List of Listings

Chapter 1. Grails in a hurry...

Listing 1.1. Our first quote controller

Listing 1.2. Adding some output

Listing 1.3. Handling redirects

Listing 1.4. A random quote action

Listing 1.5. Implementing our first view

Listing 1.6. Updating the view

Listing 1.7. Adding a layout

Listing 1.8. Our first domain class with teeth

Listing 1.9. Data source definition—in memory

Listing 1.10. Data source definition—persistent

Listing 1.11. Random refactored

Listing 1.12. A database-driven random

Listing 1.13. Enabling scaffolding

Listing 1.14. Adding basic validation

Listing 1.15. Beefing up our service

Listing 1.16. Invoking our service

Listing 1.17. Our first test case

Listing 1.18. Adding real tests

Listing 1.19. Test output

Listing 1.20. Adding a JavaScript library for Ajax

Listing 1.21. Invoking Ajax functionality

Listing 1.22. The server side of Ajax

Listing 1.23. Crunching numbers: the grails stats command in action

Chapter 2. The Groovy essentials

Listing 2.1. Initializing lists and maps in Groovy

Listing 2.2. Accessing list and map elements

Listing 2.3. Ranges

Listing 2.4. Valid and invalid line breaks

Listing 2.5. Regular expression capture groups

Listing 2.6. Closure assigned to a variable

Listing 2.7. Playing with XML the Groovy way

Chapter 3. Modeling the domain

Listing 3.1. Our first basic User object

Listing 3.2. Saving and retrieving a domain object from the database

Listing 3.3. Updating users by changing field values and calling save()

Listing 3.4. Deleting objects from the database is a one-liner

Listing 3.5. Grails makes adding constraints straightforward

Listing 3.6. Interrogating the results of a failed validation

Listing 3.7. Recovering from a failed validation

Listing 3.8. Refactored Profile object with a 1:1 relationship with the User object

Listing 3.9. Adding a 1:1 relationship from User to Profile

Listing 3.10. The Post object models all the posts for a given User

Listing 3.11. The User.addToPosts() method makes 1:m relationships easy

Listing 3.12. Accessing a User's posts by walking the object graph

Listing 3.13. Sorting Posts by creation date

Listing 3.14. Modeling a Post that can have many Tags

Listing 3.15. The Tag object models relationships to both Post and User

Listing 3.16. User now hasMany Posts and Tags

Listing 3.17. A complex many-to-many scenario for posts and tags

Listing 3.18. Modeling a User following other Users

Listing 3.19. A simple test case for adding users

Chapter 4. Putting the model to work

Listing 4.1. The Profile class models the personal attributes of a user.

Listing 4.2. Changing the standard layout decorator for Hubbub

Listing 4.3. A basic search form for Hubbub

Listing 4.4. Adding the search logic to the UserController.groovy file

Listing 4.5. A basic results screen for the search

Listing 4.6. A variety of dynamic finders in action

Listing 4.7. QBE works by populating a sample object and searching for similar objects

Listing 4.8. Criteria queries give you astonishing power.

Listing 4.9. A dynamic search form

Listing 4.10. Using projections to group and count search results

Listing 4.11. Bootstrapping reference data based on the environment

Chapter 5. Controlling application flow

Listing 5.1. Adding the timeline action to our PostController

Listing 5.2. Displaying a user’s timeline

Listing 5.3. Adding a form for new posts

Listing 5.4. The updated PostController handles new Post objects

Listing 5.5. Catching the index() action and redirecting the user

Listing 5.6. PostService.groovy defines PostService and a related exception class

Listing 5.7. An updated PostController that uses our new PostService

Listing 5.8. Data binding with properties can be perilous

Listing 5.9. A form that will update multiple domain objects in a single submit

Listing 5.10. Implementing a register() action for the UserController

Listing 5.11. Implementing field-level errors is hard work at the moment.

Listing 5.12. A UserRegistrationCommand class

Listing 5.13. A register action that uses command objects

Listing 5.14. Handling image uploading via a command object

Listing 5.15. An image-upload form

Listing 5.16. Sending image data to the browser

Listing 5.17. A basic security filter implementation

Listing 5.18. UrlMappings.groovy holds all the URL routing information for your app.

Chapter 6. Developing tasty views, forms, and layouts

Listing 6.1. The basic if tag

Listing 6.2. Our new registration form demonstrates many of the core form tags.

