Applications of Real Options on Financial Structure Valuation

3.1. Introduction

The two studies presented in this chapter aim, first, to valuate samples of companies following the traditional methods1 and following the real options approach. Next, statistical tests were performed in order to analyze the performance of the real options approach with respect to the methods used in practice by financial analysts. The objective is therefore to determine if the application of real options to the structure of liabilities can be a valuation method that complements traditional methods, that is, to know if the real options approach is dependable and pertinent. Real options in fact account for the economic value of the net debt and not its accounting sum, the average maturity of the debt, the volatility of assets and the probability of bankruptcy. In this context, it is possible that traditional valuations underestimate the growth potential of equity. Calculations at intervals of confidence and significance tests were thus made. The major differences between real options and the currently widespread approaches concern, in the case of real options, the inclusion of an economic net debt considering its maturity and the volatility of assets. The bankruptcy probability calculations and the rate of recovery complete the preliminary calculations.

The two studies can be distinguished by the nature of the sample. The idea was first to compare the approach of real options with the DCF method within the CAC 40 index. This application led to the conclusion that, with a risk of an error of 5%, the average differences of growth potentials of both approaches were equal. The explanation is due to the fact that companies in the CAC 40 are financially healthy (the probability of their bankruptcy is thus, on average, almost zero) and have a rather weak debt maturity. Thus, the value of equity from the Black–Scholes–Merton formula is not significantly different from the one obtained via the DCF method. Moreover, the equal differences of average debt ratios, based on the net economic debt, on the one hand, and on an accounting net debt, on the other, lead us to pronounce the pertinence and reliability of the real options approach.

Next, it seemed useful to orient the research not towards a stock index containing a homogeneous selection of companies in good health, but towards a rather heterogeneous business sector with respect to financial structure: the cinema industry. In this second application, the same approaches in terms of calculations and statistical tests were applied to 17 companies. And, in the same way, with an error risk of 5%, the differences in average growth potentials between the two valuation approaches were equal as well as the differences in averages between the two debt ratios (calculated using either a net economic debt or an accounting net debt). Consequently, the forecasts obtained via the DCF method of analysts are just as reliable as the Black–Scholes–Merton approach.

3.2. Application to the stock market index of a country: the CAC 40

Using data obtained on Facset and in reference documents from the sample companies, these empirical studies try to valuate companies from the CAC 40 using the real options approach and estimate the potential for growth of their stock price using this method and the DCF one. The statistical tests that follow attempt, in particular, to analyze the differences in significance between the growth potential of stock prices according to these two models, as well as between the debt ratios, based on the economic value of the net debt, on the one hand, and on its accounting value, on the other. The objective is then to judge the relevance and reliability of the approach via real options and perhaps identify a complementarity with the DCF method. The point is indeed to discern whether, when accounting for the economic net debt, the value of company equity is not underestimated. In the sense that the probabilities of bankruptcy and the average dates of maturity for company debt are reliable, the economic value of equity obtained using the DCF method and the real options is manifestly identical. Thus, it does not seem that the stock prices are underestimated.

3.2.1. Databases, methodology and hypotheses

Heller and Levyne (2014)2 carried out statistical studies aiming to evaluate and test the growth potential of stock prices for companies in the CAC 40 index on February 22, 2013. On this date, four elements were taken from the Facset database for each company: the market capitalization, the volatility of shares corresponding to the standard deviation of daily returns over a time-scale of one year, the consensus of brokers over the value of the company and the target value of equity.

Insofar as many brokers use the DCF method to valuate, the insurance companies and banking institutions that make up the stock index were immediately put to one side. If Axa, Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas and Société Générale can in fact be valuated using a cash flow approach, it nevertheless turns out that in this case, the latter correspond to a surplus of capital that could be transferred to shareholders by taking solvability constraints into account.

