
balance sheets, 55–57

FASB, 53–54

income statements, 57

methods, 183–184

pooling-of-interest method, 53

purchase method, 54–57


Chinese acquisitions. see Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions

definition, 10

domestic acquisitions, 80,

American option, 82

Antinatural logarithm, 100

Approximation method. See Normal distribution function

Australian policy

Chinalco-Rio transaction, 203

Chinese acquisitions, 186

Chinese direct investments, 201–202

FIRB, 202

foreign direct investment, 201, 204–205

investors and officials, 204

reviews, 202

SOEs, 180–182, 187, 203

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), 202

Sydney Morning Herald, 203–204

Treasury’s opinion, 203

Black-Scholes model

analytical solutions, 92

normal distribution, 94–95

numerical methods, 92

option formulas, 92–93

option value, 102–104

real option analysis, 88–89

real option valuation. see Real option valuation

standard normal distribution, 92–93

stochastic differential equation, 91–92

valuation challenges, 110–113

volatility estimation, 96–102

Business valuation. See Company valuation

Call option, 81–83

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)

concept and application, 72

regression line, 72–73

Cash flow calculation. See Multiple currencies

CDO. See Corporate development office (CDO)

Centralization vs. decentralization, 142

CFIUS. See Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)

China’s outbound foreign direct investment. See Outbound foreign direct investment (OFDI)

Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions

accounting method, 183–184

in Australia, 50–52, 186

Chinese outbound direct investment. see Outbound direct investment

and due diligence, 185–186

government regulations, 182–183

in Italy, 186–188

OFDI. see Outbound foreign direct investment (OFDI)

overseas acquisition. see Overseas acquisition (Chinese enterprises)

overseas investment performances, 185

overview, 175

postmerger integration processes, 184

Shuanghui International Holding Ltd. see Shuanghui International Holding Ltd.

SOEs. see State-owned enterprises (SOEs)

in United States, 44–49, 132–134, 189–193

CITIC group and investment

Australian nationalism, 51

Chinese investment, 51

due diligence and Chinese acquisitions, 185–186

financial services, 50

labor issues, 50–51

Clayton Act of 1914, 199–200

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)

attitude to Chinese acquisitions, 196

committee reports, 195

Defence Production Act of 1950 (DPA), 44–46

foreign controls, 197–198

foreign enterprises, 194–195

postmerger class action lawsuits, 200–201

regulatory consideration, 132–134

securities laws and acquisitions, 198–199

U.S.Intelligence Community (USIC), 196

Company valuation

Black-Scholes model. see Black-Scholes model

comparable companies’ approach, 60–61

comparable transactions method, 60–62

in cross-border mergers, 115–126

DCF spreadsheet approach, 62–65, 79–80

exchange rates and risk exposures, 115–128

formula approach, 65–68

incremental profit approach, 68–70

real option analysis. see Real option analysis

Comparable companies approach

adjusted values, 60–61

ratios, 60

variables, 60

Comparable transactions method

adjusted values, 62

ratios, 61

Confirmatory due diligence, 43

Conglomerate mergers, 16

Consolidation, definition, 10

Corporate development office (CDO), 31–32

Corporate restructuring

conglomerate mergers, 16

definition, 11

distribution risks, 15

diversification, 13

domestic M&As vs. cross-border M&As, 17–18

financial restructuring, 9

financial synergy, 12

foreign exchange and repatriation risks, 15

horizontal mergers, 16

investor buyer, 17

legal risks, 14–15

management risks, 14

mismanagement/agency problem, 13

operating synergy, 12

operational restructuring, 9–10

operator buyer, 17

political risks, 15–16

statutory and subsidiary mergers, 10

taxation risks, 15

terminologies, 10–12

vertical mergers, 16

Cost of capital

debt, 73–74

equity, 71–73

fund raising, 74–75

weighted average, 75–77

Cross-border M&A

Chinese M & A issues. see Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions

