
Abstract thinking, 6

Active voice, 107108

Ad hominem, 23

Adjective (thinking), 4

Allais, Émile, 47

Amazon, 39

six-page memo. See Six-page memo

specific elements of, 7879

American Character: A History of the Epic Struggle Between Individual Liberty and the Common Good, 33

American Customer Satisfaction Index, 77

Amundsen, Roald, 3031

Analytical thinking, 6

Anchoring bias, 18

Anderson, Steven, 43

Appeal to authority. See Ethos

Appeal to emotion. See Pathos

Appeal to logic. See Logos

Arden, Paul, 45

Argumentative appeals, 81

Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen, 124

Arrends, Brett, 91

Arum, Richard, 8

Availability heuristic, 18

Bandwagon effect, 18

Beaufre, Andre, 37

Begging the claim, 23

Bernanke, Ben

economic outlook and monetary policy by, 9091

Bezos, Jeff, 3940

2018 letter to shareholders, 7779

six-page memo, 73

BHAG. See Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), 5758

Bixby letter, 9192

Blank rubrics, 102

Blind-spot bias, 18

Bloomberg, Michael, 41

Blue Ocean Strategy versus Red Ocean Strategies, 6465

Boitnott, John, 115116

Botelho, Elena Lytkina, 44

Brainstorming, 5859

prioritize results of, 59

Carson, Shelley H., 45

Choice-support bias, 18

Circular argument, 23

Clustering illusion, 19

Cognitive biases, 1726

versus fallacy, mental models and, 2628

Collins, James, 57

Concrete thinking, 6

Confirmation bias, 19

Conservatism bias, 19

Consumer-to-consumer opinions, 118

Convergent thinking, 67

Creative thinking, 7

Creativity, 45

implemented in brain, 46

Critical thinking, 7

note on, 810

Critique versus criticism, note on, 101102

Customer Satisfaction Index, 78

Customer service, 118

Deductive reasoning, 89

Desmarais, Michael, 9

Divergent thinking, 7

Duckworth, Angela, 121

Dyer, Jeff, 43

The Economist, 1

Edison, Thomas, 23

80/20 rule, 42

Either/or conclusion, 24

Elder, Linda, 9

The Elements of Style, 107

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 42

Ethos, 76

writing strategies, 8284


360 Degrees, 3135

connecting nine dots, 1315

ethos, pathos and logos, 9496

How Good Do You Want to Be?, 69

milkshake, 5152

Fallacies, 2325

versus bias, mental models and, 2628

First-rate intelligence, 31

Fluff, 108109

Focusing illusion, 120126

Fosbury, Dick, 47

Fosbury Flop, 47

French Skiing Federation, 47

Gardner, John, 123

Goals, 55

Big Hairy Audacious Goal, 5758

long-term and short-term, 56

SMART goals, 57

stretch goals, 57

Goldman, Ellen F., 37

Grammar tips, 107110

Greek-style yogurt, 29

Gregersen, Hal, 43

Grit, power of, 121

Grove, Andy, 75

Hamdi Ulukaya, 2829

Hamermesh, Daniel, 120

Hasty generalization conclusion, 24

High jump, 4647

Hill, Napoleon, 43

Holistic (nonlinear) thinking, 7

Human race, 41

Hygiene factors, 123

Hyperbole, 108

Ilie, Livia, 116

The Impact of Time Approach, 74

Information bias, 19

Inherit the Wind, 17

INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute, 64

Intel, 75

The Journal of Strategy and Management, 37

Kahneman, Daniel, 18, 27

Kapler, Brian, 45

Key Performance Indicator (KPI), 116

Killy, Jean-Claude, 4748

Kim, W. Chan, 27, 64

King, Martin Luther, 86

Knowledge, categories of, 11

Knowledge check

cognitive biases, 2223

critical thinking, 10

fallacies, 2526

thinking, 56

KPI. See Key Performance Indicator

Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 4850

Land degradation-neutral world, 114

Law of the instrument, mental model, 27

LeWitt, Sol, 9293

Logos, 76

writing strategies, 8893

Long-term goals, 56

Manufacturing, 113

Marine pollution, 114

Maslow, Abraham, 27

Mauborgne, Renée, 27, 64

McKinsey Global Institute, 117

Mencken, H. L., 41

Mental models, 27

Mikhail, Nader, 117

Minnesota Department of Health, 55

Moral equivalence, 24

Motivation, 123

Nagengast, Judy, 9

Narrative, power of, 7677

National Football League (NFL), 50

Needleman, Sarah E., 9

Nouns (thinking), 4

and verbs, 109

Obama, Barack

democratic presidential candidate acceptance speech by, 8384

night before the election speech Manassas, 8688

Potomac primary night speech, 84

