© Magnus Lie Hetland 2017

Magnus Lie Hetland, Beginning Python, 10.1007/978-1-4842-0028-5_13

13. Database Support

Magnus Lie Hetland

(1)Trondheim, Norway

Using simple, plain-text files can get you only so far. Yes, they can get you very far, but at some point, you may need some extra functionality. You may want some automated serialization, and you can turn to shelve (see Chapter 10) and pickle (a close relative of shelve). But you may want features that go beyond even this. For example, you might want to have automated support for concurrent access to your data, that is, to allow several users to read from and write to your disk-based data without causing any corrupted files or the like. Or you may want to be able to perform complex searches using many data fields or properties at the same time, rather than the simple single-key lookup of shelve. There are plenty of solutions to choose from, but if you want this to scale to large amounts of data and you want the solution to be easily understandable by other programmers, choosing a relatively standard form of database is probably a good idea.

This chapter discusses the Python Database API, a standardized way of connecting to SQL databases, and demonstrates how to execute some basic SQL using this API. The last section also discusses some alternative database technology.

I won’t be giving you a tutorial on relational databases or the SQL language. The documentation for most databases (such as PostgreSQL or MySQL, or, the one used in this chapter, SQLite) should cover what you need to know. If you haven’t used relational databases before, you might want to check out www.sqlcourse.com (or just do a web search on the subject) or Beginning SQL Queries, 2nd ed., by Clare Churcher (Apress, 2016).

The simple database used throughout this chapter (SQLite) is, of course, not the only choice—by far. There are several popular commercial choices (such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server), as well as some solid and widespread open source databases (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Firebird). For a list of some other databases supported by Python packages, check out https://wiki.python.org/moin/DatabaseInterfaces . Relational (SQL) databases aren’t the only kind around, of course. There are object databases such as the Zope Object Database (ZODB, http://zodb.org ), compact table-based ones such as Metakit ( http://equi4.com/metakit ), or even simpler key-value databases, such as the UNIX DBM ( https://docs.python.org/3/library/dbm.html ). There is also a wide variety of the increasingly popular NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB ( http://mongodb.com ), Cassandra ( http://cassandra.apache.org ), and Redis ( http://redis.io ), all of which can be accessed from Python.

While this chapter focuses on rather low-level database interaction, you can find several high-level libraries to help you abstract away some of the grind (see, for example, http://sqlalchemy.org or http://sqlobject.org , or search the Web for other so-called object-relational mappers for Python).

The Python Database API

As I’ve mentioned, you can choose from various SQL databases, and many of them have corresponding client modules in Python (some databases even have several). Most of the basic functionality of all the databases is the same, so a program written to use one of them might easily—in theory—be used with another. The problem with switching between different modules that provide the same functionality (more or less) is usually that their interfaces (APIs) are different. In order to solve this problem for database modules in Python, a standard Database API (DB API) has been agreed upon. The current version of the API (2.0) is defined in PEP 249 , Python Database API Specification v2.0 (available from http://python.org/peps/pep-0249.html ).

This section gives you an overview of the basics. I won’t cover the optional parts of the API, because they don’t apply to all databases. You can find more information in the PEP mentioned or in the database programming guide in the official Python Wiki (available from http://wiki.python.org/moin/DatabaseProgramming ). If you’re not really interested in all the API details, you can skip this section.

Global Variables

Any compliant database module (compliant, that is, with the DB API, version 2.0) must have three global variables, which describe the peculiarities of the module. The reason for this is that the API is designed to be very flexible and to work with several different underlying mechanisms without too much wrapping. If you want your program to work with several different databases, this can be a nuisance, because you need to cover many different possibilities. A more realistic course of action, in many cases, would be to simply check these variables to see that a given database module is acceptable to your program. If it isn’t, you could simply exit with an appropriate error message, for example, or raise some exception. The global variables are summarized in Table 13-1.

Table 13-1. The Module Properties of the Python DB API

Variable Name



The version of the Python DB API in use


How thread-safe the module is


Which parameter style is used in the SQL queries

The API level (apilevel) is simply a string constant, giving the API version in use. According to the DB API version 2.0, it may have either the value '1.0' or the value '2.0'. If the variable isn’t there, the module is not 2.0-compliant, and you should (according to the API) assume that the DB API version 1.0 is in effect. It also probably wouldn’t hurt to write your code to allow other values here (who knows when, say, version 3.0 of the DB API will come out?).

The thread-safety level ( threadsafety) is an integer ranging from 0 to 3, inclusive. 0 means that threads may not share the module at all, and 3 means that the module is completely thread-safe. A value of 1 means that threads may share the module itself but not connections (see “Connections and Cursors” later in this chapter), and 2 means that threads may share modules and connections but not cursors. If you don’t use threads (which, most of the time, you probably won’t), you don’t have to worry about this variable at all.

