How to do it...

Let us rewrite our echo server, previously described in Chapter 11, Sockets, IPv4, and Simple Client/Server Programming. We can utilize the subclasses of the SocketServer class family. It has ready-made TCP, UDP, and other protocol servers. We can create a ForkingServer class inherited from TCPServer and ForkingMixIn. The former parent will enable our ForkingServer class to do all the necessary server operations that we did manually before, such as creating a socket, binding to an address, and listening for incoming connections. Our server also needs to inherit from ForkingMixIn to handle clients asynchronously.

The ForkingServer class also needs to set up a request handler that dictates how to handle a client request. Here our server will echo back the text string received from the client. Our request handler class, ForkingServerRequestHandler, is inherited from the BaseRequestHandler provided with the SocketServer library.

We can code the client of our echo server, ForkingClient, in an object-oriented fashion. In Python, the constructor method of a class is called __init__(). By convention, it takes a self-argument to attach attributes or properties of that particular class. The ForkingClient echo server will be initialized at __init__() and sends the message to the server at the run() method respectively.

If you are not familiar with object-oriented programming (OOP) at all, it might be helpful to review the basic concepts of OOP while attempting to grasp this recipe.

In order to test our ForkingServer class, we can launch multiple echo clients and see how the server responds back to the clients.

Listing 2.1 shows a sample code using ForkingMixIn in a socket server application as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# Python Network Programming Cookbook, Second Edition -- Chapter - 2 
# This program is optimized for Python 3.5.2. 
# It may run on any other version with/without modifications. 
# To make it run on Python 2.7.x, needs some changes due to API differences. 
# begin with replacing "socketserver" with "SocketServer" throughout the program. 
# See more: 
# See more: 
import os 
import socket 
import threading 
import socketserver 
SERVER_HOST = 'localhost' 
SERVER_PORT = 0 # tells the kernel to pickup a port dynamically 
BUF_SIZE = 1024 
ECHO_MSG = 'Hello echo server!' 
class ForkedClient(): 
    """ A client to test forking server"""     
    def __init__(self, ip, port): 
        # Create a socket 
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
        # Connect to the server 
        self.sock.connect((ip, port)) 
    def run(self): 
        """ Client playing with the server""" 
        # Send the data to server 
        current_process_id = os.getpid() 
        print ('PID %s Sending echo message to the server : "%s"' % 
(current_process_id, ECHO_MSG)) sent_data_length = self.sock.send(bytes(ECHO_MSG, 'utf-8')) print ("Sent: %d characters, so far..." %sent_data_length) # Display server response response = self.sock.recv(BUF_SIZE) print ("PID %s received: %s" % (current_process_id, response[5:])) def shutdown(self): """ Cleanup the client socket """ self.sock.close() class ForkingServerRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): # Send the echo back to the client #received = str(sock.recv(1024), "utf-8") data = str(self.request.recv(BUF_SIZE), 'utf-8') current_process_id = os.getpid() response = '%s: %s' % (current_process_id, data) print ("Server sending response [current_process_id: data] = [%s]"
%response) self.request.send(bytes(response, 'utf-8')) return class ForkingServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer, ): """Nothing to add here, inherited everything necessary from parents""" pass def main(): # Launch the server server = ForkingServer((SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT),
ForkingServerRequestHandler) ip, port = server.server_address # Retrieve the port number server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) server_thread.setDaemon(True) # don't hang on exit server_thread.start() print ("Server loop running PID: %s" %os.getpid()) # Launch the client(s) client1 = ForkedClient(ip, port) print("First client running") client2 = ForkedClient(ip, port) print("Second client running") # Clean them up server.shutdown() client1.shutdown() client2.shutdown() server.socket.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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