Thus, the cash flow can be considered a theoretical dividend that leads brokers to valuate these companies using an adequate method: the dividend discount model. Because of this, the sum of present values of expected free cash flows allows us to directly obtain the value of equity, the future value rate being the cost of capital. In the case of insurance companies such as Axa, the brokers use the target ratio of Solvency 1, in keeping with the target rating of the company. In the matter of banks, they take the equity ratio objective required by Bâle 3 into account. In other words, whether it is insurance companies or banks, no company value is included in the evaluation.

Furthermore, each daily volatility taken from Facset was multiplied by image in order to obtain yearly conversions. The risk-free rate taken was that of Treasury Bills at 10 years, namely 2.20% on the evaluation date, or 2.18% in continuous time3. Additionally, the financial debts of each company in the sample were taken from their respective reference document at the close of business 2011.

Nevertheless, insofar as a company has a negative net debt, the use of the DCF method changes from one broker to another. Indeed, some calculate the present value of free cash flows by starting with the cost of capital, while others calculate the WAAC algebraically with a net negative debt. Voluntarily, given these possible divergences, the five companies with a negative net debt at the end of business 2011 – namely, Cap Gemeni, EADS, L’Oréal, STMicroelectronics and Technip – were removed from the studies. Moreover, Renault, whose weight in credit from client consumption is significant in their accounting, was also excluded from the sample. Consequently, the empirical studies focused on the 30 remaining companies of the CAC 40 stock index4.

The growth potential of brokers was calculated by relating the target value of equity obtained by the DCF method to the daily market capitalization, then by subtracting 1.

By valuating the sample with the Black–Scholes–Merton approach, the bankruptcy risk of companies – by taking debt maturity and asset volatility into account – is integrated. Thus, the accounting debt, tied to the exercise price and removed from asset cash and cash equivalents to give a net debt, should not be overestimated since it relies on an economic value.

Because of this, the model should reveal the growth potential of the economic value of equity thanks to a new way of dividing the company. In the Black–Scholes–Merton articles, debt is indeed considered a zero-coupon. Consequently, the maturity date of the option corresponds to the residual maturity of the bond. Nevertheless, for numerous companies, the date is made of bonds generating coupons and financial loans from banks.

From a theoretical point of view, an option with different maturities should not be cast aside. However, in order to apply the Black–Scholes– Merton valuation mode, a residual average maturity τ for each of these company debts is assessed.

Table 3.1 provides the calculation details of the economic value of a debt using the Merton method and starting with the following hypotheses: a company value of 2,509, a risk-free rate of 2%, an asset volatility of 30% and an average maturity of 5 years for financial debts.

Table 3.1. Economic valuation of equity debt using real options

EV from DCF2,509
σ from assets30%
Economic value of the debt878
Economic value of equity1,631

Table 3.2. Sensitivity of the economic value of equity

tVolatility of assets
201,8381,8391,8721,9682,0872, 199

Table 3.2 shows that the equity value from the DCF method (1,509) is only obtained if the maturity date, that is, the residual average maturity of the financial debt, is zero. Otherwise, the greater the maturity, the higher the time value and the value of equity rises. Moreover, the higher the volatility, the more the probability of a rise in stock prices also goes up, which implies a rise in the value of equity.

In order to apply the model to the data, the company values and their volatility had to be estimated. The volatility of underlying assets corresponds in fact to the volatility of the company value. But the assets are rarely priced, except for company holdings which are not represented in the CAC 40 stock index. Consequently, the estimate of the company value and its volatility are based on the methodology proposed by Hull et al. (2005)5 and commonly used by Moody’s notation agency. Using the Ito lemma as a basis:


Thus, by replacing:

  • F by E (for the value of equity);
  • x by EV (for company value);
  • – a(x,t) = m.EV;
  • – and b(x,t) = σEV.EV where σV corresponds to the volatility of assets or of the company value.

where σE corresponds to the volatility of shares.

Additionally, thanks to the Merton formula:


The values of EV and σEV can be obtained using the Excel calculator applied to the following nonlinear system:


To solve this system, the following parameters are considered:

  • E = daily stock capitalization;
  • D = net accounting debt taken from financial reports;
  • τ = the average residual maturity of the debt calculated using the repayment calendar for the debt;
  • σE = the volatility of shares taken from Facset and then annualized;
  • r = the continuous risk-free rate of 2.18% corresponding to the OAT French rates at 10 years.