The parameter style ( paramstyle) indicates how parameters are spliced into SQL queries when you make the database perform multiple similar queries. The value 'format' indicates standard string formatting (using basic format codes), so you insert %s where you want to splice in parameters, for example. The value 'pyformat' indicates extended format codes, as used with old-fashioned dictionary splicing, such as %(foo)s. In addition to these Pythonic styles, there are three ways of writing the splicing fields: 'qmark' means that question marks are used, 'numeric' means fields of the form :1 or :2 (where the numbers are the numbers of the parameters), and 'named' means fields like :foobar, where foobar is a parameter name. If parameter styles seem confusing, don’t worry. For basic programs, you won’t need them, and if you need to understand how a specific database interface deals with parameters, the relevant documentation will probably explain it.


The API defines several exceptions to make fine-grained error handling possible. However, they’re defined in a hierarchy, so you can also catch several types of exceptions with a single except block. (Of course, if you expect everything to work nicely and you don’t mind having your program shut down in the unlikely event of something going wrong, you can just ignore the exceptions altogether.)

The exception hierarchy is shown in Table 13-2. The exceptions should be available globally in the given database module. For more in-depth descriptions of these exceptions, see the API specification (the PEP mentioned previously).

Table 13-2. Exceptions Specified in the Python DB API






Generic superclass of all exceptions



Raised if a nonfatal problem occurs



Generic superclass of all error conditions



Errors relating to the interface, not the database



Superclass for errors relating to the database



Problems related to the data; e.g., values out of range



Errors internal to the operation of the database



Relational integrity compromised; e.g., key check fails



Internal errors in the database; e.g., invalid cursor



User programming error; e.g., table not found



An unsupported feature (e.g., rollback) requested

Connections and Cursors

In order to use the underlying database system, you must first connect to it. For this you use the aptly named function connect. It takes several parameters; exactly which depends on the database. The API defines the parameters in Table 13-3 as a guideline. It recommends that they be usable as keyword arguments and that they follow the order given in the table. The arguments should all be strings.

Table 13-3. Common Parameters of the connect Function

Parameter Name




Data source name. Specific meaning database dependent.



User name.



User password.



Host name.



Database name.


You’ll see specific examples of using the connect function in the section “Getting Started” later in this chapter, as well as in Chapter 26.

The connect function returns a connection object. This represents your current session with the database. Connection objects support the methods shown in Table 13-4.

Table 13-4. Connection Object Methods

Method Name



Closes the connection. Connection object and its cursors are now unusable.


Commits pending transactions, if supported; otherwise, does nothing.


Rolls back pending transactions (may not be available).


Returns a cursor object for the connection.

The rollback method may not be available, because not all databases support transactions. (Transactions are just sequences of actions.) If it exists, it will “undo” any transactions that have not been committed.

The commit method is always available, but if the database doesn’t support transactions, it doesn’t actually do anything. If you close a connection and there are still transactions that have not been committed, they will implicitly be rolled back—but only if the database supports rollbacks! So if you don’t want to rely on this, you should always commit before you close your connection. If you commit, you probably don’t need to worry too much about closing your connection; it’s automatically closed when it’s garbage-collected. If you want to be on the safe side, though, a call to close won’t cost you that many keystrokes.

The cursor method leads us to another topic: cursor objects. You use cursors to execute SQL queries and to examine the results. Cursors support more methods than connections and probably will be quite a bit more prominent in your programs. Table 13-5 gives an overview of the cursor methods, and Table 13-6 gives an overview of the attributes.

Table 13-5. Cursor Object Methods



callproc(name[, params])

Calls a named database procedure with given name and parameters (optional).


Closes the cursor. Cursor is now unusable.

execute(oper[, params])

Executes a SQL operation, possibly with parameters.

executemany(oper, pseq)

Executes a SQL operation for each parameter set in a sequence.


Fetches the next row of a query result set as a sequence, or None.


Fetches several rows of a query result set. Default size is arraysize.


Fetches all (remaining) rows as a sequence of sequences.


Skips to the next available result set (optional).


Used to predefine memory areas for parameters.

setoutputsize(size[, col])

Sets a buffer size for fetching big data values.

Table 13-6. Cursor Object Attributes




Sequence of result column descriptions. Read-only.


The number of rows in the result. Read-only.


How many rows to return in fetchmany. Default is 1.

Some of these methods will be explained in more detail in the upcoming text, while some (such as setinputsizes and setoutputsizes) will not be discussed. Consult the PEP for more details.


