

Abstraction layer (AL)

benefits, 430

definition, 443

IEEE 1905.1 addresses, 430

MAC address, 430

MoCA, 429

Access impedance

A–N phase, 74, 77

coupling mode, 70

cyclic variation, 6566

equivalent electrical channel, 4041

ESL, 6465

HAP, 7475

long-time behaviour, 6566

measurement, 6364

meter panel, building, 74, 76

shunt/parasitic series impedance, 64

single-phase coupling, 74, 77

three-phase coupling, 71

transformer, 7374

VNA, 63

voltage/current-based approach, 7071

Access intercell gateway (AIG), 383

Adaptive detection method

algorithm, 640641

AND, MAJORITY/OR rule, 642

binary hypothesis test, 641642

cooperative detection result, 642643

detection approach, 640

effectiveness, 641

narrow-band interference, 639

noise floor, 639640

power line noise level, 639

Adaptive modulation

BER, 240241

demonstrator system, 667

detection algorithm, 241243

HomePlugAV2 specification, 399

modulation order, 240

SNR, 239241

threshold, 241242

transfer function, 616

Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) model

block fading channels, 294

coherent vs. incoherent reception, 90, 296

MIMO PLC schemes, 235

pre-whitening approach, 93

Alamouti scheme

channel matrix, 208210

received symbol vector, 208

SNR, 210

transmit symbol vector, 207208

Analogue front end (AFE)

channel emulator, 576

HomePlug AV2 features, 393394

QPSK, 262

Tx ports, 343

Analogue-to-digital converter (ADC), 412413, 576, 584

Application protocol convergence (APC) function, 281, 307

Artificial mains network (AMN), 85, 174, 468, 615, 666667

Attenuation, 27

domain, 381382

house access point, 8182


characterisation, 5961

measurement, 8183

statistical evaluation

CM path, 127128

cumulative probability, 125126

frequency, 127

location size, 128

measurements, 125

median attenuation, 128129

NWA, 124

outlets, 124125, 127

SISO, 126

Attenuation domain (AD), 381382

Authentication and key management (AKM), 282

Automatic meter reading (AMR), 625, 627

Autoregressive (AR) filtering, 2324


Backbone derivation box (BDB), 559

Backoff procedure event counter (BPC), 375

Baseline approach, 387388

BAT, see Bit allocation table (BAT)

Bell Labs Layered Space-Time (BLAST) scheme, 330331

BER, see Bit error rate (BER); Bit error ratio

Bessel function, 587

Bit allocation table (BAT), 312313, 342343

Bit error rate (BER), 511513, 594

Bit error ratio, 240242

Bitrate maximisation

multicarrier system

analogue-to-digital conversion noise, 515516

CDF, 517519

power mask, 515516

vs. precoding sequence length, 517

SNR, 515516

multicast system, 517, 525526

Block diagonalisation (BD)

MU scenario

equivalent noise, 537

goal of, 536

interference, 536

post-detection symbol, 535, 537

spatial streams, 536

precoding matrices, 545

spatial division duplex

channel estimation, 538

equalised symbol vector, 539

equivalent, 540

interference, 539

matrix operations, 539

transmitter and receiver, 538

Broadband power line (BPL), 81, 178, 380

Broadband (BB) technology, 46

coexistence, 264265

description, 254255

EMC regulation, 174

HomeGrid Forum, 258

HomePlug GreenPhy

application, 261

DBC, 263

features, 258259

vs. HomePlug AV, 261262

peak PHY rate, 261262

routing and repeating functionality, 263

SLAC, 263

ToW, 263

IEEE 1901/ITU-T, 259260

ITU-T LCP, 261

PHY layer, 258

semiconductor vendor, 258


Carrier sense medium access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol, 173, 261, 277, 281, 284, 374, 386

CDF, see Cumulative distribution function (CDF)

Chaining-message authentication code (CCM) algorithm, 282

Channel capacity

adaptive modulation

BER, 240241

detection algorithm, 241243

modulation order, 240

SNR, 239241

threshold, 241242

frequency range, 235

noise covariance matrix, 234235

PSD, 233234

statistical analysis

C-CDF, 238

configurations, 236, 238

high coverage area, 239

noise correlation, 235

transmit power, 235237

system simulation

Alamouti scheme, 245

BER, 242

C-CDF, 244

EBF, 245248

mean values, 248

mercury water filling, 245

MMSE vs. ZF, 244245

noise power, 242244

parameter, 242243

Tx/Rx port, 232233

Channel emulation

CTF (see Channel transfer function (CTF))

