© Randy Betancourt, Sarah Chen 2019
R. Betancourt, S. ChenPython for SAS Usershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5001-3_8

8. SASPy Module

Randy Betancourt1  and Sarah Chen2
Chadds Ford, PA, USA
Livingston, NJ, USA
In this chapter we discuss the open source SASPy module contributed by SAS Institute. SASPy exposes Python APIs to the SAS System. This module allows a Python session to do the following:
  • From within a Python session start and connect to a local or remote SAS session

  • Enable bi-directional transfer of values between SAS variables and Python objects

  • Enable bi-directional exchange of data between pandas DataFrames and SAS datasets

  • Enable bi-directional exchange of SAS Macro variables and Python objects

  • Integrate SAS and Python program logic within a single execution context executing interactively or in batch (scripted) mode

To get started, you need to take the following steps:
  • Install the SASPy module.

  • Set up the sascfg_personal.py configuration file.

  • Make SAS-supplied Java .jar files available to SASPy.

Install SASPy

On Windows, to install SASPy, issue the following command in a Windows terminal session:
python -m pip install saspy
The installation process downloads any SASPy and any of its dependent packages. Listing 8-1 displays the output from a Windows terminal for installing SASPy.
c:>python -m pip install saspy
Collecting saspy
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/bb/07/3fd96b969959ef0e701e5764f6a239e7bea543b37d2d7a81acb23ed6a0c5/saspy-2.2.9.tar.gz (97kB)
    100% |███████████████████| 102kB 769kB/s
Successfully built saspy
distributed 1.21.8 requires msgpack, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: saspy
Successfully installed saspy-2.2.9
Listing 8-1

SASPy Install on Windows

You should see the statement
Successfully installed saspy-2.2.9

Set Up the sascfg_personal.py Configuration File

After completing installation, the next step is to modify the saspy.SAScfg file to establish which access method Python uses to connect to a SAS session.

In this example, we configure an IOM (integrated object model) connection method so that the Python session running on Windows connects to a SAS session running on the same Windows machine. If you have a different setup, for example, running Python on Windows and connecting to a SAS session executing on Linux, you use the STDIO access method. The detailed instructions are at


For this step, begin by locating the saspy.SAScfg configuration file. Listing 8-2 illustrates the Python syntax needed to locate the SASPy configuration file.
>>> import saspy
>>> saspy.SAScfg
<module 'saspy.sascfg' from 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\saspy\sascfg.py'>
Listing 8-2

Locate saspy.SAScfg Configuration File

As a best practice, you should copy the sascfg.py configuration file to sascfg_personal.py. Doing so ensures that any configuration changes will not be overwritten when subsequent versions of SASPy are installed later. The sascfg_personal.py can be stored anywhere on the filesystem. If it is stored outside the Python repo, then you must always include the fully qualified pathname to the SASsession argument like
sas = SASSession(cfgfile='C:\qualified\path\sascfg_personal.py)
Alternatively, if the sascfg_personal.py configuration file is found in the search path defined by the PYTHONPATH environment variable, then you can avoid having to supply this argument when invoking SASPy. Use the Python sys.path statement to return the search path defined by the PYTHONPATH environment variable as shown in Listing 8-3.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
[", 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\python36.zip', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\DLLs', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\win32', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\win32\lib', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin', 'C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\extensions']
Listing 8-3

Finding the PYTHONPATH Search Paths

In our case, we select to store the sascfg_personal.py configuration file in the same directory as the sascfg.py configuration file.

C:/Users/randy/Anaconda3/lib/site-packages/saspy /personal_sascfg.py

Depending on how you connect the Python environment to the SAS session determines the changes needed in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file.

In our case, both the Python and SAS execution environments are on the same Windows 10 machine. Accordingly, we modify the following sections of the sascfg_personal.py configuration file:

From the original sascfg.py configuration file
is changed in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file to

Make SAS-Supplied .jar Files Available

The following four Java .jar files are needed by SASPy and are defined by the classpath variable in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file
These four .jar files are part of the existing SAS deployment. Depending on where SAS is installed on Windows, the path will be something like
C:Program FilesSASHomeSASDeploymentManager9.4productsdeploywiz__94498__prt__xx__sp0__1deploywiz<required_jar_file_names.jar>
A fifth .jar file which is distributed with the SASPy repo, saspyiom.jar needs to be defined as part of the classpath variable in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file as well. In our case this jar file is located at
Once you have confirmed the location of these five .jar files, modify the sascfg_personal.py file similar to Listing 8-4. Be sure to modify the paths specific to your environment.
# build out a local classpath variable to use below for Windows clients
cpW  =  "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\products\deploywiz__94498__prt__xx__sp0__1\deploywiz\sas.svc.connection.jar"
cpW += ";C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\products\deploywiz__94498__prt__xx__sp0__1\deploywiz\log4j.jar"
cpW += ";C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\products\deploywiz__94498__prt__xx__sp0__1\deploywiz\sas.security.sspi.jar"
cpW += ";C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\products\deploywiz__94498__prt__xx__sp0__1\deploywiz\sas.core.jar"
cpW += ";C:\Users\randy\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\saspy\java\saspyiom.jar"
Listing 8-4

