Exploring the Django framework

Django takes a disciplined approach to constructing websites. It has many conventions and design constructs that sometimes are not obvious to new developers. All frameworks employ their own philosophy in solving problems and the philosophical underpinnings tend to appear throughout. Some developers feel restricted by this effect, but it's a natural trade-off in the usage of frameworks (or any code library). If you leverage a framework in your development, it will steer you in certain directions. Much like a programming language can inform one's view of the world, so can frameworks.

There's an old proverb: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The same can be said for development platforms. Some developers tend to apply their own philosophies in the context of a library or framework and end up frustrated. There is a great deal of grey-area here, of course, but it is important to spend some time understanding the Django-way of application development.

Much of Django's approach is informed by Python itself. Python is a programming language built on distinct philosophies. Its creator, Guido van Rossum, baked in many of these design decisions from the beginning.

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