Putting things together for Pexpect

As the final step, let's put everything you have learned so far about Pexpect into a script. Putting code into a script makes it easier to use in a production environment, as well as easier to share with your colleagues. We will write our second script, chapter5_2.py

You can download the script from the book GitHub repository, https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Python-Network-Programming, as well as looking at the output generated from the script as a result of the commands.

Refer to the following code:


import getpass
from pexpect import pxssh

devices = {'iosv-1': {'prompt': 'iosv-1#', 'ip': ''},
'iosv-2': {'prompt': 'iosv-2#', 'ip': ''}}
commands = ['term length 0', 'show version', 'show run']

username = input('Username: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')

# Starts the loop for devices
for device in devices.keys():
outputFileName = device + '_output.txt'
device_prompt = devices[device]['prompt']
child = pxssh.pxssh()
child.login(devices[device]['ip'], username.strip(), password.strip(), auto_promp t_reset=False)
# Starts the loop for commands and write to output
with open(outputFileName, 'wb') as f:
for command in commands:


The script further expands from our first Pexpect program with the following additional features:

  • It uses SSH instead of Telnet
  • It supports multiple commands instead of just one by making the commands into a list (line 8) and loops through the commands (starting at line 20)
  • It prompts the user for their username and password instead of hardcoding them in the script
  • It writes the output in two files, iosv-1_output.txt, and ios-2_output.txt, to be further analyzed
For Python 2, use raw_input() instead of input() for the username prompt. Also, use w for the file mode instead of wb.
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