© Charles Waghmare 2018
Charles WaghmareYammerhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3796-0_10

10. Next-Generation Yammer

Charles Waghmare1 
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

We have come to the last chapter of this book, where I would like to express my thoughts and vision of how Yammer can be used most effectively by future users, who will be Generation Y users. I would like to thank each Yammer user for coming on this journey with me. After spending over 2,555 days with Yammer (i.e., seven years), I wish to convey my thoughts so as to give readers an idea of the potential Yammer has both today and in the future. This chapter will cover several innovative and interesting ideas that will make Yammer an eternal multi-purpose platform.

Disruption of Social Media

In this fast-moving world, innovative technologies come into our lives and make such a huge impact that living without them becomes close to impossible. Social media and mobile technologies are two examples, and it is hard to imagine surviving without them. Significant aspects of these technologies are that they interact with human emotions and that we use them in our personal and professional lives—the two most significant aspects of human life. Dependence on social media has increased not only in our personal lives but also at the workplace. People like to use social collaborative platforms to work loudly, connect with people, and share solutions with others. Eighty-five percent of Fortune 500 companies use Yammer at work to foster team collaboration, empower employees, drive business agility, and bring social to their intranets. Yammer was built to work the way you work alongside your existing applications. When you focus on putting people at the center of your business, your employees will get opportunities to connect, communicate, and collaborate using Yammer.

Technology companies continuously strategize to make their products innovative, competitive, and user-friendly; otherwise, their products would be lost in the competition. Companies are trying to upgrade their products with new user interfaces, designs, features, and innovative services. Facebook, for example, has been consistently adding new features and making changes to keep it interesting for users. Today, we are using Windows 2010; the days of using Windows 98 or 2000 are over. As a result of mobile technology, companies are investing in developing mobiles apps for their products so that people can access them through mobile in addition to on the desktop. To summarize, products need to be continuously updated so that they meet end-user requirements.

Yammer is no different. Since its launch in 2008, the Yammer product team has been continuously working to bring improvements, add new features, remove obsolete or redundant features, and produce more varieties to keep Yammer very innovative and simple for end users to use.

When Yammer first launched, it was launched as a Software as a Service (SaaS) model; i.e., the application was hosted in the cloud, customers paid for services on per-user basis, and there were no application or hosting charges as opposed to those found for on-premises hosted platforms. Not many products at the time were launched in the SaaS model, but in 2013, this model proved worthy when Yammer was moved into the Microsoft Office 365 cloud family of Microsoft products. Since then, Yammer has been available as a service under the Office 365 product family.

Email Notifications from Yammer.com to Your Company Domain xyz.com

Email has been the primary medium of communication up to today, even though we are in a very fast digital world. This is surprising but true. Therefore, all products have email notifications built into them, which keep the user informed about activities happening over the platform. This seems somehow negative, as it means that we think the user will not visit the platform without prompting from email notifications. The reliance on email is ongoing still today. Just imagine—if we had stopped using email as the primary method of communication about 7 to 10 years back when products with Web 2.0 features were launched, then users would be forced to access the platform, and the entire objective of the existence of the platform would be achieved.

It seems that a similar philosophy has been adopted for Yammer. Users may not have time to access the Yammer platform, so, via the email notification feature, users can be notified about discussions taking place over Yammer. If the user finds them interesting, they can send a response by replying to that email notification, which will be published as a message on Yammer. This has become possible due to the seamless integration between Yammer and Outlook. Or, the user can access the Yammer platform by simply clicking the links present in the email notifications.

By default, all email notifications are enabled for Yammer users, and users can manage them depending upon their choice and requirements. One of Yammer’s main goals is to connect people across the organization and break silos within the company, and Yammer is trying to achieve this through its email notification features. By doing so, these users can find out what other people are working on. Employees can find out about things that they wouldn’t have discovered if they'd only interacted with their inner loop. The following is a list of email notifications that are available for Yammer users:

Email me when . . .
  • There are updates from my groups (daily)

  • I receive a message in my inbox

  • I get new followers

  • I install a new application

  • I log in from somewhere new

  • I post a message via email (This will send a confirmation email.)

  • Someone invites me to a group

  • Someone likes messages I posted (daily)

  • Someone modifies my org chart (daily)

  • Someone requests to join a private group I administer

  • There are highlights from groups I haven’t joined (weekly)

  • There are new suggestions for people to follow (weekly)

  • Tips and important updates about Yammer features are available

There is new activity in the following groups:
  • All Company

  • Other Yammer groups to which I have subscribed

Besides receiving an email notification from Yammer, you can send emails to Yammer to remain engaged on Yammer.