and domestic M&As, 17–18

FDI, 12

risk association, 14

Cross-border valuation, 124–126

Culture, definition, 28

Currency transactions

appreciation and depreciation, 120–121

forward contracts, 121–122

nominal exchange rate. see Nominal exchange rate

spot transaction, 121–122

swap transaction, 121–123

value date, 121

DCF spreadsheet approach

capital budgeting, 62

free cash flows (FCFs), 62–64

projected values , 64–65

valuation, 65

Deal structuring

definition, 22

initial deal structuring, 130–131

Discrete time framework, 97

Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis

company valuation. see Company valuation

spreadsheet approach. see DCF spreadsheet approach

Diversification, 13

Divestitures, 11

Domestic M&A

and cross-border M&A, 17–18

motives for acquisition, 168

Societa Metallurgica Italiana (SMI) and Delta, 80

“Dual class stock”, 21

Due diligence

Chinese acquisitions, 185–186

cultural, 48–49

definition, 22

financial, 43

full diligence, 42–43

issues faced, 42

legal, 43

market, 48

negotiations, 130

objectives, 41

personnel, 48

preliminary information list, 42

stages, 42–43

technical, 48

Economic exposure, 128

Effective communication mechanism, 140

Equity carve-out transactions, 11

European option, 82

Exchange rate

cash flow calculation, 126–127

cross-border valuation, 124–126

definition of, 116

quotation, 115–116

fluctuations, 120–121

foreign exchange rate, 15

forward, spot, and swap rates, 121–124

nominal and real, 115–118

purchasing power, 118–120

risk exposure, 127–128

Expected cash flow and investment value

delayed investment, 86–88

stages in investment, 88–89

FASB. See Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

FDI. See Foreign direct investment (FDI)

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 199

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 53–54

Financial assessment, 40–41

Financial restructuring, 9

Financial time series, 96–100

Financing plan, 131–132

Foreign direct investment (FDI), 12, 163

Foreign exchange

economic exposure, 128

transaction exposure, 127

translational companies, 128

Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB), 202–204

Formula approach

basic formula, 66

constant cash flow growth, 66

no-growth and constant growth, 67

temporary supernormal growth, 66

Forward contracts currency transactions, 121–122

Free cash flows (FCFs), 62–64

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)

Geographic distribution, 167–168

Global enterprises, 5

Global Resources International (GRI), 109–110

Greenfield investment, 12

GRI. See Global Resources International (GRI)

Gross domestic product (GDP), 3–4

Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), 35–36, 199–200

HHI. See Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI)

Horizontal mergers, 16

Human resource (HR) management. See Staffing plan

ICT. See Information and communication technology

Incremental profit approach, NPV calculation, 68–70

Industry roll-up, 11

Information and communication technology (ICT)

