Chapter 5. Integrating with Kerberos SPNEGO Identity Assertion

This chapter covers the configurations and requirements needed to implement the Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication process with SPNEGO in your infrastructure. This chapter covers the following topics:

  • Using Identity Assertion SSO Kerberos in a Microsoft domain
  • SPNEGO Identity Assertion configuration

Using Identity Assertion SSO Kerberos in a Microsoft domain

Identity Assertion is a provider mechanism that permits users to trust your identity using a token stored in your machine, by the Simple and Protected Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO). Here, your identity is exchanged with the server by HTTP transaction in silent mode (Single Sign-On) without entering the username and password.

You can use these pages to implement your security in a preexisting context using a predefined structured architecture with users and groups.

In our case, we will analyze a SPNEGO Single Sign-On configuration in a Microsoft domain context using the Kerberos native token and Oracle JRockit JVM embedded with WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Server supports Kerberos tokens even if you install it in a server that is not Microsoft OS-based, for example, Linux OS. This is because the trust relationship will be done by the Oracle WebLogic Server security layer and not by the Operating System.

Windows client needs to be in the Active Directory domain

Before we go on, we need to check if your machine is part of an Active Directory domain and check the correct configuration in your computer properties. If you can see your Windows domain name in the Domain section, you're a member. Otherwise, your computer needs to be synced with your target configuration domain by the administrator.

Windows client session needs to be logged in the Active Directory domain

On your client's Windows machine, the login phase in the domain generates a valid Kerberos token cached with your credentials; you can check if the token is generated correctly with some powerful tools, which are very useful during diagnostic sessions.

You can find these utilities on the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools package and you can download this from the Microsoft site at

Kerbtray is a graphical and easy-to-use Microsoft tool that will display a detailed list of your Kerberos tokens cached with some key information:

  • Service name: Your configured service principal name
  • Valid ticket time: Expiration date and time
  • Encryption type: Type of encryption supported

You can also use this tool to clean your local token cache by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting the Purge tickets option.

Klist is a command-line utility that will permit you to view and clean your local token caches; with this command you can easily write a batch command to pilot or monitor your token cache for a long time.

The following command redirects the output to a file, to save your token status:

klist > c:	oken.list.txt

Integrated Windows Authentication

It's very important to check if this client browser setting is enabled; without this, the Single Sign-On process will not work.

To check your settings, right-click on the Internet Explorer icon in your desktop and select Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and scroll down to the Security section and check Enable Integrated Windows Authentication—if it's not already selected.


Restarting the Internet Explorer browser

If you are using a proxy server, be sure your local domain names are in the exceptions field; this permits a direct connection from client to server without passing over a proxy server and preserves your sent token.

DNS URL entry configuration and SPN definition

It's essential to register a DNS record that will be used to access your Single Sign-On application installed in the WebLogic Server instance.

It's advisable to register all hostnames in your scenario—WebLogic nodes (for example, a network load balancer device), web server nodes, and any other existing and associated virtual IP. This information will allow us to register all Service Principal Names (SPNs), which are enabled to mark a trusted Single Sign-On access in your application at any level. This is powerful when you need to troubleshoot a problem.

The DNS entry can be provided with the internal Active Directory DNS service, or externally with some appliance DNS Server or some standard-compliant DNS Server. The working of the entire process is shown in the following diagram:

DNS URL entry configuration and SPN definition

Technical Active Directory user

On the Active Directory side we need to create a technical user to associate the Service Principal Name; this technical user is fundamental in the token verification phase.

Add a sample user by checking the User cannot change password and Password never expires checkboxes (leave any other settings to default values). Check the Use Kerberos DES encryption types for this account option under the Account tab.


Check this option only if you are using Active Directory running on Windows Server 2003.

If you are using JVM 6 (or a later version) and Windows Server 2008, don't check this option; by doing so we can configure the encryption method as RC4 HMAC. This encryption type doesn't need any other Active Directory technical user configuration.

Also consider that Oracle certifies Internet Explorer 8.0 and FireFox 7.0.1 clients—which access user accounts defined in Active Directory and are encrypted with the AES-128, AES-256, or RC4 types—will run on a Windows 7 Enterprise platform.

Change the user password and remember it. If you change the encryption type, reset the user password again.

Now we need to add our Service Principal Name on this user; to access it we must use an Active Directory privileged user, as they can edit services to our technical user.

For example, consider the URL, which points to the IP configured on your WebLogic Server instance. Open a DOS command with a privileged user on a Windows machine in the domain and enter the following command:

setspn -A HTTP/wls1 technicaluser

The previous command associates the URL of WebLogic Server to our user.

setspn -A HTTP/ technicaluser

The previous command associates the URL of WebLogic Server with the full domain specified to our user.

