Introduction to the web3.js API

Ethereum provides us with web3.js, which is a useful API to make the web developer's life easier. This JavaScript API enables us to communicate with an Ethereum node using JSON RPC endpoints exposed on top of HTTP, WebSocket, and/or IPC transports from a web page.

In auction.js, copy and paste the following code, so we can walk through it step by step while introducing the main web3.js features:

var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
var bidder = web3.eth.accounts[0];
web3.eth.defaultAccount = bidder;
var auctionContract = web3.eth.contract("Here the contract's ABI"); // ABI omitted to make the code concise

function bid() {
var mybid = document.getElementById('value').value;{
value: web3.toWei(mybid, "ether"),
gas: 200000
}, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("error is " + error);
document.getElementById("biding_status").innerHTML = "Think to bidding higher";
} else {
document.getElementById("biding_status").innerHTML = "Successfull bid, transaction ID" + result;

function init() {
auction.auction_end(function(error, result) {
document.getElementById("auction_end").innerHTML = result;
auction.highestBidder(function(error, result) {
document.getElementById("HighestBidder").innerHTML = result;
auction.highestBid(function(error, result) {
var bidEther = web3.fromWei(result, 'ether');
document.getElementById("HighestBid").innerHTML = bidEther;
auction.STATE(function(error, result) {
document.getElementById("STATE").innerHTML = result;
auction.Mycar(function(error, result) {
document.getElementById("car_brand").innerHTML = result[0];
document.getElementById("registration_number").innerHTML = result[1];
auction.bids(bidder, function(error, result) {
var bidEther = web3.fromWei(result, 'ether');
document.getElementById("MyBid").innerHTML = bidEther;

var auction_owner = null;
auction.get_owner(function(error, result) {
if (!error) {
auction_owner = result;
if (bidder != auction_owner) {

function cancel_auction() {
auction.cancel_auction(function(error, result) {

function Destruct_auction() {
auction.destruct_auction(function(error, result) {

var BidEvent = auction.BidEvent();, result) {
if (!error) {
$("#eventslog").html(result.args.highestBidder + ' has bidden(' + result.args.highestBid + ' wei)');
} else {

var CanceledEvent = auction.CanceledEvent();, result) {
if (!error) {
$("#eventslog").html(result.args.message + ' at ' + result.args.time);

const filter = web3.eth.filter({
fromBlock: 0,
toBlock: 'latest',
address: contractAddress,
topics: [web3.sha3('BidEvent(address,uint256)')]

filter.get((error, result) => {
if (!error) console.log(result);
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