Abenomics fails (Japan), 77–80

all-too-familiar bubble, 80–81

corporate structure, 86–87

demographic time bomb, 85

enormous debt, 82

justification, 83–85

Nikkei index, 82, 84, 85

velocity of money, 81

accumulated deficit, 33

all-time-high bubble, 51, 58–62

all-too-familiar bubble, 80–81

Argentina, inflation, 31–32, 185–190

asset purchase programs, 49

Australian currency, 194

Austrian school, 137

balance-sheet recession, 41, 43

Bank of International Settlement, 192

beggar-thy-neighbor policy, 135

Bretton Woods System, 43

brutal credit expansion, 7

Bush, George W., 191

Canadian dollar, 194

capital misallocation, 42

Central Bank of Ecuador (BCE), 36

central banks, 129–130

bonds, 51–52

Chinese problem, 40–42

constant regulatory changes, 147

credit growth, 146

debt, 24

Ecuadorians, 35–37

energy crisis, 133–135

European financial crisis, 147–150

eurozone crisis, 22

failure of, 139–142

financial assets, risk, 142–146

Fitch Ratings, 20

food and energy, 130–133

and governments, 150–152

interest rates, lower, 21, 144

liquidity trap, 19

MMT, 28–31

monetary and fiscal stimuli, 37–44

monetary tsunami, 129–130

money, printing, 35–37

money vs. inflation, 31–35

negative consequences, 22–24

oil burden, 130–131

overcapacity problem, 21, 40–41

pyromaniac fireman, 50–52

QE, 28–31

risks, 24–26

Russia, 135–137

Saudi Arabia vs. Venezuela, 133

wealth effect, 26–28

China, 191–196

central bank, 40–42

currencies, 192

dollar vs. yuan, 191–196

gold reserves, 192

mistake made by, 196

monetary imbalances, 195

money supply growth, 195

Treasury holdings, 193

U.S. dollar, 67–69

Choice in Currency, 196

commodities, 119–121

boom and bubble, 123–127

Chinese interests, 125–126

Federal Reserve, 122

financial crises, 124

financial markets, 120

oil prices, 121–122

U.S. dollar, 126

Commodity Research Bureau (CRB), 49

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 17, 177

Continuous Commodity Index (CCI), 123

credibility-enhancing communication, 142

Credit Default Swaps (CDS), 93

cryptocurrencies, advance of, 195–196

currency debasement, 190

debt, 45–47

all-time-high bubble, 58–62

corporate profit expectations, 53–57

emerging markets asset prices, 57–58

financial repression, 47–52

monetization, 101–102

positive effects, 52–53

QE, 58–60

Zombification, economy, 108–111

Denationalisation of Money, 196

destructive debt, 109

domino effect, 185

Draghi, M.