Posting by Email

Post an update by emailing it from any verified email address to companydomain.com @yammer.com.

Posting to Groups

Send a group message by emailing it to <groupname>[email protected]. The short group name can be found on the group profile.

Posting to Members

You can send a private message to a user by emailing it to <username>[email protected]. The short username can be found in the URL of the user’s profile.

For example, your followers can send you a private message by emailing Short user name + companydomain.com @yammer.com.

For small Yammer networks, email notifications can prove useful as a small number of user subscriptions will result in a small amount of email notifications coming from yammer.com to yourcompany.com. Users can collaborate, connect, and share using email notifications, and Yammer’s purpose of breaking silos and building collaboration will be achieved. Having a limited number of email notifications does not put pressure on your email gateways; they do not get overloaded with a huge number of notifications, and thus the entire objective to have email notifications is achieved. However, this may not be true for huge Yammer networks that contain more than 100,000 users and where you have over 100,000 email notifications going from yammer.com to company.com. Such volume would have a severe impact on your business as normal emails and critical emails would get lost in the onslaught. If the company email system gets stopped up as a result of Yammer email notifications, then the purpose of using such notifications to break silos and build a collaborative work environment is not achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to have control over email notifications coming from Yammer.com. There are three possible solutions, as follows:
  • Office 365 admins should have the option to disable “There are updates from my groups (daily)” email notifications for all existing users and disable it by default for new users who join in the future.

  • Office 365 admins should have the option to divert email notification traffic to non-business hours.

  • Provide an option for Office 365 admin to manage email notifications for end users.

Yammer email notifications are not an issue, and if notifications are managed through enhanced features as just discussed, they will not become an issue at all for huge Yammer networks in the future. In my career, I have twice come across the issue of receiving a ton of email notifications from yammer.com. In the first instance, Microsoft was forced to disable those daily digest email notifications that existed before for all existing users by developing a customized script. Today, as a result of enhanced processes at Microsoft, you cannot repeat the same workaround; rather, you need to submit a design request, which Yammer product teams will assess and then develop a permanent and feasible solution across all Yammer customers.

Information Security, Data Privacy, and German Workers Council

In this section, we will see concerns related to Information Security, Data Privacy, and German Workers Council when Yammer is used in the organization.

What Are the Main Data Protection Issues?

Data security : Information assets often include personal information (also called personal data). Security is one of the main enablers of data protection. To guarantee an adequate level of protection, organizations must implement a risk-management process that assesses the security risks of processing personal data. They must then implement security measures to deal with the identified risks. These measures may include organizational measures (e.g., policies, procedures, etc.) or technical ones (e.g., the implementation of antivirus software, backup files, etc.).

Accountability : Organizations need to ensure that their security controls remain effective in protecting data and mitigate existing threats over time. Regular monitoring—which involves an analysis of the needs of an organization, its processing operations, and security tools—is the most efficient way to keep an organization’s information security under control and correct for the purpose at hand. Such an analysis helps organizations to invest in the most appropriate security tools and justify such an investment.

When dealing with personal data, it is also necessary to consider the potential impact to the individuals concerned. For example, compromised security for medical data or criminal records may severely affect an individual and thus requires appropriately strong measures to reduce the associated risks.

What Constitutes Personal Data?

Personal data is any information related to a natural person or “data subject” that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person. It can be anything from a name, a photo, or an email address to bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, or a computer IP address.

Organizations with their origin in Europe follow EU GDPR—European Union General Data Protection Regulation . Cloud infrastructure hosted outside the European Union is considered to be unsecure as it may be hacked, and personal data will potentially be lost. Hence, any organization from the EU will express concerns when a cloud of SaaS applications is located outside EU boundaries. Some organizations evaluate SaaS platforms with the help of internal questionnaires and audits, and, based on results, conclusions are announced.

Overview of Yammer Security

Yammer data is hosted in Microsoft-managed datacenters. Yammer is operated out of Microsoft’s global network of datacenters with 24/7/365 video surveillance, biometric and pin-based locks, strict personnel access controls, and detailed visitor entry logs. All data in transit into and out of the production environment is encrypted at all times. Communication with Yammer is done over HTTPS (TLS 1.2 supported) regardless of user endpoint (web, desktop app, mobile app, API). In addition to being encrypted in transit, Yammer data is encrypted at rest with AES-256 bit key encryption. Only employees with a legitimate business need can access customer data, and all access is on an approval-only basis. All access is logged and regularly audited. ISO27001 is the global standard in information security . Independent auditors have verified that Yammer meets the rigorous set of physical, logical, process, and management controls defined by the ISO27001 standard .