CLASSPATH Variable for Windows SAScfg_personal.py File

Update the Dictionary values for the winlocal object definition in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file similar to Listing 8-5.
winlocal = {'java'  : 'C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASPrivateJavaRuntimeEnvironment\9.4\jre\bin\java',
            'encoding'  : 'windows-1252',
            'classpath' : cpW
Listing 8-5

winlocal Definition for sascfg_personal.py Configuration File

SASPy has a dependency on Java 7 which is met by relying on the SAS Private JRE distributed and installed with SAS software. The SAS Private JRE is part of the existing SAS software installation. Also notice the path filename uses double backslashes to “escape” the backslash needed by the Windows pathnames. There is one final requirement. The ‘sspiauth.dll file–also included in the SAS installation–must be a part of the system PATH environment variable, java.library.path, or in the home directory of the Java client. Search for this file in your SAS deployment, though it is likely in SASHomeSASFoundation9.4coresasext.

SASPy Examples

With the configuration for SASPy complete, we can begin exploring its capabilities. The goal for these examples is to illustrate the ease by which DataFrame and SAS datasets can be interchanged along with calling Python or SAS methods to act on these data assets. We start with Listing 8-6 to integrate a Python and SAS session together.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import saspy
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from IPython.display import HTML
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal', results="TEXT")
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 5288
Listing 8-6

Start SASPy Session

In this example, the Python sas object is created by calling the saspy.SASsession() method . The saspy.SASsession() object is the main object for connecting a Python session with a SAS sub-process. Most of the arguments to the SASsession object are set in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file discussed at the beginning of this chapter.

In this example, there are two arguments, cfgname= and results=. The cfgname= argument points to the winlocal configuration values in the sascfg_personal.py configuration file indicating both the Python and the SAS session run locally on Windows. The results= argument has three possible values to indicate how tabular output returned from the SASsession object , that is, the execution results from SAS, is rendered. They are
  • pandas, the default value

  • TEXT, which is useful when running SASPy in batch mode

  • HTML, which is useful when running SASPy interactively from a Jupyter notebook

Another useful saspy.SASsession() argument is autoexec=. In some cases, it is useful to execute a Series of SAS statements when the saspy.SASsession() method is called and before any SAS statements are executed by the user program. This feature is illustrated in Listing 8-7.
>>> auto_execsas="'libname sas_data "c:data";"'
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal', results="TEXT", autoexec=auto_execsas)
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 15020
Listing 8-7

Start SASPy with Autoexec Processing

In this example, we create the auto_execsas object by defining a Python Docstring containing the SAS statements used as the statements for the autoexec process to execute. Similar to the behavior for the traditional SAS autoexec processing, the statements defined by the auto_execsas object are executed by SAS before executing any subsequent SAS input statements.

To illustrate the integration between Python and SAS using SASPy, we begin by building the loandf DataFrame which is sourced from the LendingClub loan statistics described at


This data consists of anonymized loan performance measures from LendingClub which offers personal loans to individuals. We begin by creating the loandf DataFrame illustrated in Listing 8-8.
>>> url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RandyBetancourt/PythonForSASUsers/master/data/LC_Loan_Stats.csv"
... loandf = pd.read_csv(url,
...     low_memory=False,
...     usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16),
...     names=('id',
...            'mem_id',
...            'ln_amt',
...            'term',
...            'rate',
...            'm_pay',
...            'grade',
...            'sub_grd',
...            'emp_len',
...            'own_rnt',
...            'income',
...            'ln_stat',
...            'purpose',
...            'state',
...            'dti'),
...     skiprows=1,
...     nrows=39786,
...     header=None)
>>> loandf.shape
(39786, 15)
Listing 8-8

Build loandf DataFrame

The loandf DataFrame contains 39,786 rows and 15 columns.

Basic Data Wrangling

In order to effectively analyze the loandf DataFrame , we must do a bit of data wrangling. Listing 8-9 returns basic information about the columns and values.
Listing 8-9

loandf Initial Attributes

The df.describe() method accepts the include=['O'] argument in order to return descriptive information for all columns whose data type is object. Output from the df.describe() method is shown in a Jupyter notebook in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1

Attributes for Character Value Columns

The loandf.info() method shows the rate column has a data type of object indicating they are string values. Similarly, the term column has a data type of object.

The loandf.describe(include=['O']) method provides further detail revealing the values for the rate column having a trailing percent sign (%) and the term column values are followed by the string ‘months’.

In order to effectively use the rate column in any mathematical expression, we need to modify the values by
  1. 1.

    Stripping the percent sign

  2. 2.

    Mapping or casting the data type from character to numeric

  3. 3.

    Dividing the values by 100 to convert from a percent value to a decimal value

In the case of the term column values, we need to
  1. 1.

    Strip the string ‘months’ from the value

  2. 2.

