projects, 121

spiral model of software development, 119–120, 120f

stakeholder, 95–97

agenda-based, 98–100, 99f

critical success factors, 113–114, 113f

engagement approach, 102–103, 105–106, 106f

intensity, 107–109, 108f–111f, 111

intensive project planning, 107, 112–113, 112f

mapping, 99–100, 99f

risks to, 13–14

role-based, 97–98, 99t

stakeholder-led projects, 100–101, 104–107, 106f

super-sensitive stakeholder management, 101–103

stakeholder-intensive constraint, 8–9

stakeholder-intensive project planning, 107, 112–113,

stakeholder-led projects, 100–101, 104–107, 106f

structured systems analysis and design method (SSADM), 138

subject matter experts (SMEs), 23

success, 127

super-sensitive stakeholder management, 101–103

target dates, 34

temporal constraint, 8

temporary products, 5

testing, 84–87, 85f, 86t


compressing, 18–21

constraint, 29, 30f

elapsed, 21–23

time-bound projects, 37, 37t–38t

timeboxing, 36

time-constrained projects, 35–37

tolerance of risk, 90–91, 91f

project management, 91–93

transport infrastructure program, 9, 104–106

uncertainty, 1–2

budget-constrained planning in, 69–76, 71t, 72f, 73f, 74t

‘Use cases,’ 86

validation, 83

value of the project, 3

V-development model, 85–86, 85f

vehicles for innovation, 115–118, 116f, 117t

verification technique, 83

window-of-opportunity, 36

work breakdown structure (WBS), 12, 13

workforce build-up index (MBI), 18–19, 18f, 50

work package management with project management, 137–138

zero errors no exceptions (ZENO) project, 84–87, 92

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