How it works...

A Pinger class has been constructed to define a few useful methods. The class initializes with a few user-defined or default inputs, which are as follows:

  • target_host: This is the target host to ping
  • count: This is how many times to do the ping
  • timeout: This is the value that determines when to end an unfinished ping operation

The send_ping() method gets the DNS hostname of the target host and creates an ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST packet using the struct module. It is necessary to check the data integrity of the method using the do_checksum() method. It takes the source string and manipulates it to produce a proper checksum. On the receiving end, the receive_pong() method waits for a response until the timeout occurs or receives the response. It captures the ICMP response header and then compares the packet ID and calculates the delay in the request and response cycle.

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