    Map the data type from character to numeric

Both modifications are shown in Listing 8-10.
>>> loandf['rate'] = loandf.rate.replace('%',",regex=True).astype('float')/100
>>> loandf['rate'].describe()
count    39786.000000
mean         0.120277
std          0.037278
min          0.054200
25%          0.092500
50%          0.118600
75%          0.145900
max          0.245900
Name: rate, dtype: float64
>>> loandf['term'] = loandf['term'].str.strip('months').astype('float64')
>>> loandf['term'].describe()
count    39786.000000
mean        42.453325
std         10.641299
min         36.000000
25%         36.000000
50%         36.000000
75%         60.000000
max         60.000000
Name: term, dtype: float64
Listing 8-10

Basic Data Wrangling

The syntax
loandf['rate'] =

performs an in-place modification to the df['rate'] column by calling the replace() method to dynamically replace values. In this case, the first argument to the replace() method is ‘%’, indicating the percent sign (%) is the source string to replace. The second argument is " to indicate the replacement excerpt. Notice there is no space between the quotes, in effect, stripping the percent sign from the string. The third argument regex='True' indicates the replace() argument is a string.

The astype attribute is chained to the replace() method call and maps or casts the loandf['rate'] column’s data type from object (strings) to a float (decimal value). The resulting value is then divided by 100.

Next, the describe() attribute is attached to the loandf['rate'] column and returns basic statistics for the newly modified values.

The syntax
loandf['term'] = loandf['term'].str.strip('months').astype('float64')

performs a similar in-place update operation on the loandf['term'] column. The strip() method removes the string ‘months’ from the values. Chaining the astype attribute casts this column from an object data type to a float64 data type.

Of course, we could have applied the str.strip() method to the percent (%) sign for the df['rate'] column rather than calling the replace() method.

Write DataFrame to SAS Dataset

The pandas IO Tools library does not provide a method to export DataFrames to SAS datasets. As of this writing, the SASPy module is the only Python module providing this capability. In order to write a DataFrame to a SAS dataset, we need to define two objects in the Python session.

The first object to make known to Python is the Libref to the target SAS library where the SASdata is to be created from the exported DataFrame. This object is defined by calling the sas.saslib() method to establish a SAS Libref to the target SASdata library. This step is not needed if the target SASdata library is the WORK library or if there are Libref defined as part of the autoexec processing described in Listing 8-7. Also note your site may have Libref defined with autoexec.sas processing independent of the approach described in Listing 8-7. In any of these cases, if a Libref is already known at SASPy initialization time, then you can omit this step. The assigned_librefs method returns a list of SAS Libref available in the current SASPy session, as illustrated in Listing 8-11.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import saspy
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal', results="HTML")
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 17372
>>> sas.assigned_librefs()
Listing 8-11

SASPy assigned_librefs() Method

The second step writes the DataFrame rows and columns into the target SAS dataset by calling the dataframe2sasdataset() method. Luckily, we can use the alias df2sd().

Define the Libref to Python

With the loandf DataFrame shaped appropriately, we can write the DataFrame as a SAS dataset illustrating these two steps. Step 1 defines the target Libref by calling the sas.saslib() method . This feature is illustrated in Listing 8-12.

The sas.saslib() method accepts four parameters. They are
  1. 1.

    Libref, in this case, sas_data defining the SASdata library location.

  2. 2.

    engine, or access method. In this case, we are using the default BASE engine. If accessing an SQL Server table, we would supply SQLSRV, or ORACLE if accessing an Oracle table, and so on.

  3. 3.

    path, the filesystem location for the BASE data library, in this case, C:data.

  4. 4.

    options, which are SAS engine or engine supervisor options. In this case, we are not supplying options. An example would be SCHEMA= option to define the schema name for SAS/Access to SQL/Server. Any valid SAS LIBNAME option can be passed here.

>>> sas.saslib('sas_data', 'BASE', 'C:data')
26    libname sas_data BASE  'C:data'  ;
NOTE: Libref SAS_DATA was successfully assigned as follows:
      Engine:        BASE
      Physical Name: C:data
Listing 8-12

Define the Libref to Python

Executing this particular call to the sas.saslib() method, the SASPy module forms the SAS LIBNAME statement
libname sas_data BASE  'C:data'  ;

and sends the statement for processing to the attached SAS sub-process on your behalf.

Write the DataFrame to a SAS Dataset

Step 2 is to export the DataFrame rows and columns into the target SAS dataset. This is accomplished by calling the sas.df2sd() method. This feature is illustrated in Listing 8-13.

The sas.df2sd() method has five parameters. They are
  1. 1.

    The input DataFrame to be written as the output SAS dataset, in this case, the loandf DataFrame created previously.

  2. 2.

    table= argument which is the name for the output SAS dataset, excluding the Libref which is specified as a separate argument.

  3. 3.

    libref= argument which, in our case is ‘sas_data’ created earlier by calling the sas.saslib() method.

  4. 4.

    results= argument which in our case uses the default value PANDAS. Alternatively, this argument accepts HTML or TEXT as targets.

