Chapter 6
Check Your Attitude at the Door
The most disgruntled employees in today’s companies are usually the twenty-somethings. Why? I think it’s because the people running the corporate world are of a different generation. Parents in the late 20th century were instructed to tell their children they could be anything they wanted, consuming a steady diet of “how to raise a happy, confident, socially skilled, psychologically stable, intellectually stimulated child” books. As a result, today’s twenty-somethings feel as though they are the most special people in the universe. Educated on computers and the Internet, you learned rapidly or were left behind, and now that you’re in the corporate world, you’re innovative, entrepreneurial, and devoted to changing business for the better.
Although most managers would like to believe otherwise, the business world doesn’t always operate according to these values. In fact, the generation in power tends to believe that twenty-something employees would do the world a favor if you settled down, did your jobs, and resigned yourselves to living in the real world of corporate bureaucracy. Naturally, this is frustrating, and it’s only too common for companies to become a battleground of “us vs. them.” Only guess what? They are in the driver’s seat for the time being. When you’re running the show, perhaps you’ll do things differently, but you’ll never get there unless you learn to work with the system and serve with a smile.
Because this can be more challenging than any skill we’ve discussed so far, I’m devoting an entire chapter to strategies for combating negativity, maintaining a positive attitude, and staying motivated in the face of difficult circumstances. By the time you move on to the next chapter, you will be armed with the most powerful weapon a twenty-something can possess in the corporate world: the ability to harness the power of your own thinking and create a pleasant situation out of a maddening one.

No, You’re Not Crazy

My department must hold the record for the company’s fastest revolving door. In less than a year, we’ve been re-orged three times. I’ve had four different managers, and every new person who comes in wants to “mark his territory.” Mean- while, none of these people know as much about my area as I do, so their guidance is useless. Plus, I’m changing direction so much I never get anything done. What is it they say—same sh*t different day? If I have to be “rah rah” at yet another welcome lunch, I think I’m going to explode.
Robert, 27, Oregon
If you’re reading this chapter because you’re struggling with someone’s attitude problem at work, you’re not alone, and your hostility is probably justified. I’ve spoken to dozens of twenty-somethings, and most have spent their fair share of time banging their heads against the wall and regretting the day they signed their offer letters.
As much as I feel your pain, I don’t believe it does much good to complain, because unless you’re going to grad school or can successfully start your own business, you’re in the corporate world to stay. We all have to deal with business-world insanity whether we love our jobs or not, so we might as well take the necessary steps to overcome the challenges. However, because this chapter is about your emotional well-being, we need to start by recognizing the things about work that drive us nuts. Most of these points will probably sound familiar, so read on and be comforted. Warning: Do not hang this list in your cube!
Top 10 Annoying Things About the Corporate World
1. Corporate Déjà Vu. It seems as though it’s a requirement in the corporate world that you spend huge amounts of time reporting the same information in a dozen different formats, attending status meetings in which conversation from the week before is repeated word for word, and putting out the same fires, because your department doesn’t learn from its mistakes.
2. Invoking Syndrome. The invoking syndrome occurs when colleagues try to persuade you to do what they want by name-dropping someone higher up. Whether the executive manager was actually involved or not, invoking him is a manipulative tactic used to get you to bend to your colleagues’ wishes (for example, “Really? Well, I spoke to the CEO last night, and he told me we have to do the event this way.”)
3. Egomania. When certain people reach a high level in a company, they think that they are better than everyone else and that they are entitled to be treated as a god. Regardless of the issue, they believe they are always right and that they can’t possibly learn anything from someone lower on the chain.
4. Hierarchies. In the corporate world, all men are not created equal, and sometimes you can actually get in trouble just by talking to someone higher up without going through the proper channels. Unless you happen to know the right people, you’re invisible.
5. Denigration. In some companies, it’s an unspoken rule that the younger you are, the less respect you receive. Many senior managers are quick to call you on the carpet for situations that may or may not be your fault, but they say nothing when you’ve done superior work.
6. Bureaucracy. How many departments does it take to screw in a lightbulb? The corporate world has a lengthy approval process for everything, and companies delight in changing those processes constantly so that you’re never sure which 10 departments you need to consult before a decision can be made.
7. Hypocrisy. Don’t you just love the way some companies tout values such as quality, entrepreneurship, innovation, and integrity, when they would be perfectly happy if their employees just kept quiet and never strayed from their designated roles? If you’ve ever acted on your company’s values and gotten burned for it, you are probably a victim of naked ambition (when doing what’s best for the company leaves you out in the cold).
8. Micromanagement. Twenty-somethings thrive on independence, yet some managers will bear down on you with critical eyes at every minuscule stage of a project. Gotta sneeze? Better make sure your manager knows about it.
9. Uncommon Sense. I’ve read that common sense is dead in the corporate world. The author almost sounded proud of this. People might make a joke of it, but this dearth of logical thought in the corporate world is kind of sad. It’s also frustrating when the obviously correct way to do something is staring everyone right in the face, and no one sees it.
10. Nonsensical Change. Every now and then, companies will decide to throw their departments up in the air and see where all the pieces land. Yes, it’s the corporate reorganization (aka the dreaded re-org). Despite the fact that it results in mass confusion, greatly decreased productivity, and low employee morale, companies continue to do it year after year.