emulator-based test platform, 593594

NB-PLC, 576577

OFDM system

BER result, 596, 598

device under test, 594595

PLC systems, 576

Channel state information (CSI), 522523

Channel transfer function (CTF), 595596

channel matrix

characteristics, 154155

Pearson correlation coefficient, 152153

statistical model, 155

Tx ports, 153154

couplers, 1113

description, 143

digital filters, 585

direct and FFT convolution

bit and symbol synchronisation, 585

block convolution, 583

disadvantage, 584

FIR filter, 583

modules, 584585

overlap-add method, 584

real-time applications, 585

transmit signal, 584

evaluation, 155157

features, 142143

frequency domain path loss

D1–S1 link, 149

multi-path characteristics, 148

parameter, 149150

PDF vs. Weibull model, 150151

Poisson process, 151

Tonello model, 148149

frequency sampling method

Bessel function, 587

boundary, 588, 590

direct IFFT and filter kernel, 586

error reduction, 589590

filter kernel, 587588

filter length, 585, 591

iterative algorithm, 588589

Kaiser window, 587

measurements, 143

median channel gain

channel matrix, 143144

D1–S1 link, 144

normal distribution, 144145

scatter plots, 145148

parametric-deterministic model, 17

parametric-stochastic model, 17, 2021

physical-deterministic model, 16

physical-stochastic model, 17, 20

short-term time variance

frequency responses, 592593

impulse response, 592

linear interpolation, 592

SIM vs. MEA, 591

SISO link, 151152

statistical evaluation

CM path, 127128

cumulative probability, 125126

frequency, 127

location size, 128

measurements, 125

median attenuation, 128129

NWA, 124

outlets, 124125, 127

SISO style, 126

test instrument, 1113

TR (see Time reversal (TR))

verification, 591

Cognitive frequency exclusions

definition, 602603

demonstrator system, 619620

detect radio services

EN 50561-1, 614

frequency domain, 613

HF radio broadcast, 611612

high-quality receiver, 611

PLC modems, 611, 613614

reception factor, 612613

signal ingress, 608, 612613

EMC coordination, 622623

notch requirements

checking approach, 614615

subjective evaluation, 615

width/slopes notch, 615616

OFDM system

adaptive modulation systems, 616617

advantages, 616

carrier spacing and symbol duration, 618

channel measurement, 617618

CTF, 618

disadvantages, 618

noise measurement, 617618

SNR estimation, 616

transfer function, 616

PLC modem, 605

radio broadcast signal, 605606

radio signal spectrum

fading effects, 606607

HF radio stations, 605

measurements, setup, 607608

recorded spectrum, 608610

sensitivity, 610611

shortwave radio broadcasting

frequency range, 603

HF radio broadcast, 603604

permanent notching, 604

service description channel, 605


ETSI plugtest, 620621

frequency hopping, 620621

prototype system, 620

SINPO assumption, 621622

smart notching, 622

Coloured background noise, 5859

Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique (CENELEC) bandplan, 293

Common-mode (CM) current, 79

Complementary cumulative distribution function (C-CDF)

EMI measurement, 194

OAF, 566

statistical analysis, 238

system simulation, 244

Control message data unit (CMDU), 430431, 433

Coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) algorithm, 656657

Correlation-based modelling

field test system

channel coefficients, 93

frequency domain, 9293

IFFT, 93

linear model, 93

signal quality, 91

structure, 9192

time-domain characterisation approach, 9091

VNA, 90

HomePlug alliance, 8990

noise characterisation (see Noise characterisation)

simpler correlation model

covariance matrices, 103104, 111

diagonal element, 105, 110111

transmitter and receiver correlation matrices, 111

SISO channel model

frequency response, 94, 106

Gaussian distribution, 98, 106

RMS-DS vs. average channel gain, 99, 106

scale parameter vs. time instant, 98, 106

spatial correlation model

channel covariance matrices, 105, 109

dashed lines, 104, 107108

eigenvector, 109110

optimisation result, 108

statistical analysis

average attenuation vs. frequency, 9495

CDF, 99100

channel coefficient, 9599

correlation factor, 99100

RMS-DS vs. attenuation, 9799

spatial correlation (see Spatial correlation, analysis)

time impulse/frequency response, 9394

Coupling factor

radiation measurement, 190191

statistical evaluation

biconical and loop antenna, 194195

building location, 193194

C-CDF, 194

delta- and T-style feeding, 192193

feeding port, 191

magnetic vs. electric field, 194

Coupling loss, 4041

CSMA/CA protocol, see Carrier sense medium access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol

CTF, see Channel transfer function (CTF)

Cumulative distribution function (CDF)

channel correlation, 99100

channel gain, 484485

power allocation algorithm, 568569

precoding bitrate gain, 517518

reception method, 133134

SNR, 222, 224

Cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs), 280, 363


Data link layer (DLL)

data-plane processing, 308310

G.9902/G.hnem standard

APC function, 281

control, 281

medium access control, 280281

security, 282

PRIME technology, 290291

Demonstrator system

channel estimation output, 667668

detection algorithm, 667, 669

field test, 671

implementation, 619620

MATLAB application, 667630

SISO transmission, 670672

Differential binary phase shift keying (DBPSK), 595

Digital radio mondiale (DRM), 609610

Digital sampling oscilloscope (DSO), 9, 14, 134

Distance vector approach, 388

Distributed bandwidth control (DBC), 263

Domestic access network

access impedance

A–N phase, 74, 77

coupling mode, 70

HAP, 7475

meter panel, building, 74, 76

single-phase coupling, 74, 77

three-phase coupling, 71

transformer, 7374

voltage/current-based approach, 7071

attenuation, 8183

LQI, 8284

LV network topology, 7172


AC mains cycle, 7475, 79

noise variance, standard deviation, 76, 7879

power spectrum, 7981

RMS detector, 78

transformer phase A, 74, 78

types, 74

SNR, CENELEC A band signal, 8486


Eigenbeamforming (EBF)