  5. 5.

    keep_outer_quotes= argument which in our case uses the default value False to strip any quotes from delimited data. If you want to keep quotes as part of the delimited data values, set this argument to True.

>>> loansas = sas.df2sd(loandf, table="loan_ds", libref="sas_data")
>>> sas.exist(table='loan_ds', libref="sas_data")
>>> print(type(loansas))
<class 'saspy.sasbase.SASdata'>
Listing 8-13

Write the DataFrame to a SAS Dataset

The syntax
loansas = sas.df2sd(loandf, table="loan_ds", libref="sas_data")

defines the SASdata object named loansas to Python and exports the DataFrame loandf created in Listing 8-8 to the SAS dataset sas_data.loan_ds. By assigning the sas.df2sd() method call to the loansas object, we now have a way to refer to the SAS dataset sas_data.loan_ds within the Python context.

The syntax
>>> sas.exist(table='loan_ds', libref="sas_data")

is a method call for truth testing returning a Boolean. This is useful for scripting more complex Python programs using the SASPy module for branching logic based on the presence or absence of a particular SAS dataset.

Finally, the type() method call shows that the loansas object is a SASdata object which references a SAS dataset or SAS View.

Now that the permanent SAS dataset exists and is mapped to the Python object loansas, we can manipulate this object in a more Pythonic fashion. The loansas SASdata Object has several available methods. Some of these methods are displayed in Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2

SASdata Object Methods

The methods for the SASdata Object are displayed by entering the syntax

into the cell of a Jupyter notebook and pressing the <tab> key.

Consider Listing 8-14.
>>> loansas.columnInfo()
                The CONTENTS Procedure
    Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
#    Variable    Type    Len
15   dti       Num       8
9    emp_len   Char      9
7    grade     Char      1
1    id        Num       8
11   income    Num       8
3    ln_amt    Num       8
12   ln_stat   Char     18
6    m_pay     Num       8
2    mem_id    Num       8
10   own_rnt   Char      8
13   purpose   Char     18
5    rate      Char      6
14   state     Char      2
8    sub_grd   Char      2
4    term      Char     10
Listing 8-14

Return Column Information

The syntax

returns metadata for the SAS dataset by calling PROC CONTENTS on your behalf similar to the loansdf.describe() method for returning a DataFrame’s column attributes. Recall the loansas object is mapped to the permanent SAS dataset sas_data.loan_ds.

Figure 8-3 illustrates calling the SASdata Object bar() attribute to render a histogram for the loan status variable, in this case, ln_stat. For this example, execute the code in Listing 8-15 in a Jupyter notebook. To start a Jupyter notebook on Windows, from a terminal session, enter the command
> python -m notebook
To start a Jupyter notebook on Linux, from a terminal session, enter the command
$ jupyter notebook &
Copy the program from Listing 8-15 into a cell and press the >|Run button.
import pandas as pd
import saspy
url = url  = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RandyBetancourt/PythonForSASUsers/master/data/LC_Loan_Stats.csv"
loandf = pd.read_csv(url,
    usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16),
sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal', results="HTML")
sas.saslib('sas_data', 'BASE', 'C:data')
loansas = sas.df2sd(loandf, table="loan_ds", libref="sas_data")
Listing 8-15

Loan Status Histogram

Figure 8-3

Histogram for ln_stat Column

We can see from the histogram that approximately 5000 loans are charged off, meaning the customer defaulted. Since there are 39,786 rows in the dataset, this represents a charge-off rate of roughly 12.6%.

During development of Python scripts used to call into the SASPy module, you will want access to the SAS log for debugging.

The syntax
returns the log for the entire SAS sub-process which is truncated here. Figure 8-4 shows part of the SAS log executing the statement from a Jupyter notebook.
Figure 8-4

SASPy Returns Log

The saspy.SASsession() object has the teach_me_SAS attribute when set to True, returning the generated SAS code from any method that is called. Listing 8-16 illustrates this capability.
Listing 8-16

Teach Me SAS

Figure 8-5 displays the output executed in a Jupyter notebook.
Figure 8-5

Teach_me_SAS Attribute

Execute SAS Code

Another useful feature for the saspy.SASsession() object is the submit() method . This feature enables you to submit arbitrary blocks of SAS code and returns a Python Dictionary containing the SAS log and any output where ‘LOG’ and ‘LST’ are the keys respectively. Consider Listing 8-17.
sas_code='''options nodate nonumber;
proc print data=sas_data.loan_ds (obs=5);
var id;
results = sas.submit(sas_code, results="TEXT")
Listing 8-17

SAS submit() Method

The sas_code object is defined as a Python Docstring using three quotes ''' to mark the begin and end of the Docstring. In our case, the Docstring holds the text for a valid block of SAS code. The syntax
results = sas.submit(sas_code, results="TEXT")

calls the sas.submit() method by passing the sas_code object containing the SAS statements to be executed by the SAS sub-process. The results object receives the output, either in text or html form created by the SAS process.

