Author Biographies


DR. THOMAS G. LECHLER was educated at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany and received the degrees of Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur and Ph.D. in Management. At present he is Associate Professor at the Howe School, Stevens Institute of Technology. He is a member of PMI, GPM and the Academy of Management. His research focuses on value creation through innovation with particular emphasis on the management of projects and the recognition and exploitation of value opportunities. His work is published in numerous top technology management journals. For his research he has received numerous research grants from NSF and other funding organizations. He was a NASA research fellow in project management from 2003 to 2005. In particular, he has received two PMI research grants to explore the management opportunity and uncertainty during project implementation. The title of the current research project with his colleague, Dr. Byrne is: The Gestalt of Project Opportunities Recognized and Exploited During Project Implementation. Recently he received a best paper award for the year 2009 from © Project Management Journal.

Thomas can be reached at [email protected]


JOHN C. BYRNE is an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Chair in the Department of Management and Management Science at Pace University's Lubin School of Business in New York. John teaches courses at the graduate and post graduate levels in Innovation and Technology Management, Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior. He holds a Ph.D. in Technology Management from Stevens Institute of Technology. Prior to his academic career, Byrne spent more than 30 years in several technology fields: biotechnology, electronic instrument manufacturing and precision optics. He has managed capital biotechnology projects for many of the world's leading biotechnology companies, and acted as a corporate liaison with facilities in France, Switzerland and England.

John maintains a consulting practice addressing the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industries and publishes on organizational learning, project management, emotional intelligence and peer feedback. His publications with Akgün, Lechler, Dominick, Reilly, Smither and others are in the IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Information & Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Strategies, and others.

John can be reached at [email protected]

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