Alamouti scheme, 244

diagonal matrix, 216

EMI measurement, 458

vs. spotbeamforming, 459, 461

SU-precoding, 545546

transmit symbol vector, 215216

unitary precoding and detection, 216217

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulation

asymmetrical parasitic capacitances, 175

BB technology, 174

CENELEC, 175176

CISPR 22, 175176

conducted emission, 174

creation, 171173

CSMA/CA protocol, 173

feeding level

analogue receiver, 177

conversion factor, 177

digital receiver, 177

European, 179180

JP limits, 179181

PSD, 177178

sample detector, 177

United States, 178180

historical background, 169171

LCL parameter, 174175

NB technology, 173

PSD mask

HomePlug AV2 specification, 182

IEEE 1901 standard, 181182

ITU-T group, 181

radiated emission, 174

Electromagnetic interference (EMI), 13, 414

AM radio reception, 195196

description, 188189

EBF and spotbeamforming, 459

EMI-friendly beamforming

electrical field, 464465

outdoor antenna locations, 465466

PLC modems, 464

precoding vector, 465

SNR gain, 467

FM radio reception, 196197

k-factor, statistical evaluation

biconical and loop antenna, 194195

building location, 193194

C-CDF, 194

delta- and T-style feeding, 192193

feeding port, 191

magnetic vs. electric field, 194

measurement and system setup, 458459


coupling factor, 468

k-factor vs. frequency, 470471

L, N and PE precoding, 468469

measurements, 468

PLC modem, 470

probe’s transfer impedance, 468

S11 parameter, 470

radiation, 189191

assumptions, 464

beamforming matrices, 460

CDF, 461

k-factor, 462463

MIMO and SISO, 461462

spotbeamforming, 462

unitary precoding matrix, 460

EMC-friendly powerboost technique, 414416

Energy-saving lamp (ESL), 6465

Extensible authentication protocol–pre-shared key (EAP-PSK) method, 287288


Federal Communications Commission (FCC) bandplan, 293294

FFT-OFDM access system

access requirements, 381

BPL vs. NBPLC, 380

channel access management, 386387

power management, 388389

routing algorithm, 387388

system architecture

access intercell gateway, 383

access subcell, 382383

address stations, 383

attenuation domain, 381382

cell affiliation, 384385

cell management, 383384

head end backup, 385

network architecture, 382383

Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), 576

Forward error correction (FEC)

blocks, 277

codes, 310311, 340

encoded bits, 205

PHY layer, 417418

Frequency domain (FD)

CDF, 133134

combined band, 132, 134

DSO, 134

EMI measurement, 188

measurement, 134136

median noise PSD, 133134

percentiles, 131132

Rx port, 134

Frequency sampling method

Bessel function, 587

boundary, 588, 590

direct IFFT and filter kernel, 586

error reduction, 589590

filter kernel, 587588

filter length, 585, 591

iterative algorithm, 588589

Kaiser window, 587

Frequency shift keying (FSK), 256, 272


General purpose interface bus (GPIB), 91

G.9902/G.hnem standard

application, 278

data link layer

APC function, 281

control, 281

medium access control, 280281

security, 282

generic network architecture, 278

physical layer, 279280 transceiver

AFE, 321, 343344

bandplans, 305306

BAT, 312313, 342343

bit generation and loading, 313314, 340


mapping, 314315

scrambling, 315

data scrambling, 310, 340

DLL, 308310

FEC code, 310311, 340

frames, 306307

functional model, 338340

OFDM (see Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM))

payload transmission (see Spatial multiplexing)

port mapping, 341342

preamble generation, 315316

protocol reference model, 307308

PSD mask, 320

repetition encoding, 311312

spatial stream parsing, 340

tone mapping, 312313, 340

G3-PLC technology, 257258

IPv6 adaptation sublayer, 285286

LOADng, 286287

medium access control sublayer, 284285

physical layer, 282284

security, 287288

G.9904 system, see PRIME technology


Hardware feasibility study

artificial mains network, 666667

channel estimation, 660661

codebook search

codebook entry, 664665

matrix quantisation, 662

optimum precoding matrix, 663

subcarriers, 662663

unitary precoding matrix, 663664

demonstrator system

channel estimation output, 667668

detection algorithm, 667, 669

field test, 671

MATLAB application, 667630

SISO transmission, 670672

precoding matrix, 658660

pseudoinverse (see Pseudoinverse)

