How to do it...

To add a tour to a library, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new /static/src/js/my_library_tour.js file with the following code:
odoo.define('my_library.tour', function (require) {
"use strict";

var core = require('web.core');
var tour = require('web_tour.tour');

var _t = core._t;

tour.register('library_tour', {
url: "/web",
trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="my_library.library_base_menu"]',
content: _t('Manage books and authors in<b>Library app</b>.'),
position: 'right'
}, {
trigger: '.o_list_button_add',
content: _t("Let's create new book."),
position: 'bottom'
}, {
trigger: 'input[name="name"]',
extra_trigger: '.o_form_editable',
content: _t('Set the book title'),
position: 'right',
}, {
trigger: '.o_form_button_save',
content: _t('Save this book record'),
position: 'bottom',

  1. Add the tour JavaScript file in the backend assets:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/my_library/static/src/js/my_library_tour.js" />

Update the module and open the Odoo backend. At this point, you will see the tour, as shown in the following screenshot:

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