The Need for Systems Resilience

3.1 Introduction

Again, as the world’s population continues to grow, so too shall the demand for essential services and facilities. The future trend will focus more and more on an ever-increasing need for sustainable development and resilience frameworks for present and next-generation critical infrastructure (CI) systems. An in-depth analysis needs to be performed to define the primary areas to invest resources. Moreover, this approach can inform means for increasing CI systems’ resilience and driving down risk and vulnerability. The essential resources are limited; therefore, the selection of knowledge to focus on should be carefully made to prevent expending the resources in a way that minimizes CI systems. In particular, education and experience are keys to ensuring the resilience of CI systems. In this case, we suggest that the true meaning of resilience is one where engineering managers and systems engineers are correctly educated about the risks, vulnerability, and hazards that CI systems may face and what to do in the occurrence of catastrophic events. CI systems that are better prepared to deal with events like natural disasters and terrorist attacks will have a better chance of quicker recovery. From this perspective, the primary objective of this research is to develop a resilience quantification platform based on an informed decision-making process. The result of the effort is expected to provide a better understanding and guidance on sustainable development and resilience framework for existing and next-generation CI systems. The secondary objective is to introduce an idea of a serious gaming concept as a teaching application at the graduate level and the use of the simulation computer game “SimCity (2013)®” as a teaching tool in a way that effectively enhances students’ learning experience on risks and vulnerability concepts. Figure 3.1 provides a graphical summary of this research.

Figure 3.1 Elements of research necessary for developing resilient cities.

3.2 Multiple Facts of Resilience

In a general sense, resilience is thought of as an ability to withstand stress in infrastructure systems. However, resilience is also seen as a “positive adaptation” after a stressful or adverse situation (Hetherington and Elmore 2003). There is even research that suggests that routine stressors of daily life can have positive impacts which promote resilience. Some psychologists believe that it is not the stress that promotes resilience but rather the individual’s perception of their stress and their perceived personal level of control (McGonigal 2016). And while the “dosage” of necessary stress to enable resilience is still unknown, what is known is that resilience can take many forms depending on context. The essential context for the present research is articulated.

3.2.1 Definitions of Resilience

According to the Definitions of Community Resilience: An Analysis by Community and Regional Resilience Institute (2013), it verifies that “resilience” is a term that was originally derived from the Latin “resalire” and means “to spring back.” It has been becoming a popular term in many fields of study and discipline and is considered one of the most important aspects in the context of achieving sustainable development in the last fifteen years (Folke 2006; Robert et al. 2005; Walker et al. 2004; Westrum 2006). The term resilience was initially introduced and formally used by an ecologist in the 1970s and a psychologist in the 1980s to develop somewhat distinct phenomena (Community and Regional Resilience Institute 2013; Rockefeller Foundation 2014). In an ecological community, the term was applied to describe the capability of an ecosystem to maintain and recover its functionality from the disruption or disturbance of catastrophic events (Folke et al. 2010; Gunderson 2000; Holling 1973). For a psychological society, the term was used to identify a group of test subjects with consistent behaviors in adversity or distress situations (Folke 2006). Even though the conceptualization of resilience has noticeably gained widespread attention from various sectors, including government, academia, and industry, and seriously applies to many areas of past, current, and possible future research and projects, unfortunately, there is no agreement or approval on a universally accepted definition that is used across all fields of study (Vasuthanasub 2019). For this reason, subject reviews present the diversity of developed definitions based on a core concept of resilience.

After the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the term resilience began being earnestly adopted by the government in developed countries to re-examine and re-evaluate their national security, especially in the United States, and also systematically employed by the engineering community to design the protection plans and security frameworks for CI systems. Since then, the core concept has been mostly related to the ability to absorb, recover from, and adapt to hazards (Community and Regional Resilience Institute 2013). Nowadays, resilience has numerous definitions based on its applicability and suitability in the different domains of research communities. Table 3.1 provides a sample of widely recognized definitions of resilience (Community and Regional Resilience Institute 2013).

Table 3.1 Common perspectives on community resilience.