Let’s look at some important points to be followed while using Yammer. Your company’s Yammer Usage Policy will depend upon on your information security and data privacy officer but should consider the following:
  • You can mention client name or client contact names in any group as long as it is not violating client’s contractual requirements on information security.

  • Client-related information can be published in accordance with client’s contractual agreements:
    • In situations where the client has specifically forbidden publishing information on any cloud-based platform, you should not publish client-related information on Yammer, even in private groups.

    • In situations where confidentiality restrictions apply, but agreement does not explicitly mention cloud-based platforms, you can publish client-related information in private groups, exercising the same caution as if you were publishing on any other platform used by your organization.

    • In all other situations, client-related information can be shared in such a way that will help other users to understand the business situation and respond accordingly.

    • Any information qualified as confidential as per client contractual requirements cannot be published on Yammer.

  • Will a thumbnail preview of a URL that displays client information lead to a security violation? If the URL is accessible to all users, then it is not a violation. Further, if the URL is accessible to only a specific set of users, then a thumbnail preview of the URL that displays confidential client information could be a risk.

  • When mobile devices (smartphones and iPads) are lost when an active Yammer session was already logged in, risk definitely occurs, and in that case the user can access the web version of Yammer and disable mobile access through the available Yammer feature.

  • There is no security risk when data from Yammer is extracted using APIs as only registered users can pull information using APIs.

  • Publisher owns the responsibility for any security violation related to client’s information when it is published.

German Workers Council

The German Workers Council has always questioned whether any statistics produced with Yammer data can be used to evaluate employees’ performance based on Yammer engagement. This is the case not only with Yammer, but also with other platforms such as CRM or knowledge management used by employees in Germany. Yammer itself contains no report through which user activity can be identified with their names and then a comparison be made to find the top user. In my experience, with the help of a Yammer API, a team was indeed able to produce a customized report in which user activity was identified with user names, and, based on that user activity, a top user was identified. In this case, data privacy officers requested answers to two questions: What is the objective of the report? What actions will be performed as a result of the report? The internal team mentioned that the idea behind the report was to measure user activity and based on that reward top users. The entire exercise was meant for internal company purposes, and it was nowhere linked to the employee performance management system . Hence, considering this situation, such a report was allowed to be published.

Seven Awesome Ideas That Will Make Yammer a Next-Generation Platform

In this section, we are going to look at seven ideas that I think will take collaboration to next stage. Besides, I thought of these ideas from user perspective who have demanded or proposed features in the past for better experience.

Email Can Be Replaced by Yammer

Email has long been the primary medium of communication in the workplace. We communicate with people whose email addresses we already know. In addition, we carbon copy (CC) and blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients whose email addresses are well known to us. Email is considered a secure communication medium for sharing confidential information, such as salary details, organization performance data, and customer agreements. Confidential communication between clients and service providers often takes place through email. Today, emails can be accessed through mobile devices. The email feature is embedded in Outlook, which has other features, such as managing your meetings, tasks, and status for Skype for Business. Outlook is seamlessly integrated with Corporate Active Directory so that information from Active Directory, such as user email addresses, names, and more, can be fetched into email.

Yammer has a private message feature through which users can send messages to other known Yammer users in a way very similar to email. You can send private messages to one or more Yammer users. Yammer private messages can be enhanced into Outlook so that you can send and receive email and copy Yammer users as CC or BCC. Skype for Business and Corporate Active Directory are already integrated with Yammer via Office 365. Therefore, setting up meeting invites and managing your Skype for Business status will become possible through Yammer. The integration of Yammer with Exchange Server is needed. We are not very far away from enhancing the private message feature into email so that emails can be managed through Yammer and not through Outlook. Further, private messages can be accessed in the Yammer app. If the Yammer private message feature is enhanced to work as we use email today, then it will be the biggest change in the history of communication.

There is definitely business value behind this idea. On Yammer, we can collaborate with an entire organization of people, both those we know and those we do not know, and we can collaborate with those we know through private messages. If Yammer can do what email can do today, then it will allow users to communicate more openly with a wider audience—i.e., with those known and unknown. Further, by using Yammer you can completely stop the culture of using an email distribution list; you can collaborate on your issues or queries with a large audience, generate ideas, share knowledge with a larger community, share content with global teams without any constraints on content size or number of recipients, and get feedback from a larger audience. This change will be accepted by Generation Y users, who are inclined to use social platforms for communication. This change will bring more business-focused communication as it will involve more people in solving business issues.

