Chapter 17. Asterisk Manager Interface and Call Files

John Malkovich: I have seen a world that NO man should see!

Craig Schwartz: Really? Because for most people it’s a rather enjoyable experience.

Being John Malkovich

The Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) is a system monitoring and management interface provided by Asterisk. It allows live monitoring of events that occur in the system, as well as enabling requests for Asterisk to perform some action. The available actions are wide-ranging and include things such as returning status information or originating new calls. Many interesting applications have been developed on top of Asterisk that use the AMI as their primary interface to Asterisk.

This chapter also includes documentation on the use of call files. Asterisk’s call files are an easy way to originate a few calls. Once call origination volume increases or your needs become otherwise more complex, you can move on to using the AMI. In fact, we find call files to be useful enough that we’re going to talk about them first.

Call Files

It is common to use AMI for originating calls, but in many situations it’s easier to use call files. A call file is a simple text file that describes the call that you would like Asterisk to originate. When a call file is placed into the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing directory, Asterisk will immediately detect that a file has been placed there and process the call.

Asterisk comes with a sample call file, which you will find at ~/src/asterisk-15.<TAB>/ (or wherever the root directory of your Asterisk source is located).

Your First Call File

For your first call file, let’s create a call between two of your telephones. Make sure you have at least two of your phones registered and working. For this example we’ll be using SOFTPHONE_A and SOFTPHONE_B.

Create the following file in your home directory:

$ vim ~/call-file

Extension: 103
Context: sets

Make a copy of this file (so that you don’t have to re-create it every time you want to run it):

$ cp ~/call-file docall

Change the ownership of the docall file to asterisk:

$ chown asterisk:asterisk docall

Move the docall file into Asterisk’s outgoing folder.

$ sudo mv docall /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing

Sometimes, the easiest way is the best way.


The use of mv instead of cp here is important. Asterisk is watching for contents to show up in the spool directory. If you use copy, Asterisk may try to read the new file before the contents have been copied into it. Creating a file and then moving it avoids this problem.

Get comfortable with using call files, and you may find them solving problems you’d otherwise have to perform far more work to achieve.

Notes About Call Files

The Channel component of the call file is required. Normally, a call coming into Asterisk is initiated by the endpoint (for example, you make a call from your phone). In a call file, that connection has to happen the other way around—Asterisk reaches out to the endpoint, and only when it answers can the call start. Plan accordingly.

You also must specify the Context where the call will begin once the initial channel has answered. This can be useful, since it means you can connect the call through a context that wouldn’t normally be accessible to that channel, but in practice we’d suggest you simply provide the same context that channel would have entered the dialplan through if it had initiated the call normally.

The Extension must of course also be specified. This would typically be the phone number that is to be called, but of course it could be any valid extension within the Context.

The rest of the parameters of the call file are optional, and are detailed both in the ~/src/asterisk-15.<TAB>/ file, and on the Asterisk wiki website.

AMI Quick Start

This section is for getting your hands dirty with the AMI as quickly as possible. First, put the following configuration in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf:

; Turn on the AMI and ask it to only accept connections from localhost.
enabled = yes
webenabled = yes
bindaddr =

; Create an account called "hello", with a password of "world"
read=all     ; Receive all types of events
write=all    ; Allow this user to execute all actions

This sample configuration is set up to allow only local connections to the AMI. If you intend to make this interface available over a network, it is strongly recommended that you only do so using TLS. The use of TLS is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

Once the AMI configuration is ready, enable the built-in HTTP server by putting the following contents in /etc/asterisk/http.conf:

; Enable the built-in HTTP server, and only listen for connections on localhost.
enabled = yes
bindaddr =

Reload the manager and http servers from the Asterisk CLI:

*CLI> manager reload

*CLI> module reload http

AMI over TCP

There are multiple ways to connect to the AMI, but a TCP socket is the most common. We will use telnet to demonstrate AMI connectivity. We’ll need to install telnet for this:

$ sudo yum -y install telnet

This example shows these steps:

  1. Connect to the AMI over a TCP socket on port 5038.

  2. Log in using the Login action.

  3. Execute the Ping action.

  4. Log off using the Logoff action.

Here’s how to do that using telnet:

$ telnet localhost 5038

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/4.0.3

You’ve connected, but it’s going to hang up on you unless you authenticate yourself. Paste the following into the telnet window:

Action: Login
Username: hello
Secret: world

Note there needs to be a blank line after the commands (press Enter after you paste everything if nothing happens).

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted

OK, it likes us. Let’s run a simple command just to verify it’s really talking to us:

Action: Ping
Response: Success
Ping: Pong

So far, so good. We’ll just tidy up and log off now.