Resilience domainResilience definitionProponents
EcologyThe persistence of relationships within a system; a measure of the ability of systems to absorb changes in state variables, driving variables, and parameters, and still persist.(Holding 1973)
EcologyBuffer capacity or the ability of a system to absorb perturbation or the magnitude of disturbance that can be absorbed before a system changes its structure.Holling et al. (1995)
EcologyPositive adaptation in response to adversity; it is not the absence of vulnerability, not an inherent characteristic, and not static.Waller (2001)
EcologyThe transition probability between states is a function of decision makers’ consumption and production activities.Brock et al. (2002)
EcologyThe ability of a system that has undergone stress to recover and return to its original state; more precisely (1) the amount of disturbance a system can absorb and still remain within the same state or domain of attraction and (2) the degree to which the system is capable of self-organization.Klein et al. (2003)
EcologyThe amount of change or disruption required to transform a system’s maintenance from one set of mutually reinforcing processes and structures to a different set of processes and structures.Anderies et al. (2004)
EcologyMaintenance of natural capital (as the basis for social systems’ functioning) in the long run.Ott and Döring (2011)
EcologyThe capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and re-organize while undergoing change so as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedback.Walker et al. (2004)
EcologyThe ability of an individual, group, or organization to continue its existence (or remain more or less stable) in the face of some sort of surprise. Resilience is found in systems that are highly adaptable (not locked into specific strategies) and have diverse resources.Longstaff (2005)
Ecology and societyThe ability of communities to withstand external shocks to their social infrastructure systems.Adger (2000)
Ecology and societyThe ability to persist (i.e. to absorb shocks and stresses and still maintain the functioning of society and the integrity of ecological systems) and the ability to adapt to change, unforeseen circumstances, and risks.Adger (2003)
SocietyA system’s capacity to absorb and recover from the occurrence of a hazardous event; reflective of a society’s ability to cope and to continue to cope in the future.Timmerman (1981)
SocietyThe capacity to cope with unanticipated dangers after they have become manifest, learning to bounce back.Wildavsky (1988)
SocietyThe ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or sustained life stress.(Brown and Kulig 1996)
SocietyThe process through which mediating structures (schools, peer groups, family) and activity settings moderate the impact of oppressive systems.(Sonn and Fisher 1998)
SocietyThe capacity to adapt existing resources and skills to new systems and operating conditions.Comfort (1999)
SocietyThe ability to withstand an extreme event without suffering devastating losses, damage, diminished productivity, or quality of life without a large amount of assistance from outside the community.(Mileti, 1999)
SocietyThe ability to respond to crises in ways that strengthen community bonds, resources, and the community’s capacity to cope.Chenoweth and Stehlik (2001)
SocietyThe capability to bounce back and to use physical and economic resources effectively to aid recovery following exposure to hazards.Paton and Johnston (2001)
SocietyA sustainable network of physical systems and human communities, capable of managing extreme events; during disaster, both must be able to survive and function under extreme stress.Godschalk (2003)
SocietyThe ability of individuals and communities to deal with a state of continuous long-term stress; the ability to find unknown inner strengths and resources in order to cope effectively; the measure of adaptation and flexibility.Ganor and Ben-Lavy (2003)
SocietyTwo types of social resilience: (1) a social system’s capacity to facilitate human efforts to deduce the trends of change, reduce vulnerabilities, and facilitate adaptation; and (2) the capacity of a [social-ecological system] to sustain preferred modes of economic activity.Kofinas (2003)
SocietyResilience consists of (1) the amount of change a system can undergo and still retain essentially the same structure, function, identity, and feedback on function and structure, (2) the degree to which a system is capable of self-organization (and re-organize after disturbance), and (3) the degree to which a system expresses capacity for learning and adaptation.Quinlan (2003)
SocietyA community’s capacities, skills, and knowledge allow it to participate fully in recovery from disasters.Coles and Buckle (2004)
SocietyThe capability of a system to maintain its function and structure in the face of internal and external change and to degrade gracefully when it must.(Allenby and Fink 2005)
SocietyThe return or recovery time of a social-ecological system, is determined by (1) that system’s capacity for renewal in a dynamic environment and (2) people’s ability to learn and change (which, in turn, is partially determined by the institutional context for knowledge sharing, learning, and management, and partially by the social capital among people).Gunderson (2000)
SocietyThe capacity of a system, community or society potentially exposed to hazards to adapt, by resisting or changing in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.United Nations (2004)
SocietyThe ability to anticipate risk, limit impact, and bounce back rapidly through survival, adaptability, evolution, and growth in the face of turbulent change.(Community and Regional Resilience Institute, CARRI, 2013)

The above table is meant to highlight the core of the concept of resilience: How the community should respond to an adverse event. The debate for the definition is left to others. However, we suggest that the spirit of the definition should follow the core concept’s themes and the appropriate context of the discussion/research. Moreover, the Community and Regional Resilience Institute (2013) research suggest that resilience can be metaphorical, as in “resistibility and adaptability.” Many ontological definitions begin with “The ability” or “The capability” of entities, organizations, or societies and then reflect the idea of “resistance vs. adaptation” to cope with shocks and stresses (Walker et al. 2004). That is to say, a system resists the threat to avoid change, and its resilience is determined by how much difficulty it can withstand and endure without collapsing. In contrast, a system can adapt to great danger by altering its functionality or spending resources in preservative ways (Anderies et al. 2004).

