
Able Lending, 7477

accelerators, 154, 157

Ackerson, Pete, 130

acquisition strategies, 36

active voice, 67

advisers, 167

in team decks, 3233

Airbnb, 157, 223224

Allis, Ryan, 82

ambiguity, 19, 212

analogies, in elevator pitches, 18

Andersen, Fred, 176

angel investors, 1, 10, 148, 154, 158163

AngelList, 3, 159161, 194, 221

Appio, Helen, 4344

Arison, George, 118

Aristotle, 173

articles of incorporation, 220, 221

The Art of Game Design (Schell), 199

asks, 34, 209222

closing, 220222

how to make, 212

progress updates after, 215218

scripting and practicing, 213

types of, 214


articulating in pitch decks, 14

in financial models, 31

in industry stories, 47

testing/iterating critical, 1112

traction slides on, 24

Avallon, Jeff, 165, 190

background profile template, 195

background slides, 37

The Back of the Napkin (Roam), 62

Baehr, Evan, 74, 180

balance sheets, 31, 35

Ballard, Jason, 130

Band, Zvi, 86

beachhead markets, 27

Beacon, 7881

beaming review pitch, 138

Beekman, Jonathan, 110

Bieber, Justin, 47

binding, 72

biographies, 32

Blah, Blah, Blah (Roam), 62

Blakely, Dave, 167

Blank, Steve, 11

blueprints, 37

body language, 141, 192, 193, 214

boldness, 17

Bono, 167, 175176

Boosted Boards, 204

bootstrapping, 146

borrowing money, 146

Borsje, Stefan, 106

branding slides, 35

breakeven points, 31

building relationships, 169, 170, 189201

finding commonalities and, 197198

first impressions in, 192193

handling objections of, 201

homework for, 194195

listening and asking questions in, 198199

openings for, 195197

perspective taking in, 192193

play in, 199200

bullet points, 22, 54, 55

burn rate, 31

Burt, Ronald S., 177

Business Model Canvas, 37

business models

improving by committing to paper, 14

in pitch decks, 10

slides on, 2930

business plans, 1112, 13

business processes, 28

bylaws, 221

Campbell, Joseph, 42, 43

capital, types of, 4

capital tables, 221

Cappaert, Tony, 86

Carbonella, Jeff, 86

case studies, 37

cash flow statements, 31, 35

Cassanego, Tony, 90

charity: water, 3941

customer stories of, 4345

industry story of, 4547

origin story of, 4043

venture growth story of, 4749

charts, 62

Chegg, 179

Chi-Hua, Chien, 144

Christensen, Clayton, 27

CircleUp, 156


from good design, 54

in overview slides, 17

in text, 67

in use of funds slides, 34, 174, 190

close-ups, 60

closing, 220222

clusters, in social graphs, 178

Coats, Emma, 137138

coffee shop pitch, 140, 59

color use, 54, 55, 5859

commonalities, finding, 170, 195, 197198

competition slides, 2829, 37

competitive advantages, 28, 29, 37

conclusion slides, 38


asks and, 211

industry stories and, 46

showing, 196

in teams, 32

Connect, 8285

consistency, in financial projections, 30

Contactually, 18, 8689

Contee, Caen, 82

context, 10, 30, 34, 224

for data visualizations, 61

writing style and, 66

contingencies, 213

controversy, 193, 200201

cost breakdowns, 30

cover slides, 16

Cozzens, Cory, 78

crash points, 59

Creative Commons, 6061

Creative Market, 61

Crowdfunder, 147, 156

crowdfunding, 10, 147, 154, 156

curiosity, 199200


acquisition stategy for, 36

costs to acquire, 30, 31

describing, 25

differentiating, 26

in elevator pitches, 18

financial projections on, 30

lifetime value of, 3637

pitch decks for, 10

quotes by, 37

segmentation of, 2627

solving problems of, 17, 18

storytelling about, 21, 4345, 52

traction with, 2324

use cases for, 22

customer slides, 2527

Dastoor, Sanjay, 204

data visualizations, 54, 55, 61

Davis, Will, 74, 180

Death to the Stock Photo, 6061

debt, 146

Delaware C corporations, 220

delighting investors, 171, 203208

design, 5363

color in, 54, 55, 5859

data visualizations in, 54, 61

elements of, 54

format in, 68

images and photography in, 54, 5961

importance of, 5354

layout in, 54, 56

product design/blueprint slides, 37

typography in, 54, 57

what not to do in, 54

what to do in, 55

Diamandis, Peter, 167


from competitors, 28, 29

of customers, 26

slides on, 36

Disney, 69, 199

DocSend, 9093, 72

Dorsey, Jack, 47

Dos Equis, 196

Dropbox, 157, 180

drunk Hemingway pitch, 139

dry runs for pitches, 140141 pitch frameworks, 137139

Duarte, Nancy, 5051, 53, 56, 57, 61

due diligence, 12, 159, 160, 220221

DuPont, 11

Eisner, Michael, 69

elevator pitches, 17, 18

e-mail scripts, 4

for building trust, 183

for following up after meetings, 206

for introductions, 184186, 187

empathy, 21, 192


recruiting, 10

training in PowerPoint, 12

entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship

definition of, 224

difficulty of, 225

numbers of, 3

as problem solving, 21

serial versus first-time, 34

as storytelling, 3952

equity, selling, 147

equity-based crowdfunding, 156

equity financing agreements, 149151

establishing shots, 5960

Everest, 167, 175176, 210

executive summaries, 35

exit slides, 37

exit strategies, 37

Eyerly, Wade, 78

Facebook, 223224

Farnsworth, Reed, 78

feedback, 4, 35, 156

e-mail script for, 183

handling objections and, 201

Feld, Brad, 149

figures of speech, 67, 68

Filament Labs, 216218

financial history, 221

financial literacy, 30

financial models, 31, 221

financial projections, 2930

First Opinion, 9497

500 Startups, 157

Floodgate, 179, 190

flowcharts, 63

following up, 187, 206

fonts, 54, 57

format of text, 65, 68

founders, common mistakes by, 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, 102, 106, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126, 130