In our case, we assign the output from PROC PRINT to the results Dictionary and call the print() method using the “LST” key to return the SAS output as
The other key for the results Dictionary is ‘LOG’ and returns the section of the SAS log (rather than the entire log) associated with the block of submitted code. These examples are displayed in Figure 8-6 from a Jupyter notebook.
Figure 8-6

SAS.submit() Method Output

You can render SAS output (the listing file) with HTML as well. This capability is illustrated in Listing 8-18.
from IPython.display import HTML
results = sas.submit(sas_code, results="HTML")
Listing 8-18

SAS.submit() method Using HTML

In this example, the same sas_code object created in Listing 8-17 is passed to the sas.submit() method using the argument results='HTML'.

The HTML results from a Jupyter notebook is rendered in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7

SAS.submit() Method with HTML Output

Write SAS Dataset to DataFrame

SASPy provides the sas.sasdata2dataframe() method to write a SAS dataset to a pandas Dataframe. The alias is sas.sd2df(). The sas.sd2df() method portends numerous possibilities since a SAS dataset itself is a logical reference mapped to any number of physical data sources across the organization. Depending on which products you license from SAS, a SAS dataset can refer to SAS datasets on a local filesystem, on a remote filesystem, or SAS/Access Views attached to RDBMS tables, views, files, and so on.

The sas.sd2df() method has five parameters. They are
  1. 1.

    table: the name of the SAS dataset to export to a target DataFrame.

  2. 2.

    Libref: the libref for the SAS dataset.

  3. 3.
    dsopts: a Python Dictionary containing the following SAS dataset options:
    1. a.

      WHERE clause

    2. b.

      KEEP list

    3. c.

      DROP list

    4. d.


    5. e.


    6. f.


  4. 4.

    Method: The default is MEMORY. If the SAS dataset is large, you may get better performance using the CSV method.

  5. 5.

    Kwargs: which indicates the sas.sd2df() method can accept any number of valid parameters passed to it.

Consider Listing 8-19.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import saspy
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal')
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 17876
>>> ds_options = {'where'   : 'make = "Ford"',
...              'keep'     : ['msrp enginesize Cylinders Horsepower Make'],
...              }
>>> cars_df = sas.sd2df(table='cars', libref="sashelp", dsopts=ds_options, method="CSV")
>>> print(cars_df.shape)
(23, 5)
>>> cars_df.head()
   Make   MSRP  EngineSize  Cylinders  Horsepower
0  Ford  41475         6.8         10         310
1  Ford  34560         4.6          8         232
2  Ford  29670         4.0          6         210
3  Ford  22515         3.0          6         201
4  Ford  13270         2.0          4         130
Listing 8-19

Export SAS Dataset to DataFrame

The ds_options object uses a Dictionary to pass valid SAS dataset options, in this case, a WHERE clause and a KEEP list. Notice the quoting needed for the value associated with the where key
'make = "Ford"'

The outer pair of single quotes is required since this string is a value defined for the Python Dictionary. The inner pair of double quotes are required since the SAS WHERE clause is applied to the character variable make.

The syntax
cars_df = sas.sd2df(table='cars', libref="sashelp", dsopts=ds_options, method="CSV")

calls the sas.sd2df() method and exports the SAS dataset SASHELP.CARS to the pandas DataFrame called cars_df. Both the SAS KEEP list and the WHERE clause are applied when the call is made, thus subsetting variables and observations as part of creating the output cars_df DataFrame .

Up to this point, the examples have focused on the SASPy methods. The next example illustrates a simple pipeline to integrate SAS and Python processing logic in a single script.

The goal for this example is to illustrate the following steps:
  1. 1.

    Use SAS to perform an aggregation on an existing SAS dataset with the sas.submit() method, the dataset IN.LOAN_DS.

  2. 2.

    Export the SAS dataset to a Dataframe.

  3. 3.

    Call the pandas plot.bar() method to create a histogram of credit risk grades from the resulting DataFrame.

This logic is illustrated in Listing 8-20.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import saspy
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal', results="Text")
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 13540
>>> sascode="'libname sas_data "c:data";
... proc sql;
... create table grade_sum as
... select grade
...        , count(*) as grade_ct
... from sas_data.loan_ds
... group by grade;
... quit;"'
>>> run_sas = sas.submit(sascode, results="TEXT")
>>> df = sas.sd2df('grade_sum')
>>> df.head(10)
  grade  grade_ct
0     A     10086
1     B     12029
2     C      8114
3     D      5328
4     E      2857
5     F      1054
6     G       318
>>> df.plot.bar(x='grade', y="grade_ct", rot=0,
...         title='Histogram of Credit Grades')
Listing 8-20

SAS Python Pipeline

In this example, the sas_code object is a Docstring containing the SAS statements
libname sas_data "c:data";
proc sql;
   create table grade_sum as
   select grade
        , count(*) as grade_ct
   from in.loan_ds
group by grade;

These statements perform a group by aggregating the grade column in the sas_data.loan_ds SAS dataset and output the summarized result set to the SAS dataset WORK.grade_sum .