In this way, you have enabled the URL (and only that) to accept a Kerberos session and register any other URLs.

To check your registered Service Principal Name user entry, use the following command:

setspn -L technicaluser

Some important rules while creating a technical user with Active Directory are as follows:

  • Create the DNS entry before configuring your Service Principal Name
  • Don't associate the same Service Principal Name record to more than one technical user
  • Don't define any TCP ports in the Service Principal Name; a single record can cover any port
  • Any Service Principal Name changes need to follow the Keytab generation phase again (explained in the next section)

Keytab generation and the krb5 config file

Before proceeding we need to have a local Kerberos configuration file in accordance with your Active Directory and Kerberos configuration.

Check under ${java.home}/lib/security/krb5.conf or %windir%krb5.ini.

This file contains a list of important parameters; the following code snippet shows a sample section from that file:

   default_realm = DOM.INT
  default_tkt_enctypes = rc4-hmac aes128-cts des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
  default_tgs_enctypes = rc4-hmac aes128-cts des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
  permitted_enctypes = rc4-hmac aes128-cts des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
     kdc =
     default_domain= DOM.INT
[domain_realm] = DOM.INT
autologin = true
forward = true
forwardable = true
encrypt = true

On a Windows machine in the domain with a JDK installation (it is better to use the same JDK version that is installed on the server side), use the following command in a DOS window to generate a Keytab file:

c:Programsjdk1.6.0_02inKtab.exe –a technicaluser pwduser –k keytabname.keytab

With this, the following output is displayed:

Service key for technicaluser is saved in c:Programsjdk1.6.0_02injdk1.6.0_02inkeytabname.keytab

To check your Keytab file use the following command:

c:Programsjdk1.6.0_02inklist.exe -e -f -t -K –k c:Programsjdk1.6.0_02injdk1.6.0_02inkeytabname.keytab

The following output will be displayed in the command-line window:

Key tab: c:	est.keytab, 5 entries found.
[1] Service principal: [email protected]
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 17
         Key: 0x8818f354b7c348bf234b95caffa9cdd
         Time stamp: May 11,  2012 11:57
[2] Service principal: [email protected]
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 16
         Key: 0xec4f8cd12342223a2423425d7fa4e9fd
         Time stamp: May 11,  2012 11:57
[3] Service principal: [email protected]
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 23
         Key: 0xd18a478dfcc5a1d2342311ac23165fa
         Time stamp: May 11,  2012 11:57
[4] Service principal: [email protected]
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 3
         Key: 0x31d3b33132412222cfghb3e
         Time stamp: May 11,  2012 11:57
[5] Service principal: [email protected]
         KVNO: 1
         Key type: 1
         Key: 0x31d3b123412tffgb0cb3e
         Time stamp: May 11,  2012 11:57

Move the generated Keytab file and copy the krb5.ini file—now renamed to krb5.conf in the WebLogic Server—to the home WebLogic domain folder.


krb5.conf keytabname.keytab

This file, on the server side, needs to be both readable and accessible to the user that starts the WebLogic Server.

When on your server you use a JVM with a version greater than 1.6 update 21, keep in mind that now a new security control has been introduced.

In few words the KVNO number is checked and this is increased everytime you change your password on the KRDC. When this number doesn't match the one that we have on the keytab an exception is raised.

We have the following two solutions to solve this problem:

  1. Disable this check setting the KVNO number to zero (using the ktpass command).
  2. Retrieve the correct KVNO number with the "kvno" utility and then launch keytab the exact number of time to let the number increase to the same level.

JAAS file creation

This is another important file that tells the WebLogic Server to use the Kerberos login module, where the keytab files are located, and also the path of the technical user, with the associated Service Principal Name.

Edit a file named krb5Login.conf and copy that in the WebLogic Server in the WebLogic domain home folder.

Next, a sample configuration wherein your WebLogic Server uses Oracle JVM version 6 or higher is shown in the following code snippet: { required
     principal="[email protected]" useKeyTab="true"
     keyTab="keytabname.keytab" storeKey="true" debug="false";
}; { required
     principal="[email protected]" useKeyTab="true" 
     keyTab="keytabname.keytab" storeKey="true" debug="false";



This file on the server side needs be both readable and accessible to the user that starts the WebLogic Server.

WLS init startup arguments configuration

To activate our Kerberos configuration we need to specify some specific startup arguments; open WebLogic Admin Console and go to Server | Start Arguments. Then add the following:

After this modification you need to restart your WebLogic server node; if you have multiple nodes in your cluster you need to apply these parameters for each one of them.

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