Another way to classify resilience is through the notion of “predictability.” Because some of the developed definitions partially borrow from different fields of a research community, therefore, the definitions in this environment often can be referred to as a prediction on how long and how well a system will be able to regain its intended functions compared to the others (Holling 1996). While this classification may be useful (and appropriate) for making predictions, it lends resilience to an issue that can only be applicable after an occurrence of an event (Butler et al. 2007).

Resilience can also be viewed in the context of “trajectory.” As has been noted, since ecologists firstly utilized the terminology, most of the derived definitions in an ecological domain are typically focused on whether or not a system evolves in difficult circumstances and do not try to evaluate whether the change is an innovation or deterioration (Folke et al. 2010). This definition offers a more straightforward view of resilience: If the system can survive stressful situations, it is resilient; the system is not resilient if it does not survive (Vasuthanasub 2019).

All in all, it seems difficult to choose one as the best from the above, exemplified, definitions. While some depict resilience as an emergent property that appears only in the wake of a crisis (Butler et al. 2007), others view resilience as a process of dealing with adversity (Community and Regional Resilience Institute 2013). Therefore, since each perspective offers relevant insights, the selection of the definition is less relevant than the context of the application of the definition. In the context of CI systems, suffice to say resilience is the capability of a system – systems as a whole – to withstand, absorb, recover from, or adapt to a change in environment or conditions (Moteff 2012).

3.2.2 Norfolk: A Resilient City?

In 2014 the Rockefeller Foundation started the 100 Resilient Cities (i.e. 100RC) project. At that time, many cities, including Bangkok, Barcelona, Glasgow, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, Milan, Montreal, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Sydney, and San Francisco, were selected to join the program. The foundation also selected the City of Norfolk (Virginia, United States) as among the first group of members of 100RC. 100RC is committed to supporting cities all over the globe to become more resilient under the challenging situations of physical sustainability, social complexity, and economic difficulty (City of Norfolk 2015). Physical sustainability, social complexity, and economic difficulty are key concerns for the twenty-first century, which need addressing by direct partnerships and close collaborations between member cities to understand resilience challenges and seek viable solutions. A program promotes the adoption and incorporation given resilience that includes the shocks caused by natural disasters and the stresses resulting from global situations or human errors. The vision of 100RC is not just helping individual member cities to strive for resilient development but it also aims to facilitate the global creative practices of urban resilience planning among governments, private organizations, non-profit associations, and citizen groups (City of Norfolk 2015).

Norfolk, Virginia, was established in August 1682 based on the British Act of 1680. The Elizabeth River surrounded the lower part of the county on the east, west, and south. For more than 300 years, this historic city on water has been a key part of American history, military, commerce, and innovation (City of Norfolk 2015). Nowadays, Norfolk is the home of Naval Station Norfolk, the largest naval base in the world, and Port of Virginia’s Norfolk International Terminals, one of the essential economic assets on the East Coast of the United States (Jeffers et al. 2016). It acts as an international city that drives global trading activities and the main hub of the Hampton Roads region that links national logistic nodes. According to these notable privileges, water access is the greatest advantage of Norfolk. The shoreline and waterways are always and will be the most critical assets of a city, as they render the opportunities and additionalities to strengthen a foundation of transportation infrastructure. However, locating next to the water also presents a city with a huge drawback. Norfolk has experienced several floods throughout its history, but the frequency and severity of occurrences have steadily increased in recent decades. In recent times, the city was forced to look into several sustainable solutions due to accelerating water risks and hazards, including:

  • Sea level rise: With the subsidence of local lands and coastal areas around Norfolk’s coastline, the city is now facing the highest relative sea level rise rate on the East Coast (Jeffers et al. 2016). While the average global sea level rise has been between 5–8 inches over the last century, the sea level at Norfolk has risen over 14 inches since 1930 (City of Norfolk 2015).
  • Storm incidences: Regarding statistical data on water level elevations of major storms at Sewells Point tide gauge that have affected Norfolk since 1933, by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), six out of the eleven storms occurred during the last twelve years (City of Norfolk 2015). As a matter of fact, the percentage of tidal flooding areas around the city has increased by 3.25 times since 1960, and the sea level at the Norfolk location is projected to rise between 1.5–7.5 feet in the next 85–100 years (City of Norfolk 2015; Jeffers et al. 2016). Therefore, in order to help Norfolk withstand this unavoidable circumstance, the direction is clear that the city will definitely need to plan ahead or even do something better for the near future.
  • Flood risk: While more frequent and more intense storms, as well as repeatedly routine flooding, keep threatening Norfolk’s residents, some of the city’s most commercially and industrially at-risk zones are openly vulnerable to floods and storms (City of Norfolk 2015).