Combating Negativity

A week before one of our training seminars, our group manager announced that he was changing the curriculum. With one arbitrary decision, weeks of work were flushed down the toilet, and we were left scrambling. When my boss told me the news, I thought I could actually feel my blood boiling. I should have gone outside to get some air, but instead I followed my boss into the group manager’s emergency planning meeting. I was so pissed off at the guy for screwing everything up that I couldn’t help showing some attitude. The group manager didn’t say anything about it—he just kind of frowned. But afterwards, my boss had some words for me. He said that he thought I was more mature than that, and that I needed to learn some emotional control. So much for all the great work I did on the seminar.
Donovan, 27, Michigan
When one of the corporate world’s realities frustrates you, you might want to stomp your foot and scream, “It’s not fair! It doesn’t make any sense! It’s wrong!” Incident after incident convinces you that your managers are a bunch of crazy lunatics, and that every time you turn around, someone or something is keeping you from succeeding at work. You quickly develop a bad attitude without considering the consequences.
I fell into this trap at the beginning of my career. I had a clear mental picture of how the business world should operate, and I considered my company’s inefficiencies to be a personal tragedy. Every time my progress toward my goals was blocked, my resentment grew (and I’m the type of person who wears my emotions on my sleeve). Pretty soon my managers didn’t want to give me bad news, because they were afraid of my reaction. I was probably one of the most capable people in my group at the time, but did I get promoted? No sir. I stayed exactly where I was and watched as coworkers with half my skills moved ahead of me. Eventually I quit, believing my company was the problem. Two jobs later, I realized that the corporate world is the same everywhere, and that the problem was not my job, but rather my attitude.
Negativity might be a natural reaction to frustration, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right one. Pessimistic twenty-somethings waste a lot of energy being unhappy. They’re unpopular with their colleagues because they suck the life out of everyone around them, and their corporate personas suffer because they are perceived as immature. One of my first managers used to say that a bad attitude is like cholera: The person who catches it is vocal in his misery and gives the plague to everyone around him before finally kicking the bucket. Unless you want your career to end prematurely, your strategy must be to kill negativity before it kills you.
Maintaining a positive attitude when faced with demotivating situations is not easy, but it is under your control. I’m not suggesting that you suppress your bad feelings and walk around smiling when you think something is wrong. In fact, if you pay close attention to the suggestions in this chapter, you won’t have to fake it at all. By learning to adjust your thoughts, let go of irrational expectations, and manage your emotions to banish anger, worry, and stress, you will genuinely become a happier and more peaceful person.

