Accordion books, 52, 140

the concertina, 56

flag book, 125

land and sky accordion, 162, 167

modified, 160

for paper case book, 126

tunnel books, 163, 164

Adhesives, 24

Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries, 11

Artist books, 140

colophons, 141

coptic structure for, 111

drum-leaf structure, 142

land and sky accordion, 160, 162, 167

number of copies of, 141

tunnel books, 160, 163, 164

Asian paper, 144, 146, 150, 167

Auna, Biruta, 95

Awl, 16, 17, 20, 40, 73, 78, 106, 114


Backing press, 18, 19

Basic sewn book, 38

Beeswax, 16, 17, 60, 67

Beloved (Sheehan), 12, 142


coptic, 110

full-cloth, 74

Lacunose leather technique, 86

lapped component binding, 73

limp vellum, 124

paper case binding/book, 125

quarter, 176

Birds of Prey (Holland), 143

Blizzard books, 160

Boards. See cover boards

Board shears, 18, 19, 46, 54, 73, 113

Boîte-en-valise (Duchamp), 62

Bone folder, 16, 17, 20, 21

Book anatomy, 22

Book cloth, 24, 29, 46, 49, 64, 74, 77

Boudalis, Georgios, 60, 61, 65, 68

Butterfly binding, 7

Butterfly book, 150


Calfskin, 28

Carousel books, 160


applying paper covering to the, 78

full-cloth binding, 62, 74

German (three-piece), 156

making a lapped-component, 72, 73

preparing boards for, 72, 73

quarter binding, 62, 76

text block in the, 79

Cased book, soft leather cover for, 82

Casing in, 72, 86, 91, 103

The Center for Book Arts, 7, 9, 11, 13

Chain stitch, 110

Chapbook, 37

Chisel, 16, 17

Clamps, 16, 17

Clay, Lauren, 162

Cloth (book). See book cloth

Codex, 60, 61

Colophons, 141

Concertinas, 56, 160, 164, 165

Connecting sheet, attaching cover boards to, 73

Consolidating spine hinges, 80, 91

Coptic book/binding, 110

Cordeiro, Ana Paula, 9, 59

Coruscation (Sheehan), 140

Cover boards, 22, 54, 156. See also covers


accordion books, 54

adding to text block, 72

concertinas, 56

coptic binding, 111

drum-leaf books, 152

hardcover pamphlet, 46

land and sky modified accordion book, 170, 171

limp vellum binding, 124

punching, 114

relief technique with monastic endbands, 95

sewing, for coptic binding, 116, 122

soft leather, 82

“Crash,” 150

Curved needles, 16, 17

Cutting mat, 16, 17

Cutting pages, 165


Darners, 16, 17

De Armendi, Aurora, 11

Decorative papers, 20, 21, 54, 86

Delrue, Paul, 82, 83

Digital printing, 141, 144

DoubleCross Press, 37

Double-sided tape/adhesive, 24, 56, 146, 150, 166

Drum-leaf structure, 142

Dry adhesives, 146, 148, 150

Duchamp, Marcel, 62


Editioning, 141

Egypt, 110

Eliot, George, 7

Endbands, Monastic, 96, 104

Endsheet(s), 22, 46, 50, 80, 86, 88, 91, 96, 98

Ethiopia, 110


Flag books, 125, 160

Flaps, 165

Flatback, 62

Flyleaf, 64, 68, 69

Folio, 23

Fore edge, 22

Frost, Gray, 124

Full-clothing binding, 62, 74

Functionality, 124


German case, 156

Glues and pastes, 20, 21, 24, 25, 70

Gluing, 54, 84, 146, 158, 166

Goatskin, 28

Gold leaf, 18, 19

Grain direction, 22, 23, 54

Greenfield, Jane, 104

Gudy double-stick adhesive, 146, 150

Guillotine, 18, 19, 70, 96, 144, 148

Gutter, 23


Hand-letter tools, 18, 19

Hand-sewn endbands, 104

Hardcover book with a cloth hinge, 62

Hardcover pamphlets, 36, 46

Hard covers, 154, 162, 170

Harlan & Weaver, 11

Head, 22

Headband, 22

Her Place (Smith), 10, 11

Herringbone stitch, 66

Hinge(s), 46, 50, 64, 65, 79, 80, 91


multi-signature books, 60

of pamphlets, 36

Holland, Kyle, 143, 161

Hot plate, 20, 21

Hot stamp machine/tools, 20, 21


I Know the Woods Come Alive at Night (Holland), 161

Inset label, 76

Italy, 124


Japanese paper, 30, 33

Japanese punch tools, 20, 21

Japanese tissue, 68, 70, 86, 102

Joint (space), 22, 62, 73, 91, 93


Kettle stitch (stations), 27, 65, 96

Kozo, 30, 62, 71. See also Japanese tissue


Lacunose leather technique, 82

Land and sky accordion, 160, 162, 167

Lapped component binding, 72

Leaf, 23

Leather(s), 28

Leather cover

for a cased book, 82

relief technique, 95

Leather dressing, 100, 103

LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies, 11

Lightweight (Cordeiro), 8, 9

Limp vellum binding, 124

Linen tape, 16, 17, 19, 65

Linen thread, 16, 17, 96, 104

Lining the spine, 68, 86

Lombardi, Celine, 7, 35

Lost and Found (Reckitt), 6, 7

Lower East Printshop, 11


