
The easiest way to think of an event stream is not to think of the streams you've probably used before in programming, input reader streams, but to think of arrays. Let's say that you have an array with a series of numbers in it:

[1, 4, 6, 9, 34, 56, 77, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10]

Now you want to filter this array to only show you even numbers. In modern JavaScript this is easily done through the use of the filter function on the array:

[1, 4, 6, 9, 34, 56, 77, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10].filter((x)=>x%2==0) =>
[4, 6, 34, 56, 2, 6, 10]

A graphical representation can be seen here:


The filtering function here remains the same should we have ten items in the array or ten thousand items in the array. Now, what if the source array had new items being appended to it all the time? We would like to keep our dependent array up-to-date by inserting any new items which are even, into it. To do this we could hook into the add function on the array using a pattern-like decorator. Using a decorator we could call the filter method and, if a match was found, we would add it to the filtered array.

Streams are, in effect, an observable on a collection of future events. There are a number of interesting problems which can be solved using operations on streams. Let's start with a simple problem: handling clicks. This problem is so simple that, on the surface, it doesn't seem like there is any advantage to using streams. Don't worry we'll make it more difficult as we go along.

For the most part this book avoids making use of any specific JavaScript libraries. The idea is that patterns should be able to be implemented with ease without a great deal of ceremony. However, in this case we're actually going to make use of a library because streams have a few nuances to their implementation for which we'd like some syntactic niceties. If you're looking to see how to implement a basic stream, then you can base it on the observer pattern outlined in Chapter 5, Behavioral Patterns.

There are a number of stream libraries in JavaScript Reactive.js, Bacon.js, and RxJS to name a few. Each one has various advantages and disadvantages but the specifics are outside the purview of this book. In this book we'll make use of Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, the source code for which can be found on GitHub at

Let's start with a brief piece of HTML:

  <button id="button"> Click Me!</button>
  <span id="output"></span>

To this, let's add a quick click counter:

  var counter = 0;
  var button = document.getElementById('button');
  var source = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click');
  var subscription = source.subscribe(function (e) {
    output.innerHTML = "Clicked " + counter + " time" + (counter > 1 ? "s" : "");

Here you can see we're creating a new stream of events from the click event on the button. The newly created stream is commonly referred to as a metastream. Whenever an event is emitted from the source stream it is automatically manipulated and published, as needed, to the metastream. We subscribe to this stream and increment a counter. If we wanted to react to only the even numbered events, we could do so by subscribing a second function to the stream:

var incrementSubscription = source.subscribe(() => counter++);
var subscription = source.filter(x=>counter%2==0).subscribe(function (e) {
  output.innerHTML = "Clicked " + counter + " time" +(counter > 1 ? "s" : "");

Here you can see that we're applying a filter to the stream such that the counter is distinct from the function which updates the screen. Keeping a counter outside of the streams like this feels dirty, though, doesn't it? Chances are that incrementing every other click isn't the goal of this function anyway. It is much more likely that we would like to run a function only on double click.

This is difficult to do with traditional methods, however these sorts of complex interactions are easy to achieve using streams. You can see how we might approach the problem in this code:

source.buffer(() => source.debounce(250))
.map((list) => list.length)
.filter((x) => x >= 2)
.subscribe((x)=> {
  output.innerHTML = "Clicked " + counter + " time" + (counter > 1 ? "s" : "");

Here we take the click stream and buffer the stream using a debounce to generate the boundaries of the buffer. Debouncing is a term from the hardware world which means that we clean up a noisy signal into a single event. When a physical button is pushed, there are often a couple of additional high or low signals instead of the single point signal we would like. In effect we eliminate repeated signals which occur within a window. In this case we wait 250ms before firing an event to move to a new buffer. The buffer contains all the events fired during the debouncing and passes on a list of them to the next function in the chain. The map function generates a new stream with the list length as the contents. Next, we filter the stream to show only events with a value of 2 or more, that's two clicks or more. The stream of events look like the following diagram:


Performing the same logic as this using traditional event listeners and call-backs would be quite difficult. One could easily imagine a far more complex workflow that would spiral out of control. FRP allows for a more streamlined approach to handling events.

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