Tools for achieving security

There are a number of tools that architects and developers can use to protect against malicious use of the system. An exhaustive discussion would fill a smaller library. Here, we will mention just a few techniques and how they not only affect security but also interoperability.

Virtual Private Networks

A method that is often used to protect unsecured solutions on the Internet is to protect them using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Often, traditional M2M solutions working well in local intranets need to expand across the Internet. One way to achieve this is to create such VPNs that allow the devices to believe they are in a local intranet, even though communication is transported across the Internet.

Even though transport is done over the Internet, it's difficult to see this as a true IoT application. It's rather a M2M solution using the Internet as the mode of transport. Because telephone operators use the Internet to transport long distance calls, it doesn't make it Voice over IP (VoIP). Using VPNs might protect the solution, but it completely eliminates the possibility to interoperate with others on the Internet, something that is seen as the biggest advantage of using the IoT technology.

X.509 certificates and encryption

We've mentioned the use of certificates to validate the identity of high-value entities on the Internet. Certificates allow you to validate not only the identity, but also to check whether the certificate has been revoked or any of the issuers of the certificate have had their certificates revoked, which might be the case if a certificate has been compromised. Certificates also provide a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) architecture that handles encryption. Each certificate has a public and private part. The public part of the certificate can be freely distributed and is used to encrypt data, whereas only the holder of the private part of the certificate can decrypt the data.

Using certificates incurs a cost in the production or installation of a device or item. They also have a limited life span, so they need to be given either a long lifespan or updated remotely during the life span of the device. Certificates also require a scalable infrastructure for validating them. For these reasons, it's difficult to see that certificates will be used by other than high-value entities that are easy to administer in a network. It's difficult to see a cost-effective, yet secure and meaningful, implementation of validating certificates in low-value devices such as lamps, temperature sensors, and so on, even though it's theoretically possible to do so.

Authentication of identities

Authentication is the process of validating whether the identity provided is actually correct or not. Authenticating a server might be as simple as validating a domain certificate provided by the server, making sure it has not been revoked and that it corresponds to the domain name used to connect to the server. Authenticating a client might be more involved, as it has to authenticate the credentials provided by the client. Normally, this can be done in many different ways. It is vital for developers and architects to understand the available authentication methods and how they work to be able to assess the level of security used by the systems they develop.

Some protocols, such as HTTP and XMPP, use the standardized Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) to publish an extensible set of authentication methods that the client can choose from. This is good since it allows for new authentication methods to be added. But it also provides a weakness: clients can be tricked into choosing an unsecure authentication mechanism, thus unwittingly revealing their user credentials to an impostor. Make sure clients do not use unsecured or obsolete methods, such as PLAIN, BASIC, MD5-CRAM, MD5-DIGEST, and so on, even if they are the only options available. Instead, use secure methods such as SCRAM-SHA-1 or SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS, or if client certificates are used, EXTERNAL or no method at all. If you're using an unsecured method anyway, make sure to log it to the event log as a warning, making it possible to detect impostors or at least warn operators that unsecure methods are being used.

Other protocols do not use secure authentication at all. MQTT, for instance, sends user credentials in clear text (corresponding to PLAIN), making it a requirement to use encryption to hide user credentials from eavesdroppers or client-side certificates or pre-shared keys for authentication. Other protocols do not have a standardized way of performing authentication. In CoAP, for instance, such authentication is built on top of the protocol as security options. The lack of such options in the standard affects interoperability negatively.

Usernames and passwords

A common method to provide user credentials during authentication is by providing a simple username and password to the server. This is a very human concept. Some solutions use the concept of a pre-shared key (PSK) instead, as it is more applicable to machines, conceptually at least.

If you're using usernames and passwords, do not reuse them between devices, just because it is simple. One way to generate secure, difficult-to-guess usernames and passwords is to randomly create them. In this way, they correspond more to pre-shared keys.

One problem in using randomly created user credentials is how to administer them. Both the server and the client need to be aware of this information. The identity must also be distributed among the entities that are to communicate with the device. In the case of XMPP, this problem has been solved, as described in Chapter 6, The XMPP Protocol. Here, the device creates its own random identity and creates the corresponding account in the XMPP server in a secure manner. There is no need for a common factory default setting. It then reports its identity to a Thing Registry or provisioning server where the owner can claim it and learn the newly created identity. This method never compromises the credentials and does not affect the cost of production negatively.

Furthermore, passwords should never be stored in clear text if it can be avoided. This is especially important on servers where many passwords are stored. Instead, hashes of the passwords should be stored. Most modern authentication algorithms support the use of password hashes. Storing hashes minimizes the risk of unwanted generation of original passwords for attempted reuse in other systems.

Using message brokers and provisioning servers

Using message brokers can greatly enhance security in an IoT application and lower the complexity of implementation when it comes to authentication, as long as message brokers provide authenticated identity information in messages it forwards.

In XMPP, all the federated XMPP servers authenticate clients connected to them as well as the federated servers themselves when they intercommunicate to transport messages between domains. This relieves clients from the burden of having to authenticate each entity in trying to communicate with it since they all have been securely authenticated. It's sufficient to manage security on an identity level. Even this step can be relieved further by the use of provisioning, as described in Chapter 6, The XMPP Protocol.

Unfortunately, not all protocols using message brokers provide this added security since they do not provide information about the sender of packets. MQTT is an example of such a protocol.

Centralization versus decentralization

Comparing centralized and decentralized architectures is like comparing the process of putting all the eggs in the same basket and distributing them in many much smaller baskets. The effect of a breach of security is much smaller in the decentralized case; fewer eggs get smashed when you trip over. Even though there are more baskets, which might increase the risk of an attack, the expected gain of an attack is much smaller. This limits the motivation of performing a costly attack, which in turn makes it simpler to protect it against. When designing IoT architecture, try to consider the following points:

  • Avoid storing data in a central position if possible. Only store the data centrally that is actually needed to bind things together.
  • Distribute logic, data, and workload. Perform work as far out in the network as possible. This makes the solution more scalable, and it utilizes existing resources better.
  • Use linked data to spread data across the Internet, and use standardized grid computation technologies to assemble distributed data (for example, SPARQL) to avoid the need to store and replicate data centrally.
  • Use a federated set of small local brokers instead of trying to get all the devices on the same broker. Not all brokered protocols support federation, for example, XMPP supports it but MQTT does not.
  • Let devices talk directly to each other instead of having a centralized proprietary API to store data or interpret communication between the two.
  • Contemplate the use of cheap small and energy-efficient microcomputers such as the Raspberry Pi in local installations as an alternative to centralized operation and management from a datacenter.
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