Action: Logoff
Response: Goodbye
Message: Thanks for all the fish.
Connection closed by foreign host.

You have verified that AMI is accepting connections via a TCP connection.


It is also possible to use the AMI over HTTP. We will perform the same actions as before, but over HTTP instead of the native TCP interface to the AMI. AMI over HTTP is covered in more detail in “AMI over HTTP”.


Accounts used for connecting to the AMI over HTTP are the same accounts configured in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf.

This example demonstrates how to access the AMI over HTTP, log in, execute the Ping action, and log off:

$ curl "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=login&username=hello&secret=world" 
-c /tmp/tempcookie

Response: Success 
Message: Authentication accepted
$ curl "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=ping" -b /tmp/tempcookie

Response: Success 
Ping: Pong 
Timestamp: 1538871944.474131
$ curl "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=logoff" -b /tmp/tempcookie

Response: Goodbye 
Message: Thanks for all the fish.

The HTTP interface to AMI lets you integrate Asterisk call control into a web service.


The section “AMI Quick Start” showed a very basic set of configuration files to get you started. There are many ways you can fine-tune the configuration of the AMI.


The main configuration file for the AMI is /etc/asterisk/manager.conf. The [general] section contains options that control the overall operation of the AMI. Any other sections in the manager.conf file will define accounts for logging in and using the AMI. The sample file contains detailed explanations of the various parameters, and can be found in ~/src/asterisk-15<TAB>/configs/samples/manager.conf.sample.


If you are going to expose your AMI outside the machine it is running on, you will want to configure TLS connectivity.

The manager.conf configuration file also contains the configuration of AMI user accounts. You create an account by adding a section with the username inside square brackets. Within each [username] section there are options that can be set that will apply only to that account. The ~/src/asterisk-15<TAB>/configs/samples/manager.conf.sample file also contains detailed explanations of each of these parameters. Our user named [hello], has the simplest configuration, which is to allow all read and write actions. You should normally create AMI users that are restricted to only the actions necessary to their functioning.

Within the [username] section, the read and write options set which manager actions and manager events a particular user has access to. At this writing there are 20 of them: all, system, call, log, verbose, agent, user, config, command, dtmf, reporting, cdr, dialplan, originate, agi, cc, aoc, test, security, and message. You will find the manager.conf.sample file contains a reference for each of these that is relevant to your release (and, if any are added that have not been listed here, they will be in the sample file).


Take special notice of the system, command, and originate permissions. These permissions grant significant power to any applications that are authorized to use them. Only grant these permissions to applications that you have full control over (and ideally are running on the same box).


As we’ve seen, the Asterisk Manager Interface can be accessed over HTTP as well as TCP. To make that work, a very simple HTTP server is embedded in Asterisk. All of the options relevant to the AMI go in the [general] section of /etc/asterisk/http.conf.


Enabling access to the AMI over HTTP requires both /etc/asterisk/manager.conf and /etc/asterisk/http.conf. The AMI must be enabled in manager.conf with the enabled option set to yes, and the manager.conf option webenabled must be set to yes to allow access over HTTP. Finally, the enabled option in http.conf must be set to yes to turn on the HTTP server itself.

The available options will be found in your ~/src/asterisk-15<TAB>/configs/samples/http.conf.sample file.

Protocol Overview

There are two main types of messages on the Asterisk Manager Interface: manager events and manager actions.

Manager events are one-way messages sent from Asterisk to AMI clients to report something that has occurred on the system (Figure 17-1).

Figure 17-1. Manager events

Manager actions are requests from a client to Asterisk to perform some action and return the result (Figure 17-2). For example, the AMI action Originate requests that Asterisk create a new call, and naturally the client application will need responses from Asterisk to indicate the progress of that activity.

Figure 17-2. Manager actions

Other manager actions are requests for data. For example, there is a manager action to get a list of all active channels on the system: the details about each channel are delivered as a manager event. When the list of results is complete, a final message will be sent to indicate that the end has been reached. See Figure 17-3 for a graphical representation of a client sending this type of manager action and receiving a list of responses.

Figure 17-3. Manager actions that return a list of data

Message Encoding

All AMI messages, including manager events, manager actions, and manager action responses, are encoded the same way. The messages are text-based, with lines terminated by a carriage return and a line-feed character. A message is terminated by a blank line:

Header1: This is the first header<CR><LF>
Header2: This is the second header<CR><LF>
Header3: This is the last header of this message<CR><LF>

If you are running tests from a telnet client, what this means is that after the last line of instructions, you’ll need to press the Enter key twice.