At this juncture, we can make three points: First, risks of geographic conditions around the city continue to shift. The city faces tough times now, and yet it must prepare for the future. Moreover, the city’s economy will continue to rely on access to the waters and thus must adapt to the changing environment in practical ways. Second, to build a resilient city (as well as forming solid communities and societies), several stakeholders – city leaders, the private sector, neighbor groups, and residents – must collaborate to develop solutions that lead to the flourishing of business and living quality. Finally, this resilience involves infrastructure, people, and governance mechanisms.

3.2.3 Qualities of Resilient Systems

In the context of CI systems, resilience becomes conceptually pertinent when either an extensive range of sudden shocks and chronic stresses or the collapses of physical and social systems threaten national security. Considering this experience, the Rockefeller Foundation (2014) clarifies that resilience has filled the gap between disaster risk reduction and natural hazards adaptation by moving away from traditional disaster risk management, usually recognized in conventional risk assessments related to specific events. In other words: “Instead of accepting the possibility that a wide range of threatening incidents – both tensions and collapses – may occur but are not necessarily predictable. Resilience focuses on enhancing the performance of a system in the face of multiple hazards, rather than preventing or mitigating the loss of assets due to specific events” (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). Nevertheless, one conceptual limitation of this evidence is that resilience does not account for the power dynamics integrated with how CI systems function and cope with disruptions and disturbances.

Assigning the qualities listed below to infrastructure systems can enhance the overall performance of resilience of CI systems. In this manner, extensive research and studies have indicated that there are at least seven distinctive qualities that truly resilient systems should demonstrate (Vasuthanasub 2019):

  • Flexibility – This characteristic refers to the ability or capability of systems to react, adjust, evolve, and adapt by using allocated alternative strategies corresponding to the needs of changing circumstances or sudden crises (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). It is directly related to the decentralized and modular approaches to infrastructure management. Rockefeller Foundation (2015) suggested that the successful development of flexible systems can be achieved through introducing new knowledge and innovative technologies, as well as the additional combination of local experiences and management in new ways.
  • Inclusion – A inclusion strategy underlines completeness of communication, including comprehensive consultation, commitment, and especially the engagement of all decision-makers and stakeholders. Addressing and monitoring the potential risks, hazards, and events related to one sector or set of CI systems in isolation from the others is an obstruction to reaching the core concept of resilience (Foundation 2015; Rockefeller Foundation 2014). Hence, an inclusive approach is needed to create a sense of shared ownership or joint vision and produce effective leadership or attentive governance on systems resilience.
  • Integration – This attribute emphasizes an integrated process and alignment between the interrelated or interconnected set of CI systems to maintain and promote consistency in decision-making among decision-makers and stakeholders. Integration must be evident within systems and across different scales of their operation. It helps to ensure that investments and actions mutually and appropriately address the common needs or outcomes. Exchanging the data and information between systems and sub-systems allows them to function collectively and respond rapidly in shorter periods or loops throughout the whole system (Rockefeller Foundation 2014).
  • Redundancy – This feature refers to a spare capacity or secondary alternative within systems purposely designated to accommodate disruption due to extreme pressures or external interferences (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). The intent of redundant systems must be diversified so that there are multiple selections to obtain a given objective or to fulfill a particular function. An example of existing systems in the real world incorporating redundancy is power distribution networks and multiple delivery pathways of energy infrastructures (Rockefeller Foundation 2015). Redundancies should be well-considered, cost-effective, and prioritized at a large-scale implementation.
  • Reflectiveness – Reflective systems signify an acceptance of inherent uncertainties and necessary changes in the real world. Rather than seeking permanent solutions based on theoretical beliefs, individuals and institutions must continuously evolve, modify their norms, and adjust their behaviors based on emerging evidence (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). Thus, reflective or thoughtful people are always enthusiastic to systematically look, listen, and learn from past experiences and then leverage this learning and understanding to inform future decision-making (Rockefeller Foundation 2015).
  • Resourcefulness – This qualification implies that individuals, groups, and organizations are the key to success in finding and discovering different ways to accomplish their goals or satisfy their needs during difficult times or challenging moments (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). It is more like a personal trait of persons rather than a qualification of systems. A resourceful workforce may include decision-makers, stakeholders, and other associated persons responsible for or involved in the investment and development processes, such as future state forecasts, set priorities ranking, and financial and physical resources allocation and management (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). Resourcefulness is considered an essential instrument of CI systems’ ability to maintain and restore their functionality under critical conditions or severe constraints at times of crisis.
  • Robustness – Robust systems are a reflection of robust design. They represent how well systems are conceived, constructed, and are mainly managed physical assets (Rockefeller Foundation 2015). As a result, the systems can resist the outcomes or impacts of catastrophic events without significant damage or loss of functionality. The robust design of CI systems should focus on scanning potential internal failures and making precautions to ensure failure is predictable, safe, and not deviant from the root causes (Rockefeller Foundation 2014). That is to say, when the design thresholds of robustness are exceeded, the protective systems will not quickly or suddenly fail.

