
The editors would like to thank the following people without whom the Staffordshire University Information Literacy Community of Practice and, therefore, this book would not have been possible. First of all, Steve Wyn Williams (Director of Academic Policy & Development, Staffordshire University) for putting the idea in our heads! Dave Parkes, (Associate Director, Information Services, Staffordshire University) for backing the project. Julie Adams for her unstinting work for the Community in creating the SUILCoP web pages and generally in being a wise and thoughtful third partner in the venture. Helen Wells and the IS marketing team for handling bookings and creating the necessary documentation. Paul Bossons' team for technical advice and help. Last but by no means least, we would like to thank all of the presenters and delegates who made all of the SUILCoP events enjoyable, productive and engaging learning experiences.

On a personal level, Alison would like to thank her Mum and Dad for their constant support and particular pride in this project and her Fellowship work. You have always been so proud of whatever I have achieved but now it is my turn to be proud of you. Many thanks are also due to Ian and James for putting up with it all.

Geoff would especially like to thank his wife Caroline for her unwavering support and immense encouragement in all his professional and academic endeavours. Geoff would also like to thank Tony Jones and Penny Vincent for inspiring him to play music again and proving that there is life beyond information literacy!

Alison Pope and Geoff Walton,     Staffordshire University, February 2011

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