You Are What You Think

Three neighbors were standing in the road, talking about their possessions.
“I own a huge villa!” one said proudly.
“Oh yeah?” scoffed the second. “Well, I own a successful farm!”
“I don’t have a villa or a big farm,” the third said Quietly. “But I do have optimism.”
His two neighbors laughed at him. Optimism was hardly something to boast about, for what good is a possession that can’t be seen or touched? Late that evening, the neighborhood experienced a violent storm. The rain destroyed the first neighbor’s house. “What am I to do?” he cried, wringing his hands.
The wind ruined the second neighbor’s crops. “I am finished!” he lamented.
The storm also destroyed the third neighbor’s home and crops. “Well then, what should I do first?” he asked himself. After only a few minutes of consideration, he began rebuilding his home and replanting his crops. The next day, he whistled to himself as he went into his yard with some tomato seeds. His neighbors were still standing in the road feeling sorry for themselves. “We don’t understand why you walk with a spring in your step,” said the first neighbor. “All of your possessions have been destroyed.”
“Yes,” said the second. “What is your secret?”
“It is no secret,” the man said. “The only thing I own is what I think.”
If you take away one thing from this chapter, let it be that your thoughts control your feelings and make you who you are. As a human being, you are responsible for your own life, and you have the ability to choose your response to your environment. Have you ever stayed late at work and noticed that at least half of the janitors are smiling and whistling as they go about their cleaning? Now, objectively, these folks might not have the most stimulating job in the world, but some of them make the decision to begin each day with a positive outlook. Fulfillment, my friend, is not about the job itself—it’s about one’s attitude toward the job. Nothing—and no one—controls your attitude but you.
You can change your attitude for the better by recognizing that you create your feelings with the thoughts you choose to concentrate on. Let’s look at a few examples of how a person might react differently in a given situation, depending on if they choose to be negative or if they choose to be positive and productive:
Situation #1: A less competent coworker receives a promotion over you.
Negative Reaction: “My boss is such a jerk. He doesn’t know good work when he sees it.”
Positive Reaction: “I need to find out what I can do to receive the promotion next time.”
Situation #2: It’s 5 p.m. on Friday, and you were just given a difficult assignment that’s due Monday morning.
Negative Reaction: “There’s no way I can do this. I can’t believe they didn’t give me more notice.”
Positive Reaction: “Let me think about what resources I can call on to get this done tonight, so that I can still enjoy my weekend.”
Situation #3: You’re given a task that doesn’t exactly fit your job description.
Negative Reaction: “I didn’t sign up for this. I’m totally underqualified, and they’re not paying me enough.”
Positive Reaction: “Maybe I can learn something new, and impress my boss in the process.”
Situation #4: You just found out that your company is only giving 2 percent raises this year.
Negative Reaction: “This is how they repay all of my hard work? They can afford an expensive holiday party, but they can’t reward their best employees? This company sucks.”
Positive Reaction: “The economy is pretty bad right now. At least I have a job I enjoy.”
Notice that in all of these hypothetical situations, the negative reactions have some truth to them. Every situation has pluses and minuses. However, it’s hazardous to your well-being to focus only on the minuses, even though they may be first to pop into your mind. Now don’t get me wrong: short-lived negative reactions such as concern, regret, disappointment, annoyance, and frustration are normal and often understandable. Rather, it’s the negative reactions we hold onto—rage, panic, depression, self-pity—that wreak havoc over time, and eventually result in a bad attitude. To maintain a positive attitude, you have to make a conscious effort to throw constructive thoughts into the mix. You’ll be happier, more productive, and more pleasant to be around.

The SHOULD Patrol

Similar to negative thoughts, irrational expectations can be an attitude-buster—not just in business, but also in life in general. When we hold onto a belief that something should or must happen, we set ourselves up for inevitable disappointment. According to prominent psychologists Marvin Goldfried and Gerald Davison, much of our emotional turmoil is, in fact, self-produced when we tell ourselves that our lives will be awful if a certain expectation is not fulfilled. Recognize any of the following?
I should be able to do A...
B should not happen to me…
My company should do C…
He should understand D…
Everyone in this place should E…
This project/campaign/event should be
planned like F…
…or all hell will break loose!
If you catch yourself thinking or saying the word should, go directly to jail and do not collect $200! Should often signals that you’re harboring an irrational expectation. As we’ve talked about, life does not always play out in a logical or fair way, and you do yourself a grave disservice when you hold on to a fantasy of what work or people should be like. A case of the shoulds can be downright dangerous if it leads you to freak out trying to correct a maddening situation that is beyond your control. You’ll appear negative and panicky to your colleagues, and the situation won’t turn out any better than it would have if you’d just stayed calm and dealt with the circumstances as best as you could.
Got a bad case of negativity? Remember that all hell breaking loose is in the eye of the beholder, and ask yourself if the world is really going to come to an end if things don’t go exactly as you planned. Instead of thinking that something should happen, reframe it as something you would like to happen. You’re still acknowledging your own opinions and preferences, but the element of expectation is gone, so you can’t be disappointed.
Make a commitment to be more tolerant and flexible, and recognize that everyone has a different point of view. Instead of creating a whole bunch of rules and judgments based on your own ideals, walk into your office each day with an open mind. Whenever you can, think about how lucky you are to be educated, employed, and to most likely have a standard of living that is better than 97 percent of the world’s population. You’ll notice an improvement in your attitude overnight, without any changes in your work situation whatsoever!