Marchalonis, Lee, 62, 63

Marya, Wäldä, 110

Materials. See tools and materials

Mending (Sheehan), 160

Metal triangle, 16, 17

Methylcellulose, 20, 24, 49, 70, 77, 80, 84, 86, 91, 93, 146

Micro spatula, 16, 17, 20

The Mill on the Floss (Eliot), 7

Mock-ups, 144, 156, 164, 167

Modified accordions, 160, 167

Monastic endband, 96, 104

Mountain fold, 52, 53, 56, 91, 160, 165, 169

Mounting adhesives, 24

Mull, 68, 70, 80, 86, 91, 150

Multi-signature books

casing in, 72

hardcover book with cloth hinge, 62

history of, 60

relief technique with monastic endbands, 95

soft leather cover for cased book, 82

Murmurations (Lombardi), 7

Mystery of the Musty Hide (Marchalonis), 63


Needle-nose pliers, 104

Needle tool, 16, 17

Nicholls, Sarah, 37

Nipping press, 19, 20, 21, 50, 84, 95, 100, 158

Non-adhesive bindings

coptic binding, 110

limp vellum binding, 124

North Bennet Street School, 7

Notions (Cordeiro), 8


Page, 23


accordion books, 52

basic sewn book, 38

concertina, 56

hardcover, 46

history, 36

paper case book, 126

paper pocket cover for, 44

wrapper for, 42


for book cloth, 30

curling, 50

for drum-leaf books, 144

for endsheets, 80

grain direction, 22, 23, 54

for paper case book, 126

terminology, 23

used in pastedowns, 81

Paper case binding/book, 125

Paper Pocket Cover, 44

Parker, Laurel, 62

Paste, adhering the lining with, 70

Pastedowns, 80, 81, 86, 87, 93, 103

Paste recipe, 25

Peak, 23

Peak fold, 91

Pressing books, 171

Pressing the signature, 39, 63, 112

Press, Whittington, 7

Printing pages, 145, 164

Punching holes, 40, 46, 65, 114, 130

Punching jig, 40, 46, 64, 86, 114, 130

Punch tools, 20, 21

PVA (polyvinyl acetate), 24, 49, 64, 70, 73, 74, 77, 80, 82, 84, 86, 91, 93, 98, 146, 148, 166


Quarter binding, 62, 76


Ramie tape, 64, 65, 66, 67, 79, 88

Reckitt, Rachel, 7, 8, 9

Reemay, 20, 93, 100, 102

Relief technique, 95

Reliquary (Sheehan), 163

Reliure-en-valise, 62

Rice paper, 30

Rice starch (paste), 24, 70

Rotary blade, 16, 17

Rounding hammers, 16, 17

Rulers, 16, 17


Sanding and PVA-ing method (Lacunose leather technique), 82

Scalpel, 16, 17, 20

Schärffix, 20, 21

Scrolls, 61

Sewing coptic binding, 116

Sewing for paper case book, 133

Sewing frame and keys, 18, 19, 20, 21

Sewing in the flyleaf, 68, 69

Sewing knots/closures, 26

Sewing monastic endband, 104

Sewing signatures, 66, 96, 118

Sewing stations, 64. See also kettle stitch (stations)

Sewing supports, 64, 65

Sewing the flyleaf, 68

Sheehan, Elizabeth, 13, 139, 140, 142, 162, 163

Signature(s), 23

for coptic binding, 112

folding, 39, 63

pressing, 39, 63

punching, 114

sewing, 66, 116

trimming, 39

Simple Pamphlet Wrapper, 42

Smith, Sarah, 11, 109

Snap-away blade, 93

Snap blade, 16, 20

Soft covers, 152

Soft leather cover, 92

Soot sponge, 95, 100

Spine, 22

applying the book cloth for the, 77

butterfly book, 150

coptic binding, 111

gluing (drum-leaf book), 147, 150

lining the, 68, 69, 86

tunnel books, 164

Spine hinges, consolidating, 80, 91

Spine strip, making the, 73

Splicing knot, 27

Spring dividers, 16, 17

Square knot, 26

Standing press, 18, 19


Tablet, 60

Tail, 22

Tailband, 22

Teflon folder, 16, 17, 20, 21, 49

Text block, 22

accordion-folded, 52

adding covers to, 72

for coptic binding, 111

flag book, 125

German (three-piece) case, 158

gluing, 146

hardcover book with cloth hinge, 63

hardcover pamphlets, 46

paper case book, 125, 126

preparing for casing, 88

preparing for coptic binding, 112

preparing using Monastic endband, 96

Thimble, 104

Thompson, Cynthia Nourse, 13

Three-hole pamphlet, 38

Three-hole pamphlet stitch, 40

Three-piece (German) case, 156

Tool binding kit, 20, 21

Tools and materials, 16

Tunnel books, 160, 163, 164

Turn-ins, 49, 54, 77, 78


Ugly Duckling Press, 37

Upholstery leathers, 28


Valley fold, 23, 52, 53, 56, 130, 166

Vellum binding, 124

Vestige (Sheehan), 12, 13


Waxed linen thread, 16, 17

Weaver’s knot, 27, 67, 86

Weights, 16, 17. See also pressing books; pressing the signature

Western paper, 62, 68, 80, 86, 91

Wheat paste, 20, 24, 70

Women’s Studio Workshop, 9

Wrapper, pamphlet, 42


Yadin, Yigael, 61


Zines, 37, 141

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