Quick start – creating your first Prezi presentation

Prezi is a presentation tool. You use it to create presentations with text and images you wish to share with an audience. In this first project, you will learn how to create a new Prezi project, add text, add a symbol, change the overall look by changing the theme, add a frame, add an image, determine the path, toggle between presentation and edit modes, and use the home button.

Step 1 – creating a new project

To create a new project, you must first log in to your Prezi account and launch the Prezi editor.

  1. Go to http://prezi.com/ and log in. The login button is in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Enter your e-mail address and password. Click on the blue button Log In.
  2. A new window will open showing your account. Click on the blue button New Prezi, the Prezi application will be launched. Give it a few seconds.
  3. You will see a window with templates to choose from. Scroll down and select Start from blank and click on Start blank prezi.
  4. You will find yourself on the edit window of Prezi, which should look like the following screenshot:
    Step 1 – creating a new project

Step 2 – adding text

Most presentations require text. It is easy to add, edit, format, and move text elements in Prezi.

  1. Click on the area where it says Click to add text. A text box with a blinking cursor will appear as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 2 – adding text
  2. Start typing Which do you think is the key to success? You might like to break the sentence and hit the Enter key between the words, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 2 – adding text
  3. When you have finished typing, click on the outside of the circle. This will signify that you have finished typing within this textbox. This is now a text element on your presentation. Click on this text element and you should see a blue line surrounding your text as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 2 – adding text
  4. If you click on Edit Text, you will be able to make changes on what you have typed in the text box. If you want to get rid of this text element, you can click on the trash can to Delete. To change the size of the text, click on the (+) or (-) signs. Try it! Click on the (+) three times, then click on the (-) three times. See what happens. Then, click and hold on the hand icon to move the text element. I'd like you to move it higher inside the circular frame. The page will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 2 – adding text
  5. Now let us add more text inside the frame. In Prezi, you can click anywhere to add text. Click on a spot within the circular frame and type the word passion. While in text typing mode, select Subtitle. This will change your font style. Click on a different spot and write the word talent. Click on various other spots to add hardwork, persistence, and other words you think are a key to success, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 2 – adding text

    You've just added text elements in your presentation! Congratulations!

Step 3 – adding a symbol

Now it's time to add visual elements to your presentation. Graphic images help the audience understand your message better. Prezi comes with symbols you can add to illustrate your ideas.

  1. Look at the top of your screen and locate the three editing tools. Click on the Insert button.
    Step 3 – adding a symbol
  2. Click on Symbols & shapes.... The Styles option will show on the right side of the screen. Click on Simple Dark. Scroll down and look for an image of a key. Double-click on the key to insert. The option will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 3 – adding a symbol
  3. The key symbol will now be inserted within your circular frame. Click on it to rotate and move it to a better location within the frame as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 3 – adding a symbol
  4. Play with the main question and the words on your frame. Resize the question and make it bigger. Rotate the words. Relocate until you're satisfied with the layout. I came out with something like the following screenshot:
    Step 3 – adding a symbol

Step 4 – selecting a template

Templates can change the overall appearance of your presentation instantly. You can click on the different templates and select the best one that matches your message.

  1. Look at the top of your screen and locate the three editing tools. Click on the Template button. Select a theme that you like.
  2. Click on one theme at a time and observe as your presentation changes font styles and colors. Give it a few seconds for the changes to occur.
  3. Once you've come across the theme you prefer, click on the Template button once more to toggle out of it and for the menu to disappear. The menu will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 4 – selecting a template

    The following screenshot displays our first Prezi project using the Pastel theme:

    Step 4 – selecting a template

Step 5 – adding frames

In Prezi, items you want to show together should be placed within a frame. So far, we have one circular frame with a question, a symbol, and a few words. You can add more frames to your presentation.

  1. Add a new frame by clicking on the Frames & Arrows icon on the edit menu. Then, click on + Add Frame from the drop-down menu. A rectangular frame should appear next to our first circular frame as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 5 – adding frames
  2. Click on Click to add text and write To unlock success, you need many keys! as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 5 – adding frames

    There you have it, a new frame! For your future projects, there are other options you can choose from: bracket, circle, rectangle, and invisible.

Step 6 – adding images

Presentations are more meaningful when images are available. Images that illustrate the text help viewers comprehend the message.