3.3 Applicability of Gaming in Education

Arguably, games are developed entertainment. Moreover, people are attracted to games since they can be used to generate fun and excitement. For this reason, game developers have tried very hard to invent and introduce new ways of enjoyment. Thanks to the rapid advancement and extensive expansion in computer hardware and visualization technologies, each and every time, the graphical detail and definition of games have become more realistic and accurate to the player. With the ability to mimic or simulate reality, some game designers started to adopt a purpose of playfulness to develop another kind of game, a more serious one. Those applications can be used for research, education, and training if they are seen fit or compatible with the study and finding objectives (Squire and Jenkins 2003). When discussing the concept of gaming in education, there are at least four categories of games in the literature (Susi et al. 2007):

  • Serious gaming – This term represents using games for specific purposes or other benefits, such as learning, researching, and training, instead of entertainment value only. It may look just like playing digital games, but its objective is to achieve something extraordinary.
  • Simulations: simulation technologies are quite similar to serious games unless they have the ability to replicate and visualize real-world objects or environments for real-life training.
  • Game-based learning: this concept refers to using games in the traditional classroom to strengthen the course objectives and enhance the learning and teaching experience. Game-based learning is considered a serious gaming branch designed to deal with designated learning outcomes (Corti 2006).
  • Gamification: the use of game design elements in non-game contexts to motivate or influence desired behaviors. Those attributes include features including leaderboards, badges, levels, trophies, or any other rewards. Moreover, gamification can be considered new to scholarly society and yet old in the business world – additional details on gamification are provided in Chapter 4.

During the past 20 years, numerous research studies have been conducted on the effectiveness and productiveness of using serious games as a learning tool or gaming concepts as a teaching technique. For example, Griffiths (2002) quotes that one investigation from a psychological association dating back to the early 1980s has logically revealed that playing digital games, both video-based and computer-based, reduces response times and improves hand-eye coordination and encouragement in players’ self-esteem and self-respect. Considering this found evidence, Griffiths (2002) also concludes that video games or computer games have great benefits and positive potentials not only for their entertainment value but also for non-entertainment purposes. The future success of this initiative can be achieved when appropriate game selection and playing requirements are designed to address a particular problem clearly or to teach a specific skill. With this in mind, a literature review in the following sub-section will focus on a conceptual framework of a particular technique, notably serious gaming, regarding educational benefits.

More recently, research suggests that gaming is a powerful tool for creating resilient people and can positively impact the quality of life. For example, Lokhorst (2020) states that gaming can be used for several reasons:

  • Better decision-making: action video games train the brain’s neurons to make faster and more accurate decisions.
  • Dream control: gamers are far more likely to have dreams that they can consciously control than those who don’t play. It is also used therapeutically to analyze and battle nightmares, phobias, and fears.
  • Trauma management: an Oxford study suggests that playing Tetris after a traumatic incident reduces the chance of developing traumatic memories by keeping the mind occupied from reliving the incident.
  • Effective and alternative therapy: video games used as therapy for fighting depression and other psychological problems in teenagers have proven more effective than counseling. Depression is a psychological problem seen in teenagers and adults that affects their quality of life and increases their psychological stress. In a study conducted with 168 teenagers, half were assigned to play SPARX, and the other half were assigned to attend traditional therapy. The first half was able to battle depression much faster, with 44% even completely cured, compared to the other half. The excitement of the game can help people fight self-consciousness and feelings of inadequacy.