Manager events always have an Event header and a Privilege header. The Event header gives the name of the event, while the Privilege header lists the permission levels associated with the event. Any other headers included with the event are specific to the event type. Here’s an example:

Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/0004F2060EB4-00000000
Uniqueid: 1283174108.0
CallerIDNum: 2565551212
CallerIDName: Russell Bryant
Cause: 16
Cause-txt: Normal Clearing

The Asterisk CLI includes the commands manager show events and manager show event <event>. Run these commands at the Asterisk CLI to get a list of events or to find out the details of a specific event.

Don’t forget that an excellent reference for all things Asterisk, including the AMI, is the official Asterisk wiki.


When executing a manager action, you must include the Action header. The Action header identifies which manager action is being executed. The rest of the headers are arguments to the manager action, and may or may not be required depending on the action.

To get a list of the headers associated with a particular manager action, type manager show command <Action> at the Asterisk CLI. To get a full list of manager actions supported by the version of Asterisk you are running, enter manager show commands at the Asterisk CLI.

The final response to a manager action is typically a message that includes the Response header. The value of the Response header will be Success if the manager action was successfully executed. If the manager action was not successfully executed, the value of the Response header will be Error. For example:

Action: Login
Username: hello
Secret: world

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted


In addition to the native TCP interface, it is also possible to access the Asterisk Manager Interface over HTTP. Programmers with previous experience writing applications that use web APIs will likely prefer this over the native TCP connectivity. While the TCP interface only offers a single type of message structure, AMI over HTTP offers a few encoding options. You can receive responses in the same format as the TCP interface, in XML, or as a basic HTML page. The encoding type is chosen based on a field in the request URL. The encoding options are discussed in more detail later in this section.

Authentication and session handling

There are two methods of performing authentication against the AMI over HTTP. The first is to use the Login action, similar to authentication with the native TCP interface. This is the method that was used in the quick-start example, as seen in “AMI over HTTP”.

Once successfully authenticated, Asterisk will provide a cookie that identifies the authenticated session. Here is an example response to the Login action that includes a session cookie from Asterisk:

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

The second authentication option is HTTP digest authentication. In this example, the requested encoding type based on the request URL is rawman. To indicate that HTTP digest authentication should be used, prefix the encoding type in the request URL with an a:

$ curl -v --digest -u hello:world 

/rawman (/arawman) encoding

The rawman encoding type is what has been used in all the AMI over HTTP examples in this chapter so far. The responses received from requests using rawman are formatted in the exact same way that they would be if the requests were sent over a direct TCP connection to the AMI.

curl -v "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

curl -v --digest -u hello:world

/manager (/amanager) encoding

The manager encoding type provides a response in simple HTML form. This interface is primarily useful for experimenting with the AMI:

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8088/manager?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

$ curl -v --digest -u hello:world http://localhost:8088/amanager?action=ping

/mxml (/amxml) encoding

The mxml encoding type provides responses to manager actions encoded in XML:

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8088/mxml?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

$ curl -v --digest -u hello:world http://localhost:8088/amxml?action=ping

Manager events

When connected to the native TCP interface for the AMI, manager events are delivered asynchronously. When using the AMI over HTTP, you must retrieve events by polling for them. You retrieve events over HTTP by executing the WaitEvent manager action. The following example shows how events can be retrieved using the WaitEvent manager action. The steps are:

  1. Start an HTTP AMI session using the Login action.

  2. Register a SIP phone to Asterisk to generate a manager event.

  3. Retrieve the manager event using the WaitEvent action.

The interaction looks like this:

$ wget --save-cookies cookies.txt 
> "http://localhost:8088/mxml?action=login&username=hello&secret=world" -O -

<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic response='Success' message='Authentication accepted' />

$ wget --load-cookies cookies.txt 
< "http://localhost:8088/mxml?action=waitevent" -O -

<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic response='Success' message='Waiting for Event completed.' />
<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic event='PeerStatus' privilege='system,all' 
             channeltype='SIP' peer='SIP/0000FFFF0004' 
             peerstatus='Registered' address='' />
<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic event='WaitEventComplete' />

You’ll need to develop mechanisms in your application to ensure that buffered events are frequently polled.

Example Usage

Most of this chapter so far discussed the concepts and configuration related to the AMI. This section will provide some example usage.

Originating a Call

The AMI has the Originate manager action that can be used to originate a call. Many of the accepted headers are the same as the options placed in call files. Table 17-1 lists the headers accepted by the Originate action.