SNR estimation, 661662

system architecture

description, 646647

physical layer parameter, 650

receiver (Rx), 647, 649

signal paths, 647648

transmitter, 649650

training symbol, 665666

High-definition television (HDTV), 13

Higher layer entity (HLE), 360

High-pass filter (HPF), 189

HomePlug AV2

vs. HomePlug AV, 422423

MAC layer, 394

delayed acknowledgement, 421

power save modes, 418419

repeating and routing, 421422

short delimiter, 420421

physical layer (see Physical layer (PHY))

quality of service, 394

specification, 182, 422

system architecture

definition, 394395

FC and payload encoder, 396

hybrid mode, 395

OFDM modulation, 395

HomePlug GreenPhy

application, 261

DBC, 263

features, 258259

vs. HomePlug AV, 261262

peak PHY rate, 261262

routing and repeating functionality, 263

SLAC, 263

ToW, 263

House access point (HAP)

attenuation, 8182

channel measurement, 72

magnitude and phase, 7475

meter panel, building, 74, 76

noise variance, 78

noise waveform, 75, 79

power spectrum, 80

single-phase coupling, 74, 77

three-phase coupling, 8384

Hybrid network

data coverage

residual Wi-Fi data rate, 450451

SD and HDstreams, 450451

stream rate requirements, 448449

simulation parameters, 445446

Wi-Fi coverage

house layout, 445446

path loss, 447448

UDP data rate, 447, 449

WinProp, 446


IEEE P1901.2 standard

FEC block, 277

harmonisation technology, 276277

medium access control layer, 277278

PAR, 276

physical layer, 277

IEEE 1901 standard

EMC regulation, 181182

FFT-OFDM system (see FFT-OFDM access system)

FFT-PHY transmitter

channel interleaver, 368369

frame control diversity, 368369

IFFT, 365

implementation, 363

mapper, 365, 370371

OFDM symbol, 371

PLCP layer, 363

PPDU, 365

ROBO modes, 370

RSC code, 366368

scrambler, 365366

segmentation procedure, 363364

SYNCM symbol, 366

SYNCP symbol, 365366

in-home architecture

functional layers, 359360

higher layer entity, 360

PLCP, 360

system architecture, 360361

wavelet OFDM, 362363

in-home MAC

BSS formation, 372374

BSS manager, 372

channel access mechanisms, 374

channel estimation, 376377

CSMA channel access, 374376

MAC data plane, 377379

MPDU transmissions, 379380

network topology and components, 372

TDMA channel access, 376

IEEE 1905.1 standard

abstraction layer, 431

addresses, 430

benefits, 430

MoCA, 429


CMDUs, 431, 433

devices interconnection, 431432

LLC data units, 433

MPDUs, 431

CMDU transmission, 433

data model structure, 442444

hybrid network (see Hybrid network)

information dissemination protocol, 439

link metric query, 439

receiver link metrics, 438

security setup methods

AP-autoconfiguration protocol, 442

NFCNK, 441442

PBC, 440441

types, 440

UCPK, 440

topology discovery protocol

abstraction layer, 433

802.1D/Q bridge, 435

global topology, 437438

local topology, 436437

notification message, 436

query/response messages, 435436

TLVs, 434

trade-offs, 438

transmitter link metrics, 438

Impulsive noise, 22, 5758

Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, 15

Integrity check vector (ICV), 377378

Interleave over AC cycle (IoAC), 280

Interleave over fragment (IoF), 280

International Telegraph Union, 170

Internet protocol television (IPTV), 3

Inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT), 93

Iterative null space-directed SVD (NuSVD), 543544

ITU standard

architecture and topology, 304305

benefits, 303

closed-loop transmit diversity, 327

domain, 323324

HomeGrid forum, 304

MAC cycle

contention-free TxOP, 322

MAP, 321322

shared TxOP, 322323

mechanism, 325326

open-loop transmit diversity, 327

PHY frame

design, 336338

structure of, 334336

received signal model, 326327

requirements, 332

road implementation, 333334

spatial multiplexing (see Spatial multiplexing)

TPM, 353354

transceiver (see transceiver)

ITU-T group, 181


Kaiser window function, 587

Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT), 562

Kirchhoff’s law, 78


Lightweight On-demand Ad hoc Distance-vector Routing Protocol-next generation (LOADng), 286287

Linear precoded orthogonal frequency division multiplex (LP-OFDM) system


bitrate gain, 521522

discrete bitrate, 520521

multicarrier system (see Multicarrier system)

multicast system (see Multicast system)

Link layer discovery protocol (LLDP), 435

Link quality index (LQI), 8284, 626627

Longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) parameter, 174175

Longitudinal coupler, 7

Loop detection, 388

Low-voltage (LV) access network

channel measurement, 72

high-riser building, 71

low-riser building, 72

scattered household, 72

Low-voltage distribution network (LVDN), 1314, 188


MAC packet data unit (MPDU), 377380

Main panel multi-sub-topology (MPM), 559

Main panel single sub-topology (MPS), 558

Maximum likelihood (ML) decoding, 210

Media access (MAC) cycle

contention-free TxOP, 322

MAP, 321322

shared TxOP, 322323

Media access plan (MAP), 321322

Medium access control (MAC) layer

delayed acknowledgement, 421

power save modes, 418419

repeating and routing, 421422

short delimiter, 420421

Medium-wave (MW) broadcast radio

adaptive detection method

algorithm, 640641

AND, MAJORITY/OR rule, 642

binary hypothesis test, 641642

cooperative detection result, 642643

detection approach, 640

effectiveness, 641

narrow-band interference, 639

noise floor, 639640

power line noise level, 639

AMR, 625

field trial, 636638

LQI, 626627


insertion loss, 629630

parameters, 629630

power grid topology, 629630

test site 1, 628

test site 2, 628629

power line access network, 628

radiation effect, 626627

spectrum analyser

loop antenna measurement, 631632

meter panels, 634635

MP1, 633634

MP2, 632633

power value series, 636637

radio stations, 632

Mercury water filling (MWF), 245

Metal-oxide varistors (MOV), 11

MIMO stream parser (MSP), 398

Minimum mean squared error (MMSE)