Freight Farms, 98101

frequently asked questions (FAQs) slides, 34, 201

Friedman, Jonathan, 98

friends and family, funding from, 10, 155

friendship loop, 167171, 177

friendships, 5

building with investors, 191

leapfrogging with, 184187

social graph of, 175178

fundraising, 56

from accelerators, 154, 157

from angel investors, 1, 10, 148, 154, 158163

creating connections and, 4547

crowdfunding, 10, 147, 154, 156

equity financing agreements and, 149151

four ways of, 146147

from friends and family, 10, 155

friendship loop in, 167171

friendships in, 5

history of for startups, 1013

introductions in, 173187

learning skills for, 45

primer on startup, 145152

questions to ask before, 166

rounds in, 148149

snares in, 168

sources for, 153171

through borrowing, 146

through donations, 147

through profits, 146

through selling equity, 147

types of capital in, 4

unexpected miracles in, 5

from venture capital firms, 10, 12, 148149, 154, 164

Gaal, Robert, 106

gifts, 205, 207208

GM, 11

Goldsmith, Jonathan, 196

Gong, Sam, 110

go-to-market strategy, 37

Graham, Kevin, 130

Graham, Paul, 1213, 149, 174

gratitude, 196197, 205

gridlines, 56

growth plans, 36

growth stage, 154

Gust, 221

haiku pitch, 139

hard charger asks, 219

Harrison, Scott, 3941

customer stories of, 4345

industry story of, 4547

origin story of, 4043

venture growth story of, 4749

Haughey, Chris, 126

Haughey, Will, 126

Heath, Chip, 212

Heath, Dan, 212

Heddleston, Russ, 90

hero’s journey stories, 42, 43

The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 43

Hinge, 102105

history slides, 34, 37

hockey-stick graphs, 24

Hopkins, Adam, 176

how it works slides, 36

hue, 58

iContact, 82

IdeaPaint, 165, 190

IDEO, 167

imagery, 67, 68

images and photography, 3536, 54, 58, 5961

as backgrounds, 61

charts, 62

five ways of showing, 6263

flowcharts, 63

maps, 62

portraits, 62

resolution of, 61

stock, 6061

timelines, 63

types of, 5960

improvisation, 193

income statements, 31, 35

incorporation, 220

Indiegogo, 10, 147, 156

industry descriptions, 1920

industry knowledge, 28

industry stories, 4547, 52

Ingersoll, Minnie, 118

intellectual property, 28

interactive demonstrations, 22

introductions, 169, 170, 173187

creating great, 187

e-mail scripts for, 183, 184186, 187

following up after, 187, 206

knowledge/relationship gaps and, 180181

leapfrogging, 184187

luck surface area and, 179

social graphs and, 175178

trust building in, 182

investment banking, 12, 146

investment highlight slides, 35

investors, 153171

accelerators, 154, 157

angel, 1, 10, 148, 154, 158163

asks to, 34

building relationships with, 169, 170, 189201

controversy and, 193, 200201

crowdfunding and, 10, 147, 154, 156

delighting, 171, 203208

demonstrating traction to, 24

doing homework on, 194195

due diligence on, 220221

finding commonalities with, 170, 195, 197198

friends and family, 10, 155

friendship loop and, 167171

handling objections of, 201

