Choosing a solution from the available solutions

The quest for a standards-based approach to responsive images is underway. However, no solution has yet been adopted, nor has any consistent approach been implemented by browser vendors. For that reason, the best current techniques rely on server-side or client-side solutions.

Smashing Magazine has recently published a good article named Choosing a Responsive Image Solution, by Sherri Alexander, summarizing some leading current options. You can review the article at

In this and other reviews, Scott Jehl's Picturefill technique consistently emerges as a leading contender. This is because the Picturefill solution admirably addresses problems of both performance and design. And it does so rather elegantly.

The approach requires just a few steps, as follows:

  1. Prepare optimal images for your targeted viewports.
  2. Download and include the Picturefill JavaScript.
  3. Employ the Picturefill markup pattern for your images.

As always, there are two additional steps to any development process, as follows:

  • Test
  • Adjust as required

Let's walk through the steps together.

Preparing our responsive images

If you look in the exercise files for this appendix, I've provided a set of specially sized and optimized images in the img folder. You'll see these named with a –sm.jpg suffix.

Preparing our responsive images

If you view these images, you'll see that they are cropped narrower and have a somewhat taller aspect ratio, filling more vertical space on a narrow viewport as shown in the following image:

Preparing our responsive images

The images are also smaller. They measure 900 x 600px, still enough to provide decent pixel density to a retina screen, but much less than the original 1600 x 800px images. And the smaller images average approximately 50 percent of the file size.

Note the comparatively smaller file sizes of the images ending with –sm.jpg in the following screenshot:

Preparing our responsive images

With our images ready and in place, it's time to grab the JavaScript.

Plugging in the JavaScript

The Picturefill files and documentation are hosted at GitHub at

Take a few minutes to read the documentation. We'll soon be using elements recommended there. For now, we need to grab the JavaScript and include it in our project files. So, perform the following steps:

  1. At the Picturefill GitHub repository, download the files or click through them and find the picturefill.js file.
  2. Copy the code, including the opening comment. We need to copy it to our plugins.js file.
  3. In our project files, open js/plugins.js and paste the Picturefill code either before or after the code for our other plugins.
  4. Save. (And of course, remember to minify and compress plugins.js before going to production.)

Now, let's implement the Picturefill markup structure.

Implementing the markup structure

In index.html, we'll update the markup for each image using Picturefill's pattern of nested span elements. We'll structure it to provide the smaller images by default, except for browsers with viewports 640px wide or larger and Internet Explorer 8.

The following is the markup pattern for the structure, as implemented for the first image:

<span data-picture data-alt="OKWU Homepage">
  <span data-src="img/okwu-sm.jpg"></span>
  <span data-src="img/okwu.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 640px)"></span>
  <!--[if (lt IE 9) & (!IEMobile)]>
    <span data-src="img/okwu.jpg"></span>
    <img src="img/okwu.jpg" alt="OKWU Athletics Homepage">

Let me give you a quick overview of how the preceding code works:

  • The top-level span tag identifies the entire element as a responsive image using the data-picture attribute.
  • The data-alt attribute provides the alt text for the image.
  • The initial <span data-src ...> tag specifies the default image to be used for smaller devices.
  • The data-media attribute allows us to specify under what conditions the larger version of the image is to be used. In our case, we've specified min-width: 640px so that window screens wider than 640px will load the larger image.


    As explained in the documentation, you may use compound media queries as well as queries for pixel ratio to target high-density or retina screens.

  • The conditional comment ensures that Internet Explorer 8, which does not support media queries, receives the larger image size, as it should.
  • The no-script element provides a standard image tag that will be used only in cases where a browser is not running JavaScript.

For further insight, review the documentation found at

Now, be sure to update the markup for the other three images using the same pattern.

Testing and adjusting

If you save and test, you may notice that the carousel images no longer adjust to fit the width of the carousel. This is because the Picturefill markup pattern throws off the selectors used in Bootstrap's carousel styles.

We need to update one selector group in the _carousel.less file to ensure our images adapt to their available space, as follows:

  1. Open _carousel.less.
  2. Search for the following section of code. Replace the > img and > a > img child selectors with a simple descendant img selector so that it will successfully select the images that are now nested deeper in our Picturefill markup:
    // Account for jankitude on images
    // > img, // commented out
    // > a > img // commented out
    img { // added to apply to PictureFill responsive image solution
      line-height: 1;
      min-width: 100%; // added
      height: auto; // added

That should take care of it!

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