advantages, 221222

detection algorithm, 223224

SMX, 222

vs. ZF, 244245

Multicarrier system

continuous bitrate

decorrelating detector, 503504

optimum linear detector, 505507

predistortion vs. equalisation, 504505

discrete order constellation, 501502

LP-OFDM, 497498

OFDM, 495497

optimum linear precoding, 498500

power spectrum mask, 500501

resource allocation

BER constraint, 511513

bitrate maximisation (see Bitrate maximisation)

decorrelating detector, 508510

design, 513515

discrete version, 507508

maximum peak power, 507

optimum linear detector, 510511

power efficiency factor, 508

SNR gap, 502

Multicast system

bitrate maximisation, 517, 525526

resource allocation

CSI, 522523

equivalent channel, 523

heuristic solution, 524525

linear precoding, 524

Rayleigh fading channel, 523

Multi-conductor transmission line (MTL) theory

characteristic impedance, 2728

phase velocity, 28

physical-deterministic modelling, 16, 1920

physical stochastic modelling, 20

propagation constant, 2527

transfer function, 2830

Multi-user (MU) MIMO

channel access methods, 532533

mobile stations, 533

PLC network, 533

precoding techniques

adaptation, 534

BD (see Block diagonalisation (BD))

MOSDM (see Multi-user orthogonal space division multiplexing (MOSDM))

SU-precoding, 545546


CDF, 548

SDD scenario, 549

SU-MIMO eigenbeamforming, 548

system parameters, 546547

spatial multiplexing, 534

Multi-user orthogonal space division multiplexing (MOSDM)

co-channel interference, 541

definition, 540

inter-user interference, 542

jth user, 541

matrix notation, 540

NuSVD, 543544

precoding matrix, 543

SDD, 544545

singular value decomposition, 543

Multi-variate time series (MTS), 2324, 156157


Narrowband characterisation

access impedance, 6366

channel attenuation, 5961

low-voltage grid, topology of, 3940

modelling, 4042

noise (see Noise characterisation)

parameter measurement, 4243

signal-to-noise ratio, 6163

Narrowband interferer

estimation, 4648

noise envelope, 5051

waveforms, reconstruction, 4850

Narrowband measurement, see Domestic access network

Narrowband (NB) technology, 380

CENELEC bandplan, 293

channel assumption, 293295

channel emulation (see Channel emulation)

coexistence, 291292

coherent vs. differential modulation, 295296

definition, 275

description, 254255

EMC regulation, 173

FCC bandplan, 293294

FSK, 256, 272

G.9902/G.hnem (see G.9902/G.hnem standard)

G3-PLC, 257258

IPv6 adaptation sublayer, 285286

LOADng, 286287

medium access control sublayer, 284285

physical layer, 282284

security, 287288

IEEE P1901.2

EMC subgroup, 276277

FEC block, 277

medium access control layer, 277278

PAR, 276

physical layer, 277

ITU-T G.9955 and G.9956, 275276

LonWorks, 255256

mesh-under/route-over approach, 296298


characteristics, 2223

emulation (see Noise emulation)

