Designing a complex responsive layout

Let's imagine we've emerged from client meetings with a plan to organize the home page content in three tiers, ranked by importance.

In medium and wide viewports, this content will be laid out in three columns as seen in the following screenshot:

Designing a complex responsive layout

In a narrow viewport, these will be laid out one after another, in a single vertical column:

Designing a complex responsive layout

And in a small, tablet-width viewport, we'll arrange the content in two side-by-side columns, with the third tier of content laid out beneath it as a horizontal row as seen in the following screenshot:

Designing a complex responsive layout

To get us started, I've provided the basic markup for three equal columns. Let's review what we have and then adapt it to the needs of this design. We'll begin with the three-column layout for medium and wide viewports.

Adjusting the medium and wide layout

Currently, in medium and wide viewports, our three columns are equal in width, font size, and button size and color. As a result, the presentation lacks visual hierarchy, as seen in the following screenshot:

Adjusting the medium and wide layout

We can take significant strides by adjusting column width, font size, and button size and color to establish a clearer hierarchy between these tiers of content. Let's do that. We'll start by adjusting column widths:

  1. In index.html, search for the section tag for the primary content:
    <section class="content-primary col-sm-4">

    Note that the class col-sm-4 sets the width of this column to one-third of the width of the parent element, beginning at the small viewport width (764px and up).

    We want to save the three-column layout for the medium and large viewports (992px and up), and we want this first column to be wider than the others.

  2. Edit the class col-sm-4 to read col-md-5, as follows:
    <section class="content-primary col-md-5">

    This will set this column to 5/12 width beginning at the medium viewport and up.

  3. Now search and find the opening section tags for the next two columns and adjust the column classes to col-md-4 and col-md-3 respectively:
    <section class="content-secondary col-md-4">
    <section class="content-tertiary col-md-3">

Save, refresh, and you'll see the desired visual hierarchy in the width of our columns:

Adjusting the medium and wide layout

You might have noticed that the headings in the middle of the secondary and tertiary columns are not clearing the buttons above them. Let's adjust these, as well as our buttons and font sizes.

Adjusting headings, font sizes, and buttons

Let's begin by adjusting our headings so that they consistently clear the buttons above them, which have been floated to the right. For this purpose, we'll use the file we previously created to manage the details of the page contents: _page-contents.less.

Here's how to do it:

  1. In _page-contents.less, let's write a selector to select headings h1 through h4 when they're nested inside a Bootstrap column class. We'll use the CSS2 attribute selector and cover our bases by targeting any element whose classes include the string col-.


    Later in this chapter, we will equip our footer with its own set of responsive columns. Thus, we need to make sure we nest these rules within the selector for the main element.

    Within this context, we'll select all heading tags we might potentially use and set them to clear floated elements, with some added padding for separation.

    main {
      [class*="col-"] {
        h1, h2, h3, h4 {
        clear: both;
        padding-top: 20px;

    This gives the necessary separation between our headings and floated buttons. But it also creates unneeded padding at the top of the secondary and tertiary columns.

    In the following image, the lower arrows highlight the improvement accomplished now that our headings clear the floated buttons. The top arrows highlight the ragged top edge of our columns, where padding causes a problem.

    Adjusting headings, font sizes, and buttons
  2. Let's remove the margin and padding from the uppermost heading in each column. We'll use the :first-child selector for this, nesting these lines within our heading selectors. We'll use the & combinator, which in this formulation, allows us to select any first-child instance of these headings:
    h1, h2, h3, h4 {
      &:first-child { 
        margin-top: 0;
        padding-top: 0;
  3. This removes the extra margin and padding and evens up the top edge of our columns as follows:
    Adjusting headings, font sizes, and buttons
  4. However, we only want to remove this top margin and padding in small or larger viewports, which accommodate multiple columns. Thus, we need to nest this rule within a media query corresponding with the breakpoint at which our layout expands from a narrow single-column layout to a wider multicolumn layout.

    Thus, we need to nest what we've just done within a media query for small viewports and up:

    @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {
      &:first-child {
        margin-top: 0;
        padding-top: 0;

With the preceding media query, we've retained the padding we need between elements in the single-column layout for narrow viewports, as seen in the following screenshot:

Adjusting headings, font sizes, and buttons

With this accomplished, we can move on to adjust buttons and font sizes to reflect the informational hierarchy of our content. Let's begin by enlarging the font size and button size and color in our primary content area.

Enhancing the primary column

First, let's increase the font size of our primary column content:

  1. In _variables.less, search for the @font-size-large variable and update its value to the following:
    ceil(@font-size-base * 1.15);
  2. Now, in _page-contents.less, add these lines to use this font size for the content of our primary content:
    .content-primary {
      font-size: @font-size-large;

Save these changes, compile the file, and refresh your browser. You should see the font size increase accordingly!

