
We discussed earlier that callbacks are great for the execution of one-off logic. EventEmitters are useful in responding to repeating events. EventEmitters fire events and include the ability to handle these events when triggered. Several important Node APIs are built on EventEmitters.

Events raised by EventEmitters are handled through listeners. A listener is a callback function associated with an event—when the event fires, its associated listener is triggered as well. The event.EventEmitter is a class that is used to provide a consistent interface to emit (trigger) and bind callbacks to events.

As a common style convention, event names are represented by a camel-cased string; however, any valid string can be used as an event name.

Use require('events') to access the EventEmitter class:

var EventEmitter = require('events');

When an EventEmitter instance encounters an error, it emits an error event. Error events are treated as a special case in Node.js. If you don't handle these, the program exits with an exception stack.

All EventEmitters emit the newListener event when new listeners are added and removeListener when a listener is removed.

To understand the usage of EventEmitters, we will build a simplistic telnet server where different clients can log in and enter certain commands. Based on these commands, our server will respond accordingly:

var _net = require('net');
var _events = require ('events');
var _emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
_emitter.on('join', function(id,caller){
  console.log(id+" - joined");
_emitter.on('quit', function(id,caller){
  console.log(id+" - left");

var _server = _net.createServer(function(caller) {
  var process_id = caller.remoteAddress + ':' + caller.remotePort;
  caller.on('end', function() {

In this code snippet, we are using the net module from Node. The idea here is to create a server and let the client connect to it via a standard telnet command. When a client connects, the server displays the client address and port, and when the client quits, the server logs this too.

When a client connects, we are emitting a join event, and when the client disconnects, we are emitting a quit event. We have listeners for both these events and they log appropriate messages on the server.

You start this program and connect to our server using telnet as follows:

telnet 8124

On the server console, you will see the server logging which client joined the server:

» node app.js
::ffff: - joined
::ffff: – joined

If any client quits the session, an appropriate message will appear as well.

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