high-voltage (HV) lines, 45

in-vehicle PLC, 56

low-voltage (LV) lines, 45

medium-voltage (MV) lines, 45

STF, 6

OSI protocol, 272

PRIME, 256257

convergence layer (CL), 288

data link layer, 290291

physical layer, 289

reference model, 288

service nodes, 288

technical approach, 274

Network analyser (NWA), 9

calibration, 190

CTF/attenuation, 124

FD measurement, 188

radiation measurement, 189

Network membership key (NMK), 372374

Noise characterisation

AWGN model, 43

coloured background noise, 5859

correlation coefficient, 112113

density and distribution function, 113

eigenspread analysis

channel correlation, 116117

definition, 113114

effects, 114115

frequency dependence, 115

PDF, 116

SNR, 114

ETSI STF410 measurement, 111

frequency dependence, 113114

impact of, 114, 117120

impulsive noise, 5758

long-term analysis, 4546

mains cycle, 4445

mean value and variance, 44

measurement set-up, 1415

models, 2324

narrowband interferer

estimation, 4648

noise envelope, 5051

waveforms, reconstruction, 4850

noise energy, 45

PLC noise classification, 22

power spectral density, 4445

power variation, 112

PSD, 23


band-pass FIR filter, 5152

comparison, 53

frequency domain, 5153

HF component, 56

noise level, 5253

PFC circuit, 5457

scaled mains voltage, 5152

SMPS, 5455

spectrogram, 51, 53

sweeping bandwidth, 54

transformer substation, 5253

signal energy, 4445

Noise emulation

chirp function

harmonic frequency, 579

instantaneous frequency, 579

SFN, 578

synthesised noise waveform, 579580

impulsive noise

configiuration, 582

implementation, 581

parameters, 581

PSD, 580

sinusoidal waveform, 581

stochastic waveform, 580

switching, 580

narrowband interferer

features, 577

instantaneous frequency, 578

phase accumulator, 577578

phase-to-amplitude converter, 577

OFDM system

BER result, 596, 598

device under test, 594595

measured noise, 595, 597

STFT, 595

time-varying background, 582583

Noise measurement

AC mains cycle, 7475, 79

frequency domain

CDF, 133134

combined band, 132, 134

DSO, 134

measurement, 134136

median noise PSD, 133134

percentiles, 131132

MTS, 156157

noise variance, standard deviation, 76, 7879

power spectrum, 7981

PSD, 160163

RMS detector, 78

singular values and spatial correlation

attenuation vs. cumulative probability, 140

channel matrix H, 139

condition number, 141142

second singular value, 140141

second spatial stream, 140141

transmitter (Tx), 138139

unitary matrix, 139

zoom plot, 140141

spectral resemblance, 157158

time domain

median noise correlation, 138139

statistical correlation, 138

structures, 136138

transformer phase A, 74, 78

types, 74

VAR model, 136138, 158160

Notching technique, 291292


OFDM, see Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

Office environment, see Narrowband characterisation

Open systems interconnection (OSI) protocol, 272

Opportunistic amplify and forward (OAF)

power saving

CCDF, 568

optimal power allocation, 565

PSD constraint, 565

rate improvement, 564565, 567568

sub-channel k, 564

system model, 564

Opportunistic decode and forward (ODF)

delay-limited capacity, 560

direct transmission, 559

power allocation, 563564

power saving

CDF, 568569

equality constraint, 562

equivalent problems, 562

KKT conditions, 562563

PSD constraint, 561

two-sub-topology networks, 569570

rate improvement

CCDF, 566, 568

PSD constraint, 561

relay configuration, 566567

transmission modes, 561

sub-channel k, 560

system model, 560

Opportunistic protocol

amplify and forward

power saving, 565, 568570

rate improvement, 564565, 567568

sub-channel k, 564

system model, 564

decode and forward

delay-limited capacity, 560

direct transmission, 559

power allocation, 563564

power saving, 561562

rate improvement, 560561, 566567

SNR, 560

Ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC), 651

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

baseband bandplan, 316, 318

channel emulation

BER result, 596, 598

CTFs, 595596

device under test, 594595

cognitive frequency exclusions

adaptive modulation systems, 616617

advantages, 616

carrier spacing and symbol duration, 618

channel measurement, 617618

CTF, 618

disadvantages, 618

noise measurement, 617618

SNR estimation, 616

transfer function, 616

correlation-based modelling, 91

cyclic shift, 343

functional model, 316

modulator/demodulator, 206207

multicarrier system, 495497

noise emulation

BER result, 596, 598

device under test, 594595

measured noise, 595, 597

STFT, 595

parameters, 318319

QAM, 206

receiver ports, 205206

RMS-DS vs. channel gain, 319320

structure of, 205, 316317

subcarriers, 204205

symbol period, 317318

symbol rate, 317318

synchronisation and channel estimation, 206

time-domain samples, 316317

Outlet relay arrangement (ORA), 558

Outlet relay arrangement destination sub-topology (ORAD), 559

Outlet relay arrangement source sub-topology (ORAS), 559


PHY layer convergence protocol (PLCP), 360

Physical layer (PHY)

beamforming and quantisation, 401402

channel transfer function, 406407

constellations, 417

EMC-friendly power boost technique

CDF, 416

EMI statistics, 416

HomePlugAV2 specification, 413

IMC factor, 414416

S11 measurements, 414415

statistical analysis, 414

transmit power, 417

forward error correction, 417418

frequency band, 408

frequency modulation, 407

HomePlug AV2 specification, 408

line cycle synchronisation, 418

MIMO capabilities with beamforming


SISO mode, 397

SVD, 398

three-wire configuration, 396397

MSP, 398

noise PSD, 406407

notching efficiency

FFT process, 408

five-carrier notch, 410

HomePlug AV2 specification, 410411

notch’s depth and slopes, 411

OFDM spectrum, 410411

OFDM symbols, 409410

window functions, 408409

power allocation

SISO and MIMO transmissions, 402

SNR estimation, 402405

power back-off, 412413

PPCs, 405


beamforming, 399

detection/equaliser algorithm, 398

MIMO blocks, 399

SISO and Alamouti, 400

V and P matrices, 399

precoding matrix, 405406

time domain parameters, 417

Power factor correction (PFC) circuit, 5457

Power line communication (PLC) channel

capacitive coupler

breakdown voltage, 10

coupling function protection, 9

leakage current, 910

over-voltage protection, 11

power line signal, 67

protection diodes, 1011

RC time constant, 10

channel capacity (see Channel capacity)

characteristics, 15

correlation-based modelling (see Correlation-based modelling)