absorption, 147

components of, 146

definition, 6–7

integration methods, 147–148

nonstorability and intangibility, 7–8

strategy for, 147–148

symbiosis strategy, 147

Initial deal structuring. See Deal structuring

Integrating functions and departments

finance and administration, 144–145

human resources, 145–146

ICT, 146–148

IP rights management and control, 156–157

level/degree of integration, 152–155

planning and strategy, 144

postacquisition processes and internal controls, 155–156

SCM, 148–152


approaches, 139

definition, 139

effective communication mechanism, 140

of functions and departments, 144–157

level of. see Level/degree of integration

organization structure, 140–143

premerger integration plan, 139–140

staffing plan, 143–144

Integration phase and problems, 22, 25

Intellectual property (IP), 156–157

Internationalization, economic system

communication and transportation, 6–8

financial markets, 4

international transfer of technology, 4

labor market, 6

national enterprises, 5

product and service markets, 3–4

International transfer of technology, 4

IP. See Intellectual property

Italy (Chinese acquisitions), 186–188

Labor Conflict in Postmerger integration, 158

Lenovo and IBM’s PC division, 189–193

Level/degree of integration

actions, 153–154

capital expenditure, 154

corporate culture, 154–155

motives for, 152

operating expense, 154

revenue, 154

SC integration, 152–154

working capital, 154

Leveraged buyouts, 11

Leveraged recapitalization, 12

Managerial and sociocultural integration, 138

Merger and acquisition (M&A) integration, 135

Merging process

acquisition/execution, 21–22

statutory and subsidiary mergers, 10

inspection problems, 22–24

integration phase and problems, 22, 25

negotiation problems, 24–25

screening, 21

strategic/long-term planning, 19–21

Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), 178, 182–183

MOFCOM. See Ministry of Commerce

Monte Carlo simulation method, 104

Multidomestic enterprises, 5

Multiple currencies, 126–127

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), 176–178

National Petroleum Exploration Company (NPEC), 109–110

NDRC. See National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)


definition, 22

financing plan, 131–132

hostile tender offer/hostile takeover, 129–130

problems, 24–25

refining valuation, 130

strategies, 129–130

tender offer, 129

Net present value (NPV), 102–104

calculation, incremental profit approach, 68–70

formula, 102

Monte Carlo simulation method, 104

NPV method, 103

real option method, 103–104

Nominal exchange rate, 115–116

Normal distribution function, 94–95

NPEC. See National Petroleum Exploration Company (NPEC)

NPV. See Net present value (NPV)

ODI. See Overseas direct investments (ODI)

OFC. See Offshore financial centers (OFC)

OFDI. See Outbound foreign direct investment (OFDI)

Offshore financial centers (OFC), 164

Organization structure, Integration

centralization vs. decentralization, 142

departmentalization, 142–143

organizational model, 143

planning, 140

principles of, 141–142

span of control, 142

tall vs. flat organization structures, 142

Operational restructuring

definition, 9

statutory and subsidiary mergers, 10

Option premium, 82

Option terminologies, 80–82

Option value. See Net present value (NPV)

Outbound direct investment

Australian policy, 201–205

CFIUS, 194–198

Clayton Act of 1914, 199–200

policies of, 193

postmerger class action lawsuits, 200–201

U.S. Securities Laws and Acquisition, 198–199

United States, 193–194

Outbound foreign direct investment (OFDI)

continents, 164–165

external constraints, 173

foreign direct investment, 163

global distribution, 163–164

OFC, 164, 166

outbound merger and acquisition. see Outbound merger and acquisition

overseas direct investments, 163

state-owned enterprises, 166

Outbound merger and acquisition

activities, 171–172

factors contribiting, 168–170

geographic distribution, 167–168

role of Government and information, 170–171

sectoral focus, 168

Overseas acquisition (Chinese enterprises)

agencies, 175–176


NDRC, 176–178

SAFE, 178

SOEs and SASAC, 176

state council, 176

Overseas direct investments (ODI), 163

PCAOB. See Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

People’s Republic of China’s (PRC), 176

Physical integration, 137

Pooling-of-interest method, 53

Postacquisition processes and internal controls, 155–156

Postclosing organization, 131

Postclosing real option, 86

Postmerger Class Action Lawsuits, 200–201

Postmerger integration and reorganization

acquisition practices, 157–158

acquisition visions, 137

business entities, 135

case study, 158

culture characteristics, 136

integration. see Integration

managerial and sociocultural integration, 138

organizational tasks, 136

physical integration, 137

political characteristics, 137

procedural integration, 137

risk factors, 138–139

statistics, 138

task characteristics, 136

PRC. See People’s Republic of China’s (PRC)

Preclosing real option, 86

Premerger integration plan, 139–140

Procedural integration, 137

PPP. See Purchasing power parity (PPP)

