Chapter 9. Case Study: Word Play

This chapter presents a second case study, which involves solving word puzzles by searching for words that have certain properties. For example, we’ll find the longest palindromes in English and search for words whose letters appear in alphabetical order. And I will present another program development plan: reduction to a previously solved problem.

Reading Word Lists

For the exercises in this chapter we need a list of English words. There are lots of word lists available on the web, but the one most suitable for our purpose is one of the word lists collected and contributed to the public domain by Grady Ward as part of the Moby lexicon project. It is a list of 113,809 official crosswords; that is, words that are considered valid in crossword puzzles and other word games. In the Moby collection, the filename is 113809of.fic; you can download a copy, with the simpler name words.txt, from this book’s GitHub repository.

This file is in plain text, so you can open it with a text editor, but you can also read it from Julia. The built-in function open takes a name of the file as a parameter and returns a file stream you can use to read the file:

julia> fin = open("words.txt")
IOStream(<file words.txt>)

fin is a file stream used for input. When it is no longer needed, it has to be closed with close(fin).

Julia provides several function for reading, including readline, which reads characters from the file until it gets to a NEWLINE and returns the result as a string:

julia> readline(fin)

The first word in this particular list is “aa,” which is a kind of lava.

The file stream keeps track of where it is in the file, so if you call readline again, you get the next word:

julia> readline(fin)

The next word is “aah,” which is a perfectly legitimate word, so stop looking at me like that.

You can also use a file as part of a for loop. This program reads words.txt and prints each word, one per line:

for line in eachline("words.txt")


Exercise 9-1

Write a program that reads words.txt and prints only the words with more than 20 characters (not counting whitespace).

Exercise 9-2

In 1939 Ernest Vincent Wright published a 50,000-word novel called Gadsby (Wetzel Publishing) that does not contain the letter e. Since e is the most common letter in English, that’s not easy to do.

In fact, it is difficult to construct a solitary thought without using that most common symbol. It is slow going at first, but with caution and hours of training you can gradually gain facility.

All right, I’ll stop now.

Write a function called hasno_e that returns true if the given word doesn’t have the letter e in it.

Modify your program from the previous exercise to print only the words that have no e and compute the percentage of the words in the list that have no e.

Exercise 9-3

Write a function named avoids that takes a word and a string of forbidden letters, and that returns true if the word doesn’t use any of the forbidden letters.

Modify your program to prompt the user to enter a string of forbidden letters and then print the number of words that don’t contain any of them. Can you find a combination of five forbidden letters that excludes the smallest number of words?

Exercise 9-4

Write a function named usesonly that takes a word and a string of letters, and that returns true if the word contains only letters in the list. Can you make a sentence using only the letters acefhlo? Other than "Hoe alfalfa"?

Exercise 9-5

Write a function named usesall that takes a word and a string of required letters, and that returns true if the word uses all the required letters at least once. How many words are there that use all the vowels aeiou? How about aeiouy?

Exercise 9-6

Write a function called isabecedarian that returns true if the letters in a word appear in alphabetical order (double letters are okay). How many abecedarian words are there?

Looping with Indices

I wrote the functions in the previous section with for loops because I only needed the characters in the strings; I didn’t have to do anything with the indices.

For isabecedarian we have to compare adjacent letters, which is a little tricky with a for loop:

function isabecedarian(word)
    i = firstindex(word)
    previous = word[i]
    j = nextind(word, i)
    for c in word[j:end]
        if c < previous
            return false
        previous = c

An alternative is to use recursion:

function isabecedarian(word)
    if length(word) <= 1
        return true
    i = firstindex(word)
    j = nextind(word, i)
    if word[i] > word[j]
        return false

Another option is to use a while loop:

function isabecedarian(word)
    i = firstindex(word)
    j = nextind(word, 1)
    while j <= sizeof(word)
        if word[j] < word[i]
            return false
        i = j
        j = nextind(word, i)

The loop starts at i=1 and j=nextind(word, 1) and ends when j>sizeof(word). Each time through the loop, it compares the ith character (which you can think of as the current character) to the jth character (which you can think of as the next).