In Shadow’s Edge, a study shows that young people playing the game only three times a week for six weeks have more optimism and a more positive self-identity. Thus, young people are able to handle emotions better – making them more resilient. Players felt more natural, encouraged to reach out and connect, and more validated in their feelings (Lokhorst, 2020).

3.3.1 Serious Gaming

Digital games always have outstanding motivational potential. They manipulate a set of design elements to encourage players to interact with them willingly without any rewards, but just for the satisfaction of playing and the opportunity to win, so much so that playing video games or computer games undoubtedly consumes the attention of players. By watching students or participants play video or computer games, it becomes apparent that they prefer this way of learning rather than traditional approaches (Griffiths 1996, 1997, 2002). However, it is unquestionably relevant to investigate the extent to which serious game technologies positively impact education.

As serious games can require concentration and stimulate players’ motivation in learning experiences and outcomes, they have led to the emergence of gaming terminologies in education, such as edutainment, serious gaming, and gamification. Serious gaming can be viewed as a redefined version of the first fundamental gaming concept in education called “edutainment,” which was considerably popular during the 1990s. At that time, edutainment – educating through entertainment – became well known due to the booming growth of the personal computer market (Michael and Chen 2005). The term was usually used to describe any types of education that are concurrently knowledgeable and enjoyable. The primary target group was young children in elementary and junior high school, focusing on reading, mathematics, and science.

Unfortunately, due to a growing interest in the Internet and the poor quality of the games themselves, edutainment has finally failed to mark itself as the first milestone in the history of gaming in the academic world (Michael and Chen 2005; Eck 2006). Yet, the development of digital games for non-entertainment purposes began and evolved long before a flourishing era of edutainment. As edutainment failed to prove its applicability and practicality, the concept of serious gaming was subsequently re-examined during the late 1990s. In 2002 with a campaign video game (America’s Army) released by the United States Army and the institution of the Serious Games Initiative founded by the Wilson Center in Washington, DC, a journey of serious gaming had started (Susi et al. 2007).

In general terms, serious gaming usually refers to video and computer games for informing, educating, and training all genders and ages. The concept itself inherits the same primary goals as edutainment but extends far beyond teaching facts and routine memorization (Michael and Chen 2005). By way of example, Corti (2006, p. 1) simplifies the term: “Serious gaming is all about leveraging the power of computer games to captivate and engage end-users for a specific purpose, such as to develop new knowledge and skills.” Today’s “serious games” are serious business, as stated by Ben Sawyer, co-founder of the Serious Games Initiative (Susi et al. 2007). In 2006 the digital gaming sector industry was estimated to have a value of $10 billion per year, and the market of serious games only was roughly worth $20 million. However, it is expected to grow continuously over the next decade (van Eck 2006).

During the last decade, serious gaming has been applied to a broad spectrum of applications areas and research domains, including military, government, education, corporate, and healthcare, and also earning widespread recognition of distinctive features and intrinsic capability from both public and private organizations. Nowadays, the concept of serious gaming is becoming even more and more popular in the global education and training market. The term itself is already established, but there is still no universally accepted definition (Susi et al. 2007). Many sources or references either describe the concept vaguely or do not define it clearly. As of October 2022, a Google search on “serious games” resulted in over 700 million hits. “Serious gaming” resulted in over 160 million hits. These results suggest that serious gaming is indeed a serious business and that digital games are interested in achieving something greater than entertainment alone.

Serious gaming involves using concepts and technologies derived from (computer) entertainment games for non-entertainment purposes such as research, policy and decision-making, training, and learning. Serious gaming often combines analog techniques (pen and paper) and social interaction with state-of-the-art game and simulation technology (immersive 3D virtual game worlds) Cidota et al. (2016). This view of serious gaming suggests that, for example, CI systems can be characterized as complex systems; their behaviors, functions, activities, relationships, and interactions can be modeled and simulated in different ways for decision-making, research, and learning experiences. Furthermore, much research and experimentation also suggest that some critical or unique skills may be developed or strengthened by playing serious games (Griffiths 2002; Michael and Chen 2005; Squire and Jenkins 2003; Susi et al. 2007; van Eck 2006). For instance, spatial planning and visualization abilities, such as creative and critical thinking, data allocation and management, and three-dimensional object rotation and manipulation, can gradually evolve along with gaming experiences (Mitchell and Savill-Smith 2004; Subrahmanyam and Greenfield 1994). Given that serious games may seem to be more effective and advantageous for young people, like children and teenagers who started with relatively beginner skills (Griffiths 1996, 1997), consequently, researchers, educators, and corporates are now using video games and computer games as an application or a tool for studying individuals, teaching students, and training personnel and staff.

