Change and transition are no longer periodic events. Today, they are the ongoing and natural state of many organizations. Economic, political, technological, cultural, and societal factors all contribute to the pace and complexity of change. Through our work, we have seen the ways many senior-level managers effect change and respond to it, orchestrating processes and leading the people around them. What has become clear is that many of them are highly skilled in leading and managing the structural side of change: creating a vision, reorganizing, restructuring, and so on. But rarely do managers fully grasp or focus on the human side of change: grieving, letting go, building hope, and learning. And when leaders do pay attention to the deeper emotions and behaviors tied to difficult change, few know how to appropriately address those emotions and behaviors.

We wrote this book as a way to bring focus and insight to the human side of leadership in times of transition, and to do so in a way that would be useful to managers and executives. Much has been written about how to manage change—the structural elements of change that are based on business acumen—but in our experience, these books rarely help managers sort through the human dynamics of transition. Even the best-selling book Who Moved My Cheese? (which depicts the emotional reality of change and transition) doesn’t help leaders navigate the complexity that emerges when the emotional side of transition is combined with the business demands of change. We hope leaders will identify with the pressures, the trade-offs, and the challenges we describe, and then use this book to ask, “What is getting in the way of my ability to lead effectively, and what can I do about it?”

Learning how individuals and organizations cope and adapt during times of change and transition has been part of our work for many years, both at the Center for Creative Leadership and in prior training and development roles (Kerry at AT&T, Michael at Bell-South). At CCL, we’ve worked for more than fifteen years designing and conducting customized leadership development programs for organizations, including systemic initiatives spanning several years. While there are many books, strategic consultants, and executive training workshops dedicated to change management, few if any answer the crucial question that change poses: how do leaders in real settings with real people help themselves and others work their way through difficult times?

We’ve found that the answer—though complex and demanding—is grounded in the authenticity of leaders and hinges on trust.

Building trust requires leaders to be honest and genuine. In today’s changing times, the most authentic, effective leaders find a way to address the emotions of transition. Authentic leaders can effectively deal with the structural challenges of change and guide people through the transition that accompanies change.

This book is for senior-level practicing managers and those who work with them—human resources professionals, coaches, consultants—indeed, entire management teams. In it, we present a framework for understanding the competencies required to respond to the demands of maintaining the business while attending to the equally important “people” concerns. We hope to provide insight for leaders so that they can decipher and adjust their behavior to maintain the crucial balance between the structural side of leading change and the human side of leading transition.

We wish to extend special thanks to a number of individuals whose support, encouragement, insight, and collaborative wisdom made this work possible. I, Kerry, thank my wife, Sheri, whose wisdom, instinct, and commonsense reflections on leadership and authenticity never cease to amaze me. She is my partner and sounding board, and the centering force that helps our children and me strive for a healthy balance of the paradoxical competencies required to navigate our own life transitions. And I, Michael, am forever beholden to Johnson, Beauty, and the Beast—affectionate pseudonyms for my wife, Joyce, and our children, Niki and Dylan. I recognize them as my most important teachers.

As this book reflects on lessons learned primarily from the practice of leadership development rather than from academic models of research, there are numerous fellow travelers who deserve recognition for their special roles in shaping our thinking along the way. We were blessed to be making this incredible journey with an extraordinary band of talented professionals. They shared in the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that seem to be part and parcel of helping leaders learn to be resilient and effective in the face of the many challenges that threaten to erode both trust and authenticity. First, we want to acknowledge the core team that was largely responsible for catalyzing the learning process over the course of ten years and nearly one hundred offerings of the Leading Transitions intervention—first with the Canadian Federal Public Service and later with the United States Postal Service. Specifically, we want to thank Jim Shields, Carole Leland, Beth Dixson, Amy Webb, and Ted Dougherty (as well as the expanded team of facilitators who joined us at various stages) for their professionalism, insight, and passionate commitment.

We are also indebted to our equally passionate internal partners in those two organizations: Dan Burke, Paul Robilliard, Michel Bourdon, and Carolyn Cyr in the Canadian Government, and Bill Stefl and Olaf Jaehnigen at the Postal Service. We stand in awe of the more than two thousand executives who accepted the risk of diving deeply into an emotionally charged learning experience with us—simply because they were committed to their organizations and to helping themselves and each other grow and develop, both as authentic leaders and as genuine human beings.

We would be remiss if we failed to acknowledge the support and contributions of the entire team at CCL, including administration, testing, and support services. We especially want to express gratitude for the commitment and hard work of Jenni Maxson and Betty Williams, and for the ongoing support of David Altman and John Fleenor in the continuing research.

Over the years our thinking has been influenced by a number of thought leaders in the areas of learning, change, and transition, including William Bridges, Barry Johnson, Cynthia Scott and Dennis Jaffe, Daniel Goleman, Cary Cherniss, Mary Lynn Pulley, and David Noer. As our work continues, we are also finding fruitful linkages and related frameworks in the research and development efforts of Robert E. Kaplan and Rob Kaiser.

Finally, we wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance, guidance, and support of Rebecca Garau, Pete Scisco, and Karen Mayworth in helping us bring this manuscript to completion.

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