AI artificial intelligence

BEC business email compromise

CEO chief executive officer

CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection

CFO chief financial officer

CIA Central Intelligence Agency

CMA Computer Misuse Act of 1990

CPNI Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure

DDoS distributed denial of service

DoS denial of service

DWP Department for Work and Pensions

EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCA Financial Conduct Authority

FTC Federal Trade Commission

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GPS Global Positioning System

IC3 Internet Crime Complaint Center

IoT Internet of Things

ISP internet service provider

MFA multi-factor authentication

NCSC National Cyber Security Centre

NSA National Security Agency

OCCRP Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

PII personally identifiable information

RaaS ransomware as a service

SEC Securities and Exchange Commission

SEO search engine optimisation

TDT Truth-Default Theory

VPN virtual private network

WHO World Health Organization

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