Regarding the studies and results from various literature conducted by Griffiths (2002), many reasons have provided insights as to why serious gaming may be useful for educational purposes (Griffiths 2002; Vasuthanasub 2019):

  • Serious games can be used as measurement tools or applications for research; as investigation and study tools, their potentials are diverse.
  • Serious games attract participation across different demographic boundaries, including age, gender, ethnicity, and educational level.
  • Serious games can aid students in establishing objectives, ensuring goal rehearsal, providing feedback and support, and maintaining records of behavioral change.
  • Serious games are productive instruments since they help researchers measure performance on various tasks and can be easily applied, standardized, and perceived.
  • Serious games can be utilized to examine individual characteristics, like self-esteem, self-dignity, and self-respect.
  • Serious games can be playful, fanciful, and purposeful to participators simultaneously. Consequently, it seems simpler to receive and maintain participants’ attention for more extended periods of time (Donchin 1995). Also, because they are amusing and exciting, they may promote a learning experience in innovative ways.
  • Serious games can create an element of interactive thinking, which may stimulate learning.
  • Serious games allow players to encounter novelty, curiosity, and difficulty, which may also motivate learning.
  • Serious games interact with players through state-of-the-art technology. This implicit interaction may help participants overcome the fear of advanced technology or complex devices (Technophobia), notably computers (Griffiths 2002).
  • Serious games can be computer-based simulations. This innovation enables participants and players to engage in extraordinary events or unusual activities in the form of complex computer models and to interact with each other without real consequences.

However, using serious games as applications or educational tools also has some disadvantages. For example, Vasuthanasub (2019) suggests that:

  • Serious games may cause young participants, especially children, to become excessively excited. Under this condition, those players can produce unpleasant emotions or inappropriate behavior, such as competitiveness or aggressiveness.
  • Serious game technologies have unceasingly developed over time. As a result, they are frequently being upgraded, making it even harder for researchers or educators to test and evaluate the impacts across studies in an academic environment.
  • Serious game exercises may enhance certain skills and experiences of some participants, which can lead to inconsistent or incompatible evaluation results. Put another way, serious games are always good for all learning experiences and outcomes (van Eck 2006).

Notwithstanding the drawbacks, it would be clear that employing serious gaming in an academic context would influence positive educational purposes in any case. Inevitably, researchers and educators must examine and evaluate serious games’ benefits and positive potentials while remaining aware of possible unintended adverse effects. Given all these points, most people would probably support the use of serious gaming if they were confident that those digital games were appropriately selected to help them learn about difficult topics or complicated problems.

3.4 Urban Planning Simulation Computer Game “SimCity (2013)®

SimCity (2013)® is an opened-ended simulation computer game for city building and urban planning, which was initially designed and formally introduced by US video game designer named “Will Wright,” a co-founder of the game development company “Maxis.” Regarding the massive and ongoing success of all five previous editions during the past two decades, a whole new redesign of SimCity (2013)® edition was officially introduced and released in early March 2013. The game was firstly published in 1989 as SimCity Classic®, and then continually spawned its first original version to several different editions later, including SimCity 2000® in 1994, SimCity 3000® in 1999, SimCity 4® in 2003, and SimCity Society® in 2007 (Bereitschaft 2016; Bos 2001). This latest version is a successor that proposes to continue the story of the legendary simulation game from its predecessors and to succeed at the next level of achievement of the all-time best city building and urban planning simulation computer game.

SimCity (2013)® is considered to be a reboot with reprogramming of game functionality and advanced features from all previous SimCity® series. In the 2013 version, players can construct a settlement that can consistently grow into a city by zoning land, including residential, commercial, and industrial development, as well as essential service facilities, as shown in Figure 3.2, Figure 3.3, and Figure 3.4. Cities in a region will be interconnected and interdependent with each other via predefined regional networks, such as highways, railways, and waterways. The major infrastructures, like economic, energy, transportation, and pollution management systems – part of CI systems – will visibly flow between cities. Moreover, cities can trade resources or share public services with their neighbors, like garbage collection or healthcare services. Cities can pool their collective wealth and help to build a more excellent and more extensive system network and to provide benefits for the entire region, such as a massive solar power plant or an international airport as in the concept: “The larger the size of the region, the higher the number of cities and great works that can be built.”

