About the Reviewers

Chandana N. Athauda (Windows Azure MVP) is currently employed at BAG (Brunei Accenture Group) Networks, Brunei and has been working professionally in the IT industry for more than 11 years. His roles in the IT industry have spanned the entire spectrum from programmer to technical consultant and management. Technology has always been a passion for him and in his spare time, Chandana enjoys watching association football.

If you would like to talk to Chandana about the book or the Microsoft development platform, feel free to write to him at or by giving him a tweet @inzeek.

Alexandre Brisebois has been exploring .Net since 2002. A strong believer in clean code and best practices, his passion for new technologies has driven him to work for companies like Pratt & Whitney Canada, Air France, and CGI. After two years in Paris as a .Net consultant, he is now part of RunAtServer working with the latest Microsoft technologies.

RunAtServer (www.runatserver.com) is a team of highly qualified, certified experts specialized in web, touch, and mobile applications using Microsoft technologies.

Jiří Činčura is a long time .NET developer and database enthusiast. He is focused mainly on language features and language designs, multithreading/parallel applications, and databases (programming as well as creating/designing). He also works as a consultant around these topics and he's a speaker at various conferences. He is a developer for ADO.NET, and a data provider for Firebird and his own product ID3 renamer. You can contact him via his company x2develop.com (http://www.x2develop.com) or via his blog http://blog.cincura.net.

Barry Forrest had his first exposure to computers in a lab on campus at Dartmouth College, while visiting relatives, in the early '80s. That was followed by an introduction to BASIC on a TRS-80. He began programming professionally with Perot Systems in 2000 and has worked with Microsoft technologies ever since. In 2010, Barry had an agile awakening and started consulting for Improving Enterprises.

Hajan Selmani is Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET/IIS, MCP, Microsoft community contributor, MKDOT.NET web user group leader, DZone MVB (Most Valuable Blogger), and Microsoft technologies expert and enthusiast. He is a regular speaker in Microsoft technology events such as MS TechDays, MS Vizija, Code Camps, local group events, and many other similar events. Hajan works as a Senior Software Engineer / Team Lead at Seavus Group. He holds an MSc degree in Computer Sciences, Intelligent Systems from SEE University. He has also reviewed the Packt title ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook.

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