About the Reviewers

Vladimir Pouzanov is a systems engineer and embedded enthusiast. He has spent countless hours hacking different mobile hardware, porting Linux to various devices that were not supposed to run it, and toying around outside the iOS sandbox. He has also been a professional iOS consultant and has been developing applications based on iOS ever since the first Apple iPhones became available. Later on, he switched his professional interest to systems engineering and cloud computing, but he still keeps a close eye on the mobile and embedded world.

Victor Sigler is an iOS software engineer with experience of developing consumer and enterprise mobile applications. He loves everything that is related to Apple. He is passionate about Swift and the world of programming contests. He enjoys writing about iOS development on his blog at http://www.vsigler.com and helps people solve their queries on Stack Overflow. He can be found on Twitter at @Vkt0r.

Ye Xiaodong is a full-stack software engineer and technical director of zai360.com, an O2O company that provides a recyclables collection service for Chinese family customers on a periodical basis. He has 7 years of application development experience working for start-ups and leading companies across the world on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, and Meego. He has developed lots of iOS applications; designed, created, and maintained iOS libraries and Xcode plugins; and contributed to open source projects, as he is passionate about bringing the latest features to applications. He has worked as a technical reviewer for the book Mastering Swift, Packt Publishing.

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