
Research articles

  1. Acharya, V., Gale, D., Yorulmazer, T. (2011). Rollover risk and market freezes. Journal of Finance, 66(4), 1177–1209.
  2. Amihud, Y. and Mendelson, H. (1986). Asset pricing and the bid-ask spread. Journal of Financial Economics, 17(2), 223–249.
  3. Bellalah, M. (1999). Les biais des modèles d’options revisités. Revue française de gestion, 025–124, 94–100.
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  5. Bellalah, M. (2016). Issues in real options with shadow costs of incomplete information and short sales. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 13, 45–56.
  6. Bellalah, M. and Jacquillat, B. (1995). Options valuation with information costs: Theory and tests. Financial Review, 30(3), 617–635.
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  14. Campbell, J. and Taksler, G. (2003). Equity volatility and corporate bond yields. Journal of Finance, 58(6), 2321–2349.
  15. Charitou, A. and Trigeorgis, L. (2004). Explaining bankruptcy using option theory [Online]. Available at:
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  18. Cox, J., Ross, S., Rubinstein, M. (1979). Options pricing: A simplified approach. Journal of Financial Economics, 7(3), 229–263.
  19. Deangelo, H., Deangelo, L., Skinner, D.J. (1992). Dividends and losses. Journal of Finance, 47(5), 1837–1863.
  20. Diamond, D. (1989). Reputation acquisition in debt markets. Journal of Political Economy, 97(4), 828–862.
  21. Elton, E., Gruber, M., Agrawal, D., Mann, C. (2001). Explaining the rate spread on corporate bonds. Journal of Finance, 56(1), 247–277.
  22. Francois, P. and Morellec, E. (2004). Capital structure and asset prices: Some effects of bankruptcy procedures. Journal of Business, 77(2), 387–411.
  23. Galaï, D. (1978). On the Boness and Black–Scholes models for valuation of call options. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 13(1), 15–23.
  24. Galaï, D. and Masulis, R.W. (1976). The option pricing model and the risk factor on stock. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(1/2), 53–81.
  25. Galaï, D. and Wiener, Z. (2013). The impact of dividend policy on the valuation of equity, debt and credit risk. Research paper, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  26. Geske, R. (1977). The valuation of corporate liabilities. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 12(4), 541–552.
  27. Geske, R. (1979). The valuation of compound options. Journal of Financial Economics, 7(1), 63–81.
  28. Geske, R. and Johnson, H. (1982). The valuation of corporate liabilities as compound options: A correction. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 19(21), 231–232.
  29. Gopalakrishnan, V. and Parkash, M. (1995). Borrower and lender perceptions of accounting information in corporate lending agreements. Accounting Horizons, 9(1), 13–26.
  30. Gordon, R.D. (1941). Values of Mill’s ratio of area to bounding ordinate and of the normal probability integral for large values of the arguments. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 12, 364–366.
  31. He, Z. and Xiong, W. (2012). Rollover risk and credit risk. Journal of Finance, 67(2), 391–430.
  32. Heller, D. and Levyne, O. (2014). Is the growth potential of stock prices underestimated? International Journal of Business, 19(4), 336–360.
  33. Heller, D. and Levyne, O. (2016). Cinema industry: Usefulness of the real options approach for valuation purpose. International Journal of Business, 21(1), 26–41.
  34. Huang, J. and Huang, M. (2003). How much of corporate-treasury yield spread is due to credit risk? A new calibration approach. Working Paper, Penn State University, PA.
  35. Hull, J.C., Nelken, I., White, A. (2005). Merton’s model, credit risk and volatility skews. Journal of Credit Risk, 1(1), 3–28.
  36. Jensen, M. and Long, J. (1972). Corporate investment under uncertainty and Pareto optimality in the capital markets. Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 3(1), 151–174.
  37. Jensen, M.C. and Meckling, W.H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and capital structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305–360.