The syntax
df = sas.sd2df('grade_sum')

creates the df DataFrame by calling the sas.sd2df() method. The argument to the call is name of the SAS dataset opened on input; in this example, we specify the WORK.grade_sum dataset .

With the WORK.grade_sum dataset written as the df DataFrame, we can utilize any of the panda methods for subsequent processing.

Next the df DataFrame created from the SAS dataset WORK.grade_sum calls the plot.bar() method to produce a simple histogram. The y axis column grade_ct was created as part of the PROC SQL group by logic. The resulting histogram is displayed in Figure 8-8.
Figure 8-8

Credit Risk Grades

Passing SAS Macro Variables to Python Objects

Another useful feature of SASPy is the ability to pass SAS Macro variable values to and from Python objects. The SASPy SASsession object has two methods for passing values. The sas.symget() method assigns the value of a SAS Macro variable to a Python object using the syntax
py_obj = sas.symget(existing_sas_macro_var)
Use the sas.symput() method to pass the value of a Python object to a SAS Macro variable value using the syntax
sas.symput(sas_macro_variable, py_obj)

Consider Listing 8-21.

In this example, the sas_code object is a Python Docstring containing statements for a SASdata Step and a SAS PROC Step. The sas_code Docstring is passed to the sas.submit() method for execution by SAS. In the Data Step code, the value from the automatic SAS Macro variable &SYSERR is assigned to the Macro variable &STEP1_RC. Similarly, in the PROC step &SYSERR is assigned to the SAS Macro variable &STEP2_RC. &SYSERR is an automatic, read-only Macro variable containing the execution return code from the Data Step and most PROC steps.
>> import pandas as pd
>>> import saspy
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal')
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 16836
>>> sas_code="'data _null_;
... yes = exist('sashelp.class');
... if yes  = 1 then put
...    'Table Exists';
... else put
...    'Table Does NOT Exist';
... %let step1_rc = &syserr;
... run;
... proc summary data=sashelp.class;
... var weight;
... run;
... %let step2_rc = &syserr;
... "'
>>> run_sas = sas.submit(sas_code, results="TEXT")
>>> rc = []
>>> rc.append(sas.symget('step1_rc'))
>>> rc.append(sas.symget('step2_rc'))
>>> for i, value in enumerate(rc):
...     if value==0:
...         print ("Normal Run for Step {}.".format(i, value))
...     else:
...         print("Abnormal Run for Step {}. RC={}".format(i, value))
Normal Run for Step 0.
Abnormal Run for Step 1. RC=1012
>>> print(run_sas[('LOG')])
Listing 8-21

sas.symget Method

Passing the SAS Macro variable return codes from each SAS execution step to a Python object is accomplished calling the sas.symget() method. The syntax
rc = []

creates an empty list and then the append() method calls the sas.symget() method . The sas.symget() method call returns the codes and appends them to the rc list. The for loop iterates through the rc list using if/else logic to print the SAS return codes.

The statement
returns the SAS log fragment associated with just those statements executed by the last sas.submit() method . This is in contrast to the statement
which returns the SAS log for the entire session. Examining the log we can easily see the error.
35         proc summary data=sashelp.class;
36         var weight;
37         run;
ERROR: Neither the PRINT option nor a valid output statement has been given.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.


SASPy supports interactive prompting . The first type of prompting is done implicitly. For example, when running the SASsession() method , if any required argument to the connection method is not specified in the SAScfg_personal.py configuration file, then the connection process is halted, and the user is prompted for the missing argument(s).

The second form of prompting is explicit, meaning you as the application builder control where and how prompts are displayed and processed. Both the sas.submit() method and the sas.saslib() method accept an additional prompt argument. The prompt arguments are presented to the user at runtime and are connected to SAS Macro variables you supply either directly in your SAS code or as arguments to the method calls.

Prompt arguments are supplied as a Python Dictionary. The keys are the SAS Macro variable names, and the values are the Boolean values True or False. The user is prompted for the key values, and these entered values are assigned to the Macro variable. The Macro variable name is taken from the Dictionary key.

At SAS execution time, the Macro variables are resolved. If you specified False as the value for the key:value pair, then the user sees the input value as it is entered into the prompt area. On the SAS log, the user-entered values are rendered in clear text. If you specified True as the value for the key:value pair, then the user does not see the input values; nor is the Macro variable value rendered on the SAS log.

This feature is useful for obscuring password strings when assigning a LIBNAME statement to connect to a relational database. Figure 8-9 illustrates this feature.
Figure 8-9

SASPy Prompting

In this example, the prompt= argument is a Python Dictionary:
{'user' : False, 'pw' : True}

Below the cell in the Jupyter notebook, you can observe the end-user prompt inputs. In this case, it defines two SAS Macro variables, &user whose value is ‘Randy’ and &pw whose value is the password string needed by the SAS ODBC connection to the SQL Server Database, AdventureWorksDW. Notice also on the SAS log, the %let assignment for &pw is not displayed.