In order to interoperate properly with the underlying SQL databases, which may place various requirements on the values inserted into columns of certain types, the DB API defines certain constructors and constants (singletons) used for special types and values. For example, if you want to add a date to a database, it should be constructed with (for example) the Date constructor of the corresponding database connectivity module. That allows the connectivity module to perform any necessary transformations behind the scenes. Each module is required to implement the constructors and special values shown in Table 13-7. Some modules may not be entirely compliant. For example, the sqlite3 module (discussed next) does not export the special values (STRING through ROWID) in Table 13-7.

Table 13-7. DB API Constructors and Special Values



Date(year, month, day)

Creates an object holding a date value

Time(hour, minute, second)

Creates an object holding a time value

Timestamp(y, mon, d, h, min, s)

Creates an object holding a timestamp value


Creates an object holding a date value from ticks since epoch


Creates an object holding a time value from ticks


Creates an object holding a timestamp value from ticks


Creates an object holding a binary string value


Describes string-based column types (such as CHAR)


Describes binary columns (such as LONG or RAW)


Describes numeric columns


Describes date/time columns


Describes row ID columns

SQLite and PySQLite

As mentioned previously, many SQL database engines are available, with corresponding Python modules. Most of these database engines are meant to be run as server programs and require administrator privileges even to install them. In order to lower the threshold for playing around with the Python DB API, I’ve chosen to use a tiny database engine called SQLite , which doesn’t need to be run as a stand-alone server and which can work directly on local files, instead of with some centralized database storage mechanism.

In recent Python versions (from 2.5) SQLite has the advantage that a wrapper for it (PySQLite , in the form of the sqlite3 module) is included in the standard library. Unless you’re compiling Python from source yourself, chances are that the database itself is also included. You might want to just try the program snippets in the section “Getting Started.” If they work, you don’t need to bother with installing PySQLite and SQLite separately.


If you’re not using the standard library version of PySQLite, you may need to modify the import statement. Refer to the relevant documentation for more information.

Getting Started

You can import SQLite as a module, under the name sqlite3 (if you are using the one in the Python standard library ). You can then create a connection directly to a database file—which will be created if it does not exist—by supplying a file name (which can be a relative or absolute path to the file).

>>> import sqlite3
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect('somedatabase.db')

You can then get a cursor from this connection.

>>> curs = conn.cursor()

This cursor can then be used to execute SQL queries. Once you’re finished, if you’ve made any changes, make sure you commit them, so they’re actually saved to the file.

>>> conn.commit()

You can (and should) commit each time you’ve modified the database, not just when you’re ready to close it. When you are ready to close it, just use the close method.

>>> conn.close()

A Sample Database Application

As an example, I’ll demonstrate how to construct a little nutrient database, based on data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service ( https://www.ars.usda.gov ). Their links tend to move around a bit, but you should be able to find the relevant dataset as follows. On their web page, find your way to the Databases and Datasets page (should be available from the Research drop-down menu), and follow the link to the Nutrient Data Laboratory. On that page, you should find a further link to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, where you should find a lot of different data files in plain-text (ASCII) format, just the way we like it. Follow the Download link, and download the zip file referenced by the ASCII link under the heading “Abbreviated.” You should now get a zip file containing a text file named ABBREV.txt, along with a PDF file describing its contents. If you have trouble finding this particular file, any old data will do. Just modify the source code to suit.

The data in the ABBREV.txt file has one data record per line, with the fields separated by caret (^) characters. The numeric fields contain numbers directly, while the textual fields have their string values “quoted” with a tilde () on each side. Here is a sample line, with parts deleted for brevity:

∼07276∼^∼HORMEL SPAM ... PORK W/ HAM MINCED  CND∼^ ... ^∼1 serving∼^^∼∼^0

Parsing such a line into individual fields is a simple as using line.split('^'). If a field starts with a tilde, you know it’s a string and can use field.strip('∼') to get its contents. For the other (numeric) fields, float(field) should do the trick, except, of course, when the field is empty. The program developed in the following sections will transfer the data in this ASCII file into your SQL database and let you perform some (semi-)interesting queries on them .


This sample program is intentionally simple. For a slightly more advanced example of database use in Python, see Chapter 26.

Creating and Populating Tables

To actually create the tables of the database and populate them, writing a completely separate one-shot program might be the easiest solution. You can run this program once and then forget about both it and the original data source (the ABBREV.txt file), although keeping them around is probably a good idea.

The program shown in Listing 13-1 creates a table called food with some appropriate fields, reads the file ABBREV.txt, parses it (by splitting the lines and converting the individual fields using a utility function, convert), and inserts values read from the text field into the database using a SQL INSERT statement in a call to curs.execute.