Once the company value and its volatility have been calculated (produced by the calculator), the Black–Scholes–Merton valuation model for each company was applied in order to find the economic value of equity and the net debt. In this case:





  • E: economic value of equity;
  • EV: company value according to broker consensus (DCF);
  • Φ(.): normal standard distribution;
  • D: accounting debt;
  • TA: cash and cash equivalents.

An alternative approach allows us to estimate the value of economic debt for Merton, called B:


image is the amount of debt that will be recovered bondholders if the company goes bankrupt.

Then, image is the recovery rate and image the expected discounted loss, written LGD6, which would be absorbed by bondholders in the case of the supposed default by the company. Since Φ(−d2) is the bankruptcy risk, image is the expected discounted loss of earnings. Finally, as used by Moody’s KMV and the risk management hubs at banks in determining the calculations for weighing asset risk:


The three principal parameters of the economic value of the net debt seem to be its maturity (τ), the recovery rate for the level of bankruptcy image which includes the risk of bankruptcy, and the weight of its face value, which is expressed as a percentage of the company value (D/EV). In this case, a multiple regression is tested to justify the potential for growth based on the value of equity by Black–Scholes–Merton7.

The empirical studies therefore concentrate on the potential for growth in stock prices for the 30 companies listed in the CAC 40, based on target values established by brokers, and on the values obtained using the real options approach. They are compared, systematically, to the market capitalization on the day of the evaluation8. In the first case, the target value is the company value, which corresponds to the present value of future free cash flows, determined by brokers, minus the net debt found in financial reports. In the second case, the Black–Scholes–Merton approach proposes a new way of dividing the value of a company obtained by the DCF method between equity values and economic debt.

The hypotheses, with respect to the results that will be obtained, are as follows:

  • – the differences in significance between the volatility of shares (σE) and that of assets (σV) should be equal, allowing us to justify taking the volatility of assets into account (instead of shares) in the method of valuation using real options;
  • – the differences in significance between the percentage of evolution of stock prices for the companies in the sample using the DCF method and the real options method should be equal, allowing us to justify the relevance of using the real options method;
  • – the differences in equal significance between two growth potentials can be explained by the respective debt ratios. This is the reason why it seemed useful to test the ratio of net debt on the company value, calculated on the basis of the accounting net debt, on the one hand, and referring to the economic value (obtained by the Black–Scholes–Merton method), on the other. These ratios are written D/EV and B/EV, respectively. The differences in significance between these ratios should be equal, allowing us to justify using the economic debt.

3.2.2. Equality test for asset and equity volatility and the interpretation of results

The averages of share and asset volatilities are, respectively, 28% and 22%. A difference in the deviation of six points can be the object of a significance test9.

Table 3.3. Differences between the mean asset and equity volatilities (CAC 40)

Significance between share and asset volatilityMeanNumber of companiesHypothesis test (threshold: 5%)
Test usedResult
σE0.2830StudentInsignificant difference

This result justifies finding the volatility of assets using the Black– Scholes–Merton method of equity valuation.

3.2.3. Equality test for growth potential of stock prices based on the approach of brokers and Black–Scholes–Merton and the interpretation of results

The average of potential growth based on the target value of brokers and on the equity valuation of Black–Scholes–Merton are, respectively, 7.5% and 13.7%. The difference of the deviation of 6.2 points can be the object of a significance test10.

The difference between the respective approaches of brokers and Black– Scholes–Merton corresponds to the amount of net debt that is taken from the company value obtained via the DCF method. The justification of such a result resides in the fact that companies in the CAC 40 index are in a healthy financial state. Thus, their bankruptcy risk is very low, close to 0%. In this case, Φ(-d2) = 0 which means that Φ(d2) = 1 when d2 = + . Therefore, d1 = + as well, which implies that Φ(d1) = 1. Using the Black–Scholes– Merton formula as a basis: E = EV – D.e-. Since τ is relatively low, the value of equity is close to that of EV – D. The justification of the equal growth potentials can be completed by a statistical equality test of the debt ratios, which corresponds to the relationship between net debt and company value.