Scripting SASPy

Up until this point, all of the examples encountered in this chapter are executed interactively, writing its output to either the Python console or in a Jupyter notebook. Once a Python script goes from development and testing into the production, we need the ability to make the script callable. In other words, execute the script in “batch” mode. SASPy provisions the set_batch() method to automate Python script execution making calls into SASPy. Consider Listing 8-22.

Combining some of the examples created previously in this chapter, this Python script executes in non-interactive mode with the following logic:
  1. 1.

    Creates the loandf DataFrame using the read.csv() method.

  2. 2.

    Performs basic Python data wrangling explained in Listing 8-10.

  3. 3.

    Calls the sas.saslib() method to expose the SAS Libref to the Python environment.

  4. 4.

    Calls the sas.df2sd() method to convert the loandf DataFrame to the SAS dataset sas_data.loan_ds.

  5. 5.

    Sets the SASPy execution to batch with the syntax

  1. 6.
    Calls the SASPy SASdata Object bar() method to generate a histogram with the syntax
    out=loansas.bar('ln_stat', title="Historgram of Loan Status", label='Loan Status')

    The out object is a Dictionay containing two key:value pairs. The first key:value pair is the key ‘LOG’ whose value is the contents of the SAS log. The second pair is the key ‘LST’ whose value is the contents of the SAS Listing. The SAS Listing holds the html statements used to render the histogram. Since sas.set_batch() is set to True, this html is not rendered and instead is routed to a file. In this case, we are using

as the target file location for the SAS-generated html output.
  1. 7.

    Assigns the SAS Listing (html source statements) to the object html_out object.

html_out = out['LST']
We only want the html source. Recall the out Dictionary has two key:value pairs. If both the SAS log statements and the SAS Listing output were written to the output file, our HTML output file will be invalid.
  1. 8.

    Uses the Python Standard Library, open(), write(), and close() calls to write the html source statements held in the html_out object to a file on the filesystem.

>>> #! /usr/bin/python3.5
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import saspy
>>> url = url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RandyBetancourt/PythonForSASUsers/master/data/LC_Loan_Stats.csv"
... loandf = pd.read_csv(url,
...     low_memory=False,
...     usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16),
...     names=('id',
...           'mem_id',
...           'ln_amt',
...           'term',
...           'rate',
...           'm_pay',
...           'grade',
...           'sub_grd',
...           'emp_len',
...           'own_rnt',
...           'income',
...           'ln_stat',
...           'purpose',
...           'state',
...           'dti'),
...     skiprows=1,
...     nrows=39786,
...     header=None)
>>> loandf['rate'] = loandf.rate.replace('%',",regex=True).astype('float')/100
>>> loandf['term'] = loandf['term'].str.strip('months').astype('float64')
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal')
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 1164
>>> sas.saslib('sas_data', 'BASE', 'C:data')
26         libname sas_data BASE  'C:data'  ;
NOTE: Libref SAS_DATA was successfully assigned as follows:
      Engine:        BASE
      Physical Name: C:data
>>> loansas = sas.df2sd(loandf, table="loan_ds", libref="sas_data")
>>> sas.set_batch(True)
>>> out=loansas.bar('ln_stat', title="Historgram of Loan Status", label='Loan Status')
>>> html_out = out['LST']
>>> f = open('C:\data\saspy_batch\sas_output.html','w')
... f.write(html_out)
>>> f.close()
Listing 8-22

Automating Python Scripts Calling SASPy

This Python script is now callable using any number of methods such as a Windows shell, PowerShell, Bash shell, or being executed by a scheduler. On Windows the command to run the script is
> python Listing10.20_saspy_set_batch.py
For Linux the command to run the script is
$ python Listing10.20_saspy_set_batch.py

Datetime Handling

Recall from Chapter 7, “Date and Time,” SAS and Python use different datetime offsets for their internal representation of datetime values. When data with datetime values are imported and exported between softwares, the exchange process poses a potential risk of corrupting data values. To understand the impacts of exchanging datetime values, consider Listing 8-23.

This example creates the df_dates DataFrame by using the DataFrame() constructor method to include the dates column, created by calling the date_range method, and the rnd_val column, created by calling the numpy random.randint() method, between the range of 100 and 1000 as random numbers.

Also notice we have included some elementary error handling for this script. The connection from the SASsession object checks the SASpid attribute which returns the process ID for the SAS sub-process. In the event the call to the SASsession method fails, an error message is printed and the script is exited at that point. The call to sys.exit() method is similar to the SAS ABORT statement with the ABEND argument which halts the SAS job or session. (The ABORT statement actions are influenced by how the SAS script is executed, whether it is interactive or batch.)

