Creating a Sketchbook

The best way to get good at drawing is to draw as often as possible. Creating a sketchbook is a way to record important information, learn more about any given subject, and hone your drawing skills. Develop your own style, and don’t be afraid to experiment!

Getting Started

Get out into nature as often as possible, and start a journal today. Here’s a page from my sketchbook that focuses on leaves found in my garden. They are native to the region where I live.

1. Go for a walk, and collect leaves.

2. Create rubbings of the leaves on tracing paper.

3. Cut out the rubbings, and place them in your sketchbook to determine the composition.

4. Transfer the drawings onto the page, and use a waterproof ink pen to outline the leaf margins and venation. You can use pens with varying sizes of diameter to create varying line weights.

5. Add color on top of the ink drawings, and add both the common and Latin names.

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