It would have been possible to use curs.executemany, supplying a list of all the rows extracted from the data file. This would have given a minor speedup in this case but might have given a more substantial speedup if a networked client/server SQL system were used.

Listing 13-1. Importing Data into the Database (importdata.py)
import sqlite3

def convert(value):
    if value.startswith('∼'):
       return value.strip('∼')
    if not value:
       value = '0'
    return float(value)

conn = sqlite3.connect('food.db')
curs = conn.cursor()


desc    TEXT,
water   FLOAT,
kcal    FLOAT,
protein FLOAT,
fat     FLOAT,
ash     FLOAT,
carbs   FLOAT,
fiber   FLOAT,
sugar   FLOAT
query = 'INSERT INTO food VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'
field_count = 10

for line in open('ABBREV.txt'):
    fields = line.split('^')
    vals = [convert(f) for f in fields[:field_count]]
    curs.execute(query, vals)


In Listing 13-1, I use the “qmark” version of paramstyle, that is, a question mark as a field marker. If you’re using an older version of PySQLite, you may need to use % characters instead.

When you run this program (with ABBREV.txt in the same directory), it will create a new file called food.db, containing all the data of the database.

I encourage you to play around with this example, using other inputs, adding print statements, and the like.

Searching and Dealing with Results

Using the database is really simple. Again, you create a connection and get a cursor from that connection. Execute the SQL query with the execute method and extract the results with, for example, the fetchall method. Listing 13-2 shows a tiny program that takes a SQL SELECT condition as a command-line argument and prints out the returned rows in a record format. You could try it out with a command line like the following:

$ python food_query.py "kcal <= 100 AND fiber >= 10 ORDER BY sugar"

You may notice a problem when you run this. The first row, raw orange peel, seems to have no sugar at all. That’s because the field is missing in the data file. You could improve the import script to detect this condition, and insert None instead of a real value, to indicate missing data. Then you could use a condition such as the following:

"kcal <= 100 AND fiber >= 10 AND sugar ORDER BY sugar"

This requires the sugar field to have real data in any returned rows. As it happens, this strategy will work with the current database, as well, where this condition will discard rows where the sugar level is zero.

You might want to try a condition that searches for a specific food item, using an ID, such as 08323 for Cocoa Pebbles. The problem is that SQLite handles its values in a rather nonstandard fashion. Internally, all values are, in fact, strings, and some conversion and checking goes on between the database and the Python API. Usually, this works just fine, but this is an example of where you might run into trouble. If you supply the value 08323, it will be interpreted as the number 8323 and subsequently converted into the string "8323"—an ID that doesn’t exist. One might have expected an error message here, rather than this surprising and rather unhelpful behavior, but if you are careful and use the string "08323" in the first place, you’ll be fine.

Listing 13-2. Food Database Query Program (food_query.py)
import sqlite3, sys

conn = sqlite3.connect('food.db')
curs = conn.cursor()

query = 'SELECT * FROM food WHERE ' + sys.argv[1]
names = [f[0] for f in curs.description]
for row in curs.fetchall():
    for pair in zip(names, row):
        print('{}: {}'.format(*pair))

This program takes input from the user and splices it into an SQL query. This is fine as long as the user is you and you don’t enter anything too weird. However, using such inputs to sneakily insert malicious SQL code to mess with the database is a common way to crack computer systems, known as SQL injection. Don’t expose your database—or anything else—to raw user input, unless you know what you’re doing.

A Quick Summary

This chapter has given a rather brief introduction to making Python programs interact with relational databases. It’s brief because if you master Python and SQL, then the coupling between the two, in the form of the Python DB API, is quite easy to master. Here are some of the concepts covered in this chapter:

  • The Python DB API: This API provides a simple, standardized interface to which database wrapper modules should conform, to make it easier to write programs that will work with several different databases.

  • Connections: A connection object represents the communication link with the SQL database. From it, you can get individual cursors, using the cursor method. You also use the connection object to commit or roll back transactions. After you’re finished with the database, the connection can be closed.

  • Cursors: A cursor is used to execute queries and to examine the results. Resulting rows can be retrieved one by one or many (or all) at once.

  • Types and special values: The DB API specifies the names of a set of constructors and special values. The constructors deal with date and time objects, as well as binary data objects. The special values represent the types of the relational database, such as STRING, NUMBER, and DATETIME.

  • SQLite: This is a small, embedded SQL database, whose Python wrapper is included in the standard Python distribution under the name sqlite3. It’s fast and simple to use and does not require a separate server to be set up.

New Functions in This Chapter




Connect to a database and return a connection object1

What Now?

Persistence and database handling are important parts of many, if not most, big program systems. Another component shared by a great number of such systems is a network, which is dealt with in the next chapter.


1 The parameters to the connect function are database dependent.

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