The Positive Now

Most of us spend a great deal of time obsessing about the past, the future, and how we’re going to use the people and things in our lives to get what we want. What if we recognized that every moment is potentially satisfying and inspiring in and of itself? After all, the most important moment in our lives is the one we’re experiencing right now, for all others are either just a memory or don’t yet exist. What if we could shut out negativity by becoming deeply involved in everything we do, every day?
Even if you start off the day in a positive frame of mind, your sense of well-being can fade as the hours wear on. Should you feel yourself slipping into unproductive modes of thinking, try the following:
• Consider how what you’re doing relates to your big-picture goals.
• Get up from your desk and walk around or stretch.
• Think about ways to make a positive difference right now.
When you routinely exist in the moment, you become more conscious of how you behave around others and how certain situations affect you. This comes in handy for coping with negative emotions that rear their ugly heads at work. In the next section, I’ll talk more about how you can develop your emotional intelligence to effectively fight attitude-busters such as anger, worry, and stress.

Reach Out and Touch Your Emotions

Most of us have taken an IQ test at some point or another, but you’ve probably never given your EQ a second thought. Author and psychologist Hendrie Weisinger explains that EQ, or emotional intelligence, means intentionally using your emotions to guide your behavior. For example, let’s say your boss just told you that his budget has been cut and your pet project must be canceled. In this situation, it’s likely that negative emotions would overwhelm you. Without even thinking, you might fly off the handle and lash out at your boss. When you’ve honed your EQ, however, you immediately stop and consider how this development has made you feel. Once you’ve ascertained that you’re angry, you might prevent your emotions from spilling over by talking yourself through them or taking a time-out.

Achieving Self-Awareness

High self-awareness is the basic building block of EQ. Think of it as stepping outside of your body, and then objectively observing yourself in action. Let’s illustrate Weisinger’s strategies for increasing self-awareness by using the previous example of the canceled project:
Strategy #1: Examine how you make judgments about the world. Your judgments about yourself, other people, and situations are influenced by your personality, beliefs, and experiences. By becoming aware of your judgments, you learn how your thoughts influence your feelings, actions, and reactions, and you can then alter them accordingly.
If you recognize that you tend to put a negative spin on your judgments, remember not to react out of anger, and try and talk yourself out of them.
Positive Reaction: “I know that I have the tendency to believe that developments like this are my fault and that they are directly related to my work. But the reality is that my boss canceled my project because our funds to pay the vendor were cut off. The decision had nothing to do with my work.”
Strategy #2: Get in touch with your feelings. When you understand and acknowledge your emotions, you are better equipped to work through them. You can identify your feelings by being on the lookout for physical manifestations such as increases in heart rate, breathing, and perspiration.
Positive Reaction: “The second the words were out of my boss’s mouth, I noticed my heart was beating so fast it was almost in my throat. I didn’t need to start talking to know I was really angry.”
Strategy #3: Learn what your intentions are. Take the time to consider your hidden agenda, or what’s really driving you to act a certain way, so that you can better strategize your course of action.
Positive Reaction: “I really want to get promoted at my next review, but I’m worried that I won’t be able to build a case in time because my primary project was canceled. Maybe I should think about how I can prove myself some other way.”
Strategy #4: Pay attention to your actions. Nonverbal cues such as speech patterns and body language can clue you in to your emotions and behavior. Becoming aware of these also helps you monitor how others might perceive you.
Positive Reaction: “I can tell I’m feeling really defeated by the way I’m slumping down in my chair. To my boss, it might look as though I’ve totally given up on my job because this project was canceled.”
By using these self-awareness strategies, you’ll be able to better understand your emotional hot buttons, and, therefore, manage your negative emotions much more easily. Now, let’s introduce some specific tools for diffusing anger, worry, and stress.