CDS, 93

debt monetization, 101–102

ECB, 3, 95–96, 99–100

EU, capacity utilization in, 89

eurozone sovereign crisis, 92–94

financial crisis, 91–92

Greece’s problem, 96–98

increase rates, 91

perverse incentives, 100–101

Spanish economy, 98

stock and flow, 102–103

targeted liquidity programs (TLTRO), 22–25

Trichet, J.-C., 90–91

earnings-per-share (EPS), 53–54

economics, 62, 124, 125, 143

Ecuadorians, central bank, 35–37

emerging markets, 63–67

asset prices, 57–60

CRB, 49

economic growth and stability, 64–66

monetary laughing gas, 38

overcapacity, 41

Trump, D., 70–75

U.S. dollar, 67–70

employment, temporary, 12

equity risk premium, 114

Europe, risk of, 190

European Central Bank (ECB), 95–96, 99–100, 161

expansive monetary policies

central bank, 160–161

ECB, 161

expansionary fiscal policy, 161

financial repression and QEs, 158–159

foolproof way, 162

Great Depression, 154–158

NIRA, 155

stock market, 159

supply-side policies, 163–169

Taylor rule, 163

zero nominal interest rate, 161–162

expansive policies, 73

federal funds rate, 6

Federal Reserve, 48, 50, 59, 73, 74, 186, 196

financial crisis, 5, 91, 124, 129, 147, 158

fiscal deficits, 188

financial repression, 41, 42, 47–52

fiscal policy, 161, 186

Fitch Ratings, 20

gradualism, 186

household debt, 7

Icahn, C. (investors), 75

Industrial Production, 177

inequality, 28, 158–160

“inflation-linked” assets, 185

inflation-linked bonds (ILBs), 173–174

interest rates, 6

investment-to-savings ratio, 115


assets, 48–49

bonds, 172–174

central bank trap, 182–183

confidence, 51

equities, 174–179

Free Cash Flow Yield, 175

gold and bitcoin, 179–182

ILB, 173–174

risk, 171–172

Japan (Abenomics fails), 77–80

all-too-familiar bubble, 80–81

corporate structure, 86–87

demographic time bomb, 85

enormous debt, 82

justification, 83–85

Nikkei index, 82, 84, 85

velocity of money, 81

Keiretsu, corporate structure, 86

Keynesianism, 15, 69, 82, 116, 137, 184

Keynes, M. (monetary policy), 153

Kuznets, S. (Abenomics fails), 77

Lagarde, C. (IMF), 8

liquidity trap, 19, 50

Loans, Turkey’s, 189

market trade, financial repression, 47–52

McCullough, K.

commodities, 123

economic cycles, 175–176

modern monetary theory (MMT), 28–31, 187–188

monetary imbalances, 195

monetary policy, 3, 23, 31, 39, 40, 43, 46, 54, 61, 95, 105, 136, 140, 150, 151, 158, 163, 167, 186

monetary sovereignty, 186, 188


function, 29

printing, 3

velocity of, 20

vs. inflation, 30–35

money supply, 189, 195

mortgage-backed security issuances, 6, 7

mutual funds, 51

Nabiullina, E. (central bank), 135–137

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 155

National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (2017), 191

Nikkei index, 82, 84, 85

nuclear option, 191

Obama, B.,

administration, 191

fed balance sheet vs. interest rates, 11

out-of-control inflation, 101

pension funds, 51

policy making, course of, 18

productive investment, 115

pyromaniac fireman, Central Bank, 50–52

quantitative easing (QE), 8–13, 19, 20, 22, 28–31, 34, 44–62, 99–100, 159, 180, 183

quantitative tightening (QT), 185

record-high commodities prices, 125

Republican Party demands, 75

Retail Price Index (RPI), 173

return on invested capital (ROIC), 113

Rogoff, K. (QE), 9

Romer, P. (World Bank), 56

Roosevelt, F.D. (Great Depression), 154, 156

Rousseff, D. (Brazil), 57

Russia, central banks, 135–137

Shiller PE ratio, 51

Slok, T. (Federal Reserve), 74

supply-side policies, 69, 87, 116, 151, 163–169, 184

Swiss Franc, 194

Targeted Long-Term Refinancing Operations (TLTRO), 23

taxation, 97, 111, 160, 165, 184

Taylor Rule, 74

threshold of debt saturation, 109

trade deficits, 186

transmission mechanism problem,

Treasury holdings, 191, 193

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 10, 23

Trump, D., 28, 70–75, 160

Turkey, 185–190

US dollar, China’s efforts to dethrone, 191–196

vacuum effect, 67

volatile cost of debt, 109

Von Hayek, F.A., 196

wealth effect, 26–28

weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 113

welfare system, 80, 83, 86, 98

World Trade Organization, 191

yuan, dollar vs., 191–196

yuan devaluation, 192

Zaibatsu, corporate structure, 86

zero interest rate policy, 49

Zombification, economy, 105–106

cost of capital, 113–116

currency war, 106–108

debt, 108–111

eurozone, 105, 106

jobs, technology, 111

monetary policy mistakes, 105

tax burden, 111–113

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