Listing 6.3. Creating a custom dateFromNow tag

Listing 6.4. Implementing a much nicer date format for Hubbub

Listing 6.5. A lameBrowser tag demonstrating logical tags in action

Listing 6.6. A basic custom template for Hubbub

Listing 6.7. The YUI-generated code

Listing 6.8. A sidebar fragment to include

Listing 6.9. Applying a skin via CSS

Listing 6.10. Defining menu options in your controller

Listing 6.11. Adding a new Post via Ajax

Listing 6.12. Keeping the user updated with JavaScript

Listing 6.13. Implementing the addPostAjax() backend

Listing 6.14. A TinyURL action to shrink URLs via JSON

Listing 6.15. Implementing a callback to handle the JSON return values

Chapter 7. Building reliable applications

Listing 7.1. Our first domain class unit test

Listing 7.2. Testing a Grails service

Listing 7.3. Testing a controller action that returns a model

Listing 7.4. A sample unit test for a tag library

Listing 7.5. Your first integration test—including domain objects and a service

Listing 7.6. Testing URL mappings

Listing 7.7. Functional test for Hubbub’s timeline page

Chapter 8. Using plugins: adding Web 2.0 in 60 minutes

Listing 8.1. Adding a stats action to the UserController

Listing 8.2. Generating a 3-D pie chart

Listing 8.3. Our Google-generated bar chart

Listing 8.4. Generating a multiseries line chart

Listing 8.5. Sending a welcome email

Listing 8.6. A template view for our email, with CSS styling

Listing 8.7. An updated welcome action that defers to the view for rendering

Listing 8.8. custom search controller

Listing 8.9. A first custom search form

Listing 8.10. An updated search controller with hit-term highlighting

Listing 8.11. Updated view code for handling hit terms

Listing 8.12. Displaying marked up hit terms

Listing 8.13. An updated Post object with more custom search tuning

Listing 8.14. Implementing a rich-text bio field editor

Listing 8.15. The backend implementation for autocompleting tags

Chapter 9. Wizards and workflow with webflows

Listing 9.1. Our empty flow definition waiting for some workflow steps

Listing 9.2. A skeleton flow definition

Listing 9.3. Triggering flow steps from a view

Listing 9.4. The on() clause maps the Cancel button name to the next logical action.

Listing 9.5. Command objects in flow steps must implement Serializable.

Listing 9.6. Mapping a command object to a flow step

Listing 9.7. An updated displayProducts view with error handling

Listing 9.8. Implementing a credit card validation action step

Listing 9.9. Invoking a stateful service to validate the card

Listing 9.10. Abstracting credit-card validation to a stateful service

Listing 9.11. A ShippingCommand object holds the user’s shipping preferences

Listing 9.12. Storing details in conversation scope means the data can pass to subflows.

Listing 9.13. Using an action step to determine whether we need custom shipping

Listing 9.14. Triggering a subflow from the parent flow

Listing 9.15. Implementing a custom shipping subflow

Listing 9.16. A simple integration test for our flow

Listing 9.17. Submitting values and handling error conditions

Listing 9.18. Tripping a subflow

Listing 9.19. Our custom shipping flow terminates in lots of interesting ways.

Listing 9.20. A test case for custom flow termination

Chapter 10. Don’t let strangers in—security

Listing 10.1. Spring Security configuration for Hubbub’s simple access-control model

Listing 10.2. A functional test to verify the access-control behavior

Listing 10.3. Restricting access using a filter

Chapter 11. Remote access

Listing 11.1. Handling a POST request containing XML

Listing 11.2. Unit-testing a REST controller

Listing 11.3. Using withFormat to generate format-specific responses

Listing 11.4. Manually parsing XML requests in a REST controller

Listing 11.5. RMI-enabling the Hubbub post service

Chapter 12. Understanding messaging and scheduling

Listing 12.1. Updating resources.groovy to connect to ActiveMQ

Listing 12.2. Implementing a Jabber service

Listing 12.3. Exercising our Jabber service with an integration test

Listing 12.4. Handling an incoming message in the service

Listing 12.5. A gateway service that reads and writes Hubbub messages to Jabber

Listing 12.6. A basic daily digest job (using timeout style)

Listing 12.7. A basic daily digest job

Listing 12.8. A basic daily digest job with custom cron settings

Listing 12.9. Using the concurrent property to stop re-entrance

Listing 12.10. A stateful job gets a persistent context to work with

Listing 12.11. The group property makes it easy to control jobs programmatically

Listing 12.12. A controller for pausing and resuming jobs programmatically

Listing 12.13. A basic web UI for interacting with our jobs

Listing 12.14. Marking jobs as nonvolatile

Chapter 13. Advanced GORM kung fu

Listing 13.1. A StarPost class inheriting from Post

Listing 13.2. An integration test for our StarPost

Listing 13.3. Embedded relationships stored in a single table

Listing 13.4. Using maps for quick and dirty property storage

Listing 13.5. A sample ehcache.xml configuration file

Listing 13.6. Configuring JNDI data sources for use in Glassfish

Listing 13.7. Configuring multiple data sources in /grails-app/conf/Datasources.groovy

Listing 13.8. Reusing existing Hibernate XML mapping files

Listing 13.9. An extract from a legacy Hibernate mapping file

Listing 13.10. Implementing a list.gsp with Ajax

Listing 13.11. Implementing the Ajax backend to show branch details

Listing 13.12. A more complete showDetails that navigates all relationships

Listing 13.13. Testing validation of legacy classes

Listing 13.14. A domain class with a legacy mapping block

Listing 13.15. Mapping a complex relationship using the mapping DSL

Listing 13.16. Mapping relationships that use join tables

Listing 13.17. Handling existing link tables in many-to-many relationships

Listing 13.18. Handling natural keys with some GORM workarounds

Chapter 14. Spring and transactions

Listing 14.1. Example bean definitions in resources.groovy

Listing 14.2. The reply-aware post service

Listing 14.3. Using withTransaction() for fine-grained transactions

Chapter 15. Beyond compile, test, and run

Listing 15.1. The dist script

Listing 15.2. The tomcat-deploy script

Listing 15.3. An Ant build for a Grails application

Chapter 16. Plugin development

Listing 16.1. Initial plugin descriptor

Listing 16.2. Injecting a method into controllers

Listing 16.3. Responding to controller modifications

Listing 16.4. Simple example of the Spring DSL

Listing 16.5. Configuring a servlet filter at runtime

Listing 16.6. A script that creates a user-management UI for the security plugin

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