Data types

The most significant structures in Python are lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Sets have been integrated into Python since version 2.5 (the previous versions are available in the sets library):

  • Lists: These are similar to one-dimensional arrays, but you can create lists that contain other lists.
  • Dictionaries: These are arrays that contain key pairs and values (hash tables).
  • Tuples: These are immutable mono-dimensional objects.

Arrays can be of any type, so you can mix variables such as integers and strings into your lists, dictionaries and tuples.

The index of the first object in any type of array is always zero. Negative indexes are allowed and count from the end of the array; -1 indicates the last element of the array:

#let's play with lists
list_1 = [1, ["item_1", "item_1"], ("a", "tuple")]
list_2 = ["item_1", -10000, 5.01]

>>> list_1
[1, ['item_1', 'item_1'], ('a', 'tuple')]

>>> list_2
['item_1', -10000, 5.01]

>>> list_1[2]
('a', 'tuple')

['item_1', 'item_1']

>>> list_2[0]

>>> list_2[-1]

#build a dictionary
dictionary = {"Key 1": "item A", "Key 2": "item B", 3: 1000}
>>> dictionary
{'Key 1': 'item A', 'Key 2': 'item B', 3: 1000}

>>> dictionary["Key 1"]
item A

>>> dictionary["Key 2"]

>>> dictionary[3]

You can get an array range using the colon (:):

list_3 = ["Hello", "Ruvika", "how" , "are" , "you?"] 
>>> list_3[0:6]
['Hello', 'Ruvika', 'how', 'are', 'you?']

>>> list_3[0:1]

>>> list_3[2:6]
['how', 'are', 'you?']
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