If the next character is less than (alphabetically before) the current one, then we have discovered a break in the abecedarian trend, and we return false.

If we get to the end of the loop without finding a fault, then the word passes the test. To convince yourself that the loop ends correctly, consider an example like "flossy".

Here is a version of ispalindrome that uses two indices; one starts at the beginning and goes up, and the other starts at the end and goes down:

function ispalindrome(word)
    i = firstindex(word)
    j = lastindex(word)
    while i<j
        if word[i] != word[j]
            return false
        i = nextind(word, i)
        j = prevind(word, j)

Or we could reduce to a previously solved problem and write

function ispalindrome(word)
    isreverse(word, word)

using isreverse from “Debugging”.


Testing programs is hard. The functions in this chapter are relatively easy to test because you can check the results by hand. Even so, it is somewhere between difficult and impossible to choose a set of words that tests for all possible errors.

Taking hasno_e as an example, there are two obvious cases to check: words that have an e should return false, and words that don’t should return true. You should have no trouble coming up with one of each.

Within each case, there are some less obvious subcases. Among the words that have an e, you should test words with an e at the beginning, the end, and somewhere in the middle. You should test long words, short words, and very short words, like the empty string. The empty string is an example of a special case, which is one of the nonobvious cases where errors often lurk.

In addition to the test cases you generate, you can also test your program with a word list like words.txt. By scanning the output, you might be able to catch errors, but be careful: you might catch one kind of error (words that should not be included, but are) and not another (words that should be included, but aren’t).

In general, testing can help you find bugs, but it is not easy to generate a good set of test cases, and even if you do, you can’t be sure your program is correct. According to a legendary computer scientist:

Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!

Edsger W. Dijkstra


file stream

A value that represents an open file.

reduction to a previously solved problem

A way of solving a problem by expressing it as an instance of a previously solved problem.

special case

A test case that is atypical or nonobvious (and less likely to be handled correctly).


Exercise 9-7

This question is based on a Puzzler that was broadcast on the radio program Car Talk:

Give me a word with three consecutive double letters. I’ll give you a couple of words that almost qualify, but don’t. For example, the word committee, c-o-m-m-i-t-t-e-e. It would be great except for the i that sneaks in there. Or Mississippi—M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i. If you could take out those i’s it would work. But there is a word that has three consecutive pairs of letters and to the best of my knowledge this may be the only word. Of course there are probably 500 more but I can only think of one. What is the word?

Write a program to find it.

Exercise 9-8

Here’s another Car Talk Puzzler:

I was driving on the highway the other day recently and I happened to notice my odometer. Like most odometers nowadays, it shows six digits, in whole miles only—no tenths of a mile. So, if my car had 300,000 miles, for example, I’d see 3-0-0-0-0-0. …

Now, what I saw that day was very interesting. I noticed that the last 4 digits were palindromic, that is they read the same forwards as backwards. For example, “5-4-4-5” is a palindrome. So my odometer could have read 3-1-5-4-4-5 … .

One mile later, the last 5 numbers were palindromic. For example, it could have read 3-6-5-4-5-6.

One mile after that, the middle 4 out of 6 numbers were palindromic. … And you ready for this? One mile later, all 6 were palindromic! …

The question is, what did [I] see on the odometer when [I] first looked?

Write a Julia program that tests all the six-digit numbers and prints any numbers that satisfy these requirements.

Exercise 9-9

Here’s a third Car Talk Puzzler that you can solve with a search:

Recently I had a visit with my mom and we realized that the two digits that make up my age when reversed result in her age. For example, if she’s 73, I’m 37. We wondered how often this has happened over the years but we got sidetracked with other topics and we never came up with an answer.

When I got home I figured out that the digits of our ages have been reversible six times so far. I also figured out that if we’re lucky it would happen again in a few years, and if we’re really lucky it would happen one more time after that. In other words, it would have happened 8 times over all. So the question is, how old am I now?

Write a Julia program that searches for solutions to this Puzzler.

You might find the function lpad useful.

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