Table 17-1. Headers for the Originate action
OptionExample valueDescription
ActionIDa3a58876-f7c9-4c28-aa97-50d8166f658dThis header is accepted by most AMI actions. It is used to provide a unique identifier that will also be included in all responses to the action. It gives you a way to identify which request a response is associated with. This is important since all actions, their responses, and events are all transmitted over the same connection (unless using AMI over HTTP).
ChannelSIP/myphoneThis header is critical and must be specified. This describes the outbound call that will be originated. The value is the same syntax that would be used for the channel argument to the Dial() application in the dialplan.
ContextdefaultThis header is used to specify a location in the dialplan to start executing once the outbound call has answered. The Context, Exten, and Priority headers must be used together. When using these headers, the Application and Data headers should not be used.
ExtensSee the documentation for the Context header.
Priority1See the documentation for the Context header.
ApplicationConfBridgeThe Application and Data headers can be used instead of the Context, Exten, and Priority headers. In this case, the outbound call is directly connected to a single application once the call has been answered.
Data500See the documentation for the Application header.
Timeout30000This header specifies how long to wait in milliseconds for an answer before giving up on an outbound call. The default is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
CallerIDMatthew Jordan <(555) 867-5309>This header can be used to specify the caller ID used for the outbound call.
AccountsomeaccountThis header sets the CDR account code for the outbound call.
VariableVARIABLE=VALUE or FUNCTION(arguments)=VALUEThe Variable header can be used to set both channel variables or channel functions on the outbound channel. It can be specified multiple times.
Codecsulaw,alawThis option can be used to limit which codecs are allowed for the outbound call. If not specified, the set of codecs configured in the channel driver configuration file will still be honored.
EarlyMediatrueIf this header is specified and set to true, the outbound call will get connected to the specified extension or application as soon as there is any early media.
AsynctrueIf this header is specified and set to true, this call will be originated asynchronously. This will allow you to continue executing other actions on the AMI connection while the call is being processed.

The simplest example of using the Originate action is via telnet:

$ telnet localhost 5038

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/4.0.3

Once the connection is established, you need to log in.

Action: Login
Username: hello
Secret: world
Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted

Now you’re ready to originate your call. We’re doing essentially the same thing we did with the call file, only this time using the AMI:

Action: Originate
Context: sets
Exten: 103
Priority: 1

You should hear SOFTPHONE_A ringing. As soon as you answer it, a call will be placed to SOFTPHONE_B.

AMI is no longer involved in what’s going on. You can disconnect and the call will continue (leave the call up for now, as we’re going to work with the in-progress call next).

Action: Logoff
Response: Goodbye
Message: Thanks for all the fish.
Connection closed by foreign host.

If you’ve already hung up the call, that’s no problem. You’ll just need to re-establish the call, which of course you can do simply by calling one extension from the other (101 to 103, or whatever you want).

Redirecting a Call

Redirecting (or transferring) a call from the AMI is another feature worth mentioning. The Redirect AMI action can be used to send one or two channels to any other extension in the Asterisk dialplan. If you need to redirect two channels that are bridged together, do them both at the same time. Otherwise, once one channel has been redirected, the other will be hung up.

You can redirect a single channel (the other channel will be disconnected):

Action: Redirect
Channel: PJSIP/SOFTPHONE_A-00000013
Exten: 209
Context: sets
Priority: 1

Or you can redirect two channels:

Action: Redirect
Channel: PJSIP/SOFTPHONE_A-00000015
Context: sets
Exten: 209
Priority: 1
ExtraChannel: PJSIP/SOFTPHONE_B-00000016
ExtraContext: sets
ExtraExten: 209
ExtraPriority: 1

The redirect function allows you to create powerful external applications that can control calls in progress.

Development Frameworks

Many application developers write code that directly interfaces with the AMI. However, there are a number of frameworks that have been created with the purpose of making AMI application development easier. If you search for Asterisk frameworks in the popular programming language of your choice, you are likely to find one. The onus is on you to determine the suitability of the framework you are interested in. Some things you should look for in a framework include:


Has this project been around for a few years? A mature project is far less likely to have serious bugs in it.


Check the age of the latest update. If the project hasn’t been updated in five years, there’s a strong possibility it has been abandoned. It might still be usable, but you’ll be on your own. Similarly, what does the bug tracker look like? Are there a lot of important bugs being ignored? (Be discerning here, since often the realities of maintaining a free project require disciplined triage—not everybody’s features are going to get added.)

Quality of the code

Is this a well-written framework? If it was not engineered well, you should be aware of that when deciding whether to trust your project to it.


Is there an active community of developers using this project? It’s likely you’ll need help; will it be available when you need it?


The code should be well commented, but ideally, a wiki or other official documentation to support the library is essential.

Table 17-2 lists some frameworks we have found that, as of this writing, met the preceding criteria. There may be others out there.

Table 17-2. AMI development frameworks


The Asterisk Manager Interface provides an API for monitoring events from an Asterisk system, as well as requesting that Asterisk perform a wide range of actions. An HTTP interface has been provided, and a number of frameworks have been developed, that make it easier to develop applications.

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