SASPy provisions the saslibrc() method to return the value SAS automatic Macro variable &SYSLIBRC to report whether the last LIBNAME statement executed correctly. Here we use it as another error handler using the IF logic to exit the script if the LIBNAME statement called by the saslib() method fails.
>>> import saspy
>>> import sys
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
>>> nl = ' '
>>> date_today = date.today()
>>> days       = pd.date_range(date_today, date_today + timedelta(20), freq="D")
>>> np.random.seed(seed=123456)
>>> data = np.random.randint(100, high=10000, size=len(days))
>>> df_dates = pd.DataFrame({'dates': days, 'rnd_val': data})
>>> print(df_dates.head(5))
       dates  rnd_val
0 2019-02-08     6309
1 2019-02-09     6990
2 2019-02-10     4694
3 2019-02-11     3221
4 2019-02-12     3740
>>> sas = saspy.SASsession(cfgname='winlocal', results="Text")
SAS Connection established. Subprocess id is 21024
>>> if sas.SASpid == None:
...     print('ERROR: saspy Connection Failed',
...          nl,
...  'Exiting Script')
...     sys.exit()
>>> print('saspy Process ID: ', sas.SASpid, nl)
saspy Process ID:  23600
>>> sas.saslib('sas_data', 'BASE', 'C:data')
20         libname sas_data BASE  'C:data'  ;
NOTE: Libref SAS_DATA was successfully assigned as follows:
      Engine:        BASE
      Physical Name: C:data
>>> sas.assigned_librefs()
>>> if sas.SYSLIBRC() != 0:
...     print('ERROR: Invalid Libref',
...           nl,
...   'Exiting Script')
...     sys.exit()
>>> py_dates = sas.df2sd(df_dates, table="py_dates", libref="sas_data")
>>> py_dates.head(5)
Obs   dates                         rnd_val
1     2019-02-08T00:00:00.000000    6309
2    2019-02-09T00:00:00.000000     6990
3    2019-02-10T00:00:00.000000     4694
4    2019-02-11T00:00:00.000000     3221
5    2019-02-12T00:00:00.000000     3740
Listing 8-23

SASPy Datetime Handling

Calling the SASPy df2sd() method exports the df_dates DataFrame to the SAS dataset sas_data.py_dates. Displaying the first five observations of the dataset shows the datetime values from the df_dates DataFrame are correctly exported as SAS datetime values without user input. SASPy uses the E8601DT26.6 format to write the datetime values, as shown in Listing 8-24.
>>> py_dates.columnInfo()
The CONTENTS Procedure
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
#    Variable    Type    Len    Format
1    dates       Num       8    E8601DT26.6
2    rnd_val     Num       8
Listing 8-24

SASPy Default Datetime Format

Of course, we can use any valid SAS datetime format to render these values as shown in Listing 8-25.
>>> sas_code = "'data _null_;
...               set sas_data.py_dates(obs=5);
...               put 'Datetime dates: ' dates mdyampm25.;
...               run;"'
>>> run_sas = sas.submit(sas_code, results="TEXT")
>>> print(run_sas[('LOG')])
50   data _null_;
51      set sas_data.py_dates(obs=5);
52      put 'Datetime dates: ' dates mdyampm25.;
53  run;
Datetime dates:         2/8/2019 12:00 AM
Datetime dates:         2/9/2019 12:00 AM
Datetime dates:        2/10/2019 12:00 AM
Datetime dates:        2/11/2019 12:00 AM
Datetime dates:        2/12/2019 12:00 AM
NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the dataset SAS_DATA.PY_DATES.
Listing 8-25

SASPy sas.submit() Method Formatting Datetime Values

Now let’s go the other direction and export the SAS dataset sas_data.py_dates to the sasdt_df2 DataFrame. Consider Listing 8-26.
>>> sasdt_df2 = sas.sd2df(table='py_dates', libref="sas_data")
>>> print(sasdt_df2.head(5),
...       nl,
...       'Data type for dates:', sasdt_df2['dates'].dtype)
  dates       rnd_val
0 2019-02-08     6309
1 2019-02-09     6990
2 2019-02-10     4694
3 2019-02-11     3221
4 2019-02-12     3740
 Data type for dates: datetime64[ns]
... sasdt_df2["date_times_fmt"] = sasdt_df2["dates"].dt.strftime("%c")
>>> print(sasdt_df2["date_times_fmt"].head(5))
0    Sat Feb  8 00:00:00 2019
1    Sun Feb  9 00:00:00 2019
2    Mon Feb 10 00:00:00 2019
3    Tue Feb 11 00:00:00 2019
4    Wed Feb 12 00:00:00 2019
Name: date_times_fmt, dtype: object
Listing 8-26

Export SAS Datetimes to DataFrame

Calling the SASPy sd2df() method exports a SAS dataset to a pandas DataFrame. Notice how the dtype attribute for the sasdt_df2['date_times'] column returns a datetime64 as the data type, indicating the SAS datetime variable date_times is exported to the pandas DataFrame as a datetime64 data type.

The syntax
sasdt_df2["date_times_fmt"] = sasdt_df2["date_times"].dt.strftime("%c")

creates the sasdt_df2["date_times_fmt"] column using the strftime method which returns the new column with a data type of object.


In this chapter we discussed the ability to integrate SAS and Python code together in a single Python execution context enabled by the SASPy module. We also presented examples on bi-directional interchange of data between a pandas DataFrame and SAS dataset as well as exchanging SAS and Python variable values. The SASPy module offers a compelling set of methods to integrate SAS and Python processing logic both interactively and through scripting methods.

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