Table 3.4. Difference between the mean growth potentials of stock prices using the DCF and real options methods (CAC 40)

Significance between the growth potential of stock prices using the DCF and real options methodsMeanNumber of CompaniesHypothesis test (threshold: 5%)
Test usedResult
g brokers0.07530StudentInsignificant difference
g BSM0.13730

3.2.4. Equality test for debt ratios based on net debt from the financial states of companies and the recalculation of net debt using the Black–Scholes–Merton approach, and the interpretation of results

The average debt ratios based on the target values of brokers and on the equity valuation method by Black–Scholes–Merton are, respectively, 25% and 18.5%. The deviation of 6.5 points can be the object of a significance test11.

Table 3.5. Difference between the mean debt ratios based on accounting and economic net debt (CAC 40)

Significance between the debt ratios based on accounting and economic values of debtMeanNumber of companiesHypothesis test (threshold: 5%)
Test usedResult
D/EV0.2530Aspin WelchInsignificant difference

This result allows us to confirm the relevance of using the economic debt in the real options approach.

3.2.5. Regression coefficient to explain growth potential of stock prices

Let us suppose that g is the growth potential of stock prices, RRGD is the recovery rate given default, D/EV is the net accounting debt on the company value and τ is the maturity of the financial debt. Table 3.7 below shows that


The coefficient of determination, R2, is approximately 0.8, which is high, but this regression is only significant if the four coefficients are significantly different from 0. Table 3.6 below allows us to test whether the four coefficients are simultaneously equal to 0. According to these hypotheses, RRGD = D/EV = τ = 0, “F stat” follows a Fisher–Snedecor distribution F (k; n-k-1) with k = 3 and n = 28. Therefore, FF (3;24). The Fisher–Snedecor table gives: P [F > 3.01] = 5%. In other words, if the four coefficients are simultaneously equal to 0, F has a 5% chance of being higher than 3.01. Empirically, t* = 34.62 > 3.01. Thus, with an error risk of 5%, the four coefficients are not simultaneously equal to 0.

Table 3.6. Analysis of the variance (CAC 40)

Degree of freedomSum of squaresMean of squaresFCritical value of F
Residual figures240.260.01

Table 3.7 allows us to test if each coefficient a is equal to 0. If a = 0, T stat obeys a Student distribution with n-k-1 degrees of freedom. Here, k = 3 and n = 28. Thus, TS (24 ). The Fisher–Snedecor table allows us to obtain P [-2.06 < T < 2.06] = 95%. In other words, if a coefficient is equal to 0, T has a 95% chance of finding itself in the interval [-2.06; 2.06]. Through experimentation:

t*(c) = - 5.76 < - 2.06, where c is a constant, t*(RRGD) = 4.71 > 2.06.

t*(D/EV) = -2.44 < -2.06, t*(t) = 3.51 > 2.06. Hence, with an error risk of 5%, none of the four coefficients is equal to 0.

Table 3.7. Regression coefficient (CAC 40)

CoefficientsError typet stat = t*ProbabilityInferior limit for a confidence threshold = 95%Superior limit for a confidence threshold = 95%
RR GD2.080.444.710.001.172.99

3.3. Application to a business sector: the cinema industry

Using the data from Facset and in the reference documents of the companies in the sample, the empirical studies carried out focus on the valuation of companies in the cinema sector using the real options and DCF methods. The analysis of this sector seems useful given the disparities in terms of financial structures and the level of development among the selected companies. After the evaluation of potential growth in stock prices using the chosen methods of valuation, the objective is to study, in particular, the differences in significance between them in order to arrive at a conclusion regarding the relevance and reliability of real options when faced with heterogeneous situations. In this context, it turns out that the two methods reveal, on average, equal differences in significance between the growth potentials of stock prices and between the debt ratios based on the economic value of the debt, on the one hand, and its accounting value, on the other.