Yammer Can Make Face-to-Face Collaboration Possible

Since the evolution of social media, there have been many discussions about face-to-face collaboration or interactions versus virtual collaboration. Most people believe face-to-face collaboration is an effective way of working as you get a feel for the interaction and can see your collaborator’s body language; therefore, you tend to produce more desired results. I totally agree with this, and have no objections to opinions in this regard. However, we must think a little beyond this. In the past we had great leaders, such as Alexander the Great, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela, and great minds, such as Srinivasa Ramanujan, Aryabhata, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton. Today, we do not see them, as they have passed into eternity, but their achievements are continuously interacting with us and inspiring us to make more discoveries. We are dependent on the theories, research papers, values, and dedication they have given to society, and as a result we have produced notable human beings in this world today. This is real collaboration at its best.

Today, companies are spread across different cities and countries. Some companies have offices in over 80 countries. It is very important that employees in a global setup should collaborate, connect, and share with each other to achieve the desired business results. Besides, clients and service providers are not necessarily in the same city or country. Almost all line one (L1) support offered by service providers has moved online; for offline L1 support there is now often a cost involved, which some clients are quite happy to pay. People use Yammer to collaborate with each other, and sometimes they use text messages to communicate to find solutions. Sometime such messages are not clear, so people reply with their own queries seeking clarification. If things remain unclear, collaborators will share their contact details and speak over the phone to clarify problems. In some situations, they have to involve more people over a call to clarify and find a solution. If Yammer had a video collaboration feature, then in most cases business problems could be fixed easily.

The idea of video collaboration sounds funny, but certainly it is possible and will create a difference in the workplace. Today’s global organizations demand a video collaboration feature, as 100,000 people cannot collaborate using text messages. They will need more feelings attached to the messages, which can be done by adding the face, voice, and tone of the people involved in raising the business problem and providing a solution. Video collaboration will be the choice of Gen Y users as they have always preferred to work in innovative ways.

Build a List of Group Landscape (Default Group List)

On Yammer, any user can create a group , and due to such flexibility sometimes users create multiple groups on the same topic. As a consequence, your network fills up with too many Yammer groups, but only a few are active—most of them are without any activity. In my experience, I have seen cases where a group is created but there is no activity for several months—sometimes a year—but if you approach the group admin to delete the unused group you are met with resistance. I am quite fortunate to have used Yammer for the last seven years, and in that time, plenty of users have given feedback that it is difficult to manage too many groups in Yammer, and therefore there should be an option to merge groups so that life will be easier. I still see that discussion happening in some Yammer product forums. However, it is quite justified to allow all users to create groups since Yammer by nature is an open and social platform, and all social features are available to end users for its full usage.

People have also discussed how having too many external networks or external groups on their network has become difficult to manage. Yammer admins have an option to disable external network creation for users, allowing only admins to create them. But whenever this option is used by network admins there is some resistance from users on the network.

Not only individual users are responsible for creating multiple Yammer groups on the same topic; business users are also sometimes responsible for creating multiple groups where a single Yammer group would do; for example, to launch a Yammer campaign. Let’s say the intellectual property department users created different Yammer groups to launch campaigns in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, and will create another Yammer group in the future to launch a campaign on the same topic. This could have been done with a single Yammer group and a hash topic to identify each campaign year.

People have also been creating multiple non-business-focused Yammer groups. In this situation, community managers experience difficulty managing groups and creating employee engagement. In my experience, I did execute campaigns and publish a list of engaged groups; I also performed group-cleansing activities, but that did not have the expected results. Even today, despite publishing group-creation guidelines, people find various business reasons to create different Yammer groups for the same topic rather than having a single group that can serve the desired purpose. Some companies have built a team to control the creation of multiple knowledge communities based on the same topic. The objective of knowledge management in these companies is to make knowledge available in public communities, not private ones, and to limit the list of new communities being created. Once a request is raised by end users to create a new community, it is assessed and requires business approval to be published. Before publishing, a user needs to share their engagement plan for their new community. However, such a process is not possible for all companies due to budget or resource constraints.

