How to do it...

In the following example, we see how to implement a Cartesian topology of the size M×N. Also, we define a set of coordinates to understand how all the processes are disposed of:

  1. Import all the relevant libraries:
from mpi4py import MPI 
import numpy as np 
  1. Define the following parameter in order to move along the topology:
UP = 0 
DOWN = 1 
LEFT = 2 
RIGHT = 3 
  1. For each process, the following array defines the neighbor processes:
neighbour_processes = [0,0,0,0] 
  1. In the main program, the comm.rank and size parameters are then defined:
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD 
    rank = comm.rank 
    size = comm.size 
  1. Now, let's build the topology:
    grid_rows = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(comm.size))) 
    grid_column = comm.size // grid_rows 
  1. The following conditions ensure that the processes are always within the topology:
    if grid_rows*grid_column > size: 
        grid_column -= 1 
    if grid_rows*grid_column > size: 
        grid_rows -= 1
  1. The rank equal to 0 process starts the topology construction:
    if (rank == 0) : 
        print("Building a %d x %d grid topology:" 
              % (grid_rows, grid_column) ) 
    cartesian_communicator =  
                               (grid_rows, grid_column),  
                               periods=(False, False), 
reorder=True) my_mpi_row, my_mpi_col = cartesian_communicator.Get_coords ( cartesian_communicator.rank ) neighbour_processes[UP], neighbour_processes[DOWN] = cartesian_communicator.Shift(0, 1) neighbour_processes[LEFT], neighbour_processes[RIGHT] = cartesian_communicator.Shift(1, 1) print ("Process = %s
ow = %s column = %s ----> neighbour_processes[UP] = %s neighbour_processes[DOWN] = %s neighbour_processes[LEFT] =%s neighbour_processes[RIGHT]=%s" %(rank, my_mpi_row, my_mpi_col,neighbour_processes[UP], neighbour_processes[DOWN], neighbour_processes[LEFT] , neighbour_processes[RIGHT]))
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