3.3.1. Databases, methodology and hypotheses

In order to carry out statistical tests on a business sector, Heller and Levyne (2016)12 initially selected 22 companies in the cinema industry. For each company in the sample, the market capitalization, the consensus of brokers on the value of the company (arrived at via the DCF method) and on the target value of equity were taken from the Facset financial database on April 3, 2015. Then, the volatility of shares was calculated. Each of the daily volatilities of the last two years was multiplied by image in order to annualize them. To get homogeneous elements, the Cineplex, Cineworld, Europacorp and Mediaset data were converted into dollars. The exchange rates use on April 3, 2015 were the following:

  • – EUR = 1.1129 USD (data converted for Europacorp and Mediaset);
  • – USD = 1.2519 CAD (data converted for Cineplex);
  • – GBP = 1.534 USD (data converted for Cineworld).

The lack of information on the consensus of brokers led to the exclusion of five companies initially present in the sample: BAC Majestic, Gaumont SA, IMAX Corporation, Reading International Inc and Xilam Animation SA. Thus, the empirical studies concentrate on a sample set of 17 companies.

The potential for growth from the brokers was calculated by relating the target value of equity (obtained through the DCF method) to the daily market capitalization, and then subtracting 1. The risk-free rates in continuous time13 were obtained by considering the OAT rates of the countries of origin of each company – rates with the same maturity as the average repayment maturity of the company debt in question.

For example, after calculations, the average maturity of debt repayment of Carmike is 9.8 years. Thus, the risk-free rate for this American company was 0.54% – a tax corresponding to the OAT rate for the USA at 10 years on April 3, 2015 (the day that the stock data was collected). It turns out that sometimes, the country that the company comes from does not have a maturity for the debt to be repaid (beyond an OAT rate) corresponding to the same average maturity on the company’s debt. Thus, the risk-free rate used was closer to this initial maturity. For example, the United States did not issue Treasury Bills at nine years. Hence, the risk-free rate used for a company like Viacom, whose average repayment maturity for the debt nominal is 9.2 years, was the one corresponding to the OAT rate for the United States at 10 years, or 0.54%.

The exercise price, moreover, is equal to the amount of accounting debt found in the reference documents of each company at the end of business 2013. To apply the real options valuation method, two other parameters had to be figured: the average residual maturity and the volatility of assets, that is, the volatility of the company value. As in the previous study, the estimation of the company value and its volatility were based on the methodology proposed by Hull et al. (2005)14. The latter relies on the resolution of a system using the Excel calculator15.

The empirical studies therefore focus on the potential for growth in stock prices of a sample set of companies in the cinema industry. It is based on the target values established by brokers using the DCF method and the values obtained via the real options approach compared, systematically, to the market capitalization on the day of the evaluation. The Black–Scholes– Merton approach considers the bankruptcy risk of companies through the integration of debt maturity and asset volatility.

The net debt should therefore not be overestimated since it relies on an economic value. Because of this, the model should demonstrate the growth potential of the economic value of equity thanks to the new division of the company value.

The difference between these two growth potentials can be justified by observing the financial leverage calculated using the accounting net debt D or the economic net debt B.

Given the preceding results regarding the CAC 40 stock index, it seemed pertinent to examine one business sector in particular that is made up of more heterogeneous companies in terms of evolution perspectives and the level of risk especially. In this way, the utility of this study is to consider the same hypotheses for the results that will be obtained compared with the preceding study, knowing the significant differences presented above. The hypotheses in question are as follows:

  • – the differences of significance between the volatility of shares and that of assets should be equal, allowing us to justify the inclusion of asset volatility (instead of share volatility) in the real options valuation method in a sector where the differences are noteworthy;
  • – the differences of significance between the percentage of evolution of stock prices for the companies in the sample using the DCF and the real options methods should be different within a sector where analyst forecasts can be less reliable than for companies in the CAC 40;
  • – the differences of significance between the debt ratios based on the accounting net debt, on the one hand, and the economic value (obtained using the Black–Scholes–Merton method), on the other, should be equal, allowing us to justify the use of economic debt.

