Accounting, 76

Archetypal conflict, 74

Balanced system

decoupling, 50

first production cycle, 48–49

interdependencies and variation, 49

market demand, 50–51

production capacity, 50

production flow, 48

second production cycle, 49–50

units “lost” inside production chain, 49

Bitcoin, 55

Blockchain, 7, 55, 56

Buffer management, 52–53

Buffer time, 53

Business school conflict, 131–132

Cartesian approach, 104

“Cash Flow Statements,” 76

Cause-and-effect relationships, 108

Cause–effect map, 122

Cognitive challenge, 143

Cognitive constraint, 113–114

Cognitive shift, 66

Collaboration and cooperation

hierarchy, 41–42

network theory, 40–43

organizations, 39

Collaborative work, 7–8

Collective intelligence, 103

Competencies, 63–64, 80–81

Complexity conflict, 11–14

assumptions, 139

business school conflict, 131–132

cause–effect analysis, 21

emergence, 137

fundamental assumptions, 21, 22

hierarchical/functional model, 139

hierarchy conflict, 25–27

linear thinking, 133

management accounting, 133

management/organizational structure, 143–144

organization design, 21, 23

sales and production, 134

silo sickness, 140

systemic curriculum for Business Schools, 134–135

Systemic Organization Cartoon, 23–25, 42, 43

transformational steps, 140–143

Conflict cloud thinking process, 11–14, 106–107

Content Factory, 96

Continuous learning program, 35

Control, 107

and constraint in projects, 78–80

vs. don’t change conflict, 75

new organization, 82–83

organizational transformation, 80–81

silo sickness, 81–82

and statistical understanding, 76–78

and vision, 73–76

Control chart, 79, 123

chain reaction, 154

controlled variation, 154

control limits, 152

deployment flowcharts, 154

process behavior chart, 152

time series graph, 152

Controlled variation, 154

Control mechanism, 64

Core Conflict

cognitive constraint, 113–114

inherent conflict, 122

mental models and assumptions, 111–113

needs and goal, 110

positions, 109–110

reality, 109

undesirable effects, 109, 110

Covariance, 64

Critical chain approach, 78–79

management methods, 58–59

and organizational design, 59

organizations, 124–125

process, 57–58

statistical predictability, 124

systemic organization, 65

“systems thinking,” 57

Cross-silo project, 79

Cumulated variation, 78

Data, 2

Decalogue-based management system, 42, 43, 77, 141. See also Transformational steps