CTF measurement, 1113

EMC regulation (see Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulation)

EMI measurement (see Electromagnetic interference (EMI))

frequency bands, 46

hardware feasibility study (see Hardware feasibility study)

inductive coupler

Biot–Savart law, 7

delta-style (D), 7, 910

isolation transformers/baluns, 9

Kirchhoff’s law, 78

power line input impedance, 89

power line signal, 67

Schuko-type plug, 9


star-style (S), 7, 910

T-style (T), 7, 910

input impedance, 1214


ITU standard (see ITU standard)

multicarrier system (see Multicarrier system)

multicast system (see Multicast system)

MW broadcast radio (see Medium-wave (MW) broadcast radio)

narrowband characterisation (see Narrowband characterisation)

narrowband measurement (see Domestic access network)

NB technology (see Narrowband (NB) technology)


characteristics, 2223

measurement set-up, 1415

models, 2324

parametric-deterministic model

advantages, 17

application, 19

channel and noise characterisation, 19

database, 17

features, 1718

properties, 1819

parametric-stochastic model

covariance matrix, 21

drawback, 17

features, 1718

frequency function, 2021

input ports, 20

mathematical expression, 17

properties, 1819

SISO channel, 20

physical-deterministic model

description, 16

drawback, 16

features, 1718

MTL theory, 1920

properties, 1819

S-parameters, 16

transmission line, electrical properties, 1516

physical-stochastic model

advantages, 17

description, 16

deterministic algorithm, 17

effects, 17

features, 1718

properties, 1819

reflection measurement, 1214

signal processing theory (see Signal processing theory)

smart grid/smart building application, 3

stochastic modelling (see Stochastic modelling)

system model

home network, 557558

intercluster channels, 557

multi-sub-topology networks, 559

single-sub-topology networks, 558559

time slot allocation, 556

two-hop relay network, 556

time reversal (see Time reversal (TR))

Power line intelligent metering evolution (PRIME), 86

Power management, 388389

Power optimisation techniques

EMC-friendly power boost

CDF, 416

EMI statistics, 416

HomePlugAV2 specification, 413

IMC factor, 414416

S11 measurements, 414415

statistical analysis, 414

transmit power, 417

power back-off, 412413

Power spectral density (PSD), 160163, 233234, 320, 580

correlation-based modelling, 9192

HomePlug AV2 specification, 182

IEEE 1901 standard, 181182

ITU-T group, 181

Precoding pilot carriers(PPCs), 405

PRIME technology, 256257

convergence layer (CL), 288

data link layer, 290291

physical layer, 289

reference model, 288

service nodes, 288

Priority resolution signal (PRS), 375

Probability density function (PDF)

average attenuation vs. frequency, 95

correlation coefficient, 113

correlation factor, 100

eigenspread analysis, 116

Gaussian distribution, 9697

spatial correlation model, 108109

Weibull random variable, 96

Project authorisation request (PAR), 276

Pseudoinverse detection

detection algorithm, 651

fixed-point implementation, 651

hardware parameter, 657658

inverse rotation, 657

inversion matrix, 650651

OSIC, 651

QR decomposition, 652654


CORDIC algorithm, 656657

rotation angles, 654655

system architecture, 655656

ZF detection, 648, 655, 657

Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), 362

Push button configuration (PBC) setup method, 440441


Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 206, 459


Radiation measurement, 189191

Random derivation box (RDB), 558

Recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) code, 366367

Reed–Solomon (RS) code, 277, 649650

Relaying protocol

multi-carrier system parameters, 565566


power saving, 565, 568

rate improvement, 564565, 567568

sub-channel k, 564

system model, 564

ODF (see Opportunistic decode and forward (ODF))

PLC system model

home network, 557558

intercluster channels, 557

multi-sub-topology networks, 559

single-sub-topology networks, 558559

time slot allocation, 556

two-hop relay network, 556

power allocation, 554

resource allocation, 554555

statistical channel generator, 566

Residual current device (RCD), 910

Resource allocation

multicarrier system

BER constraint, 511513

bitrate maximisation (see Bitrate maximisation)

decorrelating detector, 508510

design, 513515

discrete version, 507508

maximum peak power, 507

optimum linear detector, 510511

power efficiency factor, 508

multicast system

CSI, 522523

equivalent channel, 523

heuristic solution, 524525

linear precoding, 524

Rayleigh fading channel, 523

Root mean square delay spread (RMS-DS), 319320

Root mean square error (RMSE), 158161

Root mean square of the delay spread (RMS-DS), 9799


Security setup methods

AP-autoconfiguration protocol, 442

NFCNK, 441442

PBC, 440441

types, 440

UCPK, 440

Short network identification (SNID), 383

Short-term Fourier transform (STFT), 595, 597

Signal level attenuation characterisation (SLAC), 263

Signal processing theory

channel matrix, 201202

eigenmodes, decomposition in, 202204

OFDM system

modulator/demodulator, 206207

QAM, 206

receiver ports, 205206

structure of, 205

subcarriers, 204205

synchronisation and channel estimation, 206

SMX (see Spatial multiplexing (SMX))

