
Moving the Chains builds upon 10 years of continuous interplay between “on the field” work and books, scientific papers, talks, podcasts, and blogs developed with my wife Dr. Angela Montgomery and Dr. Giovanni Siepe, my partners and lifetime comrades in the quest for a more evolved, meaningful, and overall Intelligent kind of Management. This book belongs to them just as much as it belongs to me.

In order to exemplify the concept of “Network of Projects” as a way of redesigning the organization as well as providing a useful tool for its adoption, Intelligent Management has leveraged the mathematical ­talent of Dr. Francesco Siepe who developed the sophisticated algorithm behind “Ess3ntial” and the wit and ingenuity of two of his best associates, ­Francesco Giugliano and Nicola Vastola. There aren’t enough words to commend the relevance of their work for the dissemination of our ­message.

Getting to understand some of the intricacies connected with developing and implementing digital technologies was made possible by a constant collaboration and cooperation with our friends at Hyphen-Italia in Affi, Verona, Italy; Stefano Righetti and his talented team of “Lakeside Madmen” saw, many years ago, the need to conceive their products in a logic of flow and never surrendered to the difficulties of getting across to their clients a systemic view of the work of organizations. Stefano’s ­chapter describes his personal journey with Digital and adds significantly to the clarity of the message this book tries to convey.

The association with Rik Willard and Dafne Ginn at Agentic in NYC has been invaluable to widen my horizon on the possibilities (and potential drawbacks) of Blockchain, perhaps the most intriguing and ­controversial of all the digital technologies, and helped me access a network of specialists that all over the world are testing the realm of its applicability. In the United States, I also want to thank two wonderful people, Patricia “PK” Keiran and Janet Granger, for their friendship and for sharing my professional crusade. Your smarts and inventiveness never cease to inspire me.

During the time of the writing of this book, I also completed the path toward citizenship in my country of residence, Canada. It has been a long and, at times, emotionally cumbersome, journey and I want to thank Seth Dalfen and his team in Montreal for helping me make this wonderful country home. I am very proud to be a “New Canadian.”

To my oldest and dearest friends, who live miles away and yet are so present in my life with their expert counsel, care, and insight in all things connected with physical and psychological well-being; the gift of their love is invaluable to me: Dr. Luigi Capuano and Dr. Pasquale Cirillo, I want you to know that you mean the world to me.

The seemingly endless possibilities opened by Digital can only be fully and meaningfully exploited within a framework that is not only epistemological but also spiritual and ethical. I found this framework in the teachings and wisdom of Rabbi Menachem Mendel ­Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe of blessed memory; from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank my dearest friend Rabbi Chaim Miller, Lubavitcher Extraordinaire, for his constant and loving teachings (and for not losing his wonderful English accent even after many years in our beloved New York).

Last, and certainly not least, my mother Giulia and my “more than siblings”, Giulia and Piero who never ceased to support me, spiritually and emotionally, in my journey of continuous discovery; I hope I make you proud.

Domenico Lepore, Victoria, BC, Canada, February 15, 2019

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