In general, Yammer is used across the organization and is not the kind of platform that is used only on a project- or engagement-length basis. Companies adopt Yammer to be used company-wide. It might be helpful for Yammer to provide a default list of groups as follows:
  • Human resources
    • Recruitment

    • Sourcing

    • Onboarding

    • Resource management

  • Operations
    • Incident management

    • Change management

    • Customized development

    • Manufacturing

  • Quality and process excellence
    • ISO processed

    • Six sigma

    • Lean

    • Project management

  • Support functions
    • Information technology

    • Security and data privacy

    • Sales and delivery

    • Marketing and internal communications

  • Employee engagement
    • Community management

    • Outside-of-office events such as public speaking clubs, books, films, and humor

The preceding list may not be perfect, but organizations more or less have the same departmental structure. If Yammer can provide such default groups to start with, then both business and normal users will think twice before creating groups, because the group they want to create is already part of the default list. Even if they happen to create a new one, it will be created under default group list .

Augment Features for Creativity in Yammer

Without a doubt, Yammer is a creative tool , and because of its creative features Yammer has been keeping millions of users engaged all over the world. Tools have to be creative so that users enjoy using them and do not feel bored. By using creative features users can express their business problems and solution providers are able to share solutions. If you have creative features, then sharing becomes very clear, transparent, and obvious. People get a feel of what has been shared and communicated to them, and they can act upon it quickly.

If you are using the latest mobile phone, then you have experienced the creativity that has been used to make user features appealing. Though I have not used it, I love the Apple iPhone. I wonder why I love Apple’s phone despite not using one. The word Apple somehow makes me think of a better user experience and remember Apple stories I have heard in the past. It is the brand. Second, its features are awesome and the simplest to use. When you use the SMS feature, it feels like you are writing a newsletter or magazine because you have so many graphical features to use. When you connect to the phone directory, you see profile pictures of contacts very clearly. iPhone cameras have awesome features, such as Turn on the Grid, Set Focus & Exposure, Take HDR Photos, and Shoot Live Photos. You feel like you are a photographer.

Features that will make Yammer more creative include the following:
  • List of emoticons and stickers that will make people happy while collaborating

  • With a single click, launch device camera directly from Yammer to take a photo. Allow photo edits before publishing.

  • Make a list of templates to create newsletters, blogs, storytelling, business cases, and processes.

  • Integrate Yammer with your local transport system so that people can book a carpool ride or metro/train ticket for daily commute.

  • Have ability to make phone calls from Yammer (but for business purposes only).

  • Add a document scanner function that can automatically detect when a photo of a document is taken and allow you to fill in the blanks or sign it through the keyboard. Once you are done editing the document, you can export it as a PDF or document file.

  • Integrate maps and lane guidance . This will help people find your office address.

  • Add payment system to send and receive payments.

You cannot build the preceding features in one day, but you need to have such features in Yammer to keep it creative and help users enjoy their Yammer journey. Creativity is now ruling the world, and it is a strong factor in digital transformation.

Build a Business Gaming Zone Within Yammer

Organizations are investing huge amounts of money in building gamification apps, games apps, and interactive user interfaces for campaigns or other events. Many organizations build games to increase engagement during events and campaigns, and based on users’ participation in the games award a score and a surprise prize. Games are related to the business. For an example, annual survey can be gamified using badges to gain maximum participation. Once you respond, you are definitely going to get a new badge. But you can increase your badges by recommending people to participate in survey and once they successfully submit survey, for each unique submission, you will get an additional new badge. More badges will earn you more points. The objective of these games is to spread awareness and information and make the user alert. However, building such gaming apps involves plenty of complications. The process starts with identifying a technology platform on which the app will be designed and built. Then comes the issue of hosting: should we host the app on internal servers or VM, or do we buy an SaaS product? Finally, once the game is ready, we share a link with users across platforms. What if we could have everything ready—i.e., technology, design templates, and hosting platform—and not need to communicate manually through each platform? Life would become easy, and marketing and communications would do innovate stuff to make their campaign go viral.

If Yammer could provide an app-hosting place, design templates to help create gamification apps, and create user-focused games, then it would become so easy to launch digital campaigns on Yammer. As we are living in a digital world, the user community expects digital features to make their job easy, transparent, and well recognized. Businesses expect employees to remain engaged through their digital interface rather than through text communication, which is quite easy to ignore.

Building a business gaming zone inside Yammer would give businesses multiple opportunities to communicate with their user communities about what they are currently doing, their challenges, their vision, and their expectations in a friendly and digital way. If we had these resources available through Yammer, then any user from the business could use design templates to create apps and roll them out to a large potential audience. Yammer could help you reach a vast audience with your app.