Figure 3.2 Simulated city using SimCity (2013)® – residential zone. Source: Electronic Arts Inc.

Figure 3.3 Simulated city using SimCity (2013)® – commercial zone. Source: Electronic Arts Inc.

Figure 3.4 Simulated city using SimCity (2013)® – industrial zone. Source: Electronic Arts Inc.

In terms of game planning, operation, and management strategies, players must specialize their cities into particular industries, such as manufacturing, education, tourism, gambling, and others. Each will require distinctive urban planning, simulation behavior, and economic strategies. Players can either heavily specialize in a single industry in each city or assign multiple specializations in any given city for diversification. The game also features a simulated global currency and economy. For instance, prices of essential resources, including coal, ore, and crude oil, will fluctuate depending on the game’s worldwide supply and demand. In other words, if players worldwide are predominantly selling specific resources on the global market (in the game) during the same period, this will drive the price for that resource down. Conversely, a resource that experiences very little exposure in the world market will be considered a scarce resource, driving the price up.

Consequently, besides the fact that SimCity® has been a surprising commercial success based on the advancement of complex simulation, it is still remarkable and peculiar because of what it does not have. To be more specific, SimCity® is missing a couple of standard elements which is considered most counter-productive by motivational theorists. First, there is no competitive element: playing SimCity® against another person or the computer is not possible. Second, there is no external imposition of goal structure. It is impossible to win at SimCity®, unless by fulfilling self-chosen and self-defined goals. According to SimCity®’s designer, Will Wright exclaims: “as a matter of fact that SimCity’s lack of goals, it makes SimCity® not a game, but just a toy” (Bos 2001; Minnery and Searle 2014). Whatever goal players have chosen, they have turned it into a game. Bos (2001) also noted that self-defined goals are potentially superior from a motivational theorist’s point of view since they avoid or, in some cases, replace the intrinsic motivation with the extrinsic motivation of self-defined goals, which is most likely the same as inspiring players to develop their habits of goal setting and goal monitoring. For a classroom environment, for example, teachers may need to assign specific goals for students using the simulation or at least help them define their self-chosen goals. But in any case, those goals must not be set against the imposed external goals of the game.

Last but not least, SimCity (2013)® also offers a unique style of the learning experience by increasing its challenge level. In the early stages of building a new city, players can ignore some minor rules, policies, or constraints, and their city will still grow (Bos 2001). However, players must progressively learn how to manage tax rates, land values, crime rate, air and ground pollution, waste disposal, mass transit, and other factors as they expand the city to become a metropolis. These conditions are not required to be dealt with within a given period, but all of them must be considered for a city’s continuous growth (Bereitschaft 2016). This is a natural but remarkable way to introduce the complexity of a large-scale system. Comparing this primary characteristic of a learning experience, “organic scaffolding” from SimCity (2013)® to arcade-style games, it would not only provide players the ability to control how fast they approach and react to new challenges but also generate an actively responsive system to keep them engaged (Bos 2001)

3.5 Concluding Remarks

At a fundamental level, the domain of CIs addresses elements of assessment, remediation, indications and warnings, mitigation, response, reconstruction about hazards, risks, and threats from natural and artificial events affecting public well-being, as well as public safety, economic vitality, and security. The frequency of occurrences and increasing loss of lives and property associated with natural and artificial events leads us to question the effectiveness and applicability of traditional scientific methods. This chapter highlights the need for resilience as a critical concept in dealing with current threats and a means to prepare for future threats. Resilience is seen as the ability to withstand stress in infrastructure systems and yet also relevant to humans as “positive adaptation” after a stressful or adverse situation. In this case, resilience is applied to systems and people. Moreover, resilience can also be applied to cities, especially as suggested by the so-called 100 Resilient Cities.

Moreover, CI systems can enhance their overall resilience through several means. Seven distinctive qualities that can improve the resilience of CI systems include flexibility, inclusion, integration, redundancy, reflectiveness, resourcefulness, and robustness. However, there is a need for deliberate efforts to enhance resilience – one of which is gaming. And although all gaming is not always good for all learning experiences and outcomes, the positive impacts of serious gaming in an academic context cannot be dismissed – an in-depth discussion on gaming proceeds in the following chapter.

3.6 Exercises

1 Discuss how the different aspects of resiliency can be used to support city development.

2 Apply the qualities of resilient systems to your selected city.

3 Discuss the need for serious gaming in city development.

4 How can serious gaming be used to address risks and vulnerabilities in a city?

5 Discuss at least five games (including their advantages and disadvantages) that can be used for urban planning.


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