A simple echo server

As we work through this chapter, we'll find ourselves reusing several pieces of code, so to save ourselves from repetition, we'll set up a module with useful functions that we can reuse as we go along. Create a file called tincanchat.py and save the following code in it:

import socket

HOST = ''
PORT = 4040

def create_listen_socket(host, port):
    """ Setup the sockets our server will receive connection requests on """
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    sock.bind((host, port))
    return sock

def recv_msg(sock):
    """ Wait for data to arrive on the socket, then parse into messages using b'' as message delimiter """
    data = bytearray()
    msg = ''
    # Repeatedly read 4096 bytes off the socket, storing the bytes
    # in data until we see a delimiter
    while not msg:
        recvd = sock.recv(4096)
        if not recvd:
            # Socket has been closed prematurely
            raise ConnectionError()
        data = data + recvd
        if b'' in recvd:
            # we know from our protocol rules that we only send
            # one message per connection, so b'' will always be
            # the last character
            msg = data.rstrip(b'')
    msg = msg.decode('utf-8')
    return msg

def prep_msg(msg):
    """ Prepare a string to be sent as a message """
    msg += ''
    return msg.encode('utf-8')

def send_msg(sock, msg):
    """ Send a string over a socket, preparing it first """
    data = prep_msg(msg)

First we define a default interface and a port number to listen on. The empty '' interface, specified in the HOST variable, tells socket.bind() to listen on all available interfaces. If you want to restrict access to just your machine, then change the value of the HOST variable at the beginning of the code to

We'll be using create_listen_socket() to set up our server listening connections. This code is the same for several of our server programs, so it makes sense to reuse it.

The recv_msg() function will be used by our echo server and client for receiving messages from a socket. In our echo protocol, there isn't anything that our programs may need to do while they're waiting to receive a message, so this function just calls socket.recv() in a loop until it has received the whole message. As per our framing rule, it will check the accumulated data on each iteration to see if it has received a null byte, and if so, then it will return the received data, stripping off the null byte and decoding it from UTF-8.

The send_msg() and prep_msg() functions work together for framing and sending a message. We've separated the null byte termination and the UTF-8 encoding into prep_msg() because we will use them in isolation later on.

Handling the received data

Note that we're drawing ourselves a careful line with these send and receive functions as regards string encoding. Python 3 strings are Unicode, while the data that we receive over the network is bytes. The last thing that we want to be doing is handling a mixture of these in the rest of our program code, so we're going to carefully encode and decode the data at the boundary of our program, where the data enters and leaves the network. This will ensure that any functions in the rest of our code can assume that they'll be working with Python strings, which will later on make things much easier for us.

Of course, not all the data that we may want to send or receive over a network will be text. For example, images, compressed files, and music, can't be decoded to a Unicode string, so a different kind of handling is needed. Usually this will involve loading the data into a class, such as a Python Image Library (PIL) image for example, if we are going to manipulate the object in some way.

There are basic checks that could be done here on the received data, before performing full processing on it, to quickly flag any problems with the data. Some examples of such checks are as follows:

  • Checking the length of the received data
  • Checking the first few bytes of a file for a magic number to confirm a file type
  • Checking values of higher level protocol headers, such as the Host header in an HTTP request

This kind of checking will allow our application to fail fast if there is an obvious problem.

The server itself

Now, let's write our echo server. Open a new file called 1.1-echo-server-uni.py and save the following code in it:

import tincanchat

HOST = tincanchat.HOST
PORT = tincanchat.PORT

def handle_client(sock, addr):
    """ Receive data from the client via sock and echo it back """
        msg = tincanchat.recv_msg(sock)  # Blocks until received
                                         # complete message
        print('{}: {}'.format(addr, msg))
        tincanchat.send_msg(sock, msg)  # Blocks until sent
    except (ConnectionError, BrokenPipeError):
        print('Socket error')
        print('Closed connection to {}'.format(addr))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    listen_sock = tincanchat.create_listen_socket(HOST, PORT)
    addr = listen_sock.getsockname()
    print('Listening on {}'.format(addr))

    while True:
        client_sock, addr = listen_sock.accept()
        print('Connection from {}'.format(addr))
        handle_client(client_sock, addr)

This is about as simple as a server can get! First, we set up our listening socket with the create_listen_socket() call. Second, we enter our main loop, where we listen forever for incoming connections from clients, blocking on listen_sock.accept(). When a client connection comes in, we invoke the handle_client() function, which handles the client as per our protocol. We've created a separate function for this code, partly to keep the main loop tidy, and partly because we'll want to reuse this set of operations in later programs.

That's our server, now we just need to make a client to talk to it.

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