importance of design to, 5354

intriguing with elevator pitches, 18

introduction to, 173187

listening to, 198199

name and needs lists on, 180181

openings with, 195197

perspective taking by, 192193

playing with, 199200

risk aversion of, 11

in team decks, 3233

venture capital, 10, 12, 148149, 154, 164

invitation, in the friendship loop, 171, 209222

closing on, 220222

planning, 212

progress updates after, 215218

scripting and practicing, 213

types of, 214, 219

irony, 18

jargon, 67

Jedi Mind Trick exercise, 136

JOBS Act of 2012, 10, 156

Johnson, Steven, 177

judgment, demonstrating sober, 29

Karma, 18, 106109, 200

Keynote documents, 72

Kickstarter, 10, 147, 156

King, Greg, 2, 5

Knutson, Morgan, 118

Koslow, Dave, 90

Kristof, Nicholas, 46

LaunchPad, 137139

LaVoy, Anima Sarah, 82

lawyers, 221

layout, 54, 56

Lean Canvas, 37

The Lean Startup (Ries), 11

leapfrogging, 184187

learning, 35

Lee, Paul, 13

Leep, Tommy, 174, 179, 190

legal issues, 220222

Levitt, Ted, 18

LinkedIn, 221

liquidation preference, 150

listening, 198199

location slides, 36

logos, 16, 5859

Loomis, Evan, 130, 191, 198, 205

luck surface area, 179

Lyft, 224

Man Crates, 110113

Maples, Mike, 159

maps, 62

Marcyes, Jay, 94

margins, 54


beachhead, 27

defining, 25

opportunity slides on, 1920

problem slides on, 21

served addressable, 27

sizing, 2627

total addressable, 2627

market slides, 2527, 34

Martell, Dan, 174, 190

McCandless, David, 55

McCloud, Scott, 53

McClure, Dave, 159

McDaniel, Michael, 114

McLeod, Justin, 102

McNamara, Brad, 98

medium shots, 60

meetings, 4

Melamed, Zachary, 82

Mendelson, Jason, 149

Mercy Ships, 41

metaphors, 67, 68

metrics, 24, 3738, 78, 102, 122

milestones, 34, 35

mission statements, 35

momentum asks, 219

money transfers, 220, 222

Morley, Ryan, 78

networks, 28, 159161. See also introductions

offering access to, 208

social graph of, 175178

Newsle, 194

obituary pitch, 138

objections, handling, 201

Ohler, Christian, 118

opportunity analysis, 1112, 2627, 177

opportunity slides, 1920

organization charts, 37, 221

origin stories, 4043

Orwell, George, 67

Outbox, 158, 161, 180

overview slides, 17

Palantir, 223224

paper quality, 72

partnerships, 45

asks, 219

as competitive advantage, 28

pitch decks for, 10

strategic, 37

passion clarifying, 1314

origin stories and, 43

in overview slides, 17

in pitch decks, 10, 1314

in storytelling, 5051

in team slides, 32

passive voice, 67

patent slides, 35

PayPal, 223224

PDFs, 72

Pedraza, Francis, 167, 175176, 177, 210

perspective taking, 192193

photography. See images and photography

picking a fight, 18

pictures. See images and photography

Pink, Daniel, 189

pipeline slides, 37

pitch decks, 4, 5

Able Lending, 7477

Beacon, 7881

benefits of, 12

building blocks of, 1538

business model slides in, 2930

common mistakes in, 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, 102, 106, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126, 130