  38. Jensen, M.C. and Meckling, W.H. (1979). Rights and production functions: An application to labor-managed firms and codetermination. Journal of Business, 52(4), 469–506.
  39. Jones, E.P., Mason, S.P., Rosenfeld D. (1985). Contingent claims valuation of corporate liabilities: Theory and empirical test. In Corporate Capital Structure in the United States, Friedman, B.M. (ed.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
  40. Kalay, A. (1980). Signaling, information content, and the reluctance to cut dividends. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 15(4), 855–873.
  41. Kalay, A. (1982). Stockholder–bondholder conflict and dividend constraints. Journal of Financial Economics, 10(2), 211–233.
  42. Kraus, A. and Litzenberger, R.H. (1973). A state preference model of optimal financing leverage. Journal of Finance, 28(4), 911–922.
  43. Krishnamurthy, A. (2010). How debt markets have malfunctioned in the crisis. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(1), 3–28.
  44. Leland, H.E. (1985). Option pricing and replication with transaction costs. The Journal of Finance, 40(5), 1283–1301.
  45. Leland, H.E. (1994). Corporate debt value, bond covenants, and optimal capital structure. Journal of Finance, 49(4), 1213–1252.
  46. Leland, H.E. (2004). Predictions of expected default probabilities in structural models of debt. Journal of Investment Management, 2(2), 5–20.
  47. Leland, H.E. and Toft, K. (1996). Optimal capital structure, endogenous bankruptcy, and the term structure on credit spreads. Journal of Finance, 51(4), 987–1019.
  48. Mello, A.S. and Parsons, J.E. (1992). Measuring the agency costs of debt. Journal of Finance, 47(5), 1887–1904.
  49. Merton, R.C. (1971). Optimum consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous- time model. Journal of Economic Theory, 3(4), 373–413.
  50. Merton, R.C. (1973). Theory of rational option pricing. Bell Journal of Economics, 4(1), 141–183.
  51. Merton, R.C. (1974). On the pricing of corporate debt: The risk structure of interest rates. Journal of Finance, 29(2), 449–470.
  52. Merton, R.C. (1987). A simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information. Journal of Finance, 42(3), 483–510.
  53. Merton, R.C and Subrahmanyam, M. (1974). The optimality of a competitive stock market. Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 5(1), 145–170.
  54. Modigliani, F. and Miller, M.H. (1963). Taxes and the cost of capital: A correction. American Economic Review, 53(1), 433–443.
  55. Morellec, E., Nikolov, B., Schürhoff, N. (2012). Corporate governance and capital structure dynamics. Journal of Finance, 67(3), 803–848.
  56. Myers, S.C. (1977). Determinants of corporate borrowing. Journal of Financial Economics, 5(2), 147–175.
  57. Rubinstein, M.E. (1973). A mean variance synthesis of corporate financial theory. Journal of Finance, 28(1), 167–181.
  58. Sharpe, W. (1976). Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk. Journal of Finance, 19(3), 425–442.
  59. Smith, C. and Warner, J. (1979). On financial contracting: Analysis of bonds covenants. Journal of Financial Economics, 7(2), 117–161.
  60. Vassalou, M. and Xing, Y. (2004). Default risk in equity returns. Journal of Finance, 59(2), 831–868.
  61. Wu, C., Li, Q., Wei, K.C.J. (1996). Incomplete-information capital market equilibrium with heterogeneous expectations and short sale restrictions. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 7(2), 119–136.


  1. Cox, J. and Rubinstein, M. (1985). Options Markets. Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  2. Dixit, A. and Pindyck, R. (1994). Chapter 5. In Investment Under Uncertainty. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ..
  3. Heller, D. (2018). Valorisation d’entreprise : méthodes traditionnelles et approche innovante par les options réelles. In Tradition et innovation : de l’opposition à la complémentarité, Anido Freire, N. (ed.). L’Harmattan, Paris.
  4. Levyne, O. and Sahut, J.M. (2008). Options réelles. Dunod.
  5. Vernimmen, P. (2016). Finance d’entreprise. Dalloz.


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  2. Vasicek, O. (1984). Credit Valuation. KMV Corporation, San Francisco, CA.
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