Purchase method

assumptions for calculations, 57

balance sheets, 55

postmerger balance sheet, 56

price paid and net asset value, 54

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 198–199

Purchasing power parity (PPP), 119–120

Put option

European, 83

in-the-money, 84

out-of-money, 84–85

Qianjiang Motors and Benelli Motorcycles, 186–188

Ralls Corporation and Terna Corporation

CFIUS, 44–46

cultural due diligence, 48–49

DPA, 44

legal problems, 45

market due diligence, 48

personnel due diligence, 48

technical due diligence, 48

Real exchange rate, 116–118

Real option analysis

American, 82

call option, 82–83

European, 82

expected cash flow and investment value, 86–89

financial options, 85

holder/writer, 81–82

in-the-money, 81

option, definition, 80

option premium, 82

out-of-money, 81

preclosing real option, 86

put options, 83–85

real options, 85

risks, 85

SMI company, 80

transactions, call and put option, 81

Real option valuation

to abandon, 108–110

to delay investment, 106–108

to expand valution, 104–106

Regulatory agencies, 129

Regulatory considerations

case study, 132–134

CFIUS, 132

SAFE. See State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

SASAC. See State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)

SCM. See Supply Chain Management (SCM) Integration

Screening process, target company

criteria, 38–39

developing profiles, 38

prioritizing/ranking, 39

SEC Act of 1934. See Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Act of 1934, 198–199

Services, definition, 7

Shuanghui International Holding Ltd., 132–134

Societa Metallurgica Italiana (SMI) company, 80

SOEs. See State-owned enterprises (SOEs)

Special purpose vehicles (SPVs), 178, 182

Spin-off transactions, 11

Split-up transactions, 11

Spot currency transaction, 121–122

SPVs. See Special purpose vehicles (SPVs)

Staffing plan, 143–144

State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), 178

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), 176

State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 166, 176

approval and filing requirements, 180–181

due diligence, 181

financing, 181

national and provincial governments, 179

organizational flowchart, 179–180

overseas investment performances, 185

registration and monitoring, 182

rules, 179–180

SASACs, 179

SPVs, 182

valuation, 181

Statutory merger, 10

Strategies, 129–130

Strategic/long-term planning

approaches, firm growth, 19–20

“Dual class stock”, 21

goal of, 19–21

Strategy development

challenges, 33–34

choosing objectives, 29–30

CDO, 31–32

culture, definition, 28

lead advisers, 32–33

M&A strategy development, 30

terminologies, 27–28

Stochastic differential equation, 91

Subsidiary merger, 10

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Integration

bolt-on strategy, 151–152

consolidation strategy, 152

definitions, 148–149

history, 149

optimal SC and corporate performance, 149–152

SC professionals, 150–151

transformative integration strategy, 151

tuck-in strategy, 152

Swap currency transaction, 121–123

Takeovers/buyouts, 11

Tall vs. flat organization structures, 142

Target company

acquisition candidate pool, 37

barrier to entry, identification, 37

CITIC Pacific, 50–52

due diligence, 41–43

financial assessment, 39–41

identification and understanding, 35–36

market size and growth potential, 36

screening process, 38–39

technological changes and trends, 36–37

Terna Corporation, 44–49

Target valuation

cross-border valuation, 124–126

exchange rate fluctuations, 120–121

foreign exchange, 127–128

law of one price and purchasing power, 118–120

multiple currencies, 126–127

nominal exchange rate. see Nominal exchange rate

real exchange rate, 116–118

relationship between spot and forward rate, 124

spot, forward, and swap currency transactions, 121–123

Tender offers, definition, 10–11

Time variability, 96–100

Transaction exposure, 127

Translation exposure, 128

United States (Chinese acquisitions)

Lenovo and IBM’s PC division, 189–193

Shuanghui International Holding Ltd., 132–134

Terna Corporation, 44–49


assessing regulatory and market risk, 111

Black-Scholes model. see Black-Scholes model

contingent liabilities, 112

collection of debt, 111

definition, 22

financial instruments, 113

hidden costs, 112

inadequate attention, 112

intangible assets, 112–113

inventories and receivables, 111–112

questionable capitalization, 111

unreliable historical financial data, 111

Vertical mergers, 16

Volatility estimation

daily stock prices, 101

financial time series. see Financial time series

rate of return, 96

stock and standard deviation, 96

trading calendar days, 100–102

Weighted average, 75–77

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