Ostrich effect, 19

Outcome bias, 19

Overconfidence, 19

Pareto, Vilfredo, 42

Passive voice, 107108

Pathos, 77

writing strategies, 8488

Pederson, Doug, 50

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz, 44

Placebo effect, 20

Porras, Jerry, 57

Post hoc ergo propter hoc conclusion, 24

Powell, Colin, 4243

Pro-innovation bias, 20

Profile in strategy

20 miles a day, 3031

Blue Ocean Strategy of Starbucks, 68

Chobani, 2829

Doug Pederson, 50

Ridley Scott, 94

The Psychology of Science, 27

Qualifiers, 109

Question and Answer Approach, 75

Reagan, Ronald, 87

Recency, 20

Red herring, 2425

Red Ocean Strategies versus Blue Ocean Strategy, 6465

Red Ocean Traps, 27

Reflection, role of, 7576

Robinson, Ken, 45

Rubric, assessment, 97

evidence (20 points), 99

organization (10 points), 99100

paper focus/introduction (20 points), 98

strategic writing (30 points), 9899

timeline and length (10 points), 100101

writing style (10 points), 100

Salience, 20

Scissor kick technique, 47

Scott, Robert Falcon, 3031

SDGs. See Sustainable Development Goals

Selective perception, 20


role of, 7576

Self-awareness check

cognitive biases, 2122

critical thinking, 10

mental models, 28

thinking, 5

Sequential (linear) thinking, 7

Short-term goals, 56

Six-page memo

Jeff Bezos’ 2018 letter to shareholders, 7779

power of narrative, 7677

reason for, 7374

reflection and self-awareness, role of, 7576

structure of, 7475

Slippery slope conclusion, 25

Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 113

SMART goals, 57

SMEs. See Small-and medium-sized enterprises

Smithson, Michael, 39

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. See SMART goals

SPOT. See Strategic Planning Outline Template

Starbucks, 65

Blue Ocean Strategy of, 68

Stereotyping, 20

Strategic business writing, 1718

assessment rubric, 97

evidence (20 points), 99

organization (10 points), 99100

paper focus/introduction (20 points), 98

strategic writing (30 points), 9899

timeline and length (10 points), 100101

writing style (10 points), 100

critique versus criticism, note on, 101102

grammar tips, 107110

process, 103106

timeline templates, 106107

Strategic Planning Outline Template (SPOT), 63

Strategic thinkers

canvas, 6667

traits of, 3844

Strategic thinking

ending thought, 4850

introduction, 3738

need to think differently, 4448

process of

business, strategies and tactics in, 6162

canvas, 6667

goals, 5558

profile in strategy, 68

starting point, 5355

Strategic Planning Outline Template, 63

strategies, 5860

tactics, 6061

thinking exercise, 69

understanding blue versus red ocean strategies, 6465

profile in strategy, 50

thinking exercise, 5152

top 15 traits of strategic thinkers, 3844

Strategic writing topics

focusing illusion and your college major, 120126

introduction, 111112

Sustainable Development Goals, 112115

top 10 business issues, 115119


in business, 6162

three-step process, 5860

Straw man, 25

Stretch goals, 57

Strunk, William, 107

Survivorship bias, 20

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 112115

Tactics, 6061

in business, 6162

Tanner, Jennifer Lynn, 124


components of

mental models and difference between bias and fallacy, 2628

profile in strategy, 2831

thinking exercise, 3135

top 20 cognitive biases, 1726

critical, 810

definition of, 16

exercise, 1215

types of, 68

understanding how you, 1112

Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2728

Thought, definition of, 49

Time, 107

Timeline templates, 106107

20-miles-a-day strategy, 30

components, 3031

Tversky, Amos, 18

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 55

Verb (think), 4

Wall Street Journal, 8

Walsch, Janet, 8687

Watermark, 106

Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite, 45

Woodward, Colin, 33


strategic business, process of. See Strategic business writing, process


ethos, 8284

introduction, 8182

logos, 8893

pathos, 8488

profile in strategy, 94

thinking exercise, 9496

Yoga, 11

Zero hunger, 112

Zero-risk bias, 2021

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