
images A, B

Adaptive software development (ASD), 4

Agile quality assurance, 163

APEX features

Advisor, 169173

debugging tools, 169

team development, 173175

unit testing, 168

user acceptance tests, 168169

user interface defaults, 168

wizards, 168

continuous integration, 167

feedback, 167

ping-pong process, 163

rules and guidelines, 165

team culture, 164165

test automation, 166167

test creation, 165166

Agile software development

ASD, 4

Agile Alliance, 3

APEX ( see APEX tool)

breaking into small iterations, 177

cost of failure, 8

crystal, 56

documentation ( see Documentation)

DSDM, 67

extreme programming (XP), 4

feature-driven development (FDD), 6

governance strategy

cost of, 12

zero, light and heavy weight, 11

history, 1, 177

manifesto, 2

methodologies, 34

project management, 178

project size, 9

quality, 179

rules and guidelines, 178

sampling, 10

scrum, 45

team development module ( see Team Development)

tools, process, people, 12

Twelve Principles, 3

unified processes (UP), 78

word Agile, 2


core functionality ( see Core APEX)

debug repository, 179

enhanced functionality ( see Enhanced APEX)


debugging tools, 169

team development, 173175

unit testing, 168

user acceptance tests, 168169

user interface defaults, 168

wizards, 168

history, 5455

HTMLDB 1.5, 178

Kscope conference, 54

Listener, 27

platforms, 5556

web pages, 177

APEX Advisor

Application Builder Utilities menu, 169

categories, 170

Check Page, 172

output result, 171, 173

APEX Advisor ( cont.)

selecting checks to perform, and Check Page, 171

APEX technologies

classification, 57


database design, 7172

debugging tools, 7580

mockup tool, 6970

operating system scripting, 7273

Oracle database, 7071

procedural language (PL), 6569

security, 7475

and tools, 65

diagramatic representation, 57, 58

disadvantages, 57


API, 82

debugging tools, 8790

JavaScript, 84

multilingual applications, 8587

public web APIs, 8485

publishing, 8182

themes and templates, 8284

and tools, 80, 81


Oracle Application Express, 63

Oracle database, 6163

SQL, 6364

and tools, 59

workstation, 5960

APEX tool

architecture, 27, 177

bugs, 18

construction of APEX 4.0, 17

cooperation, business people vs. developers, 27

customer buy-in, 17

database analysts, 25

delivery plan

administration pages, 2223

application promotion, 20

features/modules, 2324

high-level navigation shell, 21

developers, 25

documentation, 17

engine, 16, 27

face-to-face communication, 28

fast delivery, working software, 17

features, 18

feedback mechanism, 17

knowledge transfer, 18

motivation, 28

principle measure, 2526

qualitative descriptions, 19

rapid application development environment, 19

regular adaptation, 29

requirements, 2425

self-organizing teams, 28

stages, 18

strategic set of processes, 15

supports, 16

sustainable development, 26

team development module, 16

Twelve Principles, 19

usage, 28

value individuals and interactions, 15

web browsers, 27

web server, 27

wizards, 16

images C

Closing process group, 109

Communication management, 101

Core APEX, 32

Application Builder, 33

applications, 4749

branches, 47

buttons, 3840

computations, 42

dynamic actions, 4445

evolutionary process, 33

items, 4042

page wizards, 3436

processes, 4244

region wizards, 3738

simplicity, 32

validations, 4647

Core technologies

database design, 7172

debugging tools

APEX Advisor style, 78, 79

Firefox Developer Toolbar add-in, 78, 80

fix mistakes, 75

precise times for page loading, 77

toggle, 76

turn on in Application Builder, 76

mockup tool

advantage and disadvantage, 69

easy drag-and-drop prototype, 70

hard-coded SQL, 69

operating system scripting

PL/SQL automatic formatting, 72, 73

raw, unformatted PL/SQL code, 72, 73

text editor, 72

Oracle database, 7071

procedural language (PL), 6569


authentication and authorization controls, 74

session-state protection, 7475

and tools, 65

Cross-site scripting, 75

Crystal, 56

images D

Documentation, 143. See also Rules and guidelines document


application utilities, 151152

builder utilities, 150

business users, 161

developer documentation, 159160

end-user documentation, 158159

habits, 154

standards, 152154

system documentation, 160161

team development, 152

trainers, 161

user interface defaults, 154158


categories, 144

drawings and scribbles, 147

factors, 144

modes effectiveness, 145147

stakeholders, 147

rules for writing

accuracy, 150

active voice and complete sentences, 148

APEX websheets, 149150

clear and full-word names, 148

images and diagrams, 149

type of, 148

statement, 143

Dynamic system development method (DSDM), 67

images E

Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG), 27

Enhanced APEX

business cases

branding, 5152

GUI functionality, 53

performance, 53

reporting, 5354

retraining, 5253

impact of, 4951

supply functionality, 49

Entity relationship diagram (ERD), 72

Essential unified process (EssUP), 8

Executing process group

communication management, 106

human resources management, 105

integration management, 105

procurement management, 106

quality management, 105

Export team development feedback, 116

Extended technologies


debugging tools

firebug in action, 88

Firebug icon launches, 87, 88

Extended technologies, debugging tools ( cont.)