3.3.2. Equality test for volatility of assets and equity and interpretation of results

The averages of share and asset volatilities are, respectively, 31% and 25%. The difference of the deviation of six points can be the object of a significance test16.

Table 3.8. Differences between mean asset and equity volatilities (cinema)

Significance between share and asset volatilitiesMeanNumber of companiesHypothesis test (threshold: 5%)
Test usedResult
σE0.3117StudentInsignificant difference

This result justifies determining the volatility of assets using the equity valuation method by Black–Scholes–Merton.

3.3.3. Equality test for the growth potential of stock prices based on the approach of brokers and Black–Scholes–Merton

The average potential growth based on the target value of brokers and on the valuation of equity by Black–Scholes–Merton are, respectively, 17.5% and 3.8%. The difference in the deviation of 13.7 points can be the object of a significance test17.

Table 3.9. Difference between the mean growth potentials of stock prices using the DCF and real options methods (cinema)

Significance between growth potential of stock prices using the DCF and real options methodsMeanNumber of companiesHypothesis test (threshold: 5%)
Test usedResult
g brokers0.17517Aspin WelchInsignificant difference
g BSM0.03817

The forecasts of brokers for this business sector are reliable. In other words, their forecasts, especially regarding the level of risk, are coherent. The approach using real options does not bring about a better valuation and is just as relevant as the DCF method.

The justification of the equal growth potentials can be completed by a statistical test for the equal debt ratios which corresponds to the net debt/company value.

3.3.4. Test for equal debt ratios based on net debt from the financial reports of companies and the recalculation of net debts using the Black–Scholes–Merton approach

The averages of debt ratios based on the target values of brokers and on the equity valuation method by Black–Scholes–Merton are, respectively, 21.5% and 19.5%. The deviation of two points can be the object of a significance test18.

Table 3.10. Difference between the mean debt ratios based on accounting net and economic debt (cinema)

Significance between debt ratios based on the accounting and economic values of the debtMeanNumber of companiesHypothesis test (threshold: 5%)
Test usedResult
D/EV0.21517StudentInsignificant difference

This result allows us to confirm the relevance of using the economic net debt in the real options approach for the cinema industry.

  1. 1 The methods used are those of stock multiples (the calculations were made using forecasts from financial analysts on zonebourse.com and/or that of DCF (valuations directly made by brokers).
  2. 2 Heller, D. and Levyne, O. (2014). Is the growth potential of stock prices underestimated? International Journal of Business, 19(4), 336–360.
  3. 3 ln (1+ 2.20%).
  4. 4 See Appendix 6.
  5. 5 Hull, J.C., Nelken, I., White, A. (2005). Merton’s model, credit risk and volatility skews. Journal of Credit Risk, 1(1), 3–28.
  6. 6 Loss Given Default.
  7. 7 See Appendix 7 and Appendix 8.
  8. 8 The growth potentials are obtained by carrying over the valuation of market capitalization from which we subtract 1.
  9. 9 See Appendix 23 and Appendix 9.
  10. 10 See Appendix 23 and Appendix 11.
  11. 11 See Appendix 23 and Appendix 13.
  12. 12 Heller, D. and Levyne, O. (2016). Cinema industry: Usefulness of the real options approach for valuation purpose. International Journal of Business, 21(1), 26–41.
  13. 13 ln (1+ r), where r is the risk-free rate.
  14. 14 Hull, J.C., Nelken, I., White, A. (2005). Merton’s model, credit risk and volatility skews. Journal of Credit Risk, 1(1), 3–28.
  15. 15 See Appendix 15 and Appendix 16.
  16. 16 See Appendix 23 and Appendix 17.
  17. 17 See Appendix 23 and Appendix 19.
  18. 18 See Appendix 23 and Appendix 21.
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