Managing Anger

Frustrating circumstances often lead to feelings of anger—that’s human nature. However, for the sake of your corporate persona, it’s in your best interest to refrain from showing anger at work. Even if you have a legitimate cause, this type of negative reaction will never reflect well on you. Whether you display your anger in the form of an irate tirade, a single rude comment, or subtle insubordination, failing to control this emotion can result in serious consequences. One friend of mine was fired on the spot when he screamed at his boss for handling a project ineptly. Another was suspended from work after sending a scathing e-mail to a colleague. During the most stressful phase of my career, my anger masked itself as tears. I wasn’t fired or suspended, but I did compromise my credibility and reputation. All it took was one supervisor to perceive me as immature, and, next thing I knew, I wasn’t getting the promotion I deserved.
Regulating your thoughts, existing in the moment, and boosting your EQ are good strategies for preventing negative emotions from creeping into your workday. Despite your best efforts, though, anger may threaten to overflow at times. The key is to manage it so that you don’t end up in hot water. In the midst of a heated discussion or situation, use the self-awareness strategies from the last section to determine when you’re losing control. Tell the person or people you’re arguing with that you need to take a break, and then temporarily remove yourself from the situation. Whether you’re right or not is irrelevant. After all, winning the argument won’t mean anything if you lose your temper. A month from now, your point will have been forgotten, but everyone who was within earshot will still remember your inappropriate behavior. Go back to your office or cube and decompress. Make an effort to relax, calm yourself down, and adjust your thoughts to erode some of your negativity. Consider ways to reapproach the situation anger-free, and then catch up with your colleague or colleagues to continue the discussion in a civil manner.
Sometimes we need to express our anger physically. This is fine, provided you don’t destroy any company property in the process. I suggest taking a time-out and heading outside the building where no one can see you. Wrap an item of clothing around your mouth and scream as loud as you can. It works for me!

Managing Worry

One day last winter, things just weren’t going my way. I’m not crazy about my job to begin with, and, on this particular day, my computer wasn’t working. I was also managing a major project that was going horribly. I was totally freaking out, so I went to the cafeteria and ran into one of my coworkers. I told him how I was feeling and he said, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” My response was, “I could get fired and have to go on welfare.” He went on to ask me if there was much of a chance of that happening. I felt a little silly, but from that point on I refused to let work stress me out too much. Whenever I feel anger or worry starting to over- whelm me, I always think of that conversation.
Kim, 23, Minnesota
Once upon a time, I spent huge amounts of time worrying about the past and the future. I worried when something bad happened, and I worried that something bad was going to happen. Then, one day, I visited my grandmother in the hospital. After we talked a while about my anxiety, my grandmother told me that I was wasting energy, because most of the things we worry about never come to pass. I decided to do a little experiment. I went home and wrote down all of the things I was worried about. A month later, I looked at the list and laughed. The worrisome things that had occurred were already just innocuous memories, and most of the other things had never happened. My grandmother was right. I was wrecking my mental and physical health for virtually no reason at all!
As I’ve talked about, you can only control the moment you’re in right now. Because you can’t change the past and you don’t know what the future holds, what’s the use of worrying about them? As Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote, “Let’s be content to live the only time we can possibly live: from now until bedtime. Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall.” You’d be surprised how negative energy diminishes when you focus solely on the moment at hand. After all, doesn’t any problem seem surmountable when you look at it from the vantage point of taking one small step at a time? Now don’t get me wrong: you should absolutely prepare for your future as best you can. But once you’ve done everything possible to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, let go of your anxiety.
One summer, I worried obsessively about landing an agent to represent my new novel. Every day as I drove home during my lunch break to check the mailbox for agent responses, my blood pressure zoomed into the stratosphere. Several weeks later, I finally recognized that my worry was out of control, and I talked about it with my husband, who is a psychologist. He said that I should consider the worst-case scenario and resign myself to accepting that outcome if necessary. I took his advice and imagined that I couldn’t find an agent, and that my novel would never be published. I then brainstormed ways to improve the situation. This was a hard pill to swallow at first, but I actually felt better once my mind was purged of all the what-ifs. Free from worry, I was able to concentrate rationally on new strategies for obtaining an agent.
Just because you refuse to worry about a problem doesn’t mean you are denying its existence. I’m just suggesting that you skip the part in which you play out a thousand variations of the same drama in your head. As soon as you become aware of a problem, consider the best way to approach the issue rationally. Make a careful decision based on facts, take action, and then consider the matter over and done with.
There are always going to be bumps in the road, and if you think about it, there’s no end to the things you could worry about. Remember, though, that those who break the habit of worrying live happier, longer lives. From a practical perspective, they’re more productive, because they spend time resolving issues rather than fretting over them. They’re also more pleasant to be around, because they’re not constantly surrounded by a cloud of negativity. When you consider all of these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to stop worrying?