Logger, 90

PL/SQL debugger launch and development pages, 89

JavaScript, 84

multilingual applications

globalization, shared components, 85, 86

how to translate page steps, 87

primary languages, 85

public web APIs, 8485

publishing, 8182

themes and templates, 8284

and tools, 80, 81

Extreme Programming (XP), 4

images F, G

Feature-driven development (FDD), 6

Feedback module

business and test teams, 114

collaboration hub, 112, 113

developers, 114

end users, 113

export, 115, 116

feedback flows, 115, 116

help desk, 114

import, 115, 117

link on application page, 114

pop-up page, 114

production workspace, 118

repository, 112

responses flow, 115

ROI, 112

self-organizing teams, 117

sponsors, 114

test workspace, 117118

training teams, 114

usage, project life cycle, 118119

Firebug, 87

images H

High-Level Navigation Shell, 21

images I, J, K, L

Import team development feedback, 117

Integration management, 101

images M, N

Mandatory technologies

Oracle Application Express, 63

Oracle database, 6163

SQL, 6364

and tools, 59

workstation, 5960

Monitoring and controlling process group

communication management, 108

cost management, 107

integration management, 107

procurement management, 109

quality and risk management, 108

scope and time management, 107

images O

Open unified process (OpenUP), 8

Oracle Application Express (APEX) tool, 177

Oracle database, 6163

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE), 62

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), 27

images P, Q

Planning process group

communication and cost management, 103

human resource management, 103

integration management, 102

procurement management, 104

quality management, 103

risk management, 104

scope and time management, 102

Product backlog, 5

Project management, 91

Agile vs. waterfall, 9697

closing process, 109

developers, 91

executing process

communication, 106

human resources, 105

integration, 105

micro-projects, 105

procurement, 106

quality, 105

initiating process, 101102

manager role

daily stand-up meeting, 95

effective steering mechanism, 94

reside on scrap of paper, 95

To Do task creation, 95

work breakdown structure (WBS), 95

monitoring and controlling process

communication, 108

cost, 107

integration, 107

procurement, 109

quality and risk, 108

scope and time, 107

planning poker, 101

planning process

communication and cost, 103

human resource, 103

integration, 102

procurement, 104

quality, 103

risk, 104

scope and time, 102

PMBOK Guide, 9799

process interaction

Agile view, 100

traditional view, 99, 100

waterfall view, 99

role of developers

Agile software development principles, 92

links to team development, 93

secondary duties, 91

To Do landing page, 92, 93

To Do's status updated and estimated time, 92, 94

images R

Return on investment (ROI), 112, 132

Rules and guidelines document, 129


auditors, 132

business analysts, 133

developers, 132

end users and estimators, 133

benefits, 130131

change, 141

consistency, 141

costs, 131


mandatory section, 138

optional section, 138139


active-voice sentences, 136

APEX websheet, 136137

one rule per page, 136

screenshots and template, 136

refactoring, 141

ROI, 132


environment, 133134

guidelines, 135136

principles, 134135

rules, 135

table of contents, 133


drilling into rules, 139, 140

home page, table of contents, 139

sample rule, 139, 140

images S

Scrum, 45

Self-organizing teams, 179

Software development standards. See Rules and guidelines document

Sprint backlog, 5

SQL. See Structured Query Language (SQL)

Structured Query Language (SQL), 6364

Developer, 8889

injection, 75

images T

Team development, 111

APEX version 4, 112


extensibility, 120, 121

extreme programming, 122, 123

flexibility, 121, 122

simplicity, 119, 120

Bugs module, 125, 175

developer, 125126

features module, 123124

feedback module

business and test teams, 114

collaboration hub, 112, 113

communication, 173

developers, 114

end users, 113

export, 115, 116

feedback flows, 115, 116

form, 174

help desk, 114

import, 115, 117

issue-tracking and change-management system, 174

link on application page, 114, 115

pop-up page, 115

production workspace, 118

repository, 112

responses flow, 115

ROI, 112

self-organizing teams, 117

setting account privileges, 174

sponsors, 114

test workspace, 117118

training teams, 114

usage, project life cycle, 118119

web interface error, 173

milestones and releases module, 124

modules, 111112

reports, 126127

to-dos module, 125

images U, V

Unified processes (UP), 78

URL tampering, 75

images W, X, Y, Z

Waterfall project management, 9697

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