
Take a moment to scroll back and forth through our page, appreciating its details and resizing it to see how it adjusts to viewport dimensions.

When we consider the variety of features packed into this page—and that they all work responsively across desktop-, tablet-, and phone-sized viewports—it's not a bad accomplishment!

To review, we have given our client a beautiful one-page marketing site with the following:

  • A large welcome section using Bootstrap's jumbotron styles, a bold background image, and responsive customizations
  • A features list making use of large-sized Font Awesome icons
  • A section of customer reviews with images and captions laid out in the masonry format that adapts beautifully across viewports
  • A signup section with custom-designed pricing tables built on Bootstrap styles and enhanced further to provide visual hierarchy for medium and large viewports
  • A ScrollSpy-equipped navbar with animated scrolling behavior provided by a bit of extra jQuery

With the accomplishment of this design, we have reached a point where there is nothing we can't do with Bootstrap.

Across this and the previous projects, we have accomplished a great deal. We have:

  • Learned the ins and outs of Bootstrap
  • Folded Bootstrap LESS and JavaScript into our own custom set of project files
  • Swapped out Bootstrap's glyphicons for the more robust Font Awesome icons
  • Tweaked, customized, and otherwise innovated on Bootstrap styles to arrive precisely at the results we were seeking

Don't forget, in the appendices of this book, I have provided guidance relevant to all projects such as optimizing your Bootstrap assets for production (Appendix A, Optimizing Site Assets), implementing one of the current best responsive image techniques (Appendix B, Implementing Responsive Images), and adding swipe behavior to the carousel (Appendix C, Adding Swipe to the Carousel).

Beyond this, there are a plethora of resources available for pushing further with Bootstrap. The Bootstrap community is an active and exciting one. This is truly an exciting point in the history of frontend web development. Bootstrap has made a mark in history, and for a good reason.

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