Chapter 75. Take Good Care of Your Dependencies

Brian Vermeer

Modern Java development is heavily dependent on third-party libraries. By using Maven or Gradle, we have easy mechanisms in place to import and use published packages. As developers do not want to create and maintain boilerplate functionality but rather focus on the specific business logic, using frameworks and libraries can be a wise choice.

When looking at an average project, the amount of your code can be as little as 1%, and the rest will be imported libraries and frameworks. A lot of code that is put into production is simply not ours, but we do depend on it heavily.

As we look at our code and the way we treat contributions by team members, we often turn to processes like code reviews before we merge new code into our master branch as a first-pass quality assurance measure. Alternatively, this quality control process might also be covered by practicing pair programming. The way we treat our dependencies, however, is very different from how we treat our own code. Dependencies are often just used without any form of validation. Importantly, the top-level dependencies, on many occasions, in turn pull in transitive dependencies that can go many levels deep. For example, a 200-line Spring application with 5 direct dependencies can end up using 60 dependencies in total, which amounts to almost half a million lines of code being shipped to production.

By only using these dependencies we blindly trust other people’s code, which is odd compared to how we handle our own code.

Vulnerable Dependencies

From a security point of view, you should scan your dependencies for known vulnerabilities. If a vulnerability in a dependency is found and disclosed, you should be aware of this and replace or update those dependencies. Using outdated dependencies with known vulnerabilities can be disastrous if you look at some examples in the past.

By scanning your dependencies during every step in your development process, you might prevent that vulnerable dependency surprise before you ship your code to production.

You should also keep scanning your production snapshot, as new vulnerabilities may be disclosed while you are already using it in your production environment.

Updating Dependencies

You should choose your dependencies wisely. Look at how well a library or framework is maintained and how many contributors are working on it. Depending on outdated or poorly maintained libraries is a large risk. If you want to stay up-to-date, you can use your package manager to help you detect if newer versions are available. By using the Maven or Gradle version plug-in, you can use the following commands to check for newer versions:

  • Maven: mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

  • Gradle: gradle dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release

A Strategy for Your Dependencies

When handling dependencies in your system, you should have a strategy in place. Questions about dependency health and the reason why a particular dependency is used should be made explicit. Next, you should also carefully think about what your update strategy should be. Updating often is considered less painful in general. Last, but not least, you should have tooling in place that scans your libraries for known vulnerabilities to prevent being breached.

In any case, you should take good care of your dependencies and choose the right library with the right version for the right reason.

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