Managing Stress

The World Health Organization calls job stress a worldwide epidemic. It costs companies billions annually—and what does it cost you? During the first few years of my career in the business world, I was so stressed that I came home from work every evening and collapsed on the couch. By the time I woke up, it was almost time to go to bed again and I had missed the whole evening. I was in the doctor’s office so much with aches and pains and coughs and colds that the nurses thought I was a hypochondriac. I cursed my poor health all the time until I signed up for a self-improvement class. It wasn’t until then that I was finally able to pinpoint the problem. There was nothing wrong with my health, but my stress management did need some serious work.
Did you know that people get physically tired because of emotional factors such as boredom, frustration, and anxiety? True intellectual stimulation, on the other hand, doesn’t exhaust us at all. If you are drained at the end of the day, it’s not because of the mental work you have done, but rather the way in which you did it. The first time I heard this, a lightbulb went off. It occurred to me that I could write nonstop for 8 hours and then run a 5K immediately afterward, yet after spending a few hours at my corporate job I could barely drag myself to the train station. I now make reducing stress a priority, and I do not consider a day productive unless I have a substantial amount of energy left at the end of it. Here are some strategies for managing stress on a daily basis:
• Identify what stresses you, and plan to cope with it in advance.
• Work in a comfortable position.
• Schedule frequent, short breaks throughout the day.
• Take time-outs to stretch, massage your temples, or get a drink of water.
• Join a gym and go during your lunch break.
• Pick your battles: If it’s not worth it, let it go.
There’s also no substitute for leading a balanced life. Even if you love your job, remember that people who work all the time are boring, one-dimensional, and, ultimately, unsatisfied. Careers in the corporate world are demanding, but don’t let your intellectual, social, and spiritual needs slip through the cracks. Do family members or your old college friends live nearby? Visit them. Do you like to read for pleasure? Pick up that classic novel instead of another industry trade magazine. Spend a few hours volunteering on the weekends, because we feel better when we attempt to make our world better. And regardless of your religion, don’t forget to pray. Seriously. Did you know it’s been proven that people who practice religion lead more contented lives? They have faith in a power greater than themselves, and their attitudes reflect it.
My roommates once made fun of me for sleeping more hours than the average 2-year-old. Now my husband has to coax me to bed at midnight. Was my corporate job then any harder than it is now? Definitely not. In fact, I’ve climbed the ladder a bit, so my current position is objectively more taxing. The difference now is that I remind myself every day how stress once destroyed my health and well-being—and I don’t let it win!