space–time–frequency codes

Alamouti scheme, 206210

full spatial diversity, 210

ML decoding, 210

spatial code rate, 210

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

adaptive modulation, 239241

Alamouti scheme, 210

CDF, 222, 224

channel capacity, 239241

cognitive frequency exclusions, 616

hardware feasibility study, 661662

multicarrier system, 515516

ODF, 560

power allocation, 402405

Single-input single-output (SISO)

attenuation, 151152

CTF modelling, 151152

demonstrator system, 670672

frequency response, 94, 106

Gaussian distribution, 98, 106

inductive coupler, 7

noise characteristics, 23

noise modelling, 23

parametric-stochastic approach, 20

physical-stochastic approach, 20

RMS-DS vs. average channel gain, 99, 106

scale parameter vs. time instant, 98, 106

Single-phase coupling

attenuation, 8182

impedance, 7174, 77

noise power spectrum, 79

Singular value decomposition (SVD), 328, 398, 543; see also Spatial correlation

Smart Grid home (SGH), 261

Source derivation box (SDB), 559

Spatial correlation


average power, 102

channel covariance matrix, 101102

diagonal element, 102, 105

eigenvalues, 102, 104

field measurement, 101103

channel matrix H, 139

condition number, 141142


channel covariance matrices, 105, 109

dashed lines, 104, 107108

eigenvector, 109110

optimisation result, 108

probability and cumulative probability, 140

second singular value, 140141

second spatial stream, 140141

transmitter (Tx), 138139

unitary matrix, 139

zoom plot, 140141

Spatial division duplex (SDD), 534

channel estimation, 538

equalised symbol vector, 539

equivalent, 540

interference, 539

matrix operations, 539

transmitter and receiver, 538

Spatial multiplexing (SMX)

Alamouti scheme, 244

detection/equaliser algorithm

EBF, 215217

linear equaliser, 212213

non-linear equaliser, 213215

power allocation, 217219

equivalent channel matrix, 219

noise correlation, 219220

with precoding, 211

channel capacity, 329330

channel estimation, 350351

channel feedback, 346347

channel response matrix, 327328

equivalent model, 328329

modes, 348349

orthogonal transformation, 328329

port mapping, 349350

power allocation, 349

precoding grouping, 347348

quantisation angle, 347

SVD, 328

single spatial stream, 344345

system simulation

CDF, 222, 224

mitigation techniques, 220221

selection diversity, 225226

SNR stream, 221223

without precoding, 330331, 351352

ZF detection, 244245

Specialist task force (STF), 6

Spectrum analyser

loop antenna measurement, 631632

meter panels, 634635

MP1, 633634

MP2, 632633

power value series, 636637

radio stations, 632

Stochastic modelling

attenuation (see Attenuation)

CTF (see Channel transfer function (CTF))

noise (see Noise measurement)

reflection, 129131

Swept-frequency noise (SFN)

band-pass FIR filter, 5152

comparison, 53

frequency domain, 5153

HF component, 56

noise level, 5253

PFC circuit, 5457

scaled mains voltage, 5152

SMPS, 5455

spectrogram, 51, 53

sweeping bandwidth, 54

transformer substation, 5253

Switch mode power supply (SMPS), 5455


Three-phase coupling

attenuation, 8182

impedance, 7174, 77

LQI, 8384

noise power spectrum, 79

SNR, CENELEC A band signal, 8485

Time domain (TD)

EMI measurement, 188

CDF, 484485

effective mitigation, 486

OFDM system, 484

reduction, 484485

median noise correlation, 138139

statistical correlation, 138

structures, 136138

Time on wire (ToW), 263

Time reversal (TR)

complementary goals, 474475

experimental setup

calibration, 479

equipment, 478479

measurement, 481

signal processing, 480481

frequency domain measurements, 487488

database, 487

statistical analysis, 487488

LV/MV infrastructures, 473474

preliminary results

channel attenuation, 482

CTF, 483

emission measurement, 484

fmin and fmax, 482483

HomePlug AV specification, 482

time domain measurements

CDF, 484485

effective EMI mitigation, 486

EMI reduction, 484485

OFDM system, 484

wireless transmission

channel state information, 476

CIR, 475

CTF, 477

frequency domain, 475476

wire transmission, 477478

Tone masking, 291292

Topology discovery protocol

abstraction layer, 433

802.1D/Q bridge, 435

global topology, 437438

local topology, 436437

notification message, 436

query/response messages, 435436

TLVs, 434

trade-offs, 438

Transversal probe, 7

Tx port mapping matrix (TPM), 353354


Ultra narrowband (UNB) technology, 253255

User-configured passphrase/key setup method (UCPK), 440


Vector autoregressive (VAR) model

MTS, 158159

PSD, 160163

RMSE dependence, 159160

time domain

median noise correlation, 138139

statistical correlation, 138

structures, 136138

Vector network analyser (VNA), 63, 90

Very high-frequency (VHF) band, 195196


Watt pulse communication (WPC), 254255

Wave number, 27

Weibull random variable, 96


Zero-forcing (ZF) detection

in hardware, 648, 657

inner cell structure, 655, 657

vs. MMSE, 244245

rotation angle, 657

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