
When we signed up to write this book, we didn’t know how much effort it would require. It was for both of us our first authoring attempt, and although Ann had considerable experience with documentation and journalism, Patroklos’s most recent writing had taken place a decade earlier. Without the assistance of many people, this book would definitely not be in your hands or on your screen right now. It’s much more likely that we would still be working on it.

From day one of the project, help has poured in, and all of it has been not only appreciated but essential. If we’ve forgotten anyone, please accept our sincere apologies. In no particular order, we’d like to thank the following people for their work and support.

Manning Publications

Many thanks to publisher Marjan Bace for accepting the initial proposal of two new and inexperienced authors. He helped the book take its first—and most important—step.

Thanks to Christina Rudolph and Michael Stephens, who were the first two people we talked with about the book. They guided us as we improved our proposal, and they explained the publishing process in detail.

Hillary Clinton said it takes a village to raise a child. It turns out that it takes one to produce a book, too. Clearly, our development editor, Susanna Kline, deserves a shout-out for her continuous support and help. Her patience and encouragement were invaluable.

Thanks to Bert Gates and Cynthia Kane for teaching us how to write our first chapters following “Manning style.”

Thanks to Candace Gillhoolley for her marketing efforts on the first MEAP release. She is a master of social media.

Knowing that we didn’t have to worry about every semicolon because a copyeditor would come after us has been tremendously freeing; our thanks to Tiffany Taylor. And thanks to many other members of the Manning team who helped us behind the scenes: Maureen Spencer, Kevin Sullivan, Olivia Booth, Toma Mulligan, Mary Piergies, Dottie Marsico, and Janet Vail. And special thanks to our technical proofreader, Craig Smith, for his final review of the manuscript shortly before it went into production.

The SonarSource team

Of course, without SonarQube itself, the book wouldn’t have been possible. That puts the folks at SonarSource squarely at the front of the line for thanks for their incredible free and open source contribution to software quality. More than simply providing the software, they’ve actively supported this book. SonarSource CEO Olivier Gaudin and Product Director Freddy Mallet reviewed each chapter, offering invaluable feedback and insight. The fact that we have their blessings and support ... wow. We couldn’t ask for more. Without their help, we wouldn’t have been able to publish this book with the most updated material.

The reviewers

Thanks to our MEAP readers and to the reviewers who read the manuscript at various stages during its development and gave helpful comments and feedback to our editors and to us: Alex Garret, Bobby Abraham, Brandon Campbell, Chris Baxter, Christopher Taylor, Gregor Zurowski, Jason S. Shapiro, Javier Garcia Martin, Joshua White, Mark Elston, Michael Hüttermann, Mikkel Arentoft, Rashid Jilani, Reinhard Prehofer, Robert Wenner, and Steven Hicks.

Ann Campbell

I’d like to thank my husband, Charles Nix; my dog; and the rest of my family for their patience with me this past year as I concentrated on writing rather than on ... really, anything else in my life.

I’d also like to thank my high school English teacher, Dr. Richard L. Handlesman (“Doc” to his students), for forcing me to write an essay every two weeks; and my mother, Polly Campbell, for teaching me to write them (whether I wanted to learn or not).

Patroklos Papapetrou

I’d like to thank my loving and beautiful wife, Anna, for her patience all these months, especially during the weekends. Without her encouragement, I wouldn’t have managed to finish my part of the book. Thanks to my sons, Panagiotis (age 4) and Charis (age 2), who understood that sometimes Daddy couldn’t play with them or go to the park. You can have me back now! Thanks to our families for their patience as well and for sometimes watching the kids to let me work on the book.

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