Motivating Yourself

Whenever I start hating my job, I take on more work so I don’t have time to think about it. I find that the busier I am, the less opportunity I have to consider how my company is ruining my career. Because you know what the worst feeling is? Staring at the computer screen, your mind so numb that you can’t even think of an Internet site to surf. It’s at that moment that every second of the workday feels like an eternity and all of the negative emotions—dissatisfaction, frustration, depression—come flooding in.
Robyn, 25, Nevada
Maintaining a positive attitude is much easier when you’re inspired by your work and the people around you. Unfortunately, the corporate world today is often not the most motivating environment. Many managers feel that their employees should consider themselves lucky to have jobs, and they see no reason to lead and encourage them. Twenty-somethings find themselves working more hours, while rewards and recognition for stellar performance are few and far between. Additionally, channels of career progression are more confusing than ever. Considering these circumstances, who could blame you for going into work every day and doing the bare minimum? The corporate establishment doesn’t deserve anything more.
The problem is, having an attitude like that only hurts you. Here’s why: If you’re playing your cards right, you’re using your job as the means for achieving your big-picture career objectives. Therefore, when you stop giving your all because you didn’t get a raise or someone didn’t pat you on the back for a job well done, you’re sabotaging your own goals. Meeting your own criteria for success should be motivation enough, don’t you think?
Getting motivated is not as simple as it sounds when it’s a rainy Monday morning, an angry client is on the phone, and you have urgent deadlines to meet. You can use this chapter’s strategies to give your attitude a boost, but don’t underestimate the importance of firing yourself up to do your best every day. Need a crutch? I suggest rereading a cheesy self-help book of your choice and posting some of your favorite inspirational quotes in your cube or office. Share your motivational tips with others, and you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to believe in them yourself. Sign up for any personal development or leadership courses your company offers, and stay busy so you don’t have time to sit around and think about how much better your job situation could be.
Always keep the big picture in the forefront of your mind, but don’t forget to acknowledge your little successes along the way. Every time you master a new skill or finish a tough project, celebrate the fact that you’re one step closer to your overall career goal. And just because your corporate colleagues don’t give you kudos doesn’t mean your friends and family won’t. Tell them!
No matter how hard you try to rally against negativity, there are going to be times when you feel like marching straight over to your boss’s office and handing in your resignation. Beating yourself up for feeling this way will only upset you more. Instead, be patient and wait for the mood to pass. You might also try this suggestion from Hendrie Weisinger, author of Emotional Intelligence at Work: pretend it’s your first day of a new job, and imagine approaching every task with confidence, eagerness, and enthusiasm. Or, you can pretend that this is the best day of your working life. You are full of energy and ideas, you’re getting lots of things accomplished, and people are responding to you with praise. Maybe it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Damage Control

In an ideal world, you would never cop an attitude with one of your colleagues or managers. Given that you’re human, though, this is an unrealistic expectation. Sometimes you will take your aggravation out on another person, whether she deserves it or not. Provided you have a good rapport with your coworker and handle yourself correctly, one incident should not permanently affect the relationship (see Chapter 7).
When you lose your cool, you might feel embarrassed and want to pretend the incident never happened. This is not a good strategy. If you go too long without addressing the issue, the person you’ve offended might build up the interaction in her mind to be worse than it actually was, and she will remember it the next time the two of you talk. Before you know it, you’ll have established a pattern of negative communication.
Effective damage control means taking responsibility for your actions. If you clash with a colleague, honestly assess the situation and look at it from the other person’s viewpoint. Remember that being right doesn’t justify rudeness or inappropriate behavior. Let go of your pride. It takes guts to go back and make it right, and your colleague will respect you for it. Approach the person and sincerely apologize for your role in the altercation. Explain that you’re still learning, and assure her it won’t happen again. Can’t stomach an in-person conversation? Write a heartfelt card or e-mail instead. Your colleague will likely be receptive to the overture. Instead of thinking you’re a jerk, she will now perceive you as being mature beyond your years. Just another example of how a little effort on your part can turn most negative situations into positive ones!
Chapter 6 Take Home Points
007 Choose a positive outlook. Your thoughts make you who you are. You are responsible for your own life, and you have the ability to choose your response to your environment. If you make a conscious decision to begin each day with a positive outlook, negative conditions at work can’t take that away from you.
007 Increase your self-awareness. Begin to better understand your emotional hot buttons. Examine how you make judgments about the world, tune in to your senses, get in touch with your feelings, learn what your intentions are, and pay attention to your actions.
007 Imagine the worst-case scenario. When you imagine the worst-case scenario and reconcile yourself to accepting that outcome if necessary, you stop worry in its tracks. Then, you will be able to rationally focus on ways to improve the situation.
007 Motivate yourself on a daily basis. Motivate yourself by striving to meet your own criteria for success. Instead of relying on external validation, focus on using your job as the means for achieving your big-picture career objectives.
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