  1. Add an image on the second frame by clicking on the Insert icon from the edit menu and select Image. You can choose to add an image from your own collection or directly from Google. To add an image from your own collection, click on From your computer then search your hard drive for the appropriate image. Using your own images for your own presentations is the best thing to do in terms of copyright compliance. The other option is to select From Google Images. The page will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 6 – adding images
  2. You can easily insert images directly from Google. This feature makes it very easy to create a Prezi presentation fast! Click on From Google Images; a search box will appear. Type locks and click on the blue magnifying glass search icon. Depending on the project you are creating, you may want to put a check mark on Search only for images licensed for commercial use. Again, this is to address copyright concerns. However, doing so limits the choices you have in terms of images. If you keep this unchecked, you will find more options. Copyright compliance is your responsibility, so be mindful of when and which images to use. The page will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 6 – adding images
  3. Several options will show. Select the one you think is most appropriate for our message. The screen will look like the following while you are still searching for an image to use. Once you find an appropriate image, click on it and then click on the button labeled Insert:
    Step 6 – adding images
  4. Give a few seconds for the image to be processed and inserted in your frame. Once it has been inserted, resize and relocate it to a better position. You've just learned how to add an image! The page will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 6 – adding images

Step 7 – determining the path

Now let us talk about the path. Notice that there are numbers right before each frame. Remember the video camera analogy? The numbers will be the path your presentation will take. This means the view will begin with the first circular frame then move towards the second bracket frame. The series of frames as it will be viewed is shown on the left-hand side of the screen. If you're familiar with slideshows, the left-hand side is very similar to the series of slides you see while working on a slideshow presentation. In Prezi, these are referred to as frames. The page will look like the following screenshot:

Step 7 – determining the path
  1. Click on Edit Path. The numbers and lines connecting them will show.
  2. Click on the image of padlocks you have inserted. A third frame, the image of the padlocks alone, will be added to the list of frames. You will see this new frame on the left-hand side of the screen. You should now see three frames as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 7 – determining the path
  3. What if you want to add a frame between two existing frames? That will be easy! Look closely on the path numbers and you should see a tiny plus sign. Click on the tiny plus sign right after path number 1. Click on it, and without letting go, drag it towards the key symbol. Once you see the key symbol being highlighted, let go. Now you have inserted a new frame! Check the sequence on your left to see what frames you have so far. The page will look like the following screenshot:
    Step 7 – determining the path
  4. Now if you change your mind and wish to delete a path point, while still on Edit Path, click on the frame you want to delete. You will see a red cross mark in the upper right-hand corner of the frame. Click on the red cross mark to delete as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 7 – determining the path

    Another way to delete a path point is to click on the path number and pull it away to an empty spot and let go. Like a rubber band, you will see the connecting lines bounce back and the path point will have been deleted.

  5. Click on Edit Path again to return to editing.

Step 8 – adding an element of surprise

Be creative in Prezi by hiding a text element and then zooming towards it.

  1. Go to the image of the padlocks.
  2. Select one padlock towards the middle of the picture and type the sentence Go for it! Resize the sentence so it fits inside the padlock. Rotate it so that it aligns with the padlock as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 8 – adding an element of surprise
  3. Click on Edit Path and add a path point to this sentence. This becomes the last frame. Click on Edit Path again to toggle out.
  4. Click on Present and voila! Watch as you end the presentation with a dramatic twisting and zooming motion from the image of padlocks diving in towards Go for it!.

In this project, we hid words within an image. There are other ways you can add an element of surprise. You can hide an image inside a word or hide words inside a word. You may want to write an important quotation in a small font size so it doesn't show at the beginning of your presentation and then zoom in to it towards the end, leaving your audience with an important message to think about. Take advantage of this Prezi feature and make your presentation unforgettable!

Step 9 – presenting your Prezi

Your Prezi is now ready to be presented! You can toggle between presentation and edit modes.

  1. Click on the blue Present button located in the uppermost left-hand corner of the screen. Doing so will take you to the presentation mode, which is automatically in full screen. Use this mode when you want to present your Prezi, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 9 – presenting your Prezi
  2. You will be asked if you will allow full screen with keyboard controls. Click on Allow as shown in the following screenshot:
    Step 9 – presenting your Prezi

    While you're in presentation mode, click on the left and right arrows located at the bottom of the screen to move from one frame to another.

  3. If you want to exit full screen, click on the Esc key on your computer keyboard. This will take you back to edit mode.

    You can present your Prezi offline by downloading your presentation as a portable Prezi. Instructions on how to do this are provided in the Top 10 features you need to know about section.

Step 10 – returning home

Prezi has a huge canvas you can get lost in. If you are in edit mode and accidentally veered off the area where your items are located, you'll find yourself facing a blank screen and wondering, where did they all go? Hover your cursor towards the right-hand side of your screen and the home button will appear as shown in the following screenshot:

Step 10 – returning home

Clicking on the home button will take you back to the overview of everything you have placed on your canvas up to that point. So, whenever you get lost on your canvas, remember to click on home!

You've just finished your first Prezi project! You've learned how to add text on your canvas, add a symbol, change the theme, add an image, resize and relocate objects, add a frame, edit the path, add an element of surprise, and toggle between presentation and edit modes. Congratulations!

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