Create Culture of Sharing Secure Content

Intellectual property (IP) is an item created by the intellect of the human mind. Intellectual property is a non-physical property that stems from, or is identified as, and whose value is based upon some idea.

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are monopoly rights granted by a country to an inventor/author for the protection of certain intangible creations (ideas, works of art, software). To protect different aspects of an inventive work, IPR as a collective term includes important independent IP rights, such as the following:
  • Patent: A patent is an exclusive right, granted by a country to the inventor for a limited period, to make, use, manufacture, and market the invention, provided the invention satisfies certain conditions stipulated in the law.

  • Trademark: A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise.

  • Copyright: Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection granted under law to the creators of original works of authorship such as literary works (including computer programs, tables, and compilations, including computer databases); dramatic, musical, and artistic works; cinematographic films; and sound recordings.

Intellectual property rights have become important in the face of a changing trade environment that is characterized by the following features: global competition, high innovation risks, short product cycles, need for rapid changes in technology, high investments in research and development (R&D), production, and marketing; and the need for highly skilled human resources.

Today, content (text, pictures, videos, and so on) is freely and easily available on the internet; it is simply a matter of searching for it. Reusing content is always very useful, and content such as text and images can be reused with just two functions: copy and paste. In such situations, we often do not look at whether the content is free from copyrights, and later we might be served with a summons from court for violating IP laws.

In my Yammer career, there was one occasion where some users were sharing freely available technology tutorial PDF documents on Yammer. A number of such PDF files were shared in large numbers without the users’ reading the IP clause, which was present in the PDF documents. An active Yammer champion noted this activity and immediately reported it to me and the legal department. Following a consultation with the legal department, the PDF documents were removed immediately. The IP clause in them mentioned that such documents could not be circulated in a commercial organization but could be circulated in an educational organization.

Then, tough action was needed to review all attachments already present on the Yammer network (over 50,000 attachments!) to ensure that they were all free from IP bindings, or the organization could have faced legal action. The legal department also said that if there were a string violation then our CEO could also have gone to jail. Through the assessment of attachments it was seen that several Dilbert cartoon images had been uploaded by users, and when the user was told to remove them for violating copyrights, the enthusiastic user got approval from the Dilbert copyright holder, and the images were retained. After about six to eight months, all copyrighted content was deleted through proper communication with end users, and the network was made free of any possibility of being sued about copyrighted content.

On Yammer, we need to have a flag or mark identified with content to confirm that the content is free from IP issues and can be easily used and shared in the company. Without any feature to monitor IP-protected content, it is very tough for organizations to find such content and get rid of it. Once we have a flag identified with content to confirm copyright status to users, we can keep our network free from IP -protected content, which will build a culture of sharing secure content.

Features That Will Make Community Managers’ Lives Easier

Community managers are the heart of the Yammer network as they pump the blood of user engagement. They need to have the best features available to them to make their lives easy. Community managers need to have a centralized information center that they host and from which they can reuse information whenever they need it. Community managers also need to have access to healthy analytics to demonstrate the business value of their Yammer network. The following features will make community managers’ lives easier:
  • Customized analytics. Having only figures available for groups and users will not help today in this digital world. What is the sentiment of your network? Which keyword is used more often? What are the discussion trends? At what time during the day do you have maximum Yammer users?

  • Turn user engagement items like YamJam and YamChat into a community manager feature.

  • A feature to define KPI for community managers (at group level and network level)

  • A network-wide feature to clean away unused groups, hash topics, and external networks on a periodic basis

  • A feature to create posters inside Yammer so that community managers can effectively communicate their message

  • A feature to host a knowledge hub of user resources and links. Community managers of large networks spend a lot of time searching for content and making it available for end users.


In this chapter, you have been exposed to a new set of ideas that will transform Yammer into a platform targeted for Generation Y users. New features need to be developed within Yammer to sustain it and for it to be accepted by an audience that is exposed to change, transformation, and digitalization daily. It is the user community that will demand new features in Yammer so that they can become more efficient in completing their business tasks. This chapter may not contain an ideal list of new features but rather a list of features that are known, are feasible, and can be developed in Yammer. On the other hand, some features already exist in the products available on the market, so it is a possible list.

I hope you have enjoyed reading each chapter of this book, and I hope that you have gotten some idea of how to roll out a Yammer network in your organization, be a community manager, or be a Yammer champion or whatever you expected before you picked up this book to read.

Nobody is perfect—even me. I may have missed some points or ideas in this book, but that’s how life is! I hope that with your valuable feedback I can plan a sequel to this book. All the best!

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