Now, let's adjust the color of our button to utilize the red @brand-feature color. We'll utilize the @brand-feature variable we set up in _variables.less.

@brand-feature:        #c60004;

We'll also utilize an excellent mixin provided in the Bootstrap mixins.less file. You may want to take a moment to check it out. Open bootstrap/mixins.less and search for // Button variants. You'll find a mixin that begins as follows:

.button-variant(@color; @background; @border) {

The mixin does the following:

  • Specifies the button font, background, and border colors (in other words, the three parameters that the mixin accepts)
  • Generates hover, focus, active, and disabled states for the button, adjusting font color, background color, and border

If you'd like to, you can see how Bootstrap uses this mixin in bootstrap/buttons.less under the comment // Alternate buttons. Here are the lines generating styles for the default and primary buttons:

// Alternate buttons
// --------------------------------------------------
.btn-default {
  .button-variant(@btn-default-color; @btn-default-bg; @btn-default-border);
.btn-primary {
  .button-variant(@btn-primary-color; @btn-primary-bg; @btn-primary-border);


You will find the variables beginning with @btn-default- and @btn-primary- in variables.less.

Following this pattern, we can generate our custom feature button in four simple steps:

  1. First, we'll set up a new set of button variables. In _variables.less, under // Buttons, make a copy of the three @btn-primary- variables, and customize them, replacing -primary- with -feature- and using @brand-feature as the background color:
    @btn-feature-color:              #fff;
    @btn-feature-bg:                 @brand-feature;
    @btn-feature-border:             darken(@btn-feature-bg, 5%);
  2. Next, we can make a file to keep our custom buttons. Create _buttons-custom.less and write a mixin based on the .btn-primary mixin from bootstrap/buttons.less as follows:
    .btn-feature {
      .button-variant(@btn-feature-color; @btn-feature-bg; @btn-feature-border);
  3. Save this file and add it to the import sequence in __main.less as follows:
    @import "bootstrap/buttons.less";
    @import "_buttons-custom.less"; // added
  4. Now, in index.html, change the button class from btn-primary to btn-feature. While we're at it, we want to make the button large, so add the class btn-lg:
    <a class="btn btn-feature btn-lg pull-right" href="#">Learn more

Save. Refresh the browser, and you should see the following result. The primary column to the left now has a larger font size and a large button with our brand-feature color.

Enhancing the primary column

Meanwhile, the font size and button colors of the secondary (center) column are exactly what we want. What needs to happen next is this: we need to de-emphasize the tertiary column content so that it takes its appropriate place in the informational hierarchy.

Adjusting the tertiary column

Our task for the tertiary content is fairly straightforward. We have to reduce the font size and de-emphasize the buttons. This can be accomplished as follows:

  1. First, we'll adjust the font-size. In _variables.less, adjust the @font-size-small variable:
    @font-size-small:         ceil(@font-size-base * 0.90);
  2. Now we need only add these lines to _page-contents.less:
    .content-tertiary {
      font-size: @font-size-small;
  3. Save, compile, refresh, and you should see the font size reduce.
  4. Next, in index.html, we need to edit our button classes. We'll change them from btn-primary to btn-default, and we'll reduce their size using the class btn-xs:
    <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right" href="#">Read more ...

    This will reduce the button size and turn the button background white.

  5. Let's adjust the background to a light gray and adjust the font color and border as well. In _variables.less, adjust the values for the three @btn-default- variables as follows:
    @btn-default-color:              @gray;
    @btn-default-bg:                 @gray-lightest;
    @btn-default-border:             darken(@btn-default-bg, 5%);

Save the changes, compile the file, and refresh your browser.

We now have a clear visual hierarchy, from the primary content (on the left), to the secondary (center) and tertiary (right).

Adjusting the tertiary column

Now, take a moment to notice that our adjustments work reasonably well in the narrow single-column layout as well:

Adjusting the tertiary column

In narrow viewports, our three columns stretch out vertically, one after the other, with primary content first, followed by secondary and tertiary.

All that remains is some fine-tuning to make our content even more user friendly across devices and viewports.

Fine touches for multiple viewports

It's always good to give our content—and our viewers' eyes—some room to breathe. Visual indicators of section boundaries are good as well. Let's fold these in:

  1. First, we'll add padding above and below our content. Add a bit of top padding to the main element itself. This padding will serve us well in all viewports, so we won't need a media query.
    main {
      padding-top: 20px;
      padding-bottom: 40px;
  2. Next, we need to set our columns to clear floated items above them when in single-column layout on narrow devices. Otherwise, the secondary and tertiary columns will overlap the button immediately above them. We'll write this within the appropriate media query to limit it to narrow viewports only:
    // Make columns clear floats in narrow viewport single-column layout
    @media (max-width: @screen-sm-min) {
      [class*="col-"] {
        clear: both;

That's it. Our main content layout is ready. Now for the complex footer area.

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