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), 55

Deming–Goldratt-based approach,

Deming’s original 1952 system design, 64

Deming’s “Production viewed as a system,” 18, 19

Deming’s theory, 3

Deployment flowcharts (DFC), 154

Desktop publishing, 90

Digital editorial process, 93–95

Digital library, 94–95

Digital revolution, 90

Digital supply chain, 87–88, 97, 100

Digital technology

collaborative work, 7–8

interdependencies, 6

meaningful interdependencies, 6

scientific foundation, 6

Digital transformation

brands and retailers

digital identity, 91–92

editorial content, 91

Critical Chain, 124–125

C-suite, 121–123

digital library, 94–95

digital supply chain, 87–88, 97, 100

e-commerce, 86

intelligent emotions, 125–126

knowledge and intelligence, 123–124

leadership role, 122

network of conversations, 86

online vs. offline business, 95–96

producing content, 96–99

product editorial process, 86–87, 94

product supply chain, 87–88

publishing industry, 88, 90

radical rethinking, 85

six layers, 88, 90

systemic approach, 101


business activities, 5

cognitive experience, 5

non-Euclidean geometry, 6

physical interactions, 5

Directed network, 62

Double entry system, 76

Drum–buffer–rope (DBR) process, 52


economic models, 127

and financial models, 128

political science, 127

social sciences, 126

systemic knowledge, 126

value and wealth, 128–130

Emergence, 137

Emotional shift, 66

Feeding chain, 58

Financial models, 128

Flat organizations, 108

Functional hierarchies, 42

Future Reality Tree (FRT), 114–115

Goldratt, E.M., 13

Critical Chain algorithm, 58, 62, 65, 78, 80

“cumulated variation,” 78

financial and industrial catastrophes, 28

management/organizational structure, 33, 42, 43

organizational model, 69

organizational system, 18

Theory of Management, 31

Thinking Process approach, 34, 66, 67, 103

Guiding scheduling principle, 81


collaboration and cooperation, 41–42

Jethro’s proposal, 10

Law Firms, 11

levels of competencies, 10

Newtonian edifice, 11

Hierarchy conflict, 25–27

Hub-projects, 41, 62, 147

Industrial revolution, 9

Information, 2

Intelligent emotions, 67, 125–126

Intelligent Management, 107

Inventory (I), 151

Inventory Dollar Day, 29

Leadership and management


balanced system, 48–51

buffer management, 52–53

“drum–buffer–rope” process, 52

flow of material, 51

unbalanced system, 47, 52

digital technology, 47

leader, 45

organizations, 46

quality professionals, 46

software technologies, 46

Linear thinking

digitization, 106

geometric relationships, 104

hierarchical functional organization, 105

human organizations, 105

matrix and excel spreadsheet, 104

nonlinearity, 105

Management knowledge, 2

Deming’s theory, 3–4

sustainability, 4

theory and validating, 2–3

Theory of Profound Knowledge, 3

Mental models, 111, 118, 126

Network of projects

command and control, 69, 70

competencies, 146

conventional silo-based hierarchy, 146

conversations for action, 65–67

Critical Chain, 62, 64

depiction, 148

digitization, 149

directed network, 62

flat organizations, 69

hierarchical mindset, 68–69

hub and node interaction, 69

hub-projects, 62, 147

node-projects, 62, 147

one-off projects, 145

optimizing resources and technologies, 62–64

organizational design, 61–62

pooling cash, 64–65

predictability and synchronization, 147

repetitive process, 145

systemic organization, 147

Thinking Processes, 67–68

Network theory

Decalogue method, 42, 43

hubs, 41

oriented network, 41

random networks, 40

scale-free networks, 41

simple subway network, 40, 41

statistical distribution, 40

Newtonian approach, 9–10

Node-projects, 62

Omnichannel communication, 90

One-off projects, 145

Operating expense (OE), 151

Organization, 9

Organizational design, 145

Oriented network, 41

Physics, 5

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, 36, 114, 116

Political science, 127

Pooling cash, 63–64

Pooling resources, 64

Predictive statistics studies (SPC), 77, 123–124

Prerequisite Tree, 114

Process behavior chart, 59, 152

Product digital identity (PDI), 91–92, 94

Product editorial process, 94

Product photography conflict, 98–99

Product supply chain, 87–88

Profound knowledge, 59

Project-based organization, 80, 81

Project management, 58

Quality improvement technique, 56–57

Quality improvement toolkit, 123

Quantum Mechanics conflict, 155, 156

Recurrent and non-recurrent activities, 63

Repetitive process, 145

Scale-free networks, 41, 62

Scientific Method, 2, 9

Silo-based organizational design, 13

Software technologies, 46

Statistical predictability, 53, 124

Statistical process control (SPC), 29–30, 77–78, 123

Statistical understanding, 76–78

Sustainability, 4

Synchronization, 32

conversations for action, 65

digital and physical supply chains, 87, 97, 100

external constraint, 33, 34, 54

finite resource management, 147

Systemic curriculum for Business Schools, 134–135

Systemic Organization Cartoon, 23–25, 42, 43, 141, 142

Systemic thinking

assumptions and mental models, 106

collective intelligence, 103–104

Conflict Cloud, 106–107

core conflict, 109–113

Future Reality Tree, 114–115

human experience, 118–119

intelligent management, 103

linear thinking, 104–106

PDSA cycle, 116, 118

theory of Constraints, 107–108

Thinking Processes, 108–109

value chain, 104

Systems theory, 3

Teamwork, 81


Blockchain, 55, 56

critical chain project, 57–59

disruptive, 55

“ecosystems,” 56

redesigning organizations, 56–57

trust, 56

The New Economics, 3, 4

Theory of Constraints (TOC), 13, 39, 78

and Decalogue, 20–21

measurements from, 151

real innovation, 138

systemic thinking, 107–108

Theory of Knowledge, 3

Theory of Profound Knowledge (TPK), 3

Thinking Processes, 67–68

cycle, Decalogue method, 115–117

pattern for change, 108–109

Throughput accounting, 151

Throughput Dollar Day, 29

Time series graph, 152

Totally variable cost (TVC), 151

Traditional critical path method, 58–59

Transformational steps

constraints, 31

buffer management, 31–32

reducing variation, 32–33

reliability, 34

selection, 31

continuous learning program, 35

external constraint elimination, 33–34

GAAP-derived measurements, 27–28

interdependencies, 29

reducing variation, 29–30

suitable management/organizational structure, 33

variables, 28–29

Transition Tree, 114

Undesirable effects (UDEs), 109

Value chain, 66, 104

Variation, 49

controlled, 154

cumulated, 78

management errors, 30

market demand, 49

production stage, 50

reducing, 29–30, 68

Statistical Process Control (SPC), 29

Vision, 73–76, 107

“Whack-a-mole” exercise, 3

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