How the App Will Be Structured

We will be using a separate file with a separate Calculation class to actually carry out calculations—implementing, adding, and deleting numbers and operators and computing expressions.

We will worry about that in Implement the Calculations.


The base layout of the app will be the following:


It is a simple calculator, and it can be implemented using the following Flutter layout structures:


Representing Flutter apps as trees is a very effective way to visualize the layout of a Flutter app.

In this case, the app’s main structure will be a Column with three children:

  • The calculator’s screen, which will a Card with some Text on it.

  • A Row containing the button that deletes the entire expression and the button that deletes one character at a time, which will be a couple of FlatButtons.

  • A Row for the rest of the calculator’s buttons, which contains two Column widgets: one for the three columns containg the numbers (which is made up of four Rows of four buttons each), and one for the column containing the operator buttons.

To make the layout look and work better, we will be making expansive (no pun intended) use of the Expanded, but that will come later on in Make the App Look and Work Right with Expanded.

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