Securing the ASP.NET Web API

In Chapter 5, Creating Applications Using AngularJS, Entity Framework, and ASP.NET Web API, we created the ASP.NET Web API. However, anybody can access our web API if they know the URL. In this section, we will secure our web API. In order to use the ASP.NET Web API, the user must have permission to access the requested data. To implement security in the ASP.NET Web API, we created a table in the Northwind database.

You need to follow these steps to create a table:

  1. In Server Explorer, expand Data Connections, right-click on NorthwindEntities, and select New Query:
    Securing the ASP.NET Web API
  2. Paste this SQL and click on the Execute icon, as shown in the following screenshot:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Members] (
    [Id]          INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [Email]       NVARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,
    [Password]    NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
    [CreatedOn]   DATETIME       NOT NULL,
    [LastLogedIn] DATETIME       NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [pk_members] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Email] ASC, [Password] ASC));
    Securing the ASP.NET Web API
  3. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the Controller folder. Select Add and then Controller:
    Securing the ASP.NET Web API
  4. Select Web API 2 Controller – Empty and click on Add:
    Securing the ASP.NET Web API
  5. Give a name to the controller, such as MemberController and click on Add.
  6. Add the [AllowAnonymous] attribute to the MemberController and as a result, all the controllers must be declared with the [Authorize] attribute.
  7. Add the .NET security class using System.Web.Security; create two action methods: login and RegisterNewMember, as shown in the following code. In the login action method, if the member exists in the database table member, we will store the credentials in the form of cookies using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, true):
    public IHttpActionResult Login(string email, string password)
          _db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
          var member = _db.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Email == email && m.Password == password);
          if (member == null)
            return NotFound();
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, true);
            member.LastLogedIn = DateTime.Now;
            return Ok();
     public void RegisterNewMember(Member data)
    var member = new Member();
        member.Email = data.Email;
        member.Password = data.Password;
        member.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
  8. On the client-side, create an AngularJS controller named ctrlMember that contains three functions: login, RegisterMember, and logout, as shown here:
    app.controller('ctrlMember', function ($scope, myOperations) {
    $scope.userAuthentication = 'Fail';
    <---------------- AUTHENTICATE USER -------------------- >
        $scope.login = function (Member) {
            var error = '';
            if ($('#txtEmail').val() == '') {
                error += 'Email is required, ';
            if ($('#txtPassword').val() == '') {
                error += 'Password is required';
    if ($('#txtEmail').val() != '' && $('#txtPassword').val() != '') {
                myOperations.Read('/api/Member/Login', { email: Member.Email, password: Member.Password }).success(function (data) {
                    $scope.userAuthentication = 'Pass';
                    $scope.userEmail = $('#txtEmail').val();
                }).error(function (response) {
                    $scope.userAuthentication = 'Fail';
                    $('#messageModal').find('#messageModalText').text('Check your credentials and try again. If you are not a register user please register first'),
            }        else {
    <! ----------------- REGISTER NEW MEMEBER --------------->
        $scope.RegisterMember = function (NewMember) {
            var error = '';
            if ($('#txtEmail').val() == '') {
                error += 'Email is required, ';
            if ($('#txtPassword').val() == '') {
                error += 'Password is required';
            if ($('#txtEmail').val() != '' && error == '') {
                var filter = /^([w-.]+)@(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.)|(([w-]+.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(]?)$/;
                //EMAIL VALIDATION
                if (filter.test($('#txtEmail').val())) {
                    Operations.Create('/api/Member/RegisterNewMember', NewMember).success(function () {
                    }).error(function () {
                else {
                    $('#messageModal').find('#messageModalText'). text('Invalid email !!!'),
            else {
    <! ----------------- LOGOUT ----------------------->
        $scope.logout = function () {
            $scope.userAuthentication = 'Fail';

    In the client-side code, we need to create a login page which implements the ctrlMember AngularJS controller.

    As you will notice in the very first line of the ctrlMember controller is $scope.userAuthentication = 'Fail'. In the beginning, the authentication is Fail. If the authentication is a success, Pass is returned by the ASP.NET Web API controller. In the AngularJS ctrlMember controller, we will change the value of $scope.userAuthentication = 'Pass'. All the other AngularJS controllers will depend on whether the userAuthentication value is pass or fail.

  9. We need to add this line of code in the web.config file of the ASP.NET web API:
    <authentication mode="Forms"></authentication>
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