
Accidental rebels

People who are not rebels by nature but are drafted into the role by their boss or by a cause relevant to their family or community.


Call to action to move forward with optimism, determination, and joy.


Ranting about an issue without having done any research or homework into said issue.

Athena trap

The misguided belief that ideas that fix gnarly problems can easily and quickly emerge fully formed without a messy, incremental process. Based on the Greek legend of the goddess Athena springing fully formed from the forehead of Zeus. See Carmen’s post on how Obamacare fell into the Athena trap.

Bad rebel

A me-focused individual who breaks rules, is obsessed with change, and alienates potential allies. Bad rebels usually fail, except for brilliant ones such as Steve Jobs, who had the advantage of running his own company. See also “good rebel.”

Benevolent bureaucrats

Kinder, gentler bureaucrats. Benevolent bureaucrats emerge when they see a rebel idea becoming a Big Deal with senior leadership and want to be associated with the Big Deal in some way. Because they don’t know enough to provide substantive value, they pick on small things to try to insert themselves into the Big Deal, adding unnecessary complexity to the Big Deal.

Building consensus

Stall tactic to avoid making decisions.

Bureaucratic black belts (BBBs)

Individuals who have mastered their organization’s rules and culture and know how to enforce those rules, or help a rebel navigate within the rules. Frequently heard to say, “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.” and “There are good reasons why this is the way things are done around here.”

Career limiting move

An action or controversial position likely to tarnish a rebel’s professional reputation. Despite their best efforts, most rebels make more than one in their career.


“Compliant” employees mentally check out of their jobs due to excessive pressure and occasional threats to yield to “the way we do things here.”


What bureaucrats fear and rebels recognize as a sign their idea is important.

Discretionary energy

Discretionary energy is deployed when people believe deeply in what they are doing and believe that what and how much they do can really make a difference. Group efforts reach excellence when individuals volunteer their discretionary energy to the mission. Discretionary energy is always voluntary. You can never demand it; indeed most managers never know whether someone is giving it their all. Change efforts in organizations live or die based on whether they can evoke discretionary energy.


A chronic condition for rebels who never quite get used to the emotional baggage they have to carry to work for change in their organization.

Flirting with the dark side

The black hole rebels fall into when their only goal is to advance their own agenda.

Get things under control

What BBBs say when they know things are changing; a signal that rebel work is gaining traction.

Give-up line

Articulated outburst of emotion that signals growing rebel frustration.

Good rebel

An individual who operates from a positive perspective, attracts followers, is mission-focused, and is an optimist. Even with all these qualities, still needs to read this book to succeed. (See Bad rebel.)


Not a rebel strategy. (See also: Strong hand at the controls.)


The opposite of habit.

Lizard brain

The part of the brain where instincts and gut feelings originate. It is also the part of the brain rebels must work hardest to control. When your lizard brain kicks in and spikes your emotions, try to corral it before you say or do something stupid.


The ability to continually see possibilities. Optimism is the greatest act of rebellion.

Rebel alliance

Informal group of people who meet at lunch or after hours to support one another in creating change where they work. Inspired by the Rebel Alliance faction in Star Wars, which warred throughout the galaxy for the ideals of the Old Republic. Without Darth Vader (and the Emperor), there would have been no need for a Rebel Alliance.

Rebel arc

The stages of a rebel’s cause or idea, spanning from observation to irrelevance.

Rebel at work

Sense maker, messenger who sees new ways to create positive changes in the workplace. Synonyms: maverick, heretic, change maker. Antonyms: troublemaker, whiner.

Rebel calling

The desire to help organizations evolve from protectors of accepted orthodoxy to discoverers/promoters of new ideas.

Rebel riot act

When a rebel declares to an assembled group of executives that they are putting the organization at risk by not being open to an important new idea and calls for the group to seriously consider the idea. Should the assembled group not promptly consider the idea, the rebel declares the probable tumultuous consequences of their inaction. The opposite of The Riot Act established in Britain in 1714. To be used as a last resort, when all other approaches to productive controversy and conflict have failed.

Rebel takeoff point

When your proposal captures the attention of your organization and people are energized negatively or positively. Occurs in the space between advocacy and obsession on the rebel arc.

Rebel win

When a manager likes a rebel’s idea enough to steal it.

Strong hand at the controls

Deep human desire to follow someone who will tell us what to do, often leading to hero worship and compliant behavior.

That which refuses to budge

The organization, bureaucracy, status quo at rest, resistant to most attempts at movement.

Three Rs

Strategies for rebel self-care: retreating, resetting, and restoring resiliency. Retreating from your cause to give you and your idea a rest, resetting to gain fresh perspectives on next steps, and restoring resiliency to regain a positive, balanced mind-set.

Way things have always been done

Code for status quo, and a common response to discredit a rebel’s ideas.

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