competition slides in, 2829

Connect, 8285

Contactually, 8689

cover slides in, 16

customer/market slides in, 2527

definition of, 10

designing, 5363

digital, 72

DocSend, 9093

examples of, 73133

extra slides in, 3438

First Opinion, 9497

Freight Farms, 98101

Hinge, 102105

history of, 1013

how to start, 7172

Karma, 106109

Man Crates, 110113

one-pagers, 72

opportunity slides in, 1920

overview slides in, 17

presentation, 10, 66, 68

printing, 72

problem slides in, 2021

as prototypes, 1314

Reaction, Inc., 114117

reading, 10, 12, 66, 68

rise of, 1213

sending, 72

Shift, 118121

SOLS Systems, 122125

solution slides in, 2223

storytelling in, 12

team slides in, 3233

Tegu, 126129

templates for, 4

text in, 6572

traction slides in, 2324

TreeHouse, 130133

updates/versions of, 72

use of funds slides in, 3334


beaming review, 138

drunk Hemingway, 139

dry runs for, 140141

exercises on, 135141

haiku, 139

obituary, 138

one-word, 137

Pixar, 137138

proud grandparent, 138

storytelling in, 52

three-sentence, 139

with/without the deck, 140

Pixar pitch, 137138

Playbutton, 174

playing, 199200

“Politics and the English Language” (Orwell), 67

portraits, 62

post-money valuation, 150

PowerPoint, 12, 72

pre-money valuation, 150

presentation decks, 10, 66, 68. See also pitch decks

presentation software, 12

pricing, 31, 150


customer pain from, 23

in customer stories, 4345

demonstrating what your company will solve, 17, 18

personalization of, 21

slides on, 2021


design/blueprint slides, 37

road maps on, 35

slides on, 34

profit margins, 31

profits, raising money through, 146

progress, demonstrating, 34

after asks, 215218

scripts for updates on, 216218

in venture growth stories, 49

prototypes and prototyping, pitch decks as, 1314

proud grandparent pitch, 138

questions, asking, 198199

Quora, 221

rapport building, 32

Ravikant, Naval, 159

Reaction, Inc., 114117

reading decks, 10, 12, 66, 68. See also pitch decks

relationships. See friendship loop; friendships

repeatability, 23

Resonate (Duarte), 5051

revenue, 25, 31, 146

rewards-based crowdfunding, 156

RGB numbers, 58, 59

Rhode, Joe, 69

Ries, Eric, 11

risk slides, 36

road show, 168

Roam, Dan, 53, 6263

Roosevelt, Teddy, 225

Rothenberg, Mike, 190

rule of thirds, 59

sales funnel slides, 36

scalability, 23

Schell, Jesse, 199

Schouwenburg, Kegan, 122

screenshots, 36


for building trust, 183

for following up after meetings, 206

for introductions, 184186, 187

for invitations, 213, 220222

for progress updates, 216218

scripts for openings, 197

Seats, Jason, 136, 210

Seedcamp, 157

seed stage, 148, 154, 155, 157, 158


design and, 54

engaging in storytelling, 4950

sentence structure, 6768

served addressable markets (SAM), 27

Shift, 118121

Shyp, 18

signatures, 220, 222

SilverCar, 18

simplicity, 28, 61

slide:ology (Duarte), 56, 61

Snyder, Blake, 18

social graph, 175178, 182

SOLS Systems, 122125

solution slides, 2223

SpaceX, 223224

sparklines, 5051

spy dry runs, 141

Stanford University, 137139

startup platforms, 4

stock photography, 6061

Stocksy, 61

storytelling, 12, 3952, 71

archetypes of, 40

arc of, 5052

customer stories, 4345

elements of great, 4950

industry stories, 4547

origin stories, 4043

sparkline in, 5051

venture growth stories, 4749

structural holes, in social graphs, 178

super connectors, in social graphs, 178, 182

suppliers, pitch decks for, 10

supply chain slides, 36

Surf Air, 78

Suster, Mark, 194

swagger, 17

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard (Heath & Heath), 212

team slides, 3233

technology slides, 38

Techstars, 106, 157, 210, 213

Techstars Jedi Mind Trick exercise, 136

Tegu, 126129

templates, 4, 195

term sheets, 220

testing the waters, 219

text, 6572

creating visceral experiences beyond, 6970

format of, 65, 68

Orwell’s rules for writing, 67

voice and tone in, 65, 6768

Tevanian, Avie, 176

thank-you notes, 207

Thiel, Peter, 159, 223224

Thomas, McKay, 94

thoroughness, 19

thoughtfulness, 205

three-sentence pitch, 139

Tichauer, Adam, 174

timelines, 63

Tisch, David, 106

titles, in cover slides, 16

tone of text, 65, 6768

To Sell Is Human (Pink), 189

total addressable market (TM), 2627


slides, 2324

storytelling on, 52

TreeHouse Home Improvement, 12, 5, 130133, 158, 191, 198

elevator pitch of, 18

trends, 20

trust, 170, 182

building with investors, 191

e-mail script for building, 183

first impressions and, 192193

transfers of, 170, 182, 196

Twitter, 71, 179, 194

typography, 54, 57. See also text

Unsplash, 6061

US Department of Defense, 11

use cases, 22

use of funds slides, 3334

valuation, pre-money/ post-money, 150

valuation slides, 38

value proposition, 37, 44, 82

van Wel, Steven, 106, 200201

Varshavskaya, Deena, 4, 215

venture capital, 10, 12, 148149, 154, 164

Venture Deals (Feld & Mendelson), 149

venture growth stories, 4749, 52

vesting, 150

vision, 14, 18, 35, 223224

voice in writing, 65, 6768

Wall Street Journal, 13

Wanelo, 4, 215

Washington, Joel, 118

weak ties, in social graphs, 178

Where Good Ideas Come From (Johnson), 177

Williamson, Brian, 130

Winshall, Walt, 136

Wired magazine, 1213

Wish, Joel, 122

word choice, 67

Word documents, 72

working with people you like, 219

writing style, 6566

X Prize Foundation, 167

Yanosy, Paul, 130

Y Combinator, 1213, 149, 157, 174

“Your Business Plan Isn’t a Fundraising Tool Anymore” (Lee), 13

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