GeoIP look-ups

At times, it will be necessary for many applications to look-up the location of the IP addresses. For example, many website owners can be interested in tracking the location of their visitors and in classifying their IPs according to criteria, such as country, city, and so on. There is a third-party library called python-geoip, which has a robust interface for giving you the answer to your IP location query. This library is provided by MaxMind, which also provides the option for shipping a recent version of the Geolite2 database as the python-geoip-geolite2 package. This includes the GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, which is available at under the creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You can also buy a commercial license from their website.

Let's see an example of how to use this Geo-lookup library.:

import socket
from geoip import geolite2
import argparse

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Setup commandline arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get IP Geolocation info')
    parser.add_argument('--hostname', action="store", dest="hostname", required=True)
    # Parse arguments
    given_args = parser.parse_args()
    hostname =  given_args.hostname
    ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
    print("IP address: {0}".format(ip_address))
    match = geolite2.lookup(ip_address)
    if match is not None:
        print('Country: ',
        print('Continent: ',match.continent) 
        print('Time zone: ', match.timezone) 

This script will show an output similar to the following:

$ python
IP address:
Country:  IE
Continent:  EU
Time zone:  Europe/Dublin

You can find more information about this package from the developer's website, which is at

DNS look-ups

The IP address can be translated into human readable strings called domain names. DNS is a big topic in the world of networking. In this section, we will create a DNS client in Python, and see how this client will talk to the server by using Wirshark.

A few DNS cleint libraries are available from PyPI. We will focus on the dnspython library, which is available at You can install this library by using either the easy_install command or the pip command:

$ pip install dnspython

Making a simple query regarding the IP address of a host is very simple. You can use the dns.resolver submodule, as follows:

import dns.resolver
answers = dns.resolver.query('', 'A')
for rdata in answers:
    print('IP', rdata.to_text())

If you want to make a reverse look-up, then you need to use the dns.reversename submodule, as shown here:

import dns.reversename
name = dns.reversename.from_address("")
print name
print dns.reversename.to_address(name)

Now, let's create an interactive DNS client script that will do a complete look-up of the possible records, as shown here:

import dns.resolver

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loookup_continue = True
    while loookup_continue:
        name = input('Enter the DNS name to resolve: ')
        record_type = input('Enter the query type [A/MX/CNAME]: ')
        answers = dns.resolver.query(name, record_type)
        if record_type == 'A':
            print('Got answer IP address: %s' %[x.to_text() for x in answers])
        elif record_type == 'CNAME':
            print('Got answer Aliases: %s' %[x.to_text() for x in answers])
        elif record_type == 'MX':
            for rdata in answers:
                print('Got answers for Mail server records:')
                print('Mailserver',, 'has preference', rdata.preference)
            print('Record type: %s is not implemented' %record_type)
        lookup_more = input("Do you want to lookup more records? [y/n]: " )
        if lookup_more.lower() == 'n':
            loookup_continue = False

If you run this script with some input, then you will have an output similar to the following:

$ python 
Enter the DNS name to resolve:
Enter the query type [A/MX/CNAME]: MX
Got answers for Mail server records:
Mailserver has preference 50
Got answers for Mail server records:
Mailserver has preference 30
Got answers for Mail server records:
Mailserver has preference 40
Got answers for Mail server records:
Mailserver has preference 10
Got answers for Mail server records:
Mailserver has preference 20
Do you want to lookup more records? [y/n]: y
Enter the DNS name to resolve:
Enter the query type [A/MX/CNAME]: A
Got answer IP address: ['']
Do you want to lookup more records? [y/n]: y
Enter the DNS name to resolve:
Enter the query type [A/MX/CNAME]: CNAME
Got answer Aliases: ['']
Do you want to lookup more records? [y/n]: n

Inspecting DNS client/server communication

In previous chapters, perhaps you noticed how we captured network packets between the client and the server by using Wireshark. Here is an example of the session capturing, while a Python package was being installed from PyPI:

Inspecting DNS client/server communication

FDNS client/server communication

In Wireshark you can specify port 53 by navigating to Capture | Options | Capture filter. This will capture all the DNS packets that were sent to/from your machine.

As you can see in the following screenshot, the client and the server have several request/response cycles the DNS records. It was started with a standard request for the host's address (A) and it was followed by a suitable response.

Inspecting DNS client/server communication

If you look deep inside a packet, then you can see the request format of the response from the